Surely They Wouldn't

There's just no way, right? There's no way they're going to make him king. This would be... fucking laughably ridiculous conclusion to the series,would it not?

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The ONLY way this is kino is if at the final shot of Bran on the throne, he opens his eyes and they are bright blue

>prescient superdruid who transfers his being into a child resolving a 100 year old plot to rule

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That still seems kind of cringe to me, perhaps even more so. However since the series is already basically destroyed, I guess I don't care and making a Mountain Dew incel autistic rape culture white male gamer the king of Westeros will at least severely piss off all the right people for all the best reasons.

Why would it be anyone other than Jon, the man who saved Westeros from the undead horde and literally rose from the grave. If he doesn't end up as king then what was the point?
>muh Dany
isn't shit without dragons, 2 of which are dead

>this is your brain on DnD

You really think they won't make a female the winner? In 2019? You're joking.

Umm no sweatie, Varys will ultimately sit on the throne and be revealed not only be a eunuch but a faceless man as well as a nod to the trans community

Shansha, not even dheath will keep me away from the throne...

I think the main reason this would be fucking dumb is because it implies the three eyed raven wanted to be king this whole time. Which makes entirely no sense knowing what we know about the CotF and the 3ER

what are they gonna do? make the Iron Throne into a wheelchair?

that actually sounds kino as fuck

What has he done to you? He has always been a good boy. He is trying his best as three-eyed raven and he is kinda cute as well..

Gendry is the only outcome that would make sense now

what's the name of that haircut?

"Bran makes the best king because he doesn't want anything. Shut the fuck up and stop asking questions"
-D.B. Weiss and David Benioff

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>my first decree is mandatory rape

Reminds me of myself too much, I guess.

The Stylish Korean

The Ancel

Bloodraven ending up ruling trough Bran isn't half bad ending to the series, but remember the books are not called Game of Thrones and it's main obsession isn't who will sit on the throne.

However he needs a lot more setup and we need more of his history and motivations so it doesnt sound like an asspul

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If they go with the people of Westeros caring about who is king/queen then it has to be Jon, Gendry, Dany or Dany's child, which presumably she cannot bare children so then it falls to Jon's child with another woman. Or Gendry/Arya's child

>However he needs a lot more setup and we need more of his history and motivations so it doesnt sound like an asspul

varys will turn westeros into a socialist state
AOC being sworn in as chancellor will be the final scene

i thought arya saved everyone though

he's the most nonthreatening male by way of being completely disarmed physically (small and disabled) and sexually (gay).
if they begrudgingly have to make a white Male king of anything he's the perfect candidate.

i watched the rape sansha

She shanked the NK but Jon is the one who went through all the bullshit to get to that point

Everything lately is an asspull. Prepare to be subverted nigger

Jaime has defended Westeros every damn time.

>I can't even count how many times I've watched it at this point Sansa, I'm watching right now as we speak in fact

It was so beautiful Sansa. The rape. Right up your bumhole Sansa. Beautiful. And then the dogs too. I saw it Sansa. I was there. I can see it all. It's beautiful. The jizz all over your back Sansa. Beautiful.

He's not gay he's an incel.

He's not truly Brann anymore though is he, he is that 3 eyed raven fella. He's manipulated everything and everybody. Everything has happened as he has foreseen. He didn't need to tell Jon who he was. he knew what would happen. he did it on purpose.

Imagine he just stands up out of his chair having successfully played everyone for 8 years

Thousands of years. He was brann up to the point he met the old bloke in the tree, who guided him there so he could steal his body. He is the old bloke in the tree now.

So where's Bran?

If you were bran what sex scenes would you revisit constantly?
for me it would be jeyne pool vs ramsay and his dogs

the important question is what is bran's rape policy?

Bran gone bye bye now is only 3 eyed man in bran body

Probably watch the mountain go to town on some village girls

>a literal demigod who knows everything that has happened and is happening
He would be the best king possible

Rape is the only permitted method of sex/procreation in Bran's world as he knows rape is the only kind of sex women actually enjoy.

