Anyone suggesting the radiation levels exceed 3.6 will be sent to the roof.
/Vladimir I. Lenin Nuclear Power Station/
Other urls found in this thread:
The fuck? Thread was deleted?
The mods cut the phone lines to prevent the spread of disinformation
Jannies are trying to hide the fact the radiation is actually above 3.6 siever...
>a bunch of Ukrainians all speak British English
Annnnnd immersion ruined
Yea Forums doesn't have a rule against generals so why is this being deleted?
It was nuked.
Also jannies are commie scum apparently.
Ukranians are a dirty people, even pretending to be one is unbecoming.
they said they tried accents but it seemed to phoney
Jannies think the core exploded.
yuvchenko is still alive
the man who held the door open
mad lad
Discussing something that isn't capeshit or game of thrones?
I don't think so!
Turns out my aunt took a vacation to Ukraine in 1989
Based slav, how many roentgens did he eat?
No more than 3.6
It’s strange to think as you drift off to sleep tonight, somewhere in the debris of the pitch black and crumbling entombed Reactor 4, as the wind howls, lies the remains of Valeriy Khodemchuk, probably nothing more than bones and a few scraps of clothing, lost forever.
You’re delusional. Go to the infirmary
How do you even treat such people with radiation poisoning? There's nothing they can do but wait for death, right?
The jannies are mad that this show is shitting all over their faggy slavshit fetish.
I was in a thread this morning that got deleted because we started making fun of how stupid and full of their own shit slav countries are.
>be me
>dumbfuck commie who thinks "amuricuh bayd"
>dance in radiation dust like its snow
>generally have absolutely zero training or intelligence of my job
>"huuyyur a fuggin smoldering chunk of graphite lemme just pick this up and smell it"
Lmao fucking fags, if youre one of those retard tier neomarxists you should feel bad for supporting such a pathetic plebeian system and regime.
RadAway, bro
Vodka apparently helps a little bit
i thought he was vaporized.
so the thread got deleted because you morons can't stay on topic, thanks, good to know
They had pretty much no idea what to do with them because nothing like this had happened before, most of them just ended up quarantined until they died.
Radiation absolutely destroys your DNA. So the only thing you can do is keep them alive and hope they have enough cells that are still able to reproduce to keep their organs functioning. Otherwise you're just going to rot.
>muh immersion
get filtered pleb
that's fucked up shit to say but I still kek'd
dubs and Chernobyl 2: Atomic Boogaloo
How did they get the smoke effects so on point here? There's also that scene with the dude looking over the roof. You guys know the one.
The janny saw graphite on the ground.
The thread had already hit the bump limit when it was deleted. Just let us have our fun like god damn.
Russian butthurt knows no bounds
Explain to me exactly how there can be graphite on the ground when the reactor did not explode. I'll wait.
Ah, Im not surprised to see that they dont teach reading comp in slavshitland.
You do realize the entire concept of Chernobyl is to make fun of how stupid the slavs are and how entirely baseless their sense of "pride" (for what alcoholism and starvation? hurhur so cool man) really is.
>How do you even treat such people with radiation poisoning?
Cover them with salt and put them in a bath filled with lemon juice!!!FACT!!!
>you are chilling around in a sunny day on Pripyat
>you heard rumors about a "weird blue light" at the power plant, something happened but nobody really knows or cares about it
>before you even know it, lots of people are getting transported and evacuated into buses
>this shit starts playing at the radio and speakers
Not good, but not terrible.
I've seen this before, severely fucked up shit.
Are you retarded? What Slavs are commies nowadays? Either way you're a dumb MUERICA mutt that's losing "his" country to hordes of shitskins. Enjoy the future faggot.
Pretty sure he'd be a Glowing One by now.
She's made of uranium, sir! I assure you, she can.
How are they going to top that episode?
Jesus christ who was heading this?
The funny part is that Slavs have already embraced capitalism and wrote off communism entirely whereas 13 million mutts voted for Bernie Sanders in the dem primary and even more want to support him in 2020. Should he win, you'll get plenty more Chernoblys in the states.
mods are russians. anything that's about american pop culture wars and scandal bait gets protected and anything that makes Russia look bad gets nuked.
Chernobyl tour video!!!FACT!!!
they're not literal russians, but they are mentally ill accelerationist retards
>The funny part is that Slavs have already embraced capitalism
lol you just changed the name of the system that abuses you m8. Now you coca-cola while your government fucks you in the ass!
It's built by Ukrainians, sir. I assure you, she can.
The Big One. The fucking foot.
actual footage
19:00 imagine doing that
jesus fucking christ
The storyline with the pregnant lady is gonna get pretty juicy.
what exact part of the reactor are they looking at here? is it whats below the graphite blocks?
>The fire's still burning
>Men on the roof!
