Hilary swank in million dollar baby vs. captain marvel

>hilary swank in million dollar baby vs. captain marvel
is this supposed to pass for a physically strong superhero?

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blocks your path

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I honestly cant tell the difference between a woman who works out and one who doesn't

Women have so little muscle mass there's literally no point in working out

The more I hear about her the more I’m developing a crush on her.

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are you so autistic you can't tell the difference between the two photos?

how even would someone build muscle when they have super strength from space magic?

Like what would Superman being able to bench to build muscle? What the fuck is Thor's workout routine? Why wouldn't they all just look like schlubs?

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captain marvel is magically strong, not physically strong you stupid head

The real question is, will she appear in Cobra Kai season 3?

and me as a skinny-fat beta male could still fuck both of them up no sweat. women are such fucking pansies it's pathetic, why do they even try?

>has magical powers
>"hurr why dont she look like boxer after a weight cut"

>duh stupid head! she's magically strong! but all the MALE superheroes need to have huuuuuge muscles

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>Implying Captain Marvel would die to a fucking foot stool

yeah because paul rudd and benedict cumberbatch are ripped in avengers lol

>That we are all the primary cause of our own woes, blaming others just allows that misery to go on if you don't man up to your responsibility in it.
they don't. I've been arguing that it's retarded that they would since MoS came out. How the fuck do you build muscle when you're naturally able to lift buildings without it?

idiot roastie. rudd also needs to be ripped, and cumberbatch is only depicted as mentally strong.
why is almost everyone else ripped then? superheroes were drawn all wrong from the start according to your logic.

Should have been Biel desu

comparing swank's commitment to larson's is a joke

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>Should have been Biel desu
she should have been WW, Catwoman, Black Widow, Gamora, Sif, Valkyrie, probably Harley Quinn too, among others

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she looks like my ex-wife.
>and that's a bad thing.

she could probably convince me to watch a capeshit.

Dig the Daria shirt

Why didn't they get Emily blunt for captain marvel

Better late than never user

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Swank’s arms are like twice the size of Larson’s.

user idk why you're being so misogynistic, female actresses are held to completely unrealistic physical standards and they have to work 24/7 to maintain their bodies. How dare you criticize them when male actors are allowed to slack off and eat junk food to look like pic-related.

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i know this is satire but the irony is OP's pic is comparing two females

brie's tushy is looking kind of cute there d.e.s.u.

I'm not gay, but i'm sure you are

Yeah, it's not only that she really looked the part, but also (and maybe I'm completely wrong here), when watching her move in the ring I get the impression that perhaps she could have lasted at least a couple of rounds against real top female pros, in legit sanctioned fights.
When I watch Brie's meme training, on the other hand, I get the impression that a random overweight high school girl bully could totally make Captain Marvel her bitch without much effort.

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That Missy Peregrym

Doesn't captain marvel have super powers? I haven't seen the flick but I imagine you would not have to big muscles to shoot laser beams.

>I imagine you would not have to big muscles to shoot laser beams

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>tfw you remember Linda Hamilton got fucking jacked for Terminator 2

she is better known as Rogue's jobber

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Oh God the original tittle is "million dolar baby"? Thats retarded and hilarious, whats wrong with you burgers? Geez.

>original title
what are you talking about pajeet? what other title is there?

One is a boxer and is human and does not have super powers and therefore needs actual muscle mass to be a believable boxer.

The other is a literal superhero that gets strength in ways that are physically impossible and does not need muscle mass in order to do these feats because they are a literal super hero.

The muscle mass needed for Superman to do any of his feats are far greater than the muscle mass he has (if he were human). But he isn't human, he's an alien.

What ever happened to swank

>Win two oscars
>Not in movies anymore

Wew levels of mental gymnastics.

It's literally, and I mean literally, a male power fantasy.

Inb4 buzzwords/sjw/whatever else

It's true, they were drawn by men who wanted little boys to aspire to be these big strong leading men. But in reality, Superman's muscles make no sense.

There's no reason for the others to be ripped, aside from maybe Captain America. But as we've seen, there are others that aren't ripped. Ironman is a literal 50 year old man with a lot of money.

>redding spacing
go back

Many animals, such as Panthers, are just naturally muscular without working out. Maybe superheroes are like that.

But that's not true though. Many people in this thread have pointed out how silly it is for male superheros to have such large muscles, lmao.

The people you're arguing against don't even believe the thing you're trying to poke fun at.

Yeah bro spider man is jacked

Not sure what that is, sport.

If they got married they’d be Allison Brie and Brie Brie

one person said that and he got his retarded logic blew out in 3 seconds and didn't reply again.
>the semantics don't matter because it's not real. but here's why my failed logic is correct!
>Not sure what that is, sport.

