So, can the nuclear engineers and atom scientist of Yea Forums explain the RBMK reactor explosion? Not a meltdown...

so, can the nuclear engineers and atom scientist of Yea Forums explain the RBMK reactor explosion? Not a meltdown. AN explosion...

Attached: chernobyl-hbo-paul-ritter-1557165000.jpg (768x765, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

cia-funded ayys

It's impossible. Go to the infirmary.

>put radioactive rod of uranium in water
>heat creates steam, steam is used for energy
>do a test to see if your safety protocols work when your station loses power
>core isn't put in its right place during test and creates unintended buildup of heat
>heat runway creates steam flash which then creates steam explosion

The rest is as they say, cyka blyat.

I don't know...

Attached: i dont see any graphite.png (436x413, 252K)

It's only 3.6 comrade, it's not good but it's not terrible either

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You're delusional, go to the infirmary.

>it's a "we need to stop building cities next to nuclear power plants because it's cheaper!" episode of Russian history

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What the fuck are you talking about?

>when the coolant water finally hits

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This bit was puzzling to me, they force that other guy to go up at gunpoint, why didn't he just tell the soldier "hey buddy, we're both being sent to our deaths."

the shows gonna suck now, all the cool shit happened in the first episode. just gonna be a bunch of old guys talking for 5 hours.

The fun is just beginning user.

Attached: Hisashi-Ouchi-Tokaimura-Nuclear-Accident-3.jpg (750x481, 71K)

That was the best part of this episode though.

>not wanting to see Cornelius Hickey waste away to nothing before your eyes

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Because how is he supposed to know about this relatively esoteric technology in a state of oppression? The man went up because he knew that if he didn't, more time would be wasted, and more people would potentially die. His choice was either get shot, go to gulag and maybe his family will perish, or die to inform people who MIGHT believe him after he's done it. He is, after all, an expert. There are not many of them around. He knew he would be dead soon anyway.

Basically a reactor can go from 0% power to 100% power.

Well Chernobyl went to 2000% power in less than a second.

if you want more read Svetlana Alexievich: Chernobyl Prayer
Fucking good book about all of this. I think the prego woman and the fireman is from the book.

It was a british design that had a secret flaw. Brits and U.S. spies allowed it to be “stolen” by KGB.
Real greaseball shit.

I have suspicious they going to do alternate history. HBO likes to do twists. So they won't stop the second explosion from happening and it's going to turn into post-apocalyptic kino as the whole world gets deadly irradiated

Did you even watch the episode? That clearly will NOT happen, remember Jared Harris hanging himself in the beginning? World wasn't post apoc.

theyre not going to take real peoples identities and turn it into an alt history story

RBMK reactors do not explode. Are you stupid comrade?


>why didn't he tell an armed soldier to disobey his orders in Soviet fucking Russia

>gonna die either way
Why not take the chance?

It wasn't a "Nuclear explosion" but it was a steam explosion.

The RBMK reactor in simple terms is a block of graphite with uranium fuel in it, and water pumped though it. The water controls the reaction so it keeps power in a controlled power band, and then it sent to heat exchangers to make steam and power.

The soviets were screwing around with running it with a low level of water. The water starting to boil, and thus less water was round the actual fuel and graphite. In most reactors in this case the reaction slows down, but in the reactor as design lack of water speeds things up. thus it got hotter, producing more steam, which means less water (as water as steam is less dense then water as a liquid) and soon it a runaway reaction. The steam blew off the top and threw the highly hot radioactive mess all over the place.

that is in layman terms, I can go into more technical side if you want.

Pic of the main antagonist got leaked.

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Water expands 1600x times when it flashes to steam. That means one cubic foot of water expands to 1600ft3 of steam which would've happened almost simulatenously. If you introduce a heat source capable of flashing 1000ft3 of water you would create a sudden blast of steam with a 1.6million cubic foot range. That is a shitload of pressure being blasted out. Steam explosions are very scary things, even tiny heating boilers with a low water capacity utilizing non-superheated steam can have fantastically huge explsions.

what is this from i've been looking so long bros

>Put a large quantity of thermite in an enclosed ceramic container
>Light it
>Let it get nice and hot
>Open the container and quickly dump a bucket of cold water on it

Your lab report will be due after you get out of the hospital.

based and soviet pilled

Attached: hWkRuR8.jpg (768x1024, 74K)

>A dose of 500 roentgens within 5 hours is fatal to humans.

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these guys get it.

>lid embedded in the ceiling

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If he was an expert and not a coward he should've jumped off the roof

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>in the reactor as design lack of water speeds things up
that seems dumb

It will simple transform into bureaucracy kino

>It was a british design that had a secret flaw. Brits and U.S. spies allowed it to be “stolen” by KGB.
Interesting, any sources?

GE also sold Japan the reactor that caused the fukushima disaster despite knowing it had flaws

Video of the cleanup, with interviews. Everyone is fine who didn't expose themselves to the core directly.

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It is dumb. Its called a High positive void coefficient and most designs are designed so that this does not happen.

Seems kinda unlikely. Of all the black ops ways to sabotage the USSR, setting them up to have a massive core meltdown that could potentially devastate NATO countries as well wouldn't have been the smartest.

Why was the control room so low, was it shielded from radiation?

Presumably by design.

It not true, the RMBK is based off a reactor designed for bomb material production that the soviets designed. British Reactors are all gas cool designs.

user is most likely thinking of North Korea, who obtained a british Magnox reactor design from old paperwork in the UN from the 1950s an built there reactor off of those designs.

>implying we Americans give a fuck about yuropoor shitholes that constantly shit on us and rob us
Enjoy the glow senpai, well come cleanup in a few centuries.

Reminder that the USSR has largely been slandered by capitalist propaganda. Chapo has an amazing documentary about how in reality the Soviets ran a pretty great nation.
Chernobyl especially is capitalist dogshit lies

yuvchenko is still alive
the man who held the door open

>Chapo has an amazing documentary

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To sum it up.