>Based Jared Harris arguing with politburo chucklefucks
>The boron sand project
>The Tunnel
I have every confidence they can keep it up if they put as much effort into the next 4 episodes, there's a lot of material left to cover
*tink tink tink*
Dumb question but why are they sweeping that graphite off the roof? So the winds can't pick it up? Also I take it the bulldozers below can push it into some container and seal it off? Finally, is everything on the roof part of the core? Isn't some of it some regular concrete? Or are they trying to clean up everything?
imagine ripping a fat vape of that
they were throwing it back down in to the reactor, exposed like that it was far too dangerous in the long term
basically a huge clean up process so that they could actually build the first sarcophagus
fun fact, a few months ago on some Yea Forums board there were pictures daily of some worker posting the construction process of the new sarcophagus
where do I watch this show??
Sweet fuck this show gives me anxiety
Why do you keep posting this?
>all of this just to boil water
childhood is idolising nuclear energy
adulthood is realising solar makes more sense
Anybody else felt kind of sick watching the episode? Like the thought of irradiated air contaminating everything and everyone.
I don't have anyone to talk to.
Yeah but it's 100x more expensive too, that's the problem.
The washed out colours definitely set the atmosphere. Radiation is fucking terrifying.
Yeah and it was great. It's going to get even better in the next few episodes when the exposed people start turning into soup.
This video wasn't too bad when I watched it a few weeks ago, but now it's making me wince.
Imagine what their feet must have looked like.
Couldn't get the metallic taste out of my mouth
Staring at the flaming core was spooky. It's just a TV show, but knowing how everyone who saw it died made looking at it feel like a bad idea.
It would have been cool if the camera had some radiation glitches as it looked directly at the core.
Shoulda been blue
We’re averaging 3.6 Chernobyl threads, not good but not bad either.
I had to stop eating my dinner, gut-wrenching.
I don't like these threads.
I also don't like the fact that they made a tv series on the Chernobyl disaster.
I haven't watched it yet, but i'm pretty sure it's some stupid "hurr nuclear is bad" propaganda coming from leftist faggots.
Fuck you and fuck hollywood.
Thread was fake news. Delete your Yea Forums account.
based janny
It's more anti-communist than anything. The writers and director are pro-nuclear power afaik.
>mfw people doubted my nigga HBO
knew he would come thru
The type of people who unironically believe this tend to vote the Green Party while flying abroad 3 times a year and swap out their Apple gadgets once in two years so they can take pictures of themselves at climate change rallies. Get back to me once solar power is efficient enough to become a viable option compared to nuclear or we can build a Dyson Sphere
>t. Anatoly Dyatlov
hello frens im building a npp
>huuur duur nuclear good
>until an earthquake happens
>until a flood happens
>until a hurricane happens
>until human error happens
It's pretty crazy how Roadside Picnic predicted the zone more than 20 years earlier
It's pretty crazy how you're unaware that Roadside Picnic had nothing to do with a nuclear accident.
how often do you taste metal
Its neither pro nor con. Its a depiction of events that occured in 1986.
Yea Forums condensed into 1 post
Hello comrade citizens what's going on in this thread? Is everything in order?
Accurate depictions of events can themselves be partisan. Sometimes the truth needs to be altered to protect a greater truth.
ONLY 3.6
But the meter only goes to 3.6
no fuel on site frend
There was a small deletion incident earlier which caused damage to a previous thread, but everything is now under control Comrade, this thread is well within standard shitposting limits.
This man's in shock. Take him to r*ddit.
I don't even know where to begin with this one.
But the shitpost detector only goes up to 3.6
Unit 731
conspiracy theory
This episode was great
I really hope this series keeps going as strong as the first episode was.
I also hope these threads stay alive just like the Terror threads were.
They were the best of Yea Forums I've seen in years.
I hope to see you all in the next thread as well, as well as in future threadss
That's why you should leave it to the experts.
So what causes the metallic taste? radiation damaging nerves?
capillaries rupturing, you're tasting your own blood at the microscopic level
Cheers, comrade.
how radioactive is the CPP nowadays? has it dulled at all or is it as lethal as it was when its core exploded?
that's terrifying
only the elephant's foot has lethal radiation, also everything is covered by the sarcophagus
I think it's cool Roadside Picnic featured the idea of the zone and then it actually came to fruition in some capacity withe Chernobyl was what I meant to say
you go to the plant if you have radiation gear but the core itself will be radioactive for at least 20000 years
Tell me one hollywood series or movie where people didnt act like total retards ? Especialy in horror or catastrophic movies
How the fuck does radiation even work. Seems like some sorta black magic or somethin
You couldn't live near it but you can safely visit it for a short period of time, unlike the first responders who were basically handed a death sentence.
Mining the lithium for batteries and the waste from making solar panels is unironically worse for the environment than hydrocarbons.
Nonsense. I could argue that "Chernobyl" has feminist themes, since all the people who fucked up were men.
You can read anything into history. That doesnt change events.
So is this shit anti nuclear propaganda or the actual story and why it went bad?
it's the real shit
>3rd reactor was still operating until 2000
Basically tiny bits of shit flying at you really fast. Sometimes it's made of particles like neutrons; sometimes it's an electromagnetic wave, like light. Both types will smash the large molecules in your body to bits without you realizing it.
For fuck sake everybody know that soviet goverment is retarded and didnt care for its people but when every fucking thread is going to be derailed by this then whats the point even have a thread about this series ?
feast your eyes, comrades
It pretty much is, there's nothing really like it in nature so we're not really equipped to deal with it. It's like a kind of light that can go through you and damage your cells as it does so, and contaminate things that get exposed to too much of it so they too will generate this same evil light.
