when your mates tell you to go on the roof as a prank but you get sun burnt
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nigger lenin
$1,000,000 to touch the elephant's foot. Who is down?
Episode 2 and beyond preview for people who havn't seen it
I think it's a little higher than 3.6 comrades.
>Heard you were talking shit about MY reactor?
my mouth tastes like metal, comrades.
>guy in charge is named dyatlov
mere coincidence
Go get the better dosimeter just incase.
>getting burnt
>by sheer radiation
so that dudes fucked right
>people found with radiation burns
>Go up to the elephant's foot.
>Strip down naked
>Cum all over it
>Lie in the cum, on the foot
>Smear the now highly radioactive cum all over your belly as you lie there
Give a million and I'll do it bruv
not great but not terrible
wait what the fuck? they made another stalker game?
Cursed name
absolutely, its not even just his skin, everything is burnt inside and out.
not yet
post reaction faces
>first day on the job at nuclear power plant
>alarms start screaming
>someone yells "my rad counter is up to 3.6 but that's max."
>supervisor tells him to stfu
>supervisor tells you to go check it out immediately
>"it's safe user trust me, these things don't blow"
>tfw someone tries to undermine the state by not cutting the phone lines
They weren't stood next to it, that picture was taken through a mirror down the hallway.
Comrades, I think my radiation badge is broken, it’s registering as maximum even though it’s only 3.6 outside.
Wrong. Faulty meters.
Putting together a list of Nuke Kino
this series
Chernobyl Diaries
China Syndrome
>They weren't stood next to it,
Um, sorry sweetie?
>The highly radioactive Elephant's Foot is portrayed by actor Melissa McCarthy.
Cherenkov effect. A completely normal reaction. It can happen with minimum radiation. Keep calm, comrade, there's nothing to worry.
everybody go back to labor now )))))
reminder that these lads went onto the roof to clear it off
When the wild wind blows
Day after
>touch what is essentially radioactive lava
yeah sure why not?
The one BBC doc about Chernobyl is really good...what is it called 100 minutes or something?
Just watched the first episode, thought it was really well made. Was there a live Yea Forums thread on it?
What am I looking at here?
>the parasites on the image due to the radiations
Two of the guys worked in secret soviet plants handling radioactive material. The radiation on their clothes was limited to the clothes of those two individuals. I believe them having radiation burns is a pure myth.
>muh state
hey. guys. wanna buy some graphite. its totally safe. 100% tested with good equipment.
Whatever happened to those two suits?
THE W A R G A M E, never ever mentioned, its always men mentioning it and its on par with threads or day after, more docudrama than drama.
>mfw someone tells me the reactor core exploded
Nah, he turned out completely fine. Radiation washes out from your body fairly quickly and isn't really as lethal as it's commonly believed.
t. definitely-not KGB agent
thrown into the reactor to appease the monolith
I've just been informed that a global nuclear catastrophe is not possible in the Soviet Union. I'm told it's the equivalent of a chest X-ray.
we will all be rewarded for waht we do tonight )))))
Radiation is myth, comrade. Two glasses of vodka per hour and you will be fine.
radio clatters m8
>tfw visited Pripyat and Chernobyl and ridiculously wanted to take some books and newspapers along with me
>settled with cool red shirt bought withing the Zone's bar
>also really actually want to buy that block
dont worry lads, only 45 seconds to go, can you get a few more shovels in before the next team has to go up?
>mfw someone tells me the reactor exploded when it can only melt down
>Why yes, I do carry on with my labour, how could you tell?
It is. One chest ray every millisecond.
keep shoveling, shoveler.
>Guy in trailer says 3 trillion atoms is a lot
Defend this.
>heh. just 2 more minutes...plus tip!
Two guys who went into the reactor hall. Man, it must've been a gloriously insanely mad sight.
This man is delusional
Check this out, comrades! I found this cool looking black rock over by the rubble. It's still warm. Touch it.
