azor incel edition
Other urls found in this thread:
This is my least favorite house but I still got this result
>Tolkien's books are about good and wholesome values
>finishes it and writes a compendium and several spinoffs
>gets a movie adaptation in the 2000s (a very sincere time)
>it's groundbreaking and acclaimed in every way
>GURM's books are about subverting Tolkien and how bad humans are
>never finishes it
>gets a TV show adaptation in the 2010s (a disingenuous and ironic time)
>it's awful and shitty and subversive of itself
1st for /therealm/
What if Rhaegar had decided to overthrow Aerys before the war? Could he have succeeded? Seems like most of the kingsguard were more loyal to him.
pic is the new prince of dorne
>why yes i support house stark, how could you tell?
Cough posting? Never heard of him.
How do we save /ourgirl/ lads?
Yes, he'd likely have succeeded and pretty easily too.
what a waste of time
These threads are just people spamming faceapp and coughing memes.
Out of all the characters in the show that died, which deserved to die the least?
imagine if they actually waged a real war inside of obsessing over 1 fucking city
She doesn't need to be saved.
its been the same shit for years
Old Kingsguard were honor autists and probably would have stopped him anyways.
>least favorite
Literally why? It's the most ancient house with a cool supernatural connection to their land and a dope castle. The reason why Ned and his children are retards is becuase of Jon Arryn. Brandon and Rickard Stark were hotheaded chads.
What test is it?
I vaguely remember in a Jaime chapter it was implied that was his plan, and it would probably have worked.
Fuck Danyfags and fuck Showfags
We help GRRM finish the books so that he can properly write her with a decent pacing to her tragic end at the Iron Throne while she thinks of the Red Door/Lemon Tree and all the people that loved and died for her to get here, just to die a scared little girl in a world she never belonged in.
That's how we fix it.
‘ate ‘em suvven pooftahs, t’lanistahs
any of craster's boys
I'm really, really, really enjoying all the normalfags' anger. I feel vindicated. These faggots finally learned.
He didn't fly so good
We can't. But we can avenge her rating the episode 1/10 on IMDB.
How can there be any other ending besides independent kingdoms?
If Jon isn’t king there is literally nothing stopping Sansa from declaring independence
>it wasn't too dark! your tvs are too dark!
>he couldnt pet him because of cgi!
in the same episode they had someone riding a cgi dragon but ok
First for screaming internally
>2000s (a very sincere time)
>2010s (a disingenuous and ironic time)
What changed?
The culture?
The kids?
To be fair, the accurate leaks for Episodes 1 and 2 (from friki) and the accurate leaks for Episodes 3 and 4 (from anonymous Redditors) had contradictory leaks about the end of the series. friki's leaks said that Tyrion gets burned in the dragonpit, Jon and Dany live, Arya and Gendry marry. The second leaks say that Jon kills Dany, Tyrion lives, Arya leaves Westeros
I do think HBO filmed multiple endings and we won't know for sure what happens till it happens
get fucked danyfag showplebs
>it was much more powerful
Yes that is why nobody liked that scene and everyone bitched about it.
>muh honor
I don't believe in making stupid decisions user
The old kingsguard was kino as fuck
will we ever see head on spikes again?
Wasn't this essentially the point of the Harrenhal tourney? Rhaegar gathering lots of high lords in one place to conspire to remove his father?
How can we combine coughposting with huffposting?
Please go back to /r/freefolk, Jesus Christ. We see you redditor.
Honest question: Is this all Dany has left? Or are more Unsullied and Dothraki waiting in the wings? If this is really it, how on earth was Tyrion going to convince Cersei to surrender with such a paltry force? And if not, why rock up with such a tiny group and try intimidation?
Reminder, DABID's favouritism and obsession with Lena Heady has ruined any possible dangling glimpses of hope for the show. Miss pouts and whispers her lines is the reason Jaime is ruined and can't leave her. She's the reason Aegon was cut. She's the reason why everyone died at the end of s6 but got off scot free. Shes makes all the other chaeacters look retarded. She is supposed to be nothing more than an alcoholic whore who thinks herself Tywin when shes a retard but Dabid took her chapters unironically and turned her into a feminist powerwank. Fuck Dabid, Lena and Cersei.