Pressurized water reactor (PWR) - most modern reactors are of this design. Most American, French, and Russian reactors are of this design. Enriched Uranium cooled and moderated by natural water. They have a high safety rate.

Boiling water reactors: Some american designs, many built in Asia. The final stage is boiling water, not pressurized water. fukushima was of this design. Has some inherit flaws and is not a popular design anymore.

Heavy water reactors - Various designs, Canadian reactors being the most famous. Normal Uranium using heavy water for moderation and cooling. Has a high risk of being able to be converted to nuclear weapon production.

RMBK - Soviet design, Graphite Moderated and normal water cooled. Powerful, cheap, and not safe.

Gas Cooled reactors: British reactors and first generation french reactors. Can be used to make nuclear weapons easily.

Then there is about a dozen exotic reactor designs.


Lots of the first responders are still alive

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Yeah, the first wave is all dead. The 2nd wave that was warned about the safety aspects are living normal lifespans (At least for Russians which is not super high for males.)

Funny enough, the people who refused to leave the villages lived longer then the evacuees.

do the jannies work for the Politburo? how much do you think they make?

this 2bh, new-wave jannies are allways the fucking worst and overkeen


CANDU is the most powerful reactor to ever exist

Water, heated past the point of boiling, putting pressure on the inside of a vessel, causing it to rupture. I didn't see the movie-film, so I cannot account for any pyrotechnics, but generally heating water very rapidly in a vessel not meant for steam can cause a big boom.

seriously THIS.
seems like everyone agrees the first episode was kino and wants to discuss it yet some fucking inbred jannies keep deleting the threads... why aren't they doing the same with all these GoT shitposters?

>lets keep water mixed with extremely radioactive material under immense pressure, what could go wrong

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nyet, reactor is fine

They actually did shoot it.

Reminder the Chernobyl incident was a CIA plan to discredit the soviet union at the behest of big business.
Its a tool used by capitalists to keep the worker from understanding how socialism will benefit everyone. This show is propaganda

Yea Forums is only for discussing capeshit and game of thrones

Part of the problem is some of the water was split into hydrogen and oxygen as well

Chernobyl got blow up to cover the massive money fraud the ministry of state did with a giant spying antena just few kms away from the incident, so the boss didn't find out they took tons of money into an spying antenna which didn't work and they don't get executed. So better kill thousands with radiation instead.

I'd rather die getting shot than from heavy radiation poisoning.

>first wave all dead
Only like 7 or 8 of them died, because they were exposed directly to the core.

Sure it wasn't mossad schizo?

>spying antenna
it was a radar system

Is this tv show wect propaganda?

man the ambient sound in this is fucking great

That's some good bait.

this, radiation poisoning is the most horrific way to die

A real reactor has the control room directly under the core as an incentive not to fuck it up.

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>getting hit by thousands of roentgens turns you into a tomato
seems pretty chill honestly

Twenty-nine firefighters, plant workers, and police died in the first few days trying to contain the fire.

4 died to a chopper crash IIRC.

>death by radioactive lava

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Russian Woodpecker was fun, but the conspiracy theory makes about as much sense as flat earth theory.
Duga radar is and still was there for anyone to inspect, so the dude wouldn't stop anyone from doing anything.
The radar worked perfectly fine, the only problem was that it caused by nterference all over the world. This has been known and Chernobyl disaster did nothing to hide it.
If all other arguments fail - the station near Chernobyl was not the only Duga site. Even if the accident somehow 'covered up' his failings there - there was nothing he could do about other sites.
Besides, he would need godlike powers to make sure all the conditions for the disaster were met at that particular time. The exact same test has been conducted at other RBMK reactors numerous times with zero side effects, how could anyone know Dyatlov would go full retard and cause the reactor to go unstable before the test AND THEN go ahead and do the test anyway ?

>Born of human error, continually generating copious heat, the Elephant’s Foot is still melting into the base of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. If it hits ground water, it could trigger another catastrophic explosion or leach radioactive material into the water nearby residents drink.

Comrade just put sheet metal over it lmoa

epitome of capitalism

Attached: core.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

Yah it's ridiculous how we have 30 GOT threads but our 1 or 2 Chernobyl threads keep getting deleted.

I think the OP might be deleting his own threads to fuck with us

You can't delete your own threads

No it not, it now less then 26 degrees C (80 degrees to Americans)

>General Tarakanov is not even in the series
It worries me that they leave out the actual hero who went to extreme lengths to clean this shit up without getting any more people fried to death.

that was scary af, like looking into a whole below leading straight to hell

Fukushima happened because of Jap incompetence, not a design flaw.
They should have put the backup generators on higher ground.

Not only that, they were in denial about the severity of the problem and delayed taking meaningful action because they were afraid of looking bad.

So basically the absolute same shit as Chernobyl.

problem solved, Tovarish!

Attached: Chernobyl elephants foot.jpg (628x387, 47K)

Reactor #2 at Chernobyl

No, Japan didn't follow the safety design that GE had, and modified it to make it less safe. GE design called for the batteries and generators to be on at least the 2nd floor. They put them in the basement instead.

>Funny enough, the people who refused to leave the villages lived longer then the evacuees
Low levels of radiation can have postive health effects. There are similar findings on people who lived in post bombing Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Because it didn't happen this way and the showwriters just wanted to show you how inept the leadership was. You can literally read up on hi, his name was Sitnikov.

>Implying UK = USA

I know American education is shit, but really user...

My dude, the Soviet Union was already in it's death throes by this point.

In modern PWR the reverse happens where the hotter it gets the worse it runs, so it turns itself off effectively if you run out of coolant.

Why were they all dressed in pyjamas? Kind of creepy.

Yep, most reactors have a Negative void coefficient .