>the FACT guy
you need a new gimmick brother
Don't worry about it Jamal.
>wait a minute where the fuck is all the gross ima-
Oh... Oh God
You mean like when the US government doesnt give a shit that the population is eating itself to death on sugar water, fatty food and lack of excercise?
I don't wanna talk to a scientist, yall motherfuckers lying, and gettin me pissed
Knowing all of these characters are going to die by slowly melting certainly doesn't help
good, what we do here tonight will define us comrades
>You’ll begin to vomit and feel nauseous almost immediately, and within a short space of time, your tongue and eyes will swell, slowly followed by the rest of your body. You’ll feel weakened, as if the strength has been drained from you. If you have received a high dose of direct exposure – as in this scenario – your skin will turn dark red within moments, a phenomenon often called nuclear sunburn. Within an hour or two of exposure, you’ll gain a pounding headache, a fever and diarrhoea, after which you’ll go into shock and pass out.
>when slavs get lazy and act like their normal retarded selves they create global environmental radiation hazards and contaminate almost 70000sq/mi with fallout
>when americans get lazy we might get fat
CCCP Damage Control in full effect, comrade!
>After this initial bout of symptoms, there is often a latent period during which you will start to feel like you’re recovering. The nausea will recede, along with some swelling, though other symptoms will remain. This latent period varies in duration from case to case, and of course it depends on the dose, but it can last a few days. It’s cruel, because it gives you hope, only to then get much, much worse. The vomiting and diarrhoea will return, along with delirium. There will be an unstoppable, excruciating pain throughout your body, from your skin down to your bones, and you’ll bleed from your nose, mouth and rectum. Your hair will fall out, your skin will tear easily, crack and blister, and then slowly turn black.
Your bones will rot, forever destroying your body’s ability to create new blood cells. As you near the end, your immune system will completely collapse, your lungs, heart and other internal organs will begin to disintegrate, and you’ll cough them up. Your skin will eventually break down completely, all but guaranteeing infection. One man from Chernobyl reported that when he stood up his skin slipped down off his leg like a sock. At high doses, radiation will change the very fabric of your DNA, turning you quite literally into a person other than the one you were before. And then you’ll die, in agony.
>reactor is about explode
>all control rods have been fully inserted already
>Sir we are only 0.0001% above critical
>only way to avoid explosion is sticking your benis in the reactor until the reactor stops boiling
Would you do it Yea Forums?
It's ok, they stuck a note on the control panel not to pull the rods all the way out.
isn't the sarcophagus compromised?
Honestly surprised that none of them acquired super powers
They better build statues of me
Um.... Sure
let me just get something from my car
that's not good, but it's not terrible.
do you weirdos use whataboutism for everything in your life? Is that why you're all intro trannies and shit? You just whatabout yourself into being gay?
new one was built in 2014
This show is going to be max comfy. The atmosphere, visuals, and cast are really great. I just hope the opening credit scene is as good as The Terror. Wew lads, I'm hyped.
And they died as heroes as every worker of the Soviet Union would do given the opportunity. Living and dying for your fellow workers is the most noble thing a member of the proletariate can do.
It was leaking and liable to collapse so they built a second one on top of it which was finished last year
Fucking hell lads.
It's like the story of Icarus, except this time we cut out the middle man and just made our own Sun.
Is there a moe anthropomorphic tsundere Chernobyl-chan who goes critical and calls you a baka when she feels your "control rod" pressing into her "reactor core"?
>There was a huge concern that the molten reactor core could melt its way into the flooded basement. On May 4th, three incredibly courageous volunteers in wet suits dove into the basement together. The divers were an engineer named Alexei Ananenko, who knew the location of the venting valves, and two soldiers named Valeri Bezpalov and Boris Baranov, one of whom held a light. They were aware of what was at stake, and apparently knew it was a suicide mission, but were promised that their families would be well taken care of. The light failed and the poor men had to swim and find the valves by hand in pitch darkness. The valves were successfully located and opened, and the bubbler pool was drained of its 20,000 tons of water by the fire brigade, but all three men were suffering from radiation sickness even as they climbed out of the water, and each later died.
In spite of their chucklefuck superiors, the Russians do make some true heroes.
That scene in Surviving Disaster was really touching, I hope they do justice to it in this
>each later died
Not even a Soviet shill but this isn't true.
No, this is the closest thing I could find
Who was at fault?
Really, what happened then?
>season two of the terror is going to be about japanese internment camps
fun while it lasted i guess
The same thing as what he said, but one died from a heart attack years later and the other two are still alive.
there is no graphite
Demon core? or whatever they called it afterwards? Jesus we really were had no clue what the hell we were doing in those early nuclear days.
i don't know
So how long until this show gets banned in Russia
>when she feels your "control rod" pressing into her "reactor core"?
The designers of the plant that hooked up the AZ button to the self-destruct circuit
No need to find any fault comrade, we need to start blocking disinformation, for the good of the people of course
But Russians love the Chernobyl disaster because it happened in Ukraine
I don't know, could be good. I thought the same about season 3 of True Detective, but it turned out great. I'm optimistic about it.