>all those graphite blocks
this was unexpected kino
Of course comrade. Bio-Robot is such a cool name, I can't wait to be able to tell my children about this job
So this guy was death or some shit right?
>join the military to serve the glorious mother russia against the capitalist american pigs
>go through soviet bootcamp and training
>get set up onto some roof covered in hyper radioactive rubble to get cancers, leukemia and die aged 40
Who /reinstalled stalker/ boys?
>not jumping in and going down in history as an absolute mad lad
>after graduation, he worked in a shipbuilding plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, installing reactors into submarines. He received a radiation dose of 200 rem, a dose which typically causes mild radiation sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and reduction in resistance to infections,[1] during a nuclear accident there. His son died of Leukemia.
>there are people ITT right now not pumping water into the core
I'm not a KGB agent, dude. KGB agents suck. They're smelly, short, dumb, mortal, bipedal, and just suck in general. I heard this one KGB agent saw a light in the sky and thought it was aliens, that dumbie.
How is that so different from running through Fulda as nuclear artillery explodes around you?
Might as well have, they were already dead.
First thing I thought was "lmao, look at that beta ass peasant shovel." Then I felt sad as hell knowing most of them probably died right after.
is this original footage?
do you see any graphite? i dont.
Most soviet nuclear subs were fucking disasters, too. This guy's a fucking trainwreck.
Turbine hall also got fucked.
Such is life in the soviet union,comrade.
they are soviet soldiers from a country filled with snow and they didnt even give them snow shovels, they just gave them tiny shovels you use in your garden to plant stuff
Doesn't even make sense Dyatlov, you need a medium like water to produce Cherenkov radiation.
Absolute horror kino.
why in the fuck is radiation so spooky?
How quickly would these people have died ?
yeh, channel has a lot of OG footage of Chernobyl from 86 with interviews
Anyone looking forward to that game with the robots coming out? Nuclear heart?
There is no core, Mr. Comrade Dyatlov
I-I'ts right there user, on the ground
>Sir, the reactor, it's gone, it exploded
It's from a stage play on top of the reactor roof. Of course it's real. You can see the fucking graphite blocks scattered all around.
I always wonder why they didn't start at the edge instead of having to run back and forth over the rubble
> Then I felt sad as hell knowing most of them probably died right after.
They didn't. They were at that rooftop for a few minute tops up until the estimated maximum permitted radiation exposure limit, then were shipped out and replaced by the next batch.
And we'd have plenty of if you were pumping water into the reactor core like I've asked you to.
Can someone explain to me how a RBMK reactor explodes?
>Tfw relaxing from a hard day at work
Wait, I'm really confused. Are you guys denying what happened at Chernobyl? The explosion felt by everyone in Pripyat? The reactor screaming that failure was imminent? A core that just went offline? THERE IS NO MORE GODDAMN CORE HALF THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE.
sleep well lil birdo
Are you playing games with me, comrade
Go back to America with your propaganda
He's in shock. Get him to the infirmary.
Because it's real.
Just an explosion of the 110 liter hydrogen tank, nothing to worry about just call the firemen and bring the day shift over.
Bah, stop being so melodramatic.
comrade. what would lenin see?
Pump. More. Water.
what the fuck is wrong with you comrade? i think you need to go to the infirmary immediately
Why don't you go and stare at the core for a few minutes you big vomiting retard.
How exactly does a reactor explode, when it's clearly supposed to melt down?
Counter-revolutionary stepping stones in the form of graphite blocks.
I wonder how many of you know the name of this place.
We all call it Yea Forums, of course.
What is it's real name?
This must have been how hitler felt when comanding non-existant divisions during the final days
>lets fly over the giant reactor spewing shit everywhere
Dyatlov Shitposting Forum
>the beam of light was intense radiation Ionizing the air
>lets crash a helicopter into the power plant
All covered up now, nothing to see here!
you should have not pierce your tounge
No it was Godzilla
u wot m8? roof. rite now.