>reactor has positive void coefficient
>more steam in the core more power
>control rods are tipped with graphite
>meaning as they're being lowered they speed up the reaction, only at the end of travel they slow it down
>hey lets manually disable every single safety feature
>uh oh looks like there's too much steam pressure
>emergency or manual SCRAM (shut it down the goyim know) is triggered
>but wait, positive void coefficient
>but wait, there's more
>the fucking graphite on the control rods
>reactor produces 33000 MW thermal power for a split second
>steam pressure blows the upper biological shield and reactor lid THROUGH THE FUCKING ROOF
>couple seconds later a second explosion of unclear nautre levels the entire building

Attached: danger-not-to-be-operated-by-fuckwits3.jpg (557x529, 102K)

it's their uniform some dude from previous threads pointed out that it's for easy detection of radiation contamination

Attached: when you know you re fucked.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

>elevator fails in the first 30 sec

>getting in an elevator in fucking chernobyl

Attached: uncomfterble & slighlty nervous doggos.jpg (480x490, 30K)

You'll be fine

Reminder that 3 divers literally saved Europe from nuclear fallout

Its a uniform, so they can detect radiation better.

cause jannies are normie faggots

Not yet. If this happened somewhere between 1990-1998, the reactor would still be shitting everything up to this day.

What's amazing is reactor 3, which is right next door to 4, operated until December of 2000.

how come you anons know this? seems really technical. thanks for sharing anyway.

fucking soviets are crazy

Yes, and no. So the people who designed the reactor, didnt fuck up really like in chernobyl. And for the plants weakness an upgrade was released that fixed it and it was never anywhere close to as bad as the RBMK.

The japs were too cheap to install it.
Now after the earthquake and tsunami, which were not the equiv of running a retarded test at all. Then japanese culture basically functioned identically to soviet culture in a really weird way. So they took many of the same retarded actions, but for very different reasons. Basically instead of being to afraid to piss of a superior, or to shame the party, it was if I fail I will shame myself and my family, let me try to fix this myself even though its way outside my abilities or resources. Like the US navy was offshore like hey we can unfuck this for you and japan was like no we totally got this. All the while it was just homer Simpson in the control room freaking out.

But it gets you to the roof faster tovarish

Was the water in Room 712 that place where they were turning the valves and crying?

This, and understanding this, made the show that much more horrifying to watch. The engineers, knew less about how bad radiation poisoning was then than people in this thread do now as well. Well atleast the low level people.

>couple seconds later a second explosion of unclear nautre levels the entire building
Is this as spooky as you're making it?

For all of RBMK's safety flaws, the accident still wouldn't have happened if they had simply avoided playing with matches around it.

Well yeah, the Soviets could handle the fuck up better than the Ukrainian government but that's not saying a lot. Regardless, the Soviet Union was still nearing collapse.

>A real reactor has the control room directly under the core as an incentive not to fuck it up.

That's not true is it?

it could've been a low yield nuclear explosion or a 2nd steam explosion, it did make the giant hole in the building's side you see in the show
nobody's really sure what the fuck happened, they can only do maths and speculate

Dyatlov was right all along

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What, you think I'm gonna take the stairs?

While I do not have a degree in nuclear engineering, I have a degree that based of of research on nuclear weapon proliferation, which involves a fair amount of knowledge on how nuclear reactors work.

Also was offered a job at SAFARI-1 nuclear reactor, but decided that I didn't want to move to South Africa (My wife was born in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe but grew up from 8 onward in South Africa till she married me. )

Now I farm in a complete waste of my education.

What could the US Navy have done?

They are building a floating nuclear power plant right now, to be delivered later this year.

Attached: Плавуча_АЕС_'Академік_Ломоносов',_квітень_2018_року. (800x432, 112K)

>It could've been a low yield nuclear explosion
>Nobody's really sure

Impossible to have a nuclear explosion trigger under those conditions. People know exactly what happened.

Won't pull a Fukushima at least

It's a joke, but yes the control room is under the core for protection, an AP1000 is a brand new reactor being built in Georgia and 100% safe.

>and 100% safe.
Explain to me how an RBMK reactor explodes?

>Be Russian
>Ignore two dozen safety regulations
>It explodes
>"This cannot be happening! I am the deputy chief engineer here!"

prevented the hydrogen explosions.

Recall, the US navy operates ~200 reactors with very little issues with safety.

>100% safe

Attached: hand-rubbing.png (245x289, 23K)

>disintegrates your bone marrow and cells, effectively microwaving your organs from the inside out until they liquefy into a sticky goo.

Yeah, I can imagine it's like having the worst version of the flu you can think of times 100.

>sinks to the bottom of the ocean
sounds good to me

Ya this thread is eye opening , it appears that 20% of /tv anons are nuclear scientists

Interesting. Where exactly were the US Navy when Fukoshima happened? In Korea?

Which Georgia.

>Low levels of radiation can have postive health effects.
I guess... aren't medical facilities using focused radiation to destroy cancer cells?

So first and foremost, offered, a huge amount of youthful, engineers, and experienced engineers. Nuclear, engineers in the civilian world tend to be old. And in emergencies, like these having fit young engineers, on the ground is a lot of help.

Second its not just a single ship offshore. Its an entire, carrier group and marine expeditionary unit. The amount of generators, pumps, construction equipment, and again, laborers, equipped with radiation gear, is enormous.

The navy and marines, could have landed by air and sea, pumps and generators, could have worked on sea walls, and countless other things. And again, all in gear meant to operate, in fallout zones, in case of nuclear war.

Why does the radiation make them vommit ?

We had a whole carrier group offshore giving humanitarian relief.

Some sailors are suing saying they were exposed to radiation.

Attached: Reagan-sailors-scrub-rtr-img.jpg (1440x907, 152K)

Anyone got a stream or download?


it was similar to a nuclear fizzle, where 99% of the yield fails to detonate and gets vented
you got U235 and Pu in the core, not to mention everyone's favourite Ceasium isotope and god knows what else, it could have been a 10kt TNT nuclear explosion

there are 3 or 4 hypotheses for the 2nd explosion, some are even positing the 1st explosion was a nuclear fizzle

The US, navy isnt just sitting in base. They float all around the world with commonly marines tagging along. So when fukushima went down they sailed up the coast and sat around waiting to see if japan would swallow its pride and allow them to help.

The USN operates more reactors than anyone in the world, and has never had a radiation fatality.