At least they've now given her good reason to be mad. They just had to deliberately dump on her for seasons.
It is a problem that they've recast her past actions as some haunting specter of evil that she's been unable to overcome. As opposed to some bad actions that she's grown from.
Night's Watch boy 3
He didn't lie. He was right and Ned butchered him anyway.
norf is cool but starks are ultra retards
each for its own reason but they should all be killed
That's just how the cycle goes, kids get sick of whatever their parents like and make their own stuff, regardless of the sacrifices involved
The direwolves were completely pointless on the show.
>I do think HBO filmed multiple endings
i remember before they even starting filming that they confirmed this
How u like my shitty oc \got\?
Yes, that was the point of it, then the Stark shit kicked off and Bobby B was already itching for war, and it all went to hell.
Hell, she already declared it.
What would be the ideal marriage arrangement for Shireen?
Hard mode: for the sake of her happiness, not political gain.
Dante Must Die mode: Accomplish both at the same time.
>Meera drags Bran's cripple ass halfway across South of The Wall to safety
>Gets absolutely fucking nothing for it
>Not even a goodbye
>Bran's just thinking about medieval wheelchairs
The absolute worst thing that Dan and Dabby has done is write off not just Meera, but the entire fucking Reeds. At least have them show up in the Battle for Winterfell and end up dying like that faggot Theon did. I hope Dan and David end up flipping burgers for a fucking living for the rest of their natural born lives.
Aerys thought so and he was right. Rhaegar was ready to remove him any day.
>Bobby B was already itching for war
This is completely made up btw.
Major waste of tits. Such things should be nurtured.
From a storytelling show perspective, The Night King.
From a book perspective, Stannis, the King Who Cared.
This. Cersei made numerous bad moves and will proceed to do more of them in the books, also the reason why Varys killed her advisors so he can destabilize the realm. Retarded drunk whore, not a mastermind
Leave Brienne alone
>schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop schlop
ould Rhaegar have been a good king?
If OPs pic is actually yours well done.
Why didn't Rhaegar ever just tell the lords like "Okay so there is this phropecy and basically I need to fuck lady Stark or the world ends" would he have sounded too autistic? Or rather, why didn't he make his romance with Lyanna more obvious so that Bobby B didn't sperg out and said he raped her?
mmm, short hair
>*moans enthusiastically*
>Oh this fingering is much better than Uncle Jorah's visit last night when he put that blonde wig on me and told me to play "dragon"
>anyone have the collage?
no, friki said he doesnt know if jon kills dany but thinks it doesnt happen. although he does say jon and dany are not present at tyrions trial.
Bran, her brother, as king? Duh?
im convinced d&d dont even like the series. they just take a "do what's easiest" approach to everything
Edmure pre-Robb
probably. from everything we know about him, he seems to have fallen on the half of the targs that don't get affected by insanity.
I'm starting to think women real do ruin everything. I'd say that if these shit episode were not written by TWO WHITE MALES!
>That's just how the cycle goes
Horseshit. Millennials are just shit. That is all.
>make their own stuff,
Which Season has the best final scene?
Why did Melly hate him?
Seeing her lose everything is so satisfying. I'm going to be diamonds when she turns into a mad screamer.
nth for Stannis
He was the biggest chad in the seven kingdoms, literally all the women wanted to fuck him, even Cercei the incest whore wanted him more that Jaime. And the people and lords loved him too so yeah he woulda been a good king.
>can see bellybutton through fabric
Clearly Stannis
she has half her dothraki (KEK) and half unsullied from before battle of winterfell that are marching to kings landing. those people there are the survivors of the ship ambush (somehow didnt die)
He would've been perfect if he didn't go autismo over prophecies.
Jon Snow after being legitimized by the one true king Stannis and made Warden of the North.
>why didn't he make his romance with Lyanna more obvious
He crowned her Queen of Love and Beauty
He was fucking married at the same time.
I'd reproduce with her, if you know what I mean.
>seven kingdoms form a council
>no one has any authority to tell another kingdom what to do though
>several kingdoms are too weak and leaderless to keep some houses from going back to calling themselves king of their lands
>several kingdoms have would be leaders who don't have an army, supporters or knowledge enough to hold or enforce anything
Post yfw Seven Kingdoms descends into a hundred years of hell as kingdoms wage war all over Westeros on each other again. And with no wall to send anyone, prisoners aren't a thing anymore.