I would, but I just threw up a little. You go.
What's wrong with you? How do you get that number from feedwater leaking from a blown tank?
I think the foreman is directing to the more radioactive pieces of the reactor first. Would make sense to bring down the radiation levels to allow the followup teams stay for longer.
Nothing to see here. Go back to your labour.
cut all the phone lines for the good of the people
>Just a flesh wound comrade, you'll be fine in time for May day celebrations.
but no graphite. because, as you know comrade, a RMBK cannot explode. so no real graphite blocks anywhere. remember.
I.....I, think I will just get the Muddy buddies.
That's significant. You should order everyone to evacua
that heat coin looks like a battery
By boiling off a shitload of water instantenously. It is called a 'steam explosion'.
I'll do it for a lifetime supply of free dragon dildos.
>might have to go onto the roof and look at the reactor that hasnt exploded
>throw up so the other guy has to go look at the reactor that hasnt exploded
now thats what we call, a tactical chunder.
Anatoly S Dyatlov shitposting chinese cartoon board
Aнaтoли C Диaтлoв житпocтинг aнимe фopyм
I remember seeing this over and over on the tv in '86, helecopter footage permanently etched into my 10yo mind as the news reports came in.
Threat of nuclear war, chernobyl flipping its lid, everybody was fearful of the words "nuclear" and "radiation"back then, not me though it was just normal, all I cared about was He Man and Transformers.
Blowout soon fellow stalker
what the fuck is going on in this picture?
>tfw Moscow sends you another faulty meter
>be fire fighter of glorious Soviet union
>wake up to call, local power plant has roof fire
>get there, seems roof has collapsed fire now inside
>strange taste in air, metal must be melting
>best get working to save Soviet power supply
>comrade picks up strange rock, must have been from roof
>few minutes later he is screaming in pain holding his arm.
I don't feel so good comrades.
oh i shit i just realized two of the lead actors were leads in The Terror as well
fucking kino confirmed
Someone slowly dying from radiation poisoning most probably
>Moscow sends you one good meter to your nuclear power plant
>better lock it in a safe just incase
what is in these images?
Jared Harris and who else?
Does Radmere appear eventually?
Has a better buildup to the explosion than HBO imo
nuclear submarine kino
I wanna see the rest of the series and I wanna see it now. Goddamnit HBO, why you gotta make me wait an entire month to see a miniseries? Is there any shred of chance for it to leak early?
>I think the foreman is directing to the more radioactive pieces of the reactor first.
That makes sense I guess, figured there must have been some reason behind it, probably pointing out unranium pellets or something, fuck that lol
>be some bumblefuck soviet hillbilly from middle of siberia
>join army to see the world
>тoвapищ, there is problem in power plant in ukraine, you fire fighter now
>no idea what the fuck is going on
This show better do this real life kino justice
The fire brigade dude is the gay crazy bloke
Imagine every cell in your body slowly turning into snot, bleeding from every orifice(eyes, nose, mouth, ears, genitals, anus, finger-and toenails), everything feeling like a 3rd-degree burn as your skin slides off in slimy chunks, while you spray-shit out your liquefied organs over 5-12 hours at most.
I might be physically impossible for it to get any worse simply because the rate at which your body decays makes it impossible for the agony to last more than a day.
Might aswell just jump straight off the roof to get it over with.
If you were one of the lucky liquidators, you got to live on a boat instead of tents a few kilometers away from the plant.
That was MR HICKEY is in it too.
Probably not for long, lets put it that way
At this point isn't it fucking obvious to everyone the reactor is completely fucked?
Comrade, are you implying that soviet engineers can't produce a state of the art working meter? Don't leave the city, we'll be in touch.
Elephants foot, basically one of the melted cores with other elements mixed in together.