>that's not saying a lot.
On the contrary, that's saying quite a lot, actually.
After the initial chaos in 1986, the Soviet Union was able to mobilize its entire reserve corps, shovel all that shit back into the reactor, build a containment structure, decontaminate most of the surrounding area to relatively safe levels and build a new town (Slavutich) from scratch for the evacuated residents.

Compare it to the bungled relief efforts in Spitak two years later, after Gorbachev had enough time to fuck everything up. And even that would be an out of reach model of efficiency for any post-Soviet state.

it's on Popcorn Time if you still use that.

>He isn't a nuclear operator

What are you even doing with your life besides standing erul watches all day?

We were there trying to help but they wouldn't let us.

I'm gonna join the Navy now and jump into a core to prove you wrong user.

that fireman that picked up the graphite was wearing gloves
if it ate through that, wouldn't it eat through shoes as well when they walk over it?

Very interesting. How devastating was Fukushima compared to Chernobyl? I'm 26 so remember it on the news, but it didn't seem as serious as Chernobyl.

Also, what's the absolute worst case scenario that could happen from a reactor meltdown? Could it destroy a whole country and kill millions?

Its part of radiation sickness. Radiation exposure in your gut will cause nausea and vomiting. How soon you vomit to exposure is one way to tell how much you had been exposed to.

why don't they make the whole reactor out of lead?

i'm neet arguing with anons on Yea Forums usually

They read a wikipedia article you illiterate oaf

Do you happen to make webms here?

I know, odd question.

lead is really heavy and would just sink into the ground over time. not stable at all.

alpha particles: stopped by paper or clothing, only fucks you up when ingested
beta particles: absorbed by water, human beans are 80% water, that's the one you gotta watch out for
gamma particles: go through anything short of several tons of lead no problem, pass through human beans without slowing and thus relatively harmless

the user literally replied he has a degree relating to it you nitwit.

Georgia USA, plant Vogtle.

Molten lead reactors have other issues.

>What are you even doing with your life

I'm protecting you at your nuke plant

what about x-rays?

Yes, guilty as charged. In fact need to start one.

What about the Kursk? What happened there?

mainly gamma rays painting light pictures on a lead backstop
but you can't have gamma (neutrons) without beta (protons) and alpha (electron) decay as well


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A torpedo explosion. If it were a Typhoon, it would've even survived it.

Yeah because ocean needs mutated sharks and others deep sea shit.

So more knowledgable people in the thread, but the worst reactors like RBMK, if someone tried very hard, could detonate, sending irradiated shit everywhere for miles, and particles, for far vaster area's potentially poisoning millions.

Modern reactors, this is effectively impossible. The main threat, is an issue if somehow left untreated, could get into the water table, and then poison millions. But this would have to be like someone just forgot they had a reactor, and didnt check on it for a decade, bad.

yea dude, i'm sure he has a phd in nuclear engineering and isn't a 16 year old who played a stalker game. were you born yesterday?

water is an excellent radiation shield

Kursk was a torpedo explosion due to the high-test peroxide exploding.

>Also, what's the absolute worst case scenario that could happen from a reactor meltdown? Could it destroy a whole country and kill millions?
Are you fucking serious? Stop playing Fallout games you drooling retard

why are you getting salty? can't you see this isn't a shitposting thread?

Is this KINO?

You don't have to be a nuclear engineer to know the kind of stuff discussed ITT. Even my electrical engineering degree included a course on nuclear physics.


>build reactor
>Vlad design so control rod displace water, for little momebt
>Water absorbs neutron, less water more neutron
>As rods lower, there actually is spike in power!
>Is communist feature, tovarsh
>Have faith!

>focus on your labor comrade nothing to see here
>sunburns and vomiting at 3am are perfectly normal put on some sunscreen

Attached: ayy lmao.png (643x436, 112K)

>spooky cinematography
>the bleak hopelessness
>slow (and quick) erosion of mind and body
so this show is the true The Terror sequel, right?

I know, my mechanical engineering degree had extensive study on nuclear power.

Why are you getting salty. I indicated my degree here is nuclear proliferation, not nuclear engineering, just that you have to know some nuclear reactor stuff if you doing nuclear proliferation since that the main way of getting nuclear weapons (all the countries that produced weapons did it that way except south africa which did enrichment)

I do know how to run a pool style reactor, but that not anything fancy, couldn't build one. But I have run them before in the US and was offered to do so in South Africa as a paying job.

>Graphite? I don't think so.

haha remember when everyone made those posts shitting on liberalism after the deepwater horizon exploded

Indeed, a Electrical engineering, a mechanical engineering, and a few other degrees are going to know this basic stuff.


>because of Jap incompetence

Not entirely true. The GE designs specified putting the reactors in the basement. The Japs were guilty of following the directions too rigidly and not deviating from them when common sense demanded it.

engineering is all about trade offs
RBMK was cheap and efficient, and absurdly powerful, still the most powerful nuclear reactor out there
if it wasn't operated by fuckwits that day (just read the lengths they went to to raise output to 500 MW after the initial fuck up at ~23:00 april 26th) it would have kept on chooching for 30 years like the 16 other RBMK models in the world
if it was built in current year with modern materials it might have even sustained the 30000 MW power spike what blew it up

You can build the safest nuclear reactor in the world, you can even make it idiot proof. But that comes at a trade off of it not being producing enough power, costing way too much money and time to build, and my favourite paradigm: the world inventing a better idiot, to defeat your idiot proof invention.

This episode was great
I really hope this series keeps going as strong as the first episode was.
I also hope these threads stay alive just like the Terror threads were.
They were the best of Yea Forums I've seen in years.
I hope to see you all in the next thread as well, as well as in future threads

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>watch any movie with a nuclear reactor, especially a nuclear sub/carrier
>"The reactor is going critical!!!!"
>everyone panics

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>implying liberalism doesn’t deserve to get shit on with the force of a thousand suns

>he actually fell for the STEM meme

Attached: laughing romans.webm (1280x720, 1.5M)

>walking up stairs
>See Ivan
>Hello Ivan how is family?
>Ivan pukes blood all over me
>Continue upstairs, oh that Ivan


yep, a RBMK if not run by idiots is a cheap, powerful reactor that does not need enriched fuel, so it easy to operate.