>even Cersei the incest whore
But her attraction to Rhaegar is incest, considering they're half-siblings.
Three out of seven abandoned their duty for him and one of the remaining four killed Aerys.
nth for /therealm/
definitely s4 with arya on a boat headed off to braavos. perfect way to end it
>although he does say jon and dany are not present at tyrions trial.
Lol who's even left in Team Dany to even have a trial? Is Grey Worm the judge and jury?
Does anyone have a list of final season scenes? I honestly don't remember most of them.
Jealous of his stronger connection to the lord of light?
it's like they're still there...
a group above nations, even kings landing...
I desire Coughing Varys wearing a Smiling Varys mask to hide the pain.
That's cannon ending for GoT
Yeah but he's a prince you know? Is infedelity a big taboo on westeros? I mean the people and the lords and maesters tolerated all that shit from Bobby B and Cercei so would it have been a big deal if Rhaegar and Lyanna publically kissed or some shit?
Every kingdom has an army, though without a wall prisoners do lose that get out of jail card.
Rot in the cells or die.
this one?
Honestly, the show does pretty awful final scenes. Every one has been kind of cringe or silly or overdramatic
Probably season 2 though
They told me I could be anything I wanted
So I became a *coough*
that was the last scene before the show went to complete shit. i even realized it at the time and was fucking miserable, i knew there was no way they could fix affc and adwd.
>it's hinted Aerys raped Joanna
>Cersei and Jaimes like incest
>Cersei is obsessed with fire
>Cersei is mad, Jaime is sane, fitting with the "madness of the targaryen is a flip of a coin"-analogy
>pottery that Tyrion was Tywin's only child
It's all but confirmed
It's a shame they cancelled the show here but glad it didn't go on to long and get stale and contrived
If they just played it straight and had Jon and Dany BTFO everything in their path as a power couple in a traditional storyline it would've been infinitely better
Terrible quiz. I got Stark too. I think that's the default result if you pick to many middle of the road answers (the only reasonable ones) or if you pick opposites of two extremes.
Who knows? He seemed obsessed with prophecy since he abandoned all his plans for Lyanna.
And such obsessions could have driven him mad with time, look at what happened to Aegon V who burned at Summerhall obsessed with bringing back dragons.
i think they liked it until the red wedding, when they accomplished that they stopped caring and turned to zombie polar bears
2010 will be known as the decade when millennial got into politics as a result of politics becoming trendy. Literally nobody under 30 gave a shit about politics until it started popping up on social media, until then talking about politics was seen as something old people did at the barbershop.
S1: Dragons being born
S2: White Walkers attack FotFM
S3: Mhysa
S4: Arya to Braavos
S5: Dead Jon
S6: Dany sailing to Westeros
S7: Dead marching past the Wall
>dabid secretly releases fake spoilers as a joke thinking they're so bad they couldn't possibly be believed
>to his shock everyone does believe he's that bad a writer
Can someone shop coughing varys onto huffing joker?
His wife was literally in the audience.
are there any hardcore bookfags that have avoided show spoilers entirely?
Traditional stories are traditional because they’re good
even i knew something was wrong and i had no conception of the books and how they differed at that time
i thought to myself maybe the golden age of the show was over, and oh boy was i right
>this is a 10/10 in bongland
Time for the lions to get the finale
Shut the fuck up D&D
Would be fucking boring
Nah, the bitter tears make it worth it.
last seasons final scene was perfect if you ask me, but it got btfo in one epi (3)
>thinking they're so bad they couldn't possibly be believed
And everyone of them has been right so far
No, the show is pointless past season 5.
What if Jon Arryn didn't die of natural causes?
He's just standing there...menacingly!
apparently davos leads the trial with the sansa, arya, grey worm, brienne, bran,etc
They've been out for days now, nigger.
Is there any way or sceneraio where Bobby doesn't go full autismo over Rhaegar and Lyanna or he have always found an excuse to say he forced her or some shit?