>people just randomly accept this faggot does anything

oh man that one with the mountain vs the inkeeprs daughter
or the one they keep for raping when arya is captured by them, fucking GRRM is such a perv

There is no reason not to make Bran the ruling entity of Westeros. He's all-knowing and all-seeing which would give him perfect administrative control over the world.

God Emperor Bran leads 1000 year reign of constant rape

Sounds good what could possibly go wrong

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true, he'd be able to apply all the best tax policies of previous rulers in all of history and set up westeros to be as powerful as it can be in the coming wars against the people of essos and yi ti

>putting some crippled psychic faggot on the throne
He belongs in a fucking tree lol.

>First act as King is to let any man rape any woman they want
>Series ends with him watching them all
>"Its Beautiful"

I actually would love that

You're not too far off. Last scene will probably be white walkers being reactivated up beyond the wall screencap this.

>Theon... your cock Theon... it was beautiful. You would've been able to rape so many woman, just like Sansa was raped... Theon... Sansa was raped Theon... right here in Winterfell. It was beautiful... almost as beautiful as your cock...

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Lmao fuck no, it’s absolutely going to be a woman on the throne

You’d have to be retarded at this point not to see what they’re doing, it’s going to be Sansa or some rando like her and they’ll have the goblin assassin as their personal anime bodyguard and either bran or some other rando will be hand.

All the capable men like Jon or more notably Davos won’t get shit

Is it implied that his dogs raped Jeyne Pool?

she can't have a child with anyone out of the targaryen bloodline. That's why they interbreed.

Well Craster's turned baby never grew up, right? How long does it take a turned baby to develop into an adult white walker? Maybe the babies were interred in like ice embryos in the sense of clones to develop and grow and this also insulates them if the Night King gets nothin personelled.

Probably be something like that, the eyes opening of an interred white walker deep in the heart of the Land of Always Winter.

Kill yourself reddit nigger

Stop spreading your faggot ignorance

>Why would it be anyone other than Jon, the man who saved Westeros from the undead horde

That's arya sweetie.

>"Please your grace!! There's a new faction of rapers in Fleabottom that must be dealt with!!"

>"I saw it when they raped you. You and your nine year old daughter. Right up the ass. It was beautiful. I was there."

Good idea making him king 2bh

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>Which makes entirely no sense knowing what we know about the CotF and the 3ER

Dude what?

Kill yourself faggot scum

>My lord, our stocks run low, the winter has been harsher than expected, we will not survive the week

>You're starving for a reason, everything that has happened to you led you here, where you are today, carry forward, and remember: You're a good man

No user Jaime is just Cersei’s love interest and that’s it

He loves Cersei and that’s all he is now shut up you silly goose

thats ridicilous

fuck off casual

The leaks sound like kino, to be quite honest. I hope they're 100% correct. It's just the right level of retarded to end this show in a memorably stupid and funny way.

Jesus imagine wheeling him out on the retrofitted Iron Throne to meet foreign emperors, kings and dignitaries as they try to suppress their laughter and bemusement and he just autistically stares at them and makes inappropriate comments.

>he's the most nonthreatening male

How, cause he can't physically beat anyone? He can look into peoples past and know everything about them.

It could also go really right

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>Mountain Dew incel autistic rape culture white male gamer the king
Based af. Would watch again / 10

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why is everyone on this show besides jamie so bizarre looking?

Imagine being a retarded hole from reddit

you are correct sir!

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They're european.


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there's no more iron throne, it's an iron democracy

as long as it's beautiful

Is "rape voyeur Bran" in the same tier as "Hey Coral"?

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go back reddit nigger


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Guise how come winter only lasted 1 day

And they don't explode like every other white walker and wight does when hes killed?

Cause winter already came all over Sansas ripped asshole?

Gendry? Dani literally named him Gendry Baratheon like a dumbshit

Well, I covered that if you care to actually read what you're replying to in future...

Kill yourself reddit nigger

Stop trying so hard to fit in. Nobody cares.

Kill yourself redditfag

Enjoy your constipation and death from haemmorhoids, incel.

Have sex.