But they were doing all sorts of stuff trying to get it to fail and suddenly it did.

fucking CAPITALISM LMAO am I right guys

Attached: 27302.jpg (990x742, 85K)

Sweet Jesus not critical!
New guy, get back to control and tell them, stat!

doesn't actually happen in this
>[kaboom rumbling in the distance]
>we gotta pump water through the core to avoid meltdown
>comrade *cough* the core is GONE
>he's in shock, get this hothead outta here
>we pump water through the core

ChemE here. God made atoms to be bonded, not split desu

>full speed ahead

Attached: download.jpg (183x275, 7K)

If anything, this was a costly lesson in putting your faith into designing safety measures instead of common sense of the operator.

The real casualty has been the nuclear scare that's killing nuclear power right now, even though the only reactors in existence capable of replicating Chernobyl are other RBMKs and even those have been upgraded with additional safety features.

You know when you microwave your shitty hungry man dinner too long and it becomes a molten pile of goop?

That, but with your internal organs.

so which one of the dudes really fucked up?

But does it have a demon core-tier scene?

whoever thought the test was a good idea

People think solar and wind are real sources of power, and not just a gimmick. When they realize it’s all a scam then nuclear will be back in a big way.

>go to gulag and maybe his family will perish
This was USSR in the 80s not Stalin era I don't think they would do that

>Also, what's the absolute worst case scenario that could happen from a reactor meltdown? Could it destroy a whole country and kill millions?
Modern nuclear design is based around self-moderating plants, hence the safety. Shit would get hot, but it wouldn't go all explodey. That whole "nuclear plants are all bombs waiting to go off!" bullshit is anti-nuclear energy propaganda. And it's not like the Simpsons either. Fucking sneedsons ruined so much shit

Attached: demon core.gif (512x512, 131K)

It's actually because of the China Syndrome and three mile island happening like a week after it came out.

well that's not entirely correct, thousands of gallons of water instantly flashing to steam might as well be an explosion. the nuclear material itself never explodes though. what makes it so dangerous is that the steam explosion can blow radioactive material into the atmosphere and irradiate the whole fucking countryside.

What about the problem of storing nuclear waste?

>The real casualty has been the nuclear scare that's killing nuclear power right now
Idk why there's always a handful of fucking idiots in these threads that keep repeating this shit. Nuclear power isn't taking off because it isn't renewable, the reactors are ridiculously expensive to build (and decommission), and the waste is a costly pain in the ass to get rid of. Developing nations don't have the tech, qualified personnel, or resources to build and maintain reactors.

On top of all of that, we only have ~150 (max 200) years left of Uranium at current consumption levels. Fission is very obviously not the future of electrical power and everyone knows it. They're not afraid of Chernobyl, it's just a dead end

a steam explosion isn't particularly credible for modern designs though

Nuclear waste isn’t a thing, it literally just sits there in dry casks.

>Modern reactors, this is effectively impossible

It's very possible. Once you have an exposed core, the zirconium casings of the fuel rods will react with any steam in the containment vessel and begin generating hydrogen gas. No one better light a match.

Fat Man v. Little Boy
pick a side, Yea Forums!

no it isn't but zoomers will bite on anything

encase the liquid in glass, bury it, done.
newer reactors are more efficient and burn off more of the fuel so you are left with waste with a relatively short half life in the decades.

It's only a problem because the anti-nuclear lobby has essentially prevented any actual innovation. There are reactor designs that burn nuclear waste as fuel.

t. IFLS-tier pop scientist

Maybe you should build reactors that are more efficient.

Nuclear waste isn’t liquid, it’s dry pellets.

It could have been built better no doubt about it, the last of the RBMKs should be phased out by now.
The whole problem is too complex to just sum up in one 4chin post, but basically it's a combination of bureaucrats not knowing what the fuck the particle jokeys are doing, bureaucrats being displeased with the particle jokeys if they failed to meet the all important 5 year plan quota of nuclear power development, the big honcho bureaucrat gommies wanting to show those filthy capitalist pig bureaucrats Soviet Power Supreme and you get the idea
>the whole thing was about avoiding a total power blackout scenario
>diesel backup generators were too slow to spin up to speed leaving a 40 second gap in coolant pump operation
>"routine" tests to use steam turbines to supplement the diesel gens have been repeatedly failing
>representative of soviet nuclear power comission on site at CNPP did not know what the fuck they were monkeying about with
>"not even the premier of the soviet union has the authorisation to run the reactor with less than 30 control rods inserted"
>minimum power output for the test was deemed 700 MW, about 25% total output
>operator error lead them to take drastic fucking measures to raise power output to even 500 MW
>still ran the "routine" test that kept failing and their superiors weren't informed about
>by the time SCRAM was triggered conditions inside the reactor were so far off nominal the fuckwits operating it couldn't even see an issue with it
>massive fuck off heavy reactor lid that's bolted down to everything possible goes flying through the roof, you know the rest

>expecting russians to follow industrial protocols

That thing of years of Uranium is not true - as soon as it gets more expensive, more marginal sources of Uranium become economical to use. South Africa for example produces a ton for the reason of just already mining deep underground for gold and diamonds. Any country that wants to dig deep will find tons of it.

Renewable energy isn’t real.

yeah but you can turn it into glass through vitrification

>Yea Forums, i don't feel so good

Attached: scout.jpg (350x450, 27K)

sleep it off you'll be fine

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...and consumption also goes up. Are you retarded?

200 years is including those sources.

That is assuming we spend all of these 200 years just burning mined U235 like retards. Not filtering it out of seawater, not building breeder reactors, not investing into fusion power.

CANDU reactors can burn anything including Thorium if it comes to that. It’s all political, China can build cheap reactors without any problems.

I told you not to snap pictures of it Vasily

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The real question is who is more human, Ukrainians or Irishmen

and why would we do any of that when renewables are 10000000000000x cheaper, safer, easier, more accessible, and more promising

And then you use Thorium or other fissionable materials. There is little shortage of fuel.

