This is the final twist. He's sentenced to death by fire, and its revealed as he's unburnt.
Tyrion Lannister is a Targaryen
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Targ != can't be burnt
how can you go through 40 years of life without noticing that you are immune to fire. At this point the writing is so dumb, predictable, and all over the place that I wouldn't be too surprised. Jon is probably going to kill Daenerys or some stupid shit like that.
He can't be a Targaryen though. His mother was married to Tywin.
I could believe it, but it feels like one Targaryen twist too many.
He's been my favourite character since S1. At this point I feel like he's either gotta buy the farm or sit on the throne.
tripfagging and stupid posting, how about you eat a bullet fag?
Check back in 2 weeks ;)
>Jon is probably going to kill Daenerys or some stupid shit like that.
Not necessarily dumb, but predictable at this point.
As in, GRRM declared it would be so, and they'll shoehorn it in rather than making it work well. That's the real tragedy.
I'm not tripfagging, and you're the one that's brainlet posting. He can't be a Targaryen is his mother is married to a Lannister, and his mother isn't even a Targaryen.
So wrong
Then explain how?
Jamie and Cersei are more likely to be targaryens.
You're so fucking dumb holy shit
You'll see. His wife was raped by the mad king.
Why can't you explain how he can be a Targaryen then? Fucking retards.
nibba rly
It makes Tyrions story more rooted in irony of he is Tywins only son.
He wouldn't be a Targaryen then. He would be a bastard, like Gendry wasn't a Baratheon until he was legitimized.
The fact that his mother is not a Targ, and is married to a Lannister doesn't imply that Tyrion could not be a Targ. Have you heard of extra-marital affairs you imbecile. Talking with you is debilitating.
brainlet faggot
Children that are produced by extra marital affairs = bastards you fucking imbecile. He would not have any right to the throne.
What other characters in the show also had their mother die in childbirth?
That would be hilarious.
>Targaryens are fireproof
Not talking about the throne you buffoon, just the ability not to get burnt.
in the books sure but the show's retarded so it might happen, would explain how he freed the dragons
Deus Volt is a brainlet who thinks that legal status or contemporary morals influence magical inheritable traits.
Pretty sure Viserys burned. Its not all Targs that are immune in the show
I didn't argue that fire would or would not have an effect on him due to his ancestory. I said he can't be a Targaryen if his mother was married to a Lannister. Therefore he has no right to the throne. Having fire immunity doesn't make you a Targaryen.
kek precedent dont matter
Him being unburnt was the only way to realistically show the audience he's a Targaryen in 10 seconds or less.
The crux of the thread is that he comes off unburnt, you autistic mongrel
Being the eldest legitimate son of King Aery's is a bolder claim than him being unburnt.
the real twist, he's not really a midget
kek, he comes off the fire a full grown man
>how can you go through 40 years of life without noticing that you are immune to fire.
Do people actually touch fire to see if it burns them?
>and its revealed as he's unburnt.
Targaryens aren't immune to fire. Multiple Targs have been burned alive. Danaerys alone is immune.
You never burnt yourself? are you a child or a negro?
No, Tyrion is actually Tywin's son. It will be revealed that Jaime and Cersei are Targaryen. So in the end, it's basically Targaryens fighting eachother.
lore and precedents don't matter lol nerd
M8 I think you're the negro if you were retarded enough to touch fire. Even as a child why the fuck would you touch fire?
Jaime and Cersei can't be Targaryen's if their mother was married to a Lannister. That would make them bastards.
Nice bait.
retard OP. he is children of tywin and his mother, stupid fuck
you never licked your fingers and put out a candle with them? or grabbed a hot plate? or put your hands on something that had been sitting in the sun for a while?
Are you a septon or a retard
M8, heat does not equal fire. If you douse a Targ in wildfire they still burn bitch they're only immune to actual fire ie dragonfire, wood fire, etc.
It's suspected that she was raped by Aerys since Tywin was his best friend and hand and Aerys had access to JoAnna. Also all the living Targ kids had mothers that died during childbirth
fire isnt a separate thing. Fire exists as a byproduct of combustion - the result of a material breaking its bonds due to being heated. The temperature achieved during the heating is what causes burns. Fire is an irrelevant light show
I will nut if him and Jon are brothers.
tywins wife had an affair with the mad king or something
kek bait
I suspect that will be how the world finds out that Jon is targ. Dany will try to dragon burn him for telling his sisters, but it will backfire when he doesn't light on fire.
Danys dragons also tolerate him and let him touch them. I keep expecting another dragon to show up. always remember there was a dragon that flew over Tyrion and Jorah on their way through Valyria.
Okay, explain how Gendry wasn't a Baratheon, but Cercei and Jaime can be Targaryen
If she was raped he wouldn't be a legitimate Targaryen, he would be a bastard.
So what you retard? Tyrion grew up around candles, hearth fires, etc. You expect me to believe that he's never waved his hand over a candle flame and not noticed he can't feel it?
Tyrion Lannister:
When have you ever done something that wasn't in your interest, but solely for the benefit of the family?!
Tywin Lannister:
(with controlled fury) The day that you were born.
Affairs don't produce legit offspring, so he would be a bastard, which means he can't have the Targaryen name.
Tell us something we don’t already know
"I wanted to carry you into the sea and let the waves wash you away. Instead, I let you live- and I've brought you up as my son."
"You're no son of mine"
Kekeke underated
hes the bastard rapebaby of aerys II and joanna lannister
tywin knew he was cucked but couldn't prove it which is why he hated both aerys and tyrion
this would be based.
I really hoped the final twist was destruction of the entire world and endless darkness of the night king, the only fitting ending to this fucking terrible series, and the only way it ever could have been credibly ended. fuck the loose ends, every one dies
Aerion would like to have a word with you
even the books suggest this
>This is the final twist. He's sentenced to death by fire, and its revealed as he's unburnt.
Why not just test burn yourself, you would think sometime in his life he holds his palm over a candle.
that is not actual dragons fire tho
In the books Dany is not immune to fire. The dragons thing was an one-time miracle.
Sorry, have you set yourself on fire as a "test"?
It would be cool if HBO released those spoilers that matched all but the final episode. as no one has taken ownership of the leak.
Last two episode details have been leaked
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