Yea Forums I want you to go up to the roof and check it out
This is what Lenin would say
Let's put it this way: minor radiation poisoning is not actually caused by a chemical agent but by free radicals in the form of ionizing radiation which comes in 5 main forms: heavy particles such as neutrons, alpha and beta particles and full-on photons of X-rays and gamma rays.
The high energy radiation strips molecules of electrons and other particles by ramming into them at high speeds. Since literally everything is made of atoms, your cells and DNA can be stripped of important particles and break down, like removing the small stones from the foundation of house. Remove enough stones and the house comes crumbling down. If this happens pretty infrequently (say an X-ray once in a while) the damage is pretty much non-existent. However, a large enough dose in a short amount of time causes vomiting, bleeding, confusion, coma and eventual death.
Why? Because acute radiation sickness means that your body is being broken down at an atomic level, all at once. It's just as painful and inevitable as one might think, which is why the liquidators are honored to this very day, as they knew they would die to prevent the accident from spreading.
But the boards from /qa/ only go to 3.6
Not looking good up there comrade
you're delusional, go to the infirmary
Based Mecha
yea but they also seem to get buttmad at anything that casts the USSR in a bad light
Also I'm pretty sure the leadership, at least Dyatlov, are Russian
That scene in Possession? Where the woman gets possessed by the demon and starts bleeding from every orifice until she dies?
Yeah, that's a lethal radiation dose. Your body gets liquefied from the inside out as everything (organs, tissues, cells) slowly but surely breaks down.
>season 3 of True Detective
>turned out great.
It was the worst season out of all of them. Your taste is shit.
Why would they ban it Russia?
hey Yea Forums look at that weird rock lmao
Brainlet here,what are they?uranium?
>entombed Reactor 4, as the wind howls, lies the remains of Valeriy Khodemchuk, probably nothing more than bones and a few scraps of clothing, lost forever.
Is for the best, comrade.
Graphite bars. Part of a graphite bar.
Artifact, comrade.
he intentionally omitted the next part of the wikipedia article he copied it from
that was great, thanks user
mass reported by xi and putinbots
man that first episode was fucking great
I wish we got kino like this more often
Jokes aside, every single person responsible for not euthanizing him immediately should be put on trial. Not some faggy Jap trial either, but Nuremberg style.
Don't worry comrade. They're only reading at 3.6 roentgens
Oh it was definitely the weakest of the three, I agree with you there, but it was still great.
I found some graphite outside guys.
lick it lol
I they received a full dose then its wait and see. First 3 days is nausea amd vomiting then theres a a normal phase and then theres the death phase which can last weeks or months. Skin falls off, bones fall aprt, intestines shutdown you basically break down.
fume fx
look it up its rly good
that is not graphite
there is no graphite
Literally impossible. The reactor was forged by Lenin, so it cannot explode.
>Is it war?
I don't know if I would call it comfy. It gives off a more sickly vibe (which is obviously the intent).
The graphite was literally the fuel from the core. The control rods go into it causing the fission reaction. Correct me if Im wrong? Thats why when the show begins they zoon in on some smouldering graphite with like circular cuts through them that are glowing red hot.
I call that max comfy, bro.
that's like if the US broke up and Texas became it's own state, but in the 80s there was a disaster in Texas caused by US incompetence, that Americans wouldn't still get buttmad about it
A chunk of a graphite moderator, basically a big lump of rock that held the fuel rods in place, possibly the most radioactive thing you could find
So anybody felt weird when they said Vladimir I. (Ayy) Lenin?
What was so bad about there being graphite on the ground?
Lots of undercover blue checkmarks reacting to your post, you hit them good.
Great Job
Soooo why didnt they die? Where as the guy who held the door did.
It's not the "literally the fuel," it's the moderator for the fuel. But yes, the holes in it are for either fuel rods, control rods, neutron sources, or water pipes.
Im learnding.
keep posting, user
It ended up being the other way around. Notice that the guy is still alive in his last scene.
Why didn't anyone find fuel rods? Or did they?
Graphite dampeners.
The very same graphite used in pencils at school makes excellent control rods for nuclear reactors as they readily absorb free neutrons to control the reaction. If too many neutrons start splitting they ram into other atoms of uranium which splits it into a different isotope of uranium and yet more neutrons. This is nuclear fission and the graphite control rods are there to prevent that from happenkng to the point where too much heat is released and a meltdown occurs.
When the No. 4 reactor was allowed to run on low power, a buildup of Xenon effectively began choking it of fissile material, which actually required the control rods to be removed. However, because of faulty design of the RMBK reactor this created more heat than expected and caused more neutrons to be released and criticality to occur in which the fission reaction eas self-sustaining. By the time the engineers realized this and lowered the graphite control rods again, the reactor core was too hot and the surrounding water around the graphite caused a massive steam explosion that ripped open the roof and ejected the graphite control rods so the fission reaction continued unabated and got hotter and hotter until it turned into a molten lava like substance and melted into the reactor housing's floor and underneath that into the concrete, where at around 2400°C it finally began to settle and "cool". The melted fissile material mixed with the metal, concrete and sand was dubbed "corium" and it remains under the No. 4 reactor to this day.