Brilliant refutation.

Attached: moron_makes_a_point.gif (500x386, 490K)

Because renewables are none of those things.

Thats were you wrong kiddo.

Both Solar and wind kill many more people per kilowatt hour then nuclear. Same with Hydro

Reactor SCRAM was too slow, as the rods aren't inserted at a sufficiently fast speed and the tips of the control rods had a lower cross sectional neutron absorption vs water, so ironically for the first second or two the Reactor SCRAM actually increased power as the tips displaced water.

They were operating outside of procedures, well under the required minimum number of control rods as the Reactor Operator was just kind of winging it.

99.95% of neutrons produced are prompt neutrons, produced on the scale of 10e-14 seconds. The remaining .05% of neutrons being delayed neutrons produced on the scale from a few milliseconds to as long as a few minutes. When we operate a stable, critical reactor, we operate where the prompt neutrons are subcritical on their own, but the delayed neutrons push the reactions to be critical and self sustaining. Any changes in reactor power are slow and manageable due to these delayed neutrons. When you are "prompt critical" i.e. there are enough prompt neutrons being produced alone to have a critical reaction, any increase could exponentially increase in the span of 10e-14 seconds, well beyond the ability of human or computers to control. This Reactor explosion was an example of Prompt Critically. The containment of the building was also a complete joke, and barely rated to withstand any pressure, much less the pressure from a reactor accident.

You're right, it's much more likely that all the governments and scientists of the world played Fallout 4 and are now shitting their pants at the dangers of nuclear technology

>10000000000000x cheaper
>more accessible

Except not

solar and wind power need to cover the entire land surface of the planet before they can reach power output of nuclear energy

Don't be talking shit about my Hydroelectric Wife

i am an engineer and aided in the design of a nuclear reactor a few years ago (a relatively minuscule portion but had to brush up on the topic quite a bit)

yes i am a sneed poster

He's obviously talking about research in those areas, not current solar technology which sucks ass. Don't be intentionally dense

I've marathoned 14 minutes so far and I'm unsettled by the vomiting. Should I keep watching if I hate seeing shit like that? How much gore is there?

user, that bluntly not true.

deaths Per PWh

Coal global - 100,000
Coal US - 10,000
Hydro - 1,200
Solar – rooftop - 440
Wind - 125
Nuclear - 90
Nuclear (US) .01

So go make up arguments somewhere else.

>dude renewables are cheap and plentiful just have wind and sun all the time everywhere lmao
>creating solar panels, batteries, and wind turbines doesn't harm the environment at all lmao

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Leftists are all mentally ill.

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Red faces, some wounds and some vomiting. The most unsettling thing about it is the implication of what will happen to everyone next.

Nice b8

How does solar power kill people though? Does it factor in deaths due to the manufacturing process or something?

>still the most powerful nuclear reactor out there

just lol @ this braindead cuck acting like a gen2 reactor is the most powerful. stop larping bud

>so ironically for the first second or two the Reactor SCRAM actually increased power as the tips displaced water.
and they would have known about it from the incident in 1977 except it was written off as minor anomaly, because nobody wants to get GULAG'd

can't polish a turd bro
you're better off building a Stellar Laser (STELLASER) from 2 giant mirrors in close heliocentric orbit, then beaming it to earth somehow
It's super fucking promising we just need a 1000 more years of research and infrastructure

knowing what's going to happen is the worst part

Leftists aren't anti-nuclear. And no one has provided a single credible argument for why developing nations (which don't give a shit about the environment/safety and just want to rapidly industrialize) haven't jumped on nuclear power en masse.

kek, yeah someday when they invent a battery that doesn't obey the laws of thermodynamics.

>I can't understand the science so I'm scared

>mfw red faces

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i think the evacuees had a pretty hard time. forcibly relocated somewhere and being permanently held somehow responsible for being a burden even though none of it was their fault.

>It'll be better, we just need better tech
That's what Theranos kept saying

There isn't a whole lot yet but there is going to be. We're going to watch that poor fire fighter rot over 2 weeks.

>Leftists aren't anti-nuclear

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>let me just not include people developing cancer and birth defects from nuclear distastes in my statistics

because it's high tech and has a high upfront cost and requires a lot of supportive infrastructure? what kind of dumb question is that? nuclear power is a lot more complicated than just burning up coal.

Leftists will use Simpsons clips as reasons to not have nuclear energy

There is that little international proliferation issue

Good, he didn’t suffer enough in The Terror

The only concern the left in the US has with nuclear power is the disposal of nuclear waste. Which is a legitimate concern

>when they look directly into the core

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Manfacturing, installers falling off roofs and buildings, and so on.

Just like the Coal and nuclear deaths include death in construction and mining the materials needed.

I also thought about giant mirrors around the sun but who in God's name would let that happen when a flick to the left turns it from a generator into the deadliest weapon of all time?

Which is fucking exactly what I said. It's prohibitive expensive and requires a huge investment in personnel. It's NOT because people are still shitting themselves over Chernobyl like morons in these threads keep insisting

ehh, gross capacity vs net capacity, biggest nuclear plants are severely undercranking their reactors and have more reactor blocks

if you scaled up a modern RBMK design it would still be the most powerful because of it's large active area

It is not a legitimate concern, that's a leftist lie.

>And no one has provided a single credible argument for why developing nations (which don't give a shit about the environment/safety and just want to rapidly industrialize) haven't jumped on nuclear power en masse.
"Developing" kinda answers your question here. They would if they could, but having access to the white man's means of power generation means certain standards, such as being capable of basic calculus, not being on anyone's shit list and being out of range of Israel's air force. Also money.

The cancer rate from nuclear reactors is almost null outside of Chernobyl. Even fukushima is not going to produce anything that beyond the normal range of statistical chances. For example, Denver has higher radiation then three mile island exposure.

