Childhood is idolizing Blondie.
Adulthood is realizing that Angel Eyes was the correct choice all along
Childhood is idolizing Blondie
And Mid-Life Crisis is realizing you've been Tuco all along.
Tuco was easily the most likable of the three
Bitch please
Adulthood is realizing Tuco was the most human character
Blondie and Angel Eyes is just shounen shit. Now Tuco, Tuco has character
this isnt breaking bad. fucking retard.
>Blondie and Angel Eyes is just shounen shit
Blondie was a small time crook that made a living of turning Tuco in over and over just to leave him in the desert. He isn't really Angel Eyes. This isn't a John Wayne type of western where the moral is black or white. Heck, Blondie kills more people in the movie than Angel Eyes does.
For me its Tuco. But I also think its the real killer - they think it's their friend. - who is going to beat me to the punch. - Who is in here, is it my old friend? - Oh! You, right, the guy who gave me a really good shock. - I am going to have to say goodbye to the guy who tried to kidnap me, too. I don't remember. - You don't look like your old self, or you? - The one who took my life. No, I feel worse now... - What? You feel worse now? - Well, you feel bad. All I want is to be free. Well, I can't give a fuck if a million people get in my way. There is still hope for the man who murdered my friends. I don't know why I even remembered. He looks at me and sees myself... - Who is he? - The guy who turned the gun on us. - He is the one who killed everyone. You don't know, do you? You think you did something. You were the one who took my life in cold blood, do you?
He isn't really Angel Eyes flipped*
Tuco will always be the best you swine
t. fat neckbeards who find that fat ugly manlet "relatable"
have sex
2 > 1 > 3
Adulthood is realizing Death Rides a Horse is the best Van Cleef movie
i fucking loved the main music theme for that movie
you're correct
Fuck them, Blondie is the most based and hardcore of all of them.
>i dont think its nice you laffin
High IQ-hood is realizing all westerns are trash and the same.
Don't you have some capeshit thread to post in?
Adulthood is realizing that westerns are the boomer capeshit
I'm sorry that you love seeing dirty, smelly man talking and riding horses in the middle of fucking nowhere for hours, fag.