What if Cersei fired?

What if Cersei fired?

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fucking why not.
>tiny ass formation of unnutted
>one dragon with many ballista preloaded and aimed
>it's cersei

They did, in the othr 7987654937123485649183658178731442198307 realities that exist within our multiverse. In this one she didnt shot and we got d&fuckingd writing it for us ffs.

Shit writing desu

jon would get there and then turn around

What if dabid didn't write this show?

Drogon moves out of range as they notice the ballistas being aimed. The unsullied go into formation and back away . Cersei just makes a massive ass of herself.

looks like a cartoon

What if D&D were fired?

She would of won the throne by default considering the north was just fine fucking off and she didn't really care about it anyways. The only threat was Dany and Dany would be dead as fuck.



Then the show would’ve finally made some sense. If this would’ve happened in season 1-4, there would be a good reason to believe Cersei had a better plan from which she would gain even more. But we’re at a point where anything can happen without further explanations or consequences. Just turn your brain of and accept the fact the whole show is already ruined.

Ballistas would go strait throw a line of sullied men and into her tits.

Also look at all of those fucking archers. Cersei has an archer for each one of those shitty leather armored sullie dudes.

A single ballista bolt would have gone through the unsullied.

>Tyrion dead
>Unsullied shield Dany
>Drogon does not lift from air. Crawls to the gate and therefore stays out of range. Roasts them

Cersei is trying to break morale in Daenerys army by making her commit atrocities against people she says she's meant to rule. If she kills her, she gets sieged by a much more level headed opponent, and doesn't get the moral high ground.

A ballista on boat looked like it took less than 1 minute to reload, they dont run that fast

this is the dumbest complaint of the episode, are you really expecting them to try a long range kill shot on a small target with something not designed for accuracy?

>attack Dany
>dragon goes apeshit and tries to save her
>shoot dragon
>kill Dany
the end

>Unsullied shield Dany
From projectiles that made shish kebab out of a dragon? Don't think so.
Also the dragon is dumb as fuck. No way he's thinking of that method on the spot.

those things dont even look like they can be aimed downwards


Did you miss how fast those reload? Backing away won't do shit.

Very good but then!
>Jon Snow rushes in killing people until bodies pile up like Bastard battle
>wild Radmure is yet to show up with his neat archery skills
>sweet Robin has finished Vale warfare studies and joins in with fat guy Royce spilling death
>if all else fails, teleport assassin
>Sansa contributes by being toxic know-it-all

they don't have to use the ballistas to attack Dany

DAYUM! King's Landing looks like THAT?

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She would have killed danerys and everything would have been golden. Those ballistas literally fire faster and harder than any tech we have in modern day. They could even miss and the bolts would still explode the ground into rock shrapnel and kill everybody.

Is this the new How To Train Your Dragon movie?

>moral high ground
>for someone who allahu akbar'd the sept of baelor

Sept of Baelor was accident.

It against the basic rules of war attack a terms party you loon.

Exactly you faggots actually don't know shit about writing. This scene was a diplomatic scene one hostage exchange or the 6 other kingdoms will be on Cersei's ass.

Christ all of you are the types of faggots that state "Oh, why doesn't Batman kill Joker and the story will be done already" type bullshit.

>implying cersei would give a shit about rules of war

What about blowing up the Vatican and Pope?
Or murdering your enemies at a wedding?
Or flaying prisoners alive for shits and giggles?

No one obeys the rules.

this looks so fucking awful

She has to or if not she'll get smashed faster than me fucking your mom

Its happened in the lore several times before to end war. That wasnt supposed to rhyme.
The guy whos the three eyed raven before Bran was a targ bastard and killed a pretender in a diplomatic setting to end the war.
Cersei is already a tyrant why fucking not half of the city probably hate the foreign whore anyway

To add to this she could have had some soldier do it then execute the soldier for not holding fire and then it doesnt look like it was her idea

>This scene was a diplomatic scene one hostage exchange or the 6 other kingdoms will be on Cersei's ass.

The North is fucking devastated and enemies anyway.
Dorne is leaderless and fucked and already enemies.
Iron Islands are already aligned and they give no fucks about diplomacy.
The Reach is sacked and conquered, all the Tyrells dead.
Stormlands are fucked and forgotten.
The Vale are already enemies.
The Riverlands are already enemies and devastated.

So no fucktard, it won't have any negative diplomatic effect. Fuck off back to your reddit circlejerk.

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What if the dumb black girl threw cersi off and die like a martyr instead of dying like a bitch?

Did you not notice when the ballistas on the boats were ripping through other boats like nothing? They made them to kill dragons and regardless of the formation the unsullied went in they would get fucked by a single bolt ripping through their formation.

How in the everliving fuck would they get down from those platforms?
The aerial shot we get of the ballistas don't fucking show a ladder down, it just stops there is no exit down because those things are just there for the "cool" factor to because they were actually practically implemented as a believable defensive measure.
This show has gone to shit


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Why not, they had 100% accuracy with 3 shots when they killed Rhaegal

but for some reason when they fired at least 12 shots at Drogon, who was now closer than Rhaegal ever was, they missed absolutely every shot

You can even see Euron of all people experience pants-shitting terror when he realises Drogon is even close enough to get on top of him before he can reload in time

But then Drogon flies away for no reason and Euron laughs his ass off at how retarded his enemies are

There are several instances in real history where diplomatic envoys were killed as a provocation. It happened to the Mongols regularly and they would tend to raze the cities in retaliation.

