Jon is 5"8

>jon is 5"8
>dany is 5"2

just wow

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Other urls found in this thread:

>I'm taller than both Jon and Dany

stop making these manlet threads you fucking midget

Why do you faggots call her Dany

why not? jon called her dany

as did her brother

have sex incel

>jon is 5"8
Looks more like 5'6"

He's 5'6"
He is

Try 5'5 asswipe

It's funny how Jon is closer to the Male average than Daenerys is to the female average but he gets shit for it from her. FUCK women and FUCK lanklets

Wrong. Look it up. Every evidence tells us he is 5'8"

This. Manlet uprising when

5'7 is a close bet

remember dany uses heels

He says himself he's 5'6"
I can tell you're a 5'6" woman who wants Kit to be taller than you. He's not, it isn't a big deal

First off: I'm 5'4". Secondly, I don't give a fuck if he's 5'8" or 5'2", I'm not shallow so don't paint me that way without knowing me honey. And I'm guessing you're 5'7" yourself if you care so much? Have fun in the dating world!

Shorter people fit the frame better, retard. It's not a hollywood manlet conspiracy made by da joos.

So you're a man then. Why do you care about Kit Harringtons height dude?
Also in 5'11" king of manlets

Anything under 6'5 is manlet.

Actors always add 2 inches to their size

Shut up bitch I'll ankle pick you

just because you're a short man who wears dresses does not mean you're female

I can tell you're a manlet trying to cope with the fact that people who are 5'8 look like literal dwarves

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Tony what's that noise in your walls man

kill yourself /trannypol/
media is controlled by yids, they themselves proudly state it, i wonder why you can't. pathetic freak fuck.

You're cruisin for a bruisin there chump

relax 5'9'' guy

5'7" is the master race


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>what are lies
Harrington has said in interviews that he's 5'6"

just like my 3" penis


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>tfw same height as emilia