Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg?

Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg?

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>Christopher Nolan or Steven Spielberg?

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Nolan. Fuck spielturd.

no thanks

Left if youre a patrician

Right if youre a pleb

Ready Player One sucked ass and shows Spielberg is and has been making generic phoning it in mediocrity.

>Mandatory holocaust education
Based as fuck

Denis the menace is superior

Spielberg atleast is honest

James Cameron

Nolan>Cameron>Pre 2000s Spielberg>George Lucas>Dennis V>Ridley Scott>Post 2000s Spielberg

Which one is the jew?

the one who doesn't rape kids

Nolan never made a movie as good as Duel and that was just a work for hire tv movie speilbergo did.
its obviously Nolan vs Villanova is the only real debatable question

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It's a hard choice. Spielberg's best films are, genuinely, great. He's aiming for something fairly different to Nolan so a direct comparison seems unfair, but at their best both nail what they're aiming for.

Honestly imagine watching Jaws when it first came out and pretend you wouldn't be bowled over by a mainstream blockbuster being so daring as to confine the second half almost entirely to the deck of a boat and still sustain such suspense with such craft. Spielberg's use of lighting is so fucking iconic, too. Even among his later work, Minority Report stands out as a solid sci-fi thriller and one of the best PKD adaptations. What he and Nolan have in common is just how sheer fucking enjoyable his best movies are and how much he understands the visceral experience of cinema at its finest. I know this thread is probably partly meant as bait but honestly, you only need to watch Duel to admit that whatever misgivings you may have about the guy Spielberg does (or at least at some point did) have real talent as a filmmaker and no amount of "muh Jews" makes that statement false.

Nolan's movies may have some flawed elements but seeing Interstellar in 70mm IMAX at the BFI, the way he intended it to be presented, especially the scene of Cooper diving into the black hole and the audible gasps of the previously-silent audience, made me fully understand what he was going for and the respect he has for his medium in a way I had not previously appreciated from him. Both ooze love and respect for the spectacle of the cinema in a way that is very pure and uncynical. In an era of capeshit and cattle-prod horror you should think twice before bitching too hard about guys like this even if you feel the need to point out valid criticisms.

So, both of them?

also reminder that Spielberg actually put in most of the darker moments of A.I. and most of the schmaltzier stuff in it was actually Kubrick's original script.

oh, to be so naïve

What is it about Yea Forums that attracts so many conspiracy /schizos/?

I don't think so.

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hey JIDF

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>Honestly imagine watching Jaws when it first came out and pretend you wouldn't be bowled over by a mainstream blockbuster being so daring as to confine the second half almost entirely to the deck of a boat and still sustain such suspense with such craft. Spielberg's use of lighting is so fucking iconic, too. Even among his later work, Minority Report stands out as a solid sci-fi thriller and one of the best PKD adaptations. What he and Nolan have in common is just how sheer fucking enjoyable his best movies are and how much he understands the visceral experience of cinema at its finest. I know this thread is probably partly meant as bait but honestly, you only need to watch Duel to admit that whatever misgivings you may have about the guy Spielberg does (or at least at some point did) have real talent as a filmmaker and no amount of "muh Jews" makes that statement false.
This is too cringe to be real.

reddit 2.0 vs reddit

does anyone know where one can watch the blu-ray BTS features for Interstellar? really want to see more of that based use of miniatures in action etc. but the DVD release got raped by the industry trying to force the format into premature obsolescence

I remember in particular a short clip that circulated of how they filmed the Endurance explosion for real using slow-mo and spinning the miniature on a vertical axis to simulate how the debris would fly off in zero gravity, really cool technical stuff regardless of what you think of the movie

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>Last place on the interwebs where wrongthink isn't punished
>Pure coincidence

You don't have this goy hoodwinked, Rabbi.

they are both dishonest directors so neither, Zack Snyder is better

Christ calm down incel. Imagine being this obsessed