>At the time of its discovery, radioactivity near the Elephant’s Foot was approximately 8,000 roentgens, or 80 grays per hour, delivering a 50/50 lethal dose of radiation (4.5 grays)[6] in less than five minutes.[7] Since that time the radiation intensity has declined enough that, in 1996, the Elephant's Foot was visited by the Deputy Director of the New Confinement Project, Artur Kornayev,[a] who took photographs using an automatic camera and a flashlight to illuminate the otherwise dark room.[9]
>The Elephant's Foot had penetrated through at least 2 m (6 ft 7 in) of concrete to get to its current location.[2] There were fears that it may continue to penetrate deeper into the ground and come into contact with groundwater, contaminating the area's drinking water and leading to illnesses and deaths[10]; however, as of 2019, the mass has not moved significantly since its discovery and is estimated to be only slightly warmer than its environment due to heat from the ongoing nuclear decay.[9]
I haven't even seen any leaks of the plot yet. How has HBO been able to keep all this so secret?
>burns out instantly the moment you take it out and turn it on
And I thought my tactical chunders had saved my life previously...
Fun fact, they kept that dude alive as long as possible to see what effects radiation poisoning had on the human body. It was extremely painful for him all the way through.
Huh...that's weird. This thing's giving me 200. You sure you calibrated this right?
Shit dude. I don't know how I didn't see it before.
What hapenned to the others reactors ?
Did they had to keep it running for some months or years to provide electricity to the region ?
Or did they shut them off imediatly ?
>implying RBMK reactors can explode
>reactor is completely fucked?
Are you stupid, comrade? You're not suggesting that the reactor exploded, do you?
They guy who held the Reactor Hall door open was a man named Sasha Yuvchenko, he suffered severe radiation burns, but amazingly is still alive today.
There's not too many
>Right at Your Door
>Chernobyl Diaries
>The Divide (meh)
>The Day After
>War Games
>The Road
They read up on Soviet censorship tactics and put them to good use.
It was from the start to Dyatlov. He already knew when he walked down that hall and saw the broken glass and bits of graphite. He knew, son.
See, this is what Moscow does, it just sends us faulty equipment and we can't properly measure how inoffensive this whole thing is.
Who was this radiation pickle?
Absolutely based, did he actually do all that shit for his fellow comrades or was it dramatized since he's the only one that survived?
>watch bald and broke
>he walks up on a survivor of chern
>asks him how he got notified
>says he was told 3 days after
wew lad
anyone who wants absolute radiation poisoning horror and proof the japanese are absolute savages, read this.
guy was kept alive for 83 days against his will while his entire body degraded and melted because of radiation, constantly begging to be killed and the doctors resuscitating him back to life when he died more than 3 times.
>Ouchi said, “I can’t take it anymore. I am not a guinea pig.”
They ran until late 2000.
They kept the other ones running till 2000.
And now Ukraine has the biggest nuclear power plant in Europe anyway.
thank you, user
Dude, spoilers!
lucky dude, it's crazy how some guys live and some die almost immediatly.
I guess being a fat fuck somewhat help
Who the fuck was this poor sod?
Chernobyl was operating untill the year 2000
"The three remaining reactor units, however, were vital to Ukraine's electricity needs and continued to operate for some years. Unit 2 shut down in 1991, unit 1 in 1996 and unit 3 in 2000."
>On day 27, Ouchi’s intestines started “to melt.” Three weeks later, he started hemorrhaging. He began receiving blood transfusions, sometimes as many as 10 in 12 hours. He began losing a significant amount of fluids (10 liters, or over 2 1/2 gallons, a day) through his skin so they wrapped him completely in gauze. He was bleeding from his eyes. His wife said that it looked like he was crying blood. Ouchi started receiving daily skin transplants using artificial skin, but they wouldn’t stick. His muscles began falling off the bone.
>On his 59th day in the hospital, his heart stopped three times in just 49 minutes. He was resuscitated. This severely damaged his brain and kidneys. At this point, Ouchi was on life support.