Except it's not. You're just running pilpul because someone called you on your retardation

they still are in first world countries, obviously developing countries don't give a shit. I can't see any other reason why we aren't investing heavily into nuclear other than maybe coal/oil interests.

boomers are afraid of nuclear energy because they think that new reactors built today are the same designs as 30 years ago. technology and safety has vastly improved since then, yet they still hold that fear

You're an incel lie

>forcibly relocated somewhere and being permanently held somehow responsible for being a burden even though none of it was their fault.
Figuratively what.

Okay, so why aren't countries investing in nuclear power. Why are more plants shutting than opening.

Did based Liquidators show up? I'm planning on watching this later.

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yeah, because it causes fucking DNA damage which makes cells KYS themselves

Ah right just like how boomers don't take modern medicine and don't fly on planes. Oh wait

OMG we're all going to die when terrorists figure out how to drop these things from airplanes.

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>taking the bait

keep solar panels in space where they belong, earth's atmosphere just makes them a non-viable power source
except in space solar panels degrade even faster and need to be replace sooner, and big daddy Elon Musk isn't even bothering to recover the 2nd stage of his SCIENCE FUCK YEAH soi rocket, so don't expect launch costs to go down further than 30-40%

The jannies are literally commies that's why.

I'm not exactly a conservative, but this argument is bullshit

1) Leftists are religiously opposed to nuclear, just as they are religiously opposed to GMO's, DDT and Glyphosate.

2) Nuclear has a huge upfront cost. Only a handful of countries in the world can even fabricate a modern reactor pressure vessel, never mind obtain and prepare nuclear fuel and build a complete, reasonably safe reactor.

*blocks your clean energy*

Attached: jill2020.jpg (534x401, 30K)

Political leaders are scared and making choices to close them down even if there no way to replace the output.

Just look at the cost Germany paying for knee-jerk reactions.

Unfortunately, the US has even lost the capability to fabricate a pressure vessel. We have to buy them from Korea.


but planes are much safer and medicine is much improved, are required for society to function, and don't have extremely rich competitive lobbyists with legions of democrats working against them

Not him. We're closing plants because we're fucking stupid and our politicians are stupid and/or in the pocket of the fossil fuel companies, who receive trillions of subsidies every year that we have to stop giving them but probably won't because our politicians are bought by them.

We have to get off fossil fuels for our electricity. Solar and wind don't generate electricity on cloudy days and calm days respectively or at night so we need something to keep the lights on at night. There are even some places where we have too much solar/wind; California has to pay other states to take their excess production otherwise it blows the grid. Batteries are just not good enough and likely won't ever be good enough. Nuclear is efficient, basically has zero emissions, and the waste is pretty much nothing; there's a ton of empty space we can put it.

That's globalization for you. There is just as much screaming in Russia that "we've sold off everything and have to import it from the Yanks now", for instance.

>Nuclear has a huge upfront cost. Only a handful of countries in the world can even fabricate a modern reactor pressure vessel, never mind obtain and prepare nuclear fuel and build a complete, reasonably safe reactor.
That's what the guy you responded to is saying.

>And no one has provided a single credible argument for why developing nations haven't jumped on nuclear power en masse.
They did with USA/USSR funding back in the cold war
you have to be a 1st world country or a communist empire to build nuclear reactors

Plus you need fuel, most reactors need decently rich U, that's a ludicrously complicated process of separating SINGLE ATOMS by ATOMIC MASS, look it up some time
Plus you have the whole Iraq business where WOT IF URANIUM = WMD

>He is thought to be the firefighter that when experiencing massive amounts of radiation, had his eye color change from brown to blue.

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jesus christ

The liberals successfully shut down V.C Summer, what a huge fucking waste they created.

Is this how you get rasengan

>why developing nations (
Ever look at China and India and there nuclear power rollout?

The biggest issue with nuclear power for a devleoping nation is.

1) Capital cost (almost all the cost is in the front end)

2) Getting a nuclear fuel or heavy water agreement with a developed country that not going to scare them into thinking your trying to get nuclear weapons.

what's the name of that soviet nuclear physicist who got a face full of particle accelerator, and as a consequence one side of his face looks like he's 30 and the other half like he's 70 (actual age)

One reason why heavy water reactors are so popular in devleoping countries, they can use natural U. Same with some Gas cooled designs

thanks for the spoonfeeding. your post sparked my interest in this topic and i'm googling more shit about it

Attached: Anatoli Petrovich Bugorski.png (800x450, 352K)
Here, this guy will scare you shitless and maybe give you hope if what I said got you interested.

cost of Deutirium Oxide: ~700 USD for a liter
how many liters do you need to run a reactor?

Wasn't there some sort of a stink raised in Germany a while back about wind turbines killing birds?

>Bugorski continued to work in science and held the post of coordinator of physics experiments.[2] Because of the Soviet Union's policy of maintaining secrecy on nuclear power-related issues, Bugorski did not speak about the accident for over a decade. He continued going to the Moscow radiation clinic twice a year for examinations and to meet with other nuclear-accident victims. He was described as "a poster boy for Soviet and Russian radiation medicine".[1] In 1996, he applied unsuccessfully for disabled status to receive free epilepsy medication. Bugorski showed interest in making himself available for study to Western researchers but could not afford to leave Protvino.

communism is great comrades

Economy of scale has to factor in here, if we build a lot of reactors, the cost goes way way down.

>be shithole in Africa
>try to make nuclear power plant
>US/NATO/Russia/China comes in
>what you doing there fren, you better not want to have NUKES FOR YOURSELF RIGHT?
>stay dependent to us or we will decimate you :)
It's like noone remembers what the US did with Stuxnet

>massive emergency water tank directly above the reactor assembly
nice, other designs should do that

My theory is that that side has fewer wrinkles because it's paralyzed.