This would have been cool. Bunch of key characters die, maybe the dragon fucks a huge chunk of the wall, the Stark's attack and take the city. It would have actually set up the series to end. It would be fitting to the roots of the show where major key characters get killed off.

If they parlayed away from the gates with small number of guards or dany rolled up with a actual army at the gates ready to throw down the scene would have made more sense.

It's quite amazing how poor the writing and production quality has been considering this is probably HBO's biggest most popular tv show ever.

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Except the Mongols in this scenario all died in a suicide cavalry charge.

The faceless, nameless lords who taken up the regions of GoT that have rarely been name dropped would be VERY upset with Cersei, as would the public. She blew up the Pope and Church? Nah, fuck that shit no one cares. Shoot an usurper? Oh noes, lets rise up!

As said it's not uncommon and the scene would have made way more sense if it happened on neutral ground away from the city.

It's also all kinds of stupid if you're gonna roll up to a castle wall with a tiny ass force and demand a surrender. The dragons wasn't even looking intimidating dude was cowering in the corner like a bitch.

I would love to see this just to see a 15 second clip of a CGI dragon crawling.

>Yes lets make these very effective antipersonel weapons only aim at the sky where there is literally only 2 things wait no only 1 thing they can shoot at
>Dont forget to make like 200 and put them every 40ft

someone post the far shot where you can see the dragon in the back please

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that scene was so fucking stupid

welcome to got

> Gets another dragon killed
> Rolls up with a crew smaller than most bar hops
> Wonders why cersei won't surrender

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Even if they could be aimed downwards mechanically look at
you'd need someone twice as tall as the mountain to do it.

The ballistas are already magic, they could totally pull it off.

>Infantry formations can block a ballista
Are you high

Um, actually, the correct term is "shot", as the weaponry in question is NOT gunpowder-based.

The bitch is explicitly crazy and knows she can't hold power for much longer. She has made bigger diplomatic fuck ups for worse reasons with more to lose.

Skip GOT and watch Barry

Or Doom Patrol. Attack of the killer butts

Yeah but Kelly C is dead, war pretty much over.

How come they don't use biological warfare on this show?

It was common back in the middle ages.

So much this. What kind of backstabbing fagot would do that? It is litterally unprecidented in history.

Did it stop the first Aegon? Did Elia's corpse or her babies with their brains splattered all over the walls stop Robert?

So why not end it decisively then and there?

How did this make it past the edit team. She needs at least 10 times those numbers for this to make even the remotest amount of sense.

Superbly done my friend.

The cg guys literally copy and pasted the ships. They stopped giving a fuck.

Scene filmed like a Sanders rally lmao

Couldn't they have just copy and pasted them? Why didn't they?

this reminds me of breaking bad where everyone was bitching for a week about how nobody could fucking aim.
then the next ep aired and they were dead/dying. too bad you can see that everyone in got is fine in the preview

Lmao I love this meme

There was zero reason for her not to. This scene just reeks of more poorly written rushed script.

>can shoot a dragon that is a moving target half a mile away while on a moving and swaying boat
>can't shoot a grounded dragon less than 250 yards away with a stationary scorpion

Bravo D&D

>Cersei starts firing on the group with the ballistas(archers are out of range)
>Drogon, who is out of range of the ballistas, immediately flies in and barbecues Cersei before they can reload

That's why.

i like how people cry about cersei using the city's civilians as human shields when that's basically what every single city in existence is. nuking japan is a good example.

>shoots a dragon flying mach 2 from a rocking ship at 500 meters in previous scene
>hurrdurr not designed for accuracy

did you even watch the shitty episode

What if Cersei challenged her to a dance off?

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he's not out of range. The boat ballistas shot MUCH farther out

>Out of range of ballistae that shot his brother through solid rock from a greater distance on a boat

she wants dany to go mad, and killing her puts jon in charge who is a capable leader and commander and would pose a much bigger threat to her rule than dany

>Batman kill Joker and the story will be done already
the Joker is a member of the Suicide Squad. Nearlly 70% of all villains work for the SS which is the goverment's not so secret superhuman army. A Leaguer killing a villain would start WW3 or the Armaggedon.

they cannot point down with those ballistic shits

Cersei has the Highground so can't lose. No the sky is ground.

Yeah, but monarchs usually don't show up in the terms party to stand outside of a fortress with no cover.

David please leave


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Because realism would be too real
>Jon suddenly dies from one of his many wounds getting infected
>Kings Landing suddenly gets black plague and everyone drops dead

Presumably there's still more minor lords kicking around. Kings landing does need food still and cerseis army isn't big even with GC. That said, if she kills dany who would even know she broke parlay besides some loyal lannister soldiers?

I think Cersei wants the battle to play out so everyone can die. Euron's alliance is great for now, but after the war he'd be King and the people would traditionally default to his leadership. For Cersei the best strategy would be to allow for the battle to play out with as many casualties as possible that way she can basically build up a new kingdom with fresh lords of her choosing.