>Doctors continued life saving measures but Ouchi died of multi-organ failure on December 21, 1999 after 83 days in the hospital.
haha yeah bro lets get non russians to play russians with horrible accents!
This is pretty much what happened - for the first few hours nobody was sure if the active zone or the reactor were damaged or completely destroyed, that's why they kept pouring the water in thinking it still had to be cooled down.
Hiroshi Ouchi (no pun intended). Tokaimura incident
To be fair, all they see is part of a building in ruins and a fire. It's pretty obvious it was the core but in 1986, there was no real way of knowing for sure. A lot of Soviets were brainwashed about the CIA so maybe they taught they tried to destroy the building. You never know.
Yes apparently,
>Yuvchenko held open the massive door into the reactor room and the other three proceeded in to locate the control rod mechanism; after no more than a minute of surveying the reactor debris, enough for all three to sustain fatal doses of radiation
How did anyone work there? I know the radioactivity died off fairly quick in Pripyat but you're working right next to a death zone.
I see, yeah. Need to rewatch this immediately.
wew thanksfully RBMK reactors are safe
You know it's bad when keeping the dude alive is way more sick than just letting him die
Do you taste metal, comrades?
>denying the issues because it conflicts with your ideology
what did they mean by this
He said it was because he had drunk some vodka earlier in the night, no joke.
This is the type of shit that makes me want to invest 90% of my after tax income into some cabin innawoods with a deep basement, a generator, fuck tons of fuel and guns.
Too bad even if I did do that I'd probably die in the initial blast or from radiation poisoning before I got out of the city
Fucking Japs. And I thought the original Godzilla was mandatory viewing in there.
they ran for years
cant even imagine your muscle melting from your bones and surviving that, and the fact people actually said "we should try to keep him alive"
Radiation doesn't permeate everything evenly.
In any case, Soviets spent 18 billion of then $ to decontaminate and clean the place up.
I really think they have that Unit 731 chip in the back of their heads, ready to go off at any moment and that makes them do all this crazy shit.
There have been like 3 major incidents in 40 years and less than 100 people have died overall. I dunno how many people die in the oil/coal/alternative energy fields but I suspect it's far more.
I feel lucky to understand the significance of this.
How would that help ?
>mfw there are people in THIS THREAD who think RMBK reactors can explode.
Are you guys stupid?
I don't know...
Surviving Disaster: Chernobyl
There's a net positive of shit like this happening - lessons are learned and measures are taken to prevent it from happening ever again.
With Chernobyl, we've learned not to play with nuclear power plants without proper containment structures.
With Fukushima, we've learned not to build power plants in a fucking tsunami hazard area.
Maybe after a nuclear war we'll learn not to play with nukes, if anyone's left to learn by that point.
I mean in the event of a nuclear exchange, not a nuke plant meltdown.
I'm still pro-nuclear energy and wouldn't mind one in my backyard
>How did anyone work there? I know the radioactivity died off fairly quick in Pripyat but you're working right next to a death zone.
Lol I dunno, i'm kinda thinking what a bureaucratic clusterfuck it must have been when the USSR finaly died out in 1991 and the three reactors that were previously ran by the the Soviets were still online and passed over to Ukraine
>less than 100 people
can we stop this meme? technically and officially less than 100 people have died in nuclear accidents, but a majority of these have happened in the soviet union and
1)they never fully record all deaths because why would they?
2) they never ever count or consider deaths from cancer and other things directly caused by the radiation.
>first responders are called “liquidators"
>they literally turn into liquid
What did Ivern mean by this?
Atomic Cafe
>In reaction to the accident, which was found to be completely the result of human error, the Tōkai-Mura power plant was fully automated and fitted with neutron monitoring equipment.
>Tōkai-Mura had a history of taking shortcuts and putting their employees at risk to speed up production.
Fucking japs and their work ethics.