The graphite was sent sky high due to the steam explosion and was very radioactive so picking it up was a very bad idea.
No, I live in the US
it's straight out of the reactor
It means the reactor didn't just melt, it fucking exploded like a bomb and it spewed raw nuclear fuel and heavily irradiated material everywhere
>Under correct operating procedure, uranyl nitrate would be stored inside a buffer tank and gradually pumped into the precipitation tank in 2.4 kg increments. The buffer tank's tall, narrow geometry was designed to hold the solution safely and to prevent criticality.
>The workers bypassed the buffer tanks entirely, opting to pour the uranyl nitrate directly into the precipitation tank with a stainless steel bucket.
lol wtf haha
Control rods in the reactor are made out of graphite. Something they can absorb radiation or something. Idk I am not STEMincel. So if there is graphite on the street it means that the reactor has exploded.
Can someone give me a quick rundown on nuclear physics, fission, how reactors work and radiation sickness and how radiation is measure please?
Pic related, demon core.
all they wanted to do was join the EU my dude
everythings gone to piss because you faggots couldn't handle the idea that you suck and nobody trusts you.
Like goddamnit you fucking Russians tanked so much shit over Ukraine. You're like a shitty ex that couldn't let things go so now you're burning the house down.
I dont get it, americans do the same tactic...What is diferent about the soviets?
All three got out of the plant but died of radiation poisoning in hospital within the next two months. Yuvchenko was just resting.
magic metal go big boom when compressed
pile together magic metal, make big heat
heat water make turbine spin make electricity for you to shitpost
Reminder that Chernobyl was a CIA op.
>faulty design of the RMBK
Dyatlov please
What is criticality?
Bran was warging the 2nd guy
>Soooo why didnt they die?
If you looked into the core you are going to die. It's only a matter of when.
I get that. But its more how the reactor creates the heat.
It's fucking stupid. Noone abbreviates the patronym in Russia. They should have said Ilyich.
>Why didn't anyone find fuel rods? Or did they?
I'm not certain if anyone did but I'd really doubt it, they're not very sturdy and would easily have been blown to dust by the blast.
what do you think radiation is bro
Ill rephrase. Why didnt they start buring, blistering, spewing and dying on the spot?
You’re a Yea Forums moderator, like me, so explain to me; how does a 4 chan thread just disappear?
The nucleus of an atom is held together with great force, the "strongest force in nature." When bombarded with a neutron, it can be split apart, a process called fission. Because uranium atoms are so large, the atomic force that binds it together is relatively weak, making uranium good for fission.
In nuclear power plants, neutrons collide with uranium atoms, splitting them. This split releases neutrons from the uranium that in turn collide with other atoms, causing a chain reaction. This chain reaction is controlled with "control rods" that absorb neutrons.
In the core of nuclear reactors, the fission of uranium atoms releases energy that heats water to about 520 degrees Farenheit. This hot water is then used to spin turbines that are connected to generators, producing electricity.
Also, check 'em.
i feel like even if he had never dropped it, having those materials right next to your dicksack is begging for monster retard children/cancer
Radiation is something that exists. I want to know how it does it thing.
I'm not a doctor so I can't say for sure what would immediately happen if you actually did something that stupid. Keep in mind this is a TV show.
Plot armor
welcome to capitalism comrade
we all see what you did right here, commie
Yea Forums threads dont just disappear. Youre in shock. Go to the infirmary.
everything within the sarcophagus is lethal with enough exposure.
magic metal splits into other less magical metals
less magical metals very hot because magic metal was imbued with energy from strong nuclear force
hot semi-magical metals heat nearby water
water go to spinning fan
fan make sparkjuice
How is it possible to make that? Like its all metal and its been forged, machined and polished. How did they manage that if its radioactive.
being around the plant would be like receiving an x-ray. you wouldn't die but you wouldn't want to live near it either. going near the core is still extremely dangerous and will be for a long time.
The point at which enough of a radioactive substance is given enough energy to start a self-sustaining nuclear fission chain reaction.
Supercriticality is when there is so much of that substance that the nuclear chain reaction begins violently and releases an immense amount of radiation all at once.
Look up the demon core on Wikipedia.
I dun geddit
It's true lad
>After the [emergency shutdown] button was pressed, the insertion of control rods into the reactor core began. The control rod insertion mechanism moved the rods at 0.4 m/s, so that the rods took 18 to 20 seconds to travel the full height of the core, about 7 meters. A bigger problem was a flawed graphite-tip control rod design, which initially displaced coolant before inserting neutron-absorbing material to slow the reaction. As a result, the SCRAM actually increased the reaction rate in the lower half of the core.
If the emergency shutdown button actually shut down the reactor like all the staff believed it would, then Chernobyl wouldn't have happened. The Soviets knew about this flaw for years as it nearly caused an accident at Ignalina in 1983, but they hushed it up.
28 (direct)
15 (estimated indirect deaths up to 2011)[1][2]
wow it's fucking nothing
>vapour flash explosion.
