Muh realm

>muh realm
>muh people
>muh cocks
Is he the most dishonest piece of shit? What's hurting the people the most is obviously the constant succession wars.
The people would be best off by just sticking to whoever is on the throne now which is Cersei.
And apart from being a major bitch she didn't really do anything terrible to the people.

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My bet is that he goes back to Cersei. Even he knows that Jon doesn't want the crown and so there are only two contenders. Cersei may be a cunt on wheels but she's shown to be an adequate ruler who might mellow out as soon as the realm is secure under her leadership.

My bet is that Danny has him executed.

If only they had Griff in the show

he's so poorly written now kek
how can you be such a hypocrite that you say you serve the realm as you prepare to betray your 159th king

she blew up the Great Sept of Baelor with innocent people inside.
and she got Lancel to drug Robert which lead to his death, which led to the succession wars.

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Guess what?

This show is such a mess holy shit

Cersei is the one that instigated almost every major conflict in the show. She inadvertently killed need which led to the war of the five king's. She also started an entire new conflict because she was having a bitch fit about margery

I know just the person...

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That only happened because she let the High Sparrow grow too powerful. Not even Joffrey would've been this retarded.

He shat on Robert for being a poor king because he didn't care about ruling and now support Jon for being a good candidate because he doesn't care about ruling. It makes no sense.

In the books he is supporting Aegon Targ as a favour to Illyrio

In the show they removed Aegon so his arc is destroyed and he's useless.

that goes for everyone who ends up on the throne. the important thing is that she's relatively peaceful as a ruler.

What's up with that hideous necklace?

My hope is he grows a cock via some ancient witchcraft and fucks the realm in its ass

>not recognizing a medieval cockring

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She brought tons of people to the capital for the sole purpose having them as human shields to be massacred. Plus she'll probably have to raise taxes if she wins the war to pay the (((Iron Bank)))

>Robert took the throne and didn't want it and spent his years fucking around drinking and whoring and blowing the kingdoms wealth on tournaments and festivals.
>Jon does not want the throne but if he was put in charge would do his duty and be a great king.

She's been relatively peaceful because she took the throne after everyone else was dead, many of whom were killed by her or her family.

The Lannisters have murdered or orchestrated the murder of nearly every other human with even a tangential claim to the throne on the show. Robert, Ned, the red wedding, murdering Robert's bastards, sacking Riverrun, sacking Highgarden, putting the Boltons over Winterfell, which put an end to Stannis.

Cersi is prepared to let every person in Kings Landing fry by dragonfire rather than peacefully surrender. She's been a power-hungry cunt from the get-go and only cares about retaining her power, which she gained from her own dead children, the last of whom she drove to suicide, resulting in her ascending the throne.

She is as bad of a ruler as Joffrey or the mad king. Her final act will be to drag Dany down with her, though to be fair, Dany was already becoming a power-hungry cunt herself.

he is the only character with actual integrity who has had the same motivation from the beginning of the show until now.

back then dany wasn't druk with power, so it made sense.