North, Riverlands, Reach, Crownlands, Stormlands and Westerlands are all currently fucked. The largest Houses in each may have more than the rest but they're all weak and in some cases there are some Houses that have the most men who aren't even the Great House in their region. There's nothing keeping most of these kingdoms together and no one with enough men and power to enforce ruler over all of them except maybe Dorne where the Prince took power. As soon as people can just split off, what's stopping some Houses from going back to doing shit the way they want to and used to before they were conquered
I thought that it was Tyrion who was Aerys' secret bastard which is why Tywin hated him so much
Why do bells trigger her? Am I missing something?
Thanks. Like others said the end of S4 is probably the best in retrospect. Especially considering that in the end none of the stuff with the White Walkers really mattered.
pick one and only one
Yeah being just all around shitty and awful is much better
i have a secret to tell you /got/, but you must swear to not tell another soul
not in detail nigger
>the long night deeply affects them
>realize their happiness would be fucking off on their dragons to live their own lives free of Westeros politics
>but before that they have to wrap up the last loose end, and get Cersei off the throne for the good of the realm they'll leave behind
Why is writing so hard?
>any way or sceneraio where Bobby doesn't go full autismo over Rhaegar and Lyanna
Lyanna's dad fucking listens when she says she doesn't want to be bobbys broodmare or if Elia died delivering her second child so Rheg could swoce right since Rickard was an ambitious cunt
Cope Danyfag
these helmets are so cringy lol
t. dabid
what is it user
if it's a spoiler can you spoiler text it
There is no way Bobby doesn't sperg out unless Rhaegar gives her up.
It's not Rhaegar's fault that he went autistic. It was probably R'Hllor or the Three Eyed Raven messing with his mind to plant the seeds (literally) for Azor Azhai to be born.
Characters that are literally you
I really like the ending of S1
>Waits hundreds of years to finally advance South of The Wall
>Muh Long Night
>Gets thousands of soldiers, giants, a FUCKING DRAGON
>Loses because he, the big red button, showed himself
Why didn't he just sit North of The Wall and let his wights do the work? There was literally no reason for him to show up.
>B-but he had to kill Bran himself
Then do it with a fucking spear. He has hundreds of those. He didn't need to get close. Or better yet, use that dragon that spent the entire hour shouting at Jon to burn the cripple.
It probably would have taken Ned telling him he's an idiot to get him to back off.
I want this to happen.
*bellowing laughter*
Mad Dany is 100% Martin though
Actually yes they do.
Dothraki Khaleesi often had bells in their hair as ornaments, Dany was one of them. So if I had to legit justify poor writing, then she's probably basically reliving her entire life and where it all went to shit, which would have been Drogo and it just sets her off.
Traditional relationships BAD
Successful happy white people BAD
Storyline payoffs BAD
Catharsis BAD
>natural causes
I mean, what was he going to tell Robert here?
Yeah, I'm sure that would have went over well.
>and then his giant stag antlers get caught awkwardly on a passing horse saddle
Yep. It was an excuse to gather friendly lords. Unfortunately, the mad king attended the tourney which nobody expected.
>wanting to off Tyrion this early to save a literally who
retardation: the fandom
Errr Khalasar, not Khaleesi.
>D&D are browsing this board right now trying to cope
>was wearing many rubies
>known for being used as glamours
Martin, unlike Dabid, actually is taking the time to set up mad dany instead of pulling it out of their ass at the literal last second because they're hacks. Dabid made their "Jon/Dany couple end" and so they should lay in it.
Not even a spear, just have everyone 100% dead before walking in, it's not that hard with free infinite resurrects
apparently she is being succefull in taking the city and the lannister soldiers begin to surrender, frey worm goes full autismo and starts murdering the surrendering soldiers, meanwhile the surrender bells ound off and dany tells them to pillage and kill everyone, at this point varys has already been executed.
Right there with ya lad, currently lost my Dany.
>He screamed WAIT, WAIT
>He killed the wrong man
It looks like she has anime eyes in this picture.
Sure, user, I swear.
>tells everyone 30 seconds later
The Butthurt of 2019
got martell
>military: unknown
fuck me
>one hundred fucking thousand troops
holy shit, how did they lose?
I get Grey Worm being pissed, but I really don't get the bells. This is the only thing that makes sense to me in my head.