Fucj imagine that. A nuke sub has a meltdown, dorium melts through the hull and literally creates a ,assive chain reaction of super heated steam. All that enegery has to go somewhere and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger.
So was this sabotaged by the US? The comrade core couldn't just explode, it was impossible.
>But Andrew Leatherbarrow, the author of 2016 book 'Chernobyl 01:23:40' refuted those claims and called it a "gross exaggeration".
He said one of the men was still alive and working in the nuclear energy industry — this is believed to be Ananenko — and that another, Bezpalov, was alive at least up until 2015. Baranov, on the other hand, lived up until he was 65 and died in 2005 after suffering from heart failure.
I don't think this dismisses how horrific their situation was however
you whataboutized a whataboutism post
Radiation causes damage on an atomic level, it takes time for the effects to kill off your cells, then the bodily functions that rely on those cells to fail, only after that do you die. Unless you get vaporised, radiation will not kill you instantly.
Yeah ive been reading about the demon core. I still dont get what its about or what Im looking at or why they did the experiment.
what explosion comrade?
everybody knows rbmk reactors cannot explode.
The most dangerous area is still just under the remains of the No. 4 reactor; the co-called "Elephant's Foot" of molten uranium, sand, concrete, graphite and other metals from the reactor housing that allows you only to be in the same room with it for about 30 seconds if you only want MINOR radiation poisoning to occur with symptoms happening about a week later.
very carefully
>manually tell the safety systems to fuck off
>deliberately do the test when running at 1/6th the recommended power
slav(e) retardation is to blame
The various socially destructive forces ravaging the West were kicked into high gear after the West attempted to ingest Ukraine.
camera perspective keeps zooming out until suddenly you're outside the bounds of emilia clarke's stomach and she rips a huge fart
>very carefully
Wow dude, you wana go into a bit more detail?
The Terror Season 2 should've been this, but with fucked up mutants.
lol I love it. it's REFLEXIVE. You don't even realize that you do it.
To answer your whatabout: American Republicans started doing it to defend torture during the Terror Wars, and then when they started working with Russian messaging agencies in the teens they started normalizing it more and more. Before that it wasn't something that was seen as acceptable political rhetoric AT ALL. Because it's basically just lying.
It's what you do when you have no justification for whatever you're defending. Like someone is like "hey you should stop it with the gulags and political purges" and you, as a rational person, know that yeah probably. But you can't just say that because that means admitting that your side is doing shitty bullshit, so instead you're trained to REFLEXIVELY whatabout away from any kind of self-critical thought. "And you are lynching negroes!"
Like when you whatabout basically all you're doing is admitting that you don't have an argument and trying to change the subject.
Like it's trash when Russians do it. It's trash when Americans do it. Whataboutism is mind cancer. It's what cults do.
Does the existence of assholes justify being an asshole?
Technically, the explosion was caused by water flash-vaporizing into steam and literally blowing the top off the reactor, taking the graphite moderators with it.
With the core exposed and already supercritical, the nuclear fission continued unabated and the core got hotter and hotter from all the energy released until it literally melted itself, the metal housing encasing it and the concrete under it.
it's not THAT radioactive as long as it's subcritical. that changes when you put them together.
As far as I'm concerned, this is The Terror Series 2
>Mr. Hickey
>5 of the sound department
>The costume designer
>One of the makeup artists
Some nuclei are unstable, i.e. radioactive. Usually the reason for this is the nucleus being too heavy, meaning there are so many protons and neutrons in it that the binding forces aren't strong enough to keep it in one piece. Radioactive nuclei decay, meaning they lose some of their constituents in order to become lighter and more stable. That can happen in multiple stages and in multiple ways, i.e. emitting electrons, high energy photons or helium nuclei (meaning two protons and two neutrons). Particularly heavy nuclei also like to split into two smaller nuclei. That is called nuclear fission. When they do that, they also emit free neutrons. Those are pretty stable so they can be captured by other nuclei when traveling through matter (they need to be fairly slow for this to happen though). Now, when a neutron is captured by a nucleus, that nucleus becomes more unstable and if you choose the right nuclei in the right ratios, they can again split, causing a chain reaction. For the chain reaction to happen you need multiple things:
>Sufficient number of nuclei that are prone to spontaneous fission
>Something that slows down or reflects the neutrons so their can be captured (a moderator, e.g. graphite or water)
When these conditions are met you reach criticality and you end up with a exotherm reaction that heats up the fuel and moderators. The exact physics here are sort of complicated, but pretty fun. It's pretty difficult to come up with reasonable configurations to have a sustaining chain reaction that you can use in a power plant. It's honestly a miracle that people back then could perform all the calculations without modern computers.
That's cool.
So what's The Terror about and should I watch it?
has there been any nuclear disasters with subs or aircraft carriers. seems like an international incident waiting to happen
Free neutrons moving at incredibly high speeds are what cause the chain reaction to continue. The graphite moderators because the uranium control rods so that they can precisely control 1) how much uranium is allowed to be apart of the reaction and 2) allow the graphite to absorb any extra neutrons in order to further control and prevent any unwanted extra reactions.
tl;dr the graphite encases the most radioactive part of the reactor besides the core and they were blown apart when the steam explosion occurred.