The worst scene was Death guy Lenin speech. No one fucking talked like that in 80's. Best case there would be more "blyads" and "sukas" directed at the stupid engineer. Other than that, pure kino.
It wouldn't, it's just one of those bullshit urban legends, I think.
so close yet so far
Yeah but what's the deal with the fucking hand rig things
i like radiation kino as much as everyone else, but the first episode put me to sleep. not to mention the blatant anti-soviet propaganda is enough to make anyone with a brain drop it
Of course, the chances of that happening are really slim, but I'd rather have a coal plant get destroyed in an earthquake/tsunami/terrorist attack/bombing than a nuclear power plant.
God I want to play some STALKER now
BTW I thought this was a pretty decent movie if you want more about radiation:
iirc he was an old bolshevik completely brainwashed by ideology.
Not a myth, apparently.
Because fossil fuels would still out number them even if you're counting indirect deaths.
Valery Khodemchuk
>The night shift main circulating pump operator, Khodemchuk, was likely killed immediately; he was located in the collapsed part of the building, in the far end of the southern main circulating pumps engine room at level +10. His body was never recovered and is entombed in the reactor debris.
>No one fucking talked like that in 80's
Did you not see that he was ancient? He was probably alive during the revolution, he was one of the old guard. Of course he would talk like that.
Nanking, Unit 731, that nutjob cannibal that ate a girl in Paris and got off scot free, and then this shit. I know that the glorious Nippon isn't the only place full of savages but how is it that when japs do it, it's more macabre?
because we use fossil fuels more than nuclear, when was the last time a coal plant exploded and sent coal material across the entire planet so much that other countries detected it?
Why didn't they put him out of his misery? That's horror flick material.
Chugging a 2 6 of vodka was my plan in the event of nuclear disaster near me anyways
>f you drink red wine which has strontium 85 it will be absorbed into your bones before the radioactive material,
>getting blitzed on ale, red wine, vodka and other alcoholic drinks can prevent the radiation absorption
When the next reactor explode, I'll get smashed on red wines and iodine pills
ive been interested in taking those tours there. how much did it cost u user? did you go with friends?
Amazing, I'm not sure how useful vodka is against 30,000 Roentgens though.
>Why didn't they put him out of his misery?
They're Japanese
>>denying the issues because it conflicts with your ideology
projection. capitalists and fascists do this, not communists. communists require the universal acceptance of material fact actually
You picked the worst possible counter example.
The podcast said that was literally the point, the old guard vs the young.
I can hear it
Clearly you've never got drunk like a slav.
pure kino
Pretty sure that no one would kill him in any country where euthanasia is illegal. Just how human society works.
Wind turbines have statistically killed more than nuclear
So Dyatlov noticed the glass and graphite all over the ground and still pretended it was a blown tank. What game is he playing here?
He took 1,500 roentgens to the face and died 34 days later
>The radiation levels in the worst-hit areas of the reactor building have been estimated to be 5.6 roentgens per second (R/s), equivalent to more than 20,000 roentgens per hour. A lethal dose is around 500 roentgens (~5 Gy) over 5 hours, so in some areas, unprotected workers received fatal doses in less than a minute. However, a dosimeter capable of measuring up to 1000 R/s was buried in the rubble of a collapsed part of the building, and another one failed when turned on. All remaining dosimeters had limits of 0.001 R/s and therefore read "off scale". Thus, the reactor crew could ascertain only that the radiation levels were somewhere above 0.001 R/s (3.6 R/h), while the true levels were much higher in some areas.
>3.6 meme is real
So im pretty impressed by Chernobyl but read one cuts review and then listening to the podcast and got annoyed by the fucking director talking about "muh narrative" "muh 2016 elections" "muh fake news" etc They seem to aim make a fairly accurate mini series but please fucking focus on that..NOT on modern day poliwank that is not relevant to what happened. Very irritating.