It’s not even that complicated. You are right, he should have stayed away and let the army of the dead kill everybody. Even if he had to kill bran himself, he could have just waited two or three days to make sure everyone actually died.
I gotta respect a man that fucks the realm up beyond belief for nothing more that MUH WAIFU desu. Robert is definetly the Yea Forums candidate.
>quietly ambitious
>House Words are "Growing Strong"
Cant wait for Burlington bar cheering for this scene.
She is anime
Dany has been on the verge off madness sicne Mereen. The events of last episode just pushed her off the edge. It's more obvious in the books sure, but it doesn't come out of nowhere in the show
>Final shot
>Bran on the Iron Throne
>Camera pans back and all lead actors, dead or alive, stroll into the picture
>They line-up, cross their arms and form a V beneath the Iron Throne with Dany and Jon in center
>Dabid enters scene and walks up to Bran
>Smirks and places his hand on Bran's shoulder
>Cut to close-up of Bran
>Slowly raises his head and looks into the camera
>"And this is how I play the game."
>Cut to Dabid
>"The Game of Thrones." *winks*
>Cut to black screen
>Money For Nothing starts playing
She is beautiful
Theres that fire and blood we all know and hate.
>Final scene
>Qyburn has the protagonists held hostage at bolt-point with his new waist-mounted portable ballista
>Dany is screeching for her dragon as several maesters close in on it with their own ballistas
>Qyburn: You never had any dragons you silly little girl, that beast being butchered in the courtyard is merely a Wyvern of Assahi, an exotic yet mundane breed from the far east
>Qyburn: You didn't *really* think some teenage girl playing at blood magic could awaken true dragons, did you?
Atlas of Ice and Fire
>Military Might
15,000 for the Crownlands.
35-40,000 for the North.
35-40,000 for the Riverlands.
35-40,000 for the Vale of Arryn.
50-55,000 for the Westerlands.
15,000 for the Iron Islands.
20,000-25,000 for the Stormlands.
25-30,000 for Dorne.
120,000 for the Reach.
>Total Population
1.5 million for the Crownlands.
4 million for the North.
4 million for the Riverlands.
4 million for the Vale of Arryn.
5.5 million for the Westerlands.
1.5 million for the Iron Islands.
2.5 million for the Stormlands
3 million for Dorne
12 million for the Reach.
>City Popluation
King’s Landing (c. 400,000)
Oldtown (c. 350,000)
Lannisport (c. 200,000)
Gulltown (c. 50,000)
White Harbor (c. 30,000)
Now these are obviously give and taken numbers, but this is generally Westeros.
She fell into a deep case of Stockholm Syndrome with Drogo and has been mad ever since, why has it taken 8 seasons for normies to realise?
I didn't expect
Must be good
Lads who is the new prince of Dorne?
Can I get my hopes high? Can I believe? Is he gonna save the show?
dany easy on the coke
can someone post the pic of the terrible CGI on the guards during the Dany-Cersei meeting?
Honestly, the show wouldn't look bad animated in certain styles.
>*Teleports into the dining room where Jaime and Tyrion are*
>"You guys are NOT going to believe the shit Euron just taught me!"
>*Teleports his finger into Brienne's bum*
>"smells like Lannister gold."
>"Anyways, you guys have to give me Highgarden when you win the war, despite there being nothing stopping you from calling the guards and killing me the second I step out of this room."
>Final shot
>Bran on the Iron Throne
>Camera pans back and all lead actors, dead or alive, stroll into the picture
This shit might actually happen. Oh shit, I know it will. They are gonna LOST it. Oh, my god. OH MY GAAAAAAAWD!
Anything from Essos was bad for the show. The show died with Tywinn. Bran is the best current character because of the discomfort he causes people.
she spends the entire episoe slowly descending into madness, the bells and the chaos around her just send her over the edge
what shit fucking writting
Myrcella and Shireen.
Willas Tyrell, it fully brings the Reach into the Baratheon fold, he's a kind and good boy who loves his books and animals, he's a cripple so can relate to Shireen's affliction, and he maintained a good friendship with Oberyn despite Oberyn being the cause of his leg which will count for a lot in Dornish relations. Garlan would make a fine substitute as heir of Highgarden. Jump their son to heir after Stannis (since you can't have a cripple and greyscale-face rule everything) and let Shireen and Willas live out their days taking care of animals and reading. Only real issue would be the age difference but they'd get over it.