The sea water would absorb the radiation. It unironically couldn't be worse than Chernobyl.
>Does the existence of assholes justify being an asshole?
From a game theory perspective, yes.
the ocean is already mildly radioactive and its huge. there have been plenty of losses of subs and no one cares beyond the sailors dying
kino digits and post time desu
reactor meltdown underwater wouldn't be that big a deal because water is an excellent radiation shield.
so who was actually at fault for the disaster?
are you stupid?
It's about Sir John Franklin's lost expedition to find a northwest passage through the arctic in 1845, it's an absolutely masterful piece of period drama and horror, definitely worth watching.
It's the other way around. The high-energy neutrons are fine, they escape the fuel material. You need the moderator in order to slow them down to thermal energies so they can be recaptured by the fuel material.
They melt the plutonium a little bit at a time and cast it into a mold.
Bureaucracy which led to uninformed staff using dangerous equipment with known flaws in a reckless manner.
>it's an absolutely masterful piece of period drama and horror
Until the moment they get off the boat.
I forgot to mention, the plutonium is often alloyed with other metals to make it less of a bitch to handle
Then said bureaucracy not wanting to get GULAG'd so trying to hide the fact it even happened.
It took some Swedes to alert the world, when they noticed radiation levels spiked all over the country.
in 2014 Ukraine had an election that basically was about whether or not they would join the EU or stay Russia's slut forever. The Russian puppet candidate stole the election and immediately nuked the EU deal and committed Ukraine to Russia for at least another a decade.
The Ukrainian people rebelled, which is what Euromaidan was. They overthrew the Russian puppet, and then Russia invaded Ukraine, annexing Crimea. This led to EU and US sanctions on Russia (as well as the Saudis shorting the price of oil and tanking the Russian economy), which led to Russia diverting it's IRA active measures focus away from Ukraine and towards EU and US countries.
Everything that's happened since summer of 2014 has been being cranked up to 11 since then. Anyone with an extreme or self-destructive radical view against their society is boosted and everyone is being endlessly agitated and manipulated on their social media experiences to hate everyone else in their country so that our alliances and economies implode, leaving room for a "new world order" led by the Russians and Chinamen.
Basically Ukraine tried moving out and her ex-boyfriend is burning everything down out of spite.
t. glow in the dark
>that Zonecore ost
Hope the full release comes out soon.
new thread
sounded like something straight from stalker
As someone working with active isotopes everyday, it is painful reading this thread where people try to use a wiki paragraph and tv shows to describe shit. You sound like the magic hackers bypassing the firewall to get past counter hacks tier knowledge portrayal of computer in tv, just for radiation. One guy literallly quoted definitions for alpha particles and what they can do. It made me pinch the bridge of my nose ant take a moment for the stupidity to filter out before continuing reading.
it's safe to visit. my two days in the exclusion zone exposed me to less radiation than my flights to/from kiev. the new containment structure works remarkably well; there is very little background radiation even standing next to it.
the facility has been staffed and continued to generate power even after the explosion/meltdown. the likelihood of you visiting and managing to seriously dose yourself is unlikely unless you actively seek out incredibly hot stuff (eg, basement in the hospital with all the firefighter clothing/gear that is still remarkably hot, and will set off detectors when you try and leave).
t. was there last year
They were testing criticality and the guy was basically holding up a beryllium catalyst (the round dome) above a plutonium core with a screwdriver. He did it as a demonstration for colleagues (yes, it was exceptionally stupid).
The screwdriver slipped and the mechanical energy released by the beryllium dome falling on the plutonium caused the core to go supercritical, initiating an immediate fission reaction and releasing an immense amount of radiation instantly, to the point where the air around it glowed blue from the ionization.
>From a game theory perspective, yes.
no. That's the whole prisoner's dilemma. Just makes everyone self-sabotaging assholes.
Because the reality is that there will ALWAYS be assholes. You'll NEVER be able to stop some people from being dicks. So building a reactionary worldview around justifying why you're an asshole by citing the evidence of other assholes is just a no-win game. You'll always be able to fill your experience with strawman propaganda to keep people agitated and reacting against random outliers.
Like all the tranny shit. They are fucking .0000008% of the population or something. They're statistically fucking meaningless. Most people go their whole lives without interacting with trannies IRL. But thanks to the magic of the internet and strawman-aggregation platforms you're able to see literally THOUSANDS of them and build a perception that they're EVERYWHERE because you see them everyday when you stare at the internet experience designed around what motivates you towards engagement.
Like if you want people to support policies that hurt them, you train them to use whataboutism and you encourage them to seek out strawmen to act against. As long as there is a boogieman they'll stay compliant.
Just keep pumping water comrade, this will be solved by the morning
It's actually quite hot. About 5,000°F at peak temperature hot.
