Other urls found in this thread:
Ethnicity of the man behind this thread - white
based, if true
how can i get MOMMY gf?
i'm sorry to disappoint. i'm just a castizo.
Claudia is an 11/10
i will give you partial based credit for posting a premium mommy and being honest with me. you are officially 1/3 white
search for her now, there's nothing left
be a good boy
who is claudia?
Damn wh*tebois can be based after all
Italian women are top tier
Claudia cardinale
A+ pussy
C- blowjobs
post her hairy pits!
Man, watching Man of La Mancha in high school was literally THE best movie I watched in school. You could tell all the guys were at full mast during the scenes she was in.
it's truly suffering knowing that all i would need to be happy in life is a woman with giant fat sacks on her chest
Why would she let them get her shirt wet? doesn't she know what will hap-
anons aren't White
jesus christ
Imagine licking up all the boob sweat while she smothers you in her tits until you pass out.
Oh my. Who is this?
She's hot, but Fran Jeffries steals the show.
>jealous mommy
Italian mutt BTFO by Aryan white goddess
That's like 90% push up bra, user.
too slow
>you will NEVER! EVER!! HAVE THIS!!!
Why don't they make industrial strength bras anymore? Tits all sag now even with the strongest bra.
No shit she must be like 90 now
because bras actually cause tit sag, and the weaker bra designs reduce said bra-sag
sal did it better
>she'll never be yours
Doesn't castizo just mean "pure"? so fully white?
okay now this is epic
How do these work?
Racial hierarchy here is:
Criollo (whites born in lat am, some consider it applicable only to Hispanics and not germans or irish say)
Castizo, mostly white with some indian (2/3-3/4 white)
Mestizo, mixed indian and white (below 40-35% white or so you are not mestizo)
Full indians, pretty rare, like 15 percent white or less
Castizo means no more than 1/8th native American or 1 great grandparent, any native more than that and you're considered a filthy Mestizo, a non white subhuman in the Spanish casta system
pic related a Mestizo
The most zoomer/gay post on the entire board right now.
>theater girls
not even once
How fucking new are you?
sarah silver from byron crawford, took ke literally 5 seconds
>The most zoomer
go just md5 that image you utter faggot
its from at least 2014/13 iirc, i have the same
Oh I get it now. Thanks anons
>late 19th century /scrimshaw/ admires a rump rear
How is that question relevant to the fact that the post was gay and gen Z? Sorry, your request for deflection has been denied.
Getting here after 2010 is NOT an accomplishment, disgusting newfag.
What a couple of complete fucktards.
>Getting here after 2010 is NOT an accomplishment, disgusting newfag.
holy shit faggot, Im telling you the fucking YEAR OF THE SOURCE
do you understand I didn't say when I arrived?
how pathetic are you, tourist?
been here before Yea Forums you roody poop of a double nigger
unix timestamp related
Dude. You're redditspacing.
huh, never knew she had a real name. just knew her as the venus hottentot
Amalia ploszansky
>despite having multiple lines without spacing
you're doubling down on being a literal double nigger
you're beyond saving you utter mentally stunted sperlord
this is why i barely post, you posing tourists get flustered and keep pretending to be retarded (ever realize this is why we got where we are?)
>all that pavement ape scrawl
>"no u!" like the retard he is
>reddit spacing (learning disability spacing)
>super defensive when he finds out he's a newfag
>pretending you can't find old images on the internet
>pretending image names mean anything when you can rename them
No wonder your entire family is fucking poor. :^)
Where does one find mommy-style porn?
>everyone who replies to me is the same person
Yeah, you're new and under 25.
>using gay/black slang
you people are retarded and tourists. gave you the benefit of the doubt of being pretenders, but you're merely pretending to have been here to claim what you've said
stay double niggers, like i give a fuck about you dumb shits who jump immediately to 'reddit', 'zoomer'
go back to ebaums ok
sage :^)
Claudia in Fitzcarraldo >>>>>>>>>> Claudia in 8 1/2
>black kid keeps trying to talk back
>doesn't realize no one is bothering to read because they can detected his income level
posting in a comedy gold thread with tourist 'oldfags' who throw buzzwords around like the dumb cunts they are lmao
Yeah. He's an idiot, I'm
Are you 12?
Hopefully he'll learn how our site works someday when he grows out of his early twenties.
>le sage goes in all fields
Looks like someone read an ed page!
More like Faartman hee hee hee BRRRRRAAAAAPPPP
Looks like someone hasn't put in their quarantine period on Yea Forums. Cringe and touristpilled.
>our site
what a schizophrenic, ahaha
doesn't help who gives a shit about a post chain with double niggers who claim 'tv actresses who smoke' image is gen z, when its dated from before the GoT generals, baneposting, etc
and please, ENLIGHTEN ME, where did that meme come from? ill give you ONE try. ill give you a hint: related to a tripfag.
hint: what happened to /hr/ back in 2014?
and no, unrelated to the Yea Forums purge exodus
so its a bit trickier than that
>dark subhuman didn't get the hint
>that guy in the back casually tugging his dick
you know those whistles that go "wvvvvvrooo, wvvvvvrrrrrroooot, wvrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooootttt", like they wind up as they're blown into? that's the noise my dick makes whenever I see a nice pair of titties.
I wish torpedo tits would make a comeback
I want to smell her hair
go back
a man of taste and class. truly top tier women age with a noble rot; fragrant weary fruits, aching upon pendant vines
Fuck i love dolly