>red magic stone
>must be rubies!
>jupp, that's the only opption
Because they gloss over it in the show by making her seem like an empowered woman who takes advantage of the situation. Which, she does, but she's also still a heavily raped stockholm victim, especially as her brother died, and then everyone she loves slowly dying and betraying her. Yeah, it's not a surprise she goes fucking mental as a teenage girl.
What is this expression trying to convey?
Sophie Turner instead is smart and got /fit/ for last season.
a ballista should get the throne
>Howland keeps Jon's secret for his entire life, even now
>Sansa can't keep it for ONE day
Why are wom*n so terrible?
>12 million for the Reach
What the fuck?
micah the butchers boy
Reminder that splitting the kingdoms back up is retarded.
From George himself
>Putting aside the specifics of the situation, and taking a long-range look, I think history shows that we do better when we join together into larger political units that embrace diversity, rather than building walls and breaking into smaller units. Alexander's empire was better than the squabbling city-states of ancient Greece that preceded it (a pity he did not live long enough to make the union with Persia permanent, and twice a pity that his successors broke it all up into smaller countries to war on each other). The thirteen American colonies were wise to join together into one large country, despite their differences, than they would have been as thirteen small ones. The nations of Europe have been fighting each other for centuries; joining together into one great multi-national nation represents real progress.
>Eventually I do hope we will be one peaceful world, like the SF writers of my youth once predicted. Terra, Old Earth, call it what you will. We're all human.
>b-but she was mad since arriving in Westeros
>muh tarlys!!!
>muh fields of fire!!!
Burning enemy combatants during wartime isn't madness. It's war.
Quentyn Martell, Trystane's brother.
You should have just let me have hope for something intelligent for 2 more weeks user.
>stockholm syndrome
If anything was stockholm syndrome it was her attachment to Viserys. She loved Drogo because he was a chad alpha conqueror
>iron price bullshit
>1:1000 is a fighter
teh fuck
it's the breadbasket of Westeros
>Reminder that splitting the kingdoms back up is retarded.
I agree.
That's why Dany giving the Iron Islands to Yara makes no sense.
>stockolm syndrom
but Yea Forums told me that it was love
It's lush rich farmland.
How can one man be this bluepilled
The Reach is fucking huge my dude.
>Why did Game of Thrones Turn On Daenerys Targaryen?
>Why did a show and universe that sold itself on being realistic with characters who are both noble and underhanded not make one of their protagonists a selfless paragon???
The state, the absolute state of these creatura de journalistica.
The fat man sold us out to Dabid&Crayons for a check worth his weight. He knows how to paint in fine detail but the showrunners can only go Jackson Pollock on word processor and then you end up with
>"-whut melts ice? Fire. Whut has fire. A dragon. We need the dragon queen Juhn Snuw."
>*roll credits*
>and who
>are you
He hates Tyrion because he sees his own failures and inferiority in him and has to compare them to Aerys chad genetics every day.
>"Davos Seaworth suggests to Stannis Baratheon that he hire the Golden Company to help him win the Iron Throne. Stannis refuses, believing sellswords to be unfit to join his army. Davos finds it hypocritical that Stannis would use blood magic to win the throne but not pay men to fight."
>doesn't side with robb stark even though they could have easily won together
>lost half of his troops because he burned a little girl
>pretty much lost game of thrones due to his own mistakes
big brain
I bet Joff would have ordered one mounted to the front of it so he could shoot petitioners.
Gods I miss him.
This is getting out of hand
She used technicalities, she wore not to tell what Jon says but since it's Bran who spilled the beans...
>historical leader
Yes, thanks mate!
what if varg was in got
>have a chance to draw all the characters
>draw their show portrayals instead
remember when stannis had them at blackwater?
Lady the direwolf
>bearloli but no Stannis, Davos or BOBBY B
posting this image should be a bannable offense
Lena Headey is the only good actor left in the series (with a large role), plebs
would've been GOAT
Shoulda taken the Black.