And people think Kim is crazy. Nukes are the only guarantee that major powers will negotiate instead of bombing you outright once you get uppity.

that's the guy

I don't even know if you need to swap heavy water coolant/moderator or if you can just keep on pumping it
I similarly don't know if the reactor design you're talking about allows refueling without stopping the reactor (independent uranium fuel channels)
RBMK reactor design uses light water as coolant and can use 1.8% enriched U as fuel, and it's graphite moderated, so you can see why it was promising
and as mentioned you get Plutonium waste in many reactor deisgns, RBMK is in fact derived from Soviet means of Nuke Pu production

Wanting to ban nukes is like a globally banning the 2A and giving all power to the superpowers like US Russia and China that won't comply and form police States around their areas desu

This is Africa attempting aviation, kek at them getting a reactor online in a million years.

Attached: NegroJet.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

You can see his eyes glowing blue from the radiation

Generally, they build a heavy water plant to produce heavy water, sometimes just enough to replace losses.

For example, if you buy the Candu design, Canada will put in enough heavy water to start it up, then you have a small heavy water plant to maintain the 90% needed and you golden.

CANDU is the way to go, at least for the next 50 years.

Nukes are the only thing that can bring about world peace
it's just too powerful of a deterrent
Look at the recent Kashmir "Conflict", over and done in a couple days, because both Curry and Paki have nukes

No, the guy is implying that developing nations don't adopt nuclear because they are noble savages in harmony with the land and don't have international corporations that seek to rape the environment and poison the proletariat with filthy exploitative schemes like nuclear.

Yes, without nukes we would be on World War 6 by now.

Africa already has had a nation build nuclear weapons user, and a nuclear reactor design that is semi-unique.

Attached: download (3).jpg (299x168, 8K)

This desu
It's just highly sensitive people handled by Burger/Chink/Russkie propaganda that want "muh disarmament", playing into the respective interests if anything

>high-test peroxide
how thicc was it?

CANDU™ sure sounds terrific fellow leafbros,but why is barely anobody using it outside Cacnuckistan

like I said earlier, you can build the safest reactor in the universe but it's all about trade offs, and nothing is truly idiot proof because a better idiot will evolve from the idiot proofing you've done

I wonder what was different about that particular nation.

>Built by France
Well France is technically black now a days.

technically the first fission reactors on earth were built by the landmass of africa

It's the same argument that can be made for the safety of RBMK reactors.
Sure, if everyone has nukes and acts responsibly, there will be no more war due to threat of unavoidable retaliation.
But there's always the probability, no matter how small, that eventually an idiot will appear and launch his nukes anyway.

In fact, almost worked at this one in south africa.

Attached: SAFARI-1_INSARR_0.jpg (1920x1080, 1.23M)

I'm a vodkanigger and every time I hear any bloated american fat fuck open his pie socket about NUKES BAD I always tell em "nukes are the only thing keeping russian paratroopers from landing on your lawn right now"
then I watch the mental gymnastics and softly giggle to myself

Using Vibranium in Wakanda?

South Africa doesn't count and you know why.


look up the Oklo uranium deposits
completely natural nuclear fission reactor

Nukes, are good, and are the only reason, your rotting shitheap of a nation is even allowed on the world stage.

Also this isnt COD the only russian paratroopers landing on anyone's lawn, are already dead.

It has had sales to India, Pakistan, Argentina, and Romania.

However the main issue is that it really easy convert Candu tech to make a nuclear bomb, so countries get a lot of pressure not to buy them unless they are already a nuclear power.

You do know the soviet union was disolved in 1991 right?

Kek, even the surrounding rocks are more advanced than Africans.

>Nukes, are good, and are the only reason, your rotting shitheap of a nation is even allowed on the world stage.
Precisely, the ultimate equializer


Uit die blou van onse hemel,
Uit die diepte van ons see,
Oor ons ewige gebergtes
Waar die kranse antwoord gee.
Deur ons vêr verlate vlaktes
Met die kreun van ossewa.
Ruis die stem van ons geliefde,
Van ons land Suid-Afrika.

That might have been true 30 years ago when the Soviet Union was an actual world power.

Now, the only thing keeping Russians off American soil is the fact that all our software jobs have already been handed to the Indians.


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>Now, the only thing keeping Russians off American soil is the fact that all our software jobs have already been handed to the Indians.
ahahah what a story Mark, incidentally Google is founded by a russian jew

>auto sage'd
there's a special place in hell for fucking jannies

great job pointing that out and ignoring all of the other shitty things the soviet union did to this man


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It hit the bump limit, star a new thread and It will continue

it was already in page 7 way before bump limit

>That might have been true 30 years ago when the Soviet Union was an actual world power.
It was never true. An invasion of the US is impossible and will stay impossible unless it balkanizes itself, and even then it's highly unlikely that anyone will bother ferrying troops across the ocean.
All Soviet plans for WW3 boiled down do three simple steps
1) Wait for NATO to start the war
2) Launch nukes
3) Mobilize survivors into labor armies and build post-apocalyptic communism

What like denying him disability entitlement? That was the glorious capitalist restored Federation of Russia the CIA wanted, not the USSR.

autosage is also a real thing, triggered by keywords in OP
it's almost like a shadowban

page counter is slow to update sonny jim, dont be paranoid

what possible gain can anyone have invading US, corn fields?


have sex, dilate and take your meds

>What like denying him disability entitlement?
no, that is what you pointed out. and you ignored the rest

i can slow down and explain it one more time for you, if you need

Assuming a breakup along the Soviet lines - pillaging what's left of the industry, R&D and trained professionals.
But as Soviet example shows, you don't need to invade to do that - you just put a loyal shmuck in charge and get whatever you want for a pittance.

jannies love trannies
you post something about incels instead

New thread

There are a lot of wind turbines in the Southern California desert and the operators have been catching a lot of flack for it. They’re placed on large hills in narrow valleys and as a result tend to catch a lot of migratory birds in the rotors. Also they require shitloads of upkeep and aren’t very green so I say take em down.


So they were posadas gang?

Attached: posadists.png (900x506, 527K)

Russians Jews turned Russia into a Communist totalitarian shithole, then emigrated to the US and used their 200+ IQ's to turn us into the world's foremost academic superpower. Then they got stuggle-sessioned into oblivion by the niggers and the muslims.

Sucks to be you, Igor.

congrats on splitting the thread dufus

sorry, can't delet