Correct them then, faggot.
fuck off loser
Great stuff, it's like a cross between Cristobal Tapia de Veer and Marcus Fjellström
if you actually look into the disaster
what a lot of people miss is the bottom line
>28 dead
>lots of people sick
>pretty minimal damage
the whole disaster turned into a corrupt cleanup scam where companies would charge tons of money to perpetuate studies that they still need to spend hundreds of millions to clean up the site
all in all it was a freak accident.
the whole incredulity at the core actually exploding? there is no way that should have happened. and there is a general consensus on the events but still no hard timeline of how exactly it happened.
but the guys at the plant did their fucking jobs and sacrificed their lives for the better good.
the soviet response in general was pretty understandable and they handled things well.
>this all happened because of safety safety safety concerns and the actual plant was so safe but they were worried about a fucking 1 minute gap between shutdown and backup power kicking in so the crusade for safety instead of well enough alone is what caused the worst nuclear accident
kinda ironic but also kinda upsetting.
and thats an american opinion.
all that being said the fact they didnt have proper dosimeters and just assumed everything was reading off the charts or best case scenario was beyond incompetent.
there should have been triple redundancy at every fucking level of the people involved.
>hospital didnt stock up on radiation meds either
come on ussr.
is this the ultimate blackpill
I meant that you must be constantly prepared for assholes, and once someone acts asshole-ish it is now acceptable to be an asshole back.
Being an asshole yourself is a suboptimal strategy.
It's just a coincidence!
Likewise, ignore the West doing the same to the entire planet for the past 500 years and China doing it to their neighbors for the past 2000 years.
I'll take your bait.
The only nuclear power disasters that have happened in history have been the direct result of absolutely catastrophic failure combined with human error combined with extreme negligence. The Russians already knew those reactors were designed poorly, but implemented them anyway. The electric company in charge of Fukushima knew their tidal wall was 15 m too short for literally 30 years, and did nothing about it.
When TMI "melted down", literally every safety check was in place, people did what they were supposed to, and all the regulations were met, and less radiation was released than what you would be exposed to by sitting in front of a CRT television for a few hours. None of that even begins to address the reality that our current levels of carbon emissions per month are more dangerous to the environment than all the radioactive waste created during Chernobyl or Fukushima.
Nuclear is the safest solution for energy we've got, and the only viable, long-term solution that isn't based in fossil fuels. Nuclear is it, or we fail as a species, and this is unavoidable fact.
>the soviet response in general was pretty understandable and they handled things well.
>28 dead
I largely agree with your take on it, but I would definitely not trust soviet reporting accurate casualty figures. The likelihood is that hundreds of liquidators probably suffered from acute radiation sickness, and died in the following year. I wouldn't trust the greenpeace numbers either, but I certainly don't trust the soviets.
you're correct in that the problem is people grossly overestimate the danger of nuclear while underestimating the true costs of things like coal. Even if you assume a thousand or so died directly as a result, it still is far safer and more environmentally friendly than coal/gas plants. The scariest part is how hippies pushing their no nuke agenda means the US is stuck with 40 year old reactor designs being extended beyond their originally planned service lives because we can't build new commercial reactors.
based conan reaction meme
>tfw Yea Forums is fantastic when we have good shows such as this and the terror and so on
I still have to watch the first episode of this though.
A Volcano does the same thing.
If you ever see Volcano Hair, don't touch it and get out of the area.
Imagine accidentally breathing in strands of glass or drinking glass.
holy shit
Really?, Burgers are so sensible about everything
I hope >you whataboutized a whataboutism post is a good thing
it's not that different from fiberglass. it won't kill you but it's definitely not good for you either.
>t's what you do when you have no justification for whatever you're defending. Like someone is like "hey you should stop it with the gulags and political purges" and you, as a rational person, know that yeah probably. But you can't just say that because that means admitting that your side is doing shitty bullshit, so instead you're trained to REFLEXIVELY whatabout away from any kind of self-critical thought. "And you are lynching negroes!"
OHHHHHH, now I get it!, thanks user...I undestand your point, but I really thing is something that only americans do. But is a interesting point of view, thanks for teach me.
Ey bros what about Fukushima? How is it today compared to Chernobyl?
literally nothing in comparison
>aluminum tubes
jesus christ
The ocean can take one for the team. Not a big deal.
From the few paragraphs I read on wikipedia, the core by itself is relatively stable. When those two outer shell hemispheres made of specific material surround the core, they reflect all emitted neutrons back into the core, causing chain reactions and making it go "critical".
>the greatest nuclear disaster in the history of nuclear power
>28 dead
>few hundred critical cases of radiation poisoning
>despite the direct exposure of employees and first responders in the hundreds
>despite the exposure of almost half a million people to its effects
>this user has no idea how bad things could have gotten if they didnt prioritize putting the fire down and doing whatever it took to stabilize a reactor that didnt exist anymore
as for the cover up which is what most people are getting from this?
its the fucking ussr during peak 80s. what did you expect.
and the radiation plumes detected wordlwide flooding into europe kinda let the cat out of the bag.
if they could have kept an even tighter lid on it Im sure they would have.
this was an industrial accident because the soviets didnt want to leave well enough alone. usa had 3 mile island a few years before this.
when it came to nuke power soviets and americans were pretty open and nuke guys swam in the same circles.
thats from the era.
Im a fucking fierce environmentalist. nuclear power is probably the safest and cleanest mass power source in the world.
the fact the USA has turned its back on nuke power is political cowardice.