About like France's populace in middle ages IIRC
Complete Earth Unification is the ultimate goal of any ideology that actually plans on advancing humanity. Capitalists want it, Communists want it, Fascists want it, Liberals want it. Imperialists want it. The only ones who don't want it are Anarchists even they envision eventual global cooperation.
that art is fucking terrible
tumblr niggers need executed
Wow he has the exact opposite political views of me.
would have used House Dayne as proof that Northmen wuz kangz and shit
guy who has been spoiling the entire season on reddit and leaked some shit months before it aired
Can't wait for Howland's Moving Castle to crash the final battle.
Targ fucking shits showing their true colors yet again, Tarlys were POW
Separate and free kingdoms is better than 7 ruled by a monarch who is miles away and can plunge the entire continent into civil war because his bastard now legitimized older brother has a claim to his throne. For example.
I personally dislike that aesthetic myself. I've never been fond of the I guess for a lack of a better term, tumblr noses and facial features.
Closest off the wall and departure aesthetic I would take is probably this.
>that sold itself on being realistic with characters who are both noble and underhanded not make one of their protagonists a selfless paragon???
Not him but you just literally described what D&D made Jon into
I guess this works.
>implying that geneva conventions actually matter
t. the guy who will lose the next war
>fucking bells
as soon as i saw bronn i knew it was pleb
>the surrender bells
i've been hoping she goes mad queen and gets killed for years and they go about it in such a way that i actually like dany more than the people around her now
He has a point, nobody batted an eye when everyone else did it. Hell the Red Wedding was far worse.
I'd watch a whole season about the Hound and Arya adventures.
>Jonerys fags trying hard to cope
Your tears make me laugh.
>Winter is coming
>he hasn't read about Moldbug's Patchwork
So when did the War of the Five Kings end again?
Are D&D trying to redeem themselves or are their heads su far up their butts they can't tell what they 're doing?
Can't tell anymore
Emilia still a cute
these shitposts are so fucking funny
How does he believe this, and at the same time show centralized power to be bad in his books with the examples of the Mad King and Joffrey? There's a disconnect in his cholesterol-addled brain.
>including show fanfic as canon description of a house
And what are your politics user? We're just supposed to be contained within these borders and war eachother for centuries until there is nothing left, and constatly break down into smaller and smaller states?
I'm still waiting for Gendry to show up in One Piece.
>one government
>one belief system
Really makes you bluepilled
lmao not even close
you can't argue against that and you know it, unless you're DABIDfag in which case enjoy the shit dish you'll get
This will only be possible once perfect logic machines have been achieved to handle governing with impartial neutrality. Otherwise nepotism, corruption and greed will always seep in and rot out the unified country until it falls to civil war and splintered once again.
Now give us Tormund and Ghost adventures far away from the ungrateful neurotic shits below the Wall
>the Red Wedding
>nobody battled an eye
That would be a reveal too good for the show
I'm a Stannischad. About time your turn came in.
When Stannis was the only one left.
>calling someone mad who burns two enemy war combatants all for the sake of not bending the knee
>nobody says shit about roose and frey murdering people, especially under ones own roof all for the sake of some land and titles
There's nothing Tumblr about that art though, it's just one of many modern western art styles, partly inspired by Disney. Just because it's not anime doesn't mean it's Tumblr.
As a first impression he sounds fucking retarded. I'm not reading a book by someone who uses an internet meme in his fucking introductionary title card.
see, this is just so unbelievably bad even in comparison to what has already happened that I can't see it happening
even if grey worm snaps because he was humanized, the rest of the unsullied are still perfect combat drones
That’s literally their viewpoint. They have been manipulated into thinking world peace (however difficult it is to obtain) is somehow a bad thing.
This is a small minority of people right? I literally know 0 people who think like this.
>t. doesn't know history
War was ongoing all the time all over Westeros user
Only reason a Lord can't rape your wife on your wedding night is because Targs conquered. Only reason there are courts and the same laws and economy applies everywhere is because Targs conquered. Only reason you're not some Church's bitch boy is because Targs conquered. Only reason there's a road you can take from North all the way to Dorne is because Targs conquered. Before them every House was at each other's throats. Vale and North were at war for literally over a hundred years fighting over some small islands. Iron Isles fucked up the Riverlands, got pushed back by Vale or Storm Kings who then ruled the Riverlands then got pushed back again, all the fucking time. Reach has hated Dorne since forever and Stormlands have hated Dorne since forever and been at war forever too. Until Targs
Not in the show, they didn't
Yeah i don't know why Sand Vipers shit was included in that.
