Guys KSTV2 episode 1 is out, looks like MDE kino is back on the menu!
Guys KSTV2 episode 1 is out, looks like MDE kino is back on the menu!
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frick off sammy
It came out weeks ago
it was pretty good
too bad itll be another 3 months before the next one is out
fuck you sam, I've already chosen sides
thats interesting, baldanders
Where is the link?
charls just had a breakdown on stream
>MDE fans
is it on his latest?
Yeah, I do look like that, but 300 lbs. I hate MDE for doing this to me bros.
>ugly person likes what you like, be ashamed!
Are you 14?
I wouldn't be surprised if most of their fanbase was gross looking but I still like them. I just wish Sam would start making content on a consistent basis.
Viper is constantly improving while Sam peaked a long time ago. He can't recapture the youth and vigor he had when he did the first KSTV. No more classics like WHYPZ, 100% taxes, Smocaine. MDE is dead, time to accept it and move on.
post link
>He's not a HydeWars™ Premium Member
give me free
l i t e r a l l y w h o
check out alienmode, pretty sure its on his channel
>hehe it's funny because I'm ironically self destructive and not funny anymore
>ehehehe sam sed dabid dook he funni
based sam he did nothing wrong only Antifun retards have something against him
he pandered to a bunch of braindead retards who would giggle like a 10 year old girl at anything mildly /pol/ related. he saw that this kind of comedy got cheap laughs and his comedic instincts were severely dulled because of it. his only fans now are cult like fanatics who hang onto his every word and only like him not because of his comedy but because of whatever lame social commentary he's spouting.
Now THIS is real comedy gold
hey man its better then most shit I see now a dayZ
clearly you're a zoomer who wasn't around the golden age of youtube and has incredibly low standards.
>not because of his comedy but because of whatever lame social commentary he's spouting.
this makes more sense to me than the idea that people genuinely find his comedy funny but i was hoping it wasn't this simple
I just found and watched this because I saw this thread and loved KSTV1.
Holy shit was this bad. The spark is gone. There's no edge to it, there's nothing clever about it, he made no broader points about anything in an intelligent way like he did in season 1.
>the golden age of youtube
t. born in 1998
Reality is exactly the opposite of what you're describing, his cheap laughs were almost entirely contained in his non-political work. Maybe if you weren't watching it angry you'd understand it.
You're just another political animal who can't separate politics and comedy.
political? i dont get political
>this makes more sense to me than the idea that people genuinely find his comedy funny
You're just not enough of a misanthrope/masochist to understand it.
his zanny personality and harsh commentary is fun to watch.
I can understand why people don't like him. Yea Forums seems to have a hate for him.
jesus who cares. like it or not.
Go back to watching a bunch of frowning people stand up on stage and remind you of people you're superior to for 90 minutes.
It's a mark of your superior intellect that the only thing you listen to is flattery.
Time to get a job Sam.
I mean you're not wrong. Charls' stuff is more interesting plus it doesn't look like it's been thrown together in a couple of hours.
SANS Undertale
That's disgusting