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yuck. have sex r*dditor

Male superheros don't need big muscles when they aren't human. Superman being able to lift a building or stop a plane from crashing requires muscle mass magnitudes more than he has (if he were human). But Superman isn't human, he's an alien that doesn't follow human rules/physics/or logic.

Where are Ironman's muscles? I don't remember seeing RDJ ripped.

An incel telling a person that actual has sex to have sex? Now I've seen everything. Lmfao.

>Where are Ironman's muscles? I don't remember seeing RDJ ripped.
your posts hold zero weight, you're fucking trash.

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i'm a girl and you are embarrassing. sure you have sex buddy
stop posting and go back to r*ddit unironically

That's what RDJ looked like in Endgame? lol

What's reddit?

>moving goalposts
this is the part where you run out of things to say and fuck off with your limp dick in your hand.

Lol, nope. What about Antman's body? Or Strange?

Not to mention, you still haven't addressed how all the "big ripped guys" were created by men to be ripped. It's literally a male power fantasy.

Tbh, I'm not even sure what you're arguing for anymore.

>What's reddit?

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Never been. I just stay on here. How frequently do you go on reddit? Enough to have an opinion on when you think someone is from there, clearly.


you don't get to make one retarded post after another and backtrack onto a new retarded point each time you get bombed out. you don't even know what the fuck you're arguing because you're a subhuman brainlet. your logic is flawed because captain marvel herself is an alien, just like superman. he's ripped and she's not, wanna try to mental gymnastics your way out of that one? i didn't address your shitty post because it's just that shit, and on top of it you tried to work in "male power fantasy" bullshit as if that adds validity to what you're attempting to say.

lol have sex. you can't even integrate enough to quit reddit spacing, why are you lying on a cambodian basket weaving forum?

>your logic is flawed because captain marvel herself is an alien, just like superman. he's ripped and she's not, wanna try to mental gymnastics your way out of that one?

Bruh, that's the easiest fucking one. These superheros were created by men to be jacked. There's literally no reason for Superman to be jacked. He could be as scrawny as Captain Marvel.

It's a male power fantasy. That's why superman has big muscles and she doesn't Are you the fucking stupid one here? How can you put that paragraph together and not see that the very next fucking sentence of yours addresses why one has muscles and one doesn't.

Jesus christ. The absolute state of idiots.

Once again, not sure what reddit spacing is. But thanks for the post, sweetie :)

>good male body is male power fantasy
>good female body is male sexual fantasy
Good work completing disregarding women. MGTOW my incel brother! Fuck those whores amirite????

>superheroes should be ugly and scrawny like captain marvel because its all just a male power fantasy
superman has muscles and she doesn't because she's a lazy piece of shit who couldn't hit the gym, which is the whole point of this thread
no point arguing with an identified redditor

dude rdj is like 50. practically geriatric

When it's a man that made both characters, yes. Are you legitimately dumb?

you are legitimately handicapped for believing any this drivel coming out of you.

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Danvers generally isn’t scrawny in the comics. Very few heroines are. To some extent it’s a matter of style, but like I said, generally female superheroes are portrayed as visibly muscular.

Men make everything in the world, so why are you complaining?

Is it autism?

Silly. All superheros that aren't human and have some sort of magical reason as to why they're strong shouldn't be jacked. It just doesn't make sense.

it doesn't make sense to YOU because your IQ is in the double digits.

Pardon? Do you just say things without thinking?

she was in Logan Lucky

Thats a very sexy back

Shes too old to be doing capeshit roles like that nowadays. If we were back in time 10-15 years ago, she could have played them. Except Harley, Brittany Murphy would have been a great Harley.

>they were drawn by men who wanted little boys to aspire to be these big strong leading men. But in reality, Superman's muscles make no sense.
Superheroes were conceived as the modern incarnation of classical ideals, classical as in "Greek", and that included the presentation of an idealized human form as the best way to convey the idea of heroism and virtue.
So, muscles were never meant to be functional or to make sense in a logical context (for the most part)t; fuck no, but that's just the way these powerful beings should look like, they're the literal embodiment of heroism ffs, they're practically gods, modern gods, a new pantheon.
No matter if you're a jewish NY kid in the late 1930s or a sóy funkopop collector faggot in current year, you should expect capeshit characters to look like they're better than you and me in almost every way imaginable.

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>Shes too old to be doing capeshit roles like that nowadays
this stupidity again

Not him, but is there any actress today that could come close to Biel? And I mean a real actress, not a MMA/Crossfit girl that occasionally appears in movies.

Evangeline is the only one who works in capeshit and comes to my mind

For most American women looking down and being able to see your feet is healthy.

obviously Thor isn't like that since he's gets fat in Endgame

Fuck, I forgot to specify:
>*young actress
I thought of Eve Lilly too. And Noomi Rapace. But an actress under 30? Anyone?

I went blank
maybe that girl from nickelodeon's thundermans,

Hillary Swank makes me fucking horney

[postwall coping intensifies]