Radiation from a nuke isn't that bad, most of it is gone in a few weeks. Having a supply of food and guns would definitely be helpful in the aftermath when all the logistics are gone to hell and people start thinking about eating each other.
He would talk like that during the revolution.
He wouldn't talk like that in the 80's, when his and the other gerontocrats' only desires were a dacha, a Volga and a comfy retirement package. Running the country? Who the fuck cares, lol.
So was 3 Mile Island close to blowing its top like Chernobyl or did the Americans actually have that shit under control
It's really curious. One day you'll be watching a comfy Ghibli cartoon or an intricate Kurosawa drama and the next you'll hear about some jap casually eating a girl in Paris.
Fucking maester faggots
Chernobyl 2: Revenge of Khodemchuk
I got lucky, because I live in an ex-Soviet country thats pretty close (Estonia) and some local popular Urban Exploration group takes bus tours from here to there for 250 euros, which includes the ride there and back, the visas, etc.
I went by myself, but unfortunately the place has been turned into a massive tourist trap, with hundreds and hundreds of people in the zone simultaneously, souvenir booths with stupid shit like glowing condoms set up on the control stops and litter, chatter and camera flashes everywhere. The tourist guides have even set up made-up scenes with dolls, model cars, toys and gas masks in the Pripyat city, so tourists can update their Instagram feed with SpoOoOoky toTaLlLY ReAL dolls wearing gas masks just like in 1986. It's not even abandoned anymore and feels kind of artificial, especially considering the context. Tourists everywhere.
Based boomer
You know it.
>somehow knows what everyone at the time thought
how exactly did you manage something so magical? I don't think it has ever been done before
Yeah mate I'm pretty sure there's still an absolutely massive chance of dying from radiation sickness or cancer in the immediate aftermath
The game of not getting the gulag and sucking the Soviets dick and being on the positive side to the directors. Radiation hits hard, but Soviets hit harder and he knew that.
>Very irritating.
Y-you... You touched the graphite, comrade?
People in Greenpoint have a 30% higher risk of getting braincancer. Worse thing is they haven't even cleaned it up yet.
Very disappointing
got to the center of the zone, didn't even make their wish
Fuck lads I'm only halfway through the episode and it's giving me major anxiety.
>When the radiation hits just right.
Probably killed off all the bad cells first and left only the strong ones
He knew that if it was true he's a walking dead man. So he kept believing and telling himself that it was a blown tank.
It's why he goes into PTSD mode while being dragged to the ambulance.
Someone get him to a medic, he's been standing by the feedwater all day
the gay crazy guy
It isn't, just hole up for a few weeks underground and that's literally the worst of it, minus the areas where the bunker busters hit (nuclear weapon sites, VIP bunkers, army bases). Real life nukes that cause the radiation linger around for hundreds of years, it's the disease and hunger that would take most people out rather than the cancer or radiation.
Depends on how the bomb is built and how close you are to the perimeter of the explosion desu.
Damn, I remember when all the kids in school would bring in their heat coin collections
Christopher "moot" Poole Autism Containment Centre
Who would've guessed?
Who fucking knows, you certainly won't get a proper explanation in your lifetime given chernobyl / fukushima have polluted any discussion on nuclear energy.
Real life nukes don't cause radiation that lingers around for hundreds of years*, that's fallout stuff
Also, the military checkpoints to the Zone play Frank Sinatra music for some reason. We visited an area where they brought the hooks of cranes that picked up graphite from the reactors and our guide told a story how some Polish tourists went inside the hooks to take selfies.
>highly radioactive cum
You've still got it, Yea Forums
When you die of radiation you skin basically slides off your body so you want to have the lowest amount of friction as possible, hence the suspension of arms, fingers, legs, and toes with wires.
goodnight sweet puppa
pickle rick irl
are you being ironic? cause STALKER is as much disaster tourism as what he's describing.
That's not a pupper it's a piggu.