where the FUCK is the stayvun thread
Where the FUCK is the stayvun thread
reddit killed this meme god fucking damnit
>*squeaky voice* I didn't do it
all of the threads that got spammed here
>you ever take acid stevuhn?
stehvun you are the chosen one
That's not proof, post reddit screencaps or gtfo
This is my favorite one
on Yea Forumseddit with all the other touristcore shit
>ever sniff her panties stayfun? ever take a good sniff?
i never go to reddit unlike you apparently newfag
This shit is really fucking old, why is it getting reposted now all of a sudden?
yeah i go to reddit sometimes so whats the big deal
shitskins from Yea Forumseddit and "IMOGENsfavoritepage"
the point is that you are the tourist. now go away
It's time to wake up, Stephem
The girl was never real
They gon transfer you if we ain't making any progress
Where is she, Steven?
>I have nothing to say without my attorney
So now he plays smart??
>theres more
holy sheet mang. is there any more?
How did you find this.
can't wait for based pewds to make a video on this meme bros
this shit is reddit repellent, keep posting it
>user making OC is evidence that he is the tourist
what did reddit mean by this
Don't bother replying. The tranny thinks it's winning.
>you can only visist one website
Thats like hating a woman for having multiple partners before you. Have sex.
Why do you use Yea Forums language when you aren't even a local here, Yea Forumsedditor?
>you went to her apartment one time
>then you ain't really friends are ya stevun?
>not being able to read between the lines
based retard.
it's a redditor spamming the threads. because that's how redditors like (You) force memes.
>how can I shoehorn in the most recent hip meme to seem like I'm fitting in
>going on Yea Forums ever
please, stop being obese, then have sex.
Reddit doesn't mean everything you don't like.
you sure seem to know a lot about reddit
….I don't know
Are you pretending to be dumb now that you've been exposed as a board hopping tourist?
have sex
You can tell this poster is someone that joined Yea Forums after reddit invaded
based on the post itself it's someone that joined well after the invasion too
>admits to going on Yea Forums
>calls others tourists
lmao you have negative IQ, kys retard
Based schizophrenic
someone mail him pictures of every edit
>Autist attempting to crusade Stevun threads
Now we have our Moe. It feels great to know that Stevun has made the big leagues when hot heads come out the wood work. :)
>burger lardass leans way back in a chair
>it doesn't break
>epic meme
this meme sucks and it's annoying
>you ever have a gf stayvun
>you play video games all day stayvun
>i don't know
that's the meme summed up lol. what a boring ass forced meme.
>>admits to going on Yea Forums
Where? The only reason I know you're tourists is because of this
You have serious brain damage. Better go to the hospital before you bleed out.
Why did he do it lads? Did he do it? Dot you think he's having fun in prison without his videogames?
They think they're slick.
quit bitching faggot
it's better than anything we've had for the past months e.g sneedposting
Why aren't you from Yea Forums?
Sounds like your life.