No I agree, I mostly couldn't think of a better term off the top of my head, Disney is a good way of putting it though actually, or Pixar. Personally it just looks odd to me at times, honestly if I had any pic of an aesthetic then it'd be this.
new thread:
>Bobby fucked all this up for muh dick
Fucking Baratheons
It is. People here like cherry picking tweets to backup whatever point they are trying to make. Most people realize that medieval European fantasy settings don’t have many black people for the sheer fact that people didn’t travel that much. There are a few examples of North Africans doing stuff in Southern Europe, or that eastern Mediterranean sultan with Viking bodyguards, but they are the exception.
It was Qyburn whos idea was to destroy that church. Qyburn arranged it all. Cersei just had to keep herself right and trust Quburn. Cersei hasn't really plotted anything by herself has she? Bitch just cries and demands things to happen. Qyburn is the real mastermind he will make the final move in The Last War.
That bedding shit only happened in certain houses.
The Ironborn are basically retarded vikings that can't hold the mainland for more than a month.
Also, I would prefer skirmishes between houses over the mess that has been the Targshit rule.
Between the WMDs they brought with them, and the civil wars using said dragons, I prefer a couple of bickering lords.
The High Sparrow did not deserve the fate D&D gave him. They killed him to appease Tumblerinas, Atheists, and the God-less left. The High Sparrow made the audience aware of their reflection in the mirror, in turn, most of the audience went into full "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" mode.
>have the foresight to think, hey, maybe we need some infrastructure. Maybe we need a fucking bridge in a place called the RIVERLANDS
>finally set the last stone in place on a project that took literally generations of your family to finish, like as in your fucking great-great-grandfather was the first one to break ground on the site
>great ancestor Frey also had the foresight to fortify it, since the Riverlands are caught between 4 of the 7 major powers who are constantly at war with each other, not to mention internal enemies who would like nothing more than to pillage the works of greater men because they know nothing else except how to tear something good down
>to say nothing of constant ironigger raids
>all you do is charge a modest fee for the use of your bridge, to commoners and nobles alike. Like why the fuck would you think you should be exempt because you had the good fortune to be born into one family and this miller or boatswain or whatever wasn't?
>fucking Tullys can't stand that shit. Make up a bunch of slander about you because he's assmad his dumb ancestors invested in castles and knights like every other dumb noble asshole, too busy trying to be the next hero-king instead of being practical and building projects that could, god forbid, stimulate the economy in some way
>assmad he can't get laid as much as you either top kek
>so SEETHING with jealously he wants to bankrupt you by drawing your house into some pointless dynastic squabble, like that's worked out so well for the Riverlands in the past
>War of the Five Kings goes down, you can finally get rid of that Tully faggot and maybe, just maybe, do something about the Riverlands being a second-rate, 2-pence-for-me-mouth, four-for-me-bum prostitute for whatever kingdom or house wants some extra grain or resources
>get omaero wa sinderu (n-nani?!) by a goblin ninja
Walder Frey did nothing wrong
>2000s (a very sincere time)
Seething zoomer spotted
>Only reason a Lord can't rape your wife on your wedding night is because Targs conquered
that was primarily a Targ custom user...
based and Freypilled
Weren't skirmiches, they were full on wars. Dorne would habitually get into the Reach and burn Highgarden. Reach would go into Dorne and kill thousands. Stormlands and Dorne still have an area between them that they contest over who owns it.
There's a reason the Night's Watch doesn't have as many people now as they used to, fewer wars resulting in fewer prisoners and survivors being sent to take the Black
wtf is that she's drinking?
No, surprisingly on dragonstone they looked forward to it since they saw Targs are Gods. Westerosi houses though just straight up raped women. Roose did it, which is how he got Ramsay
the stag is nice but maybe oversized, I have no exuse for Rhaegars though
There's also the whole not believing in the threat beyond the wall anymore.
Noble houses that had many sons would gladly send one.
Also, those wars are still nothing compared to The Blackfyre rebellion or the many other civil wars caused by Targs.