Would you still hate this character if Brie wasn't a feminist retard?
Would you still hate this character if Brie wasn't a feminist retard?
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No, I rather liked her.
>still hate
but i don't user.
either way I would never watch some cringe movie about a girl hero
What's her power? Making sandwiches?
yes, I'm a Rogue fan
Probably. She comes across as a total fucking bitch.
Yes, because she is a badly written Mary Sue. I dislike Brie Larson for her retarded politics but she still could have played an decent Plank immitation of Captain Marvel.
it's her performance which is completely uncharismatic
her politics only confirm the performance is all she's capable of
I never hated her. She's possibly the most bland character in modern movies and it's really strange that she triggered such a negative response here. Her "feminist" stuff is incredibly tame and nothing beyond the norm in Hollywood. She made some tweets, gave a few bland girl power quotes, it's not like she was promoting radfem books like Emma Watson or literally being named a "women's ambassador" to the fucking United Nations like Gal Gadot.
You put literally any other woman in that role and id have seen captain marvel day 1 in theatres as is I could care less about the franchise
>she's le bland I have no real opinion!! Stop having opinions that aren't neutral fencesitting faggotry!!
She specifically shat on white men and said lots of cringey stuff. Not shocking she got so much hate.
never watched Miss Marvel, so don't know much about it.
saw endgame, she was in it for about 35 seconds being a cunt, had a stupid glow all around her so you could barely see anything, just looked like a computer animated LSD shart.
no, character was fucking stupid and boring. she's supposed to be in a permanent coma because jubilee stole her powers.
Her lines are written poorly and she has no charisma on screen. I don't hate the actress and have seen none of her other work, so fuck knows whether she can actually act and has just been fed the short straw here
I don't care about her character
I hate the fact that she's so cute and hot but at the same time such a dumb fuck.
I literally can't think of a person I'd like to rape more than her
>I literally can't think of a person I'd like to rape more than her
You are such an romantic.
Yeah because the flick was pointless and added nothing to End Game and then in End Game she just dissapears coz "lol busy". In Far From Home she's "lol afk". Are they just gunna keep doing that?
post that on twitter, she'll invite you to dinner at the very least
How is she stronger then the guy who not only has the thing that is the source of her power, but multiple others some of which are arguably stronger?
out of all the characters they could have done they picked this shite.
her powers visually are gay. she's OP to the point where they have throwaway lines that she's "doing something else". shoving her into End Game to save Stark was pathetic and random.
Don't ask those kinds of questions.
Yeah, I don't know about that
Yes. No face charisma.
It's a dumb idea to introduce a superman++, especially when they (smartly) powered down most of the other characters. She was pretty clearly shoehorned into endgame.
>dog mom
Those ovaries aren't gonna last forever.
Probably, Yea Forums hates her comic version more than Yea Forums hates the movie version.
you never know unless you try.
also, top tip, don't ask for her number, just hand her yours and tell her you'll be the one in the kitchen.
No, I prefer Ms Marvel with the leotard.
Fat ass or just a nice good looking ass, natural blonde with blue eyes
the character was always hated. she just made it so much worse
she cute
good point, why does she speak like a negro so often.
see her twitter and varous interviews.
was she raised by baboons?
i concur
>you will never be Fem-dominated into accepting feminism by Mistress Brie Larson
it hurts bros
Yes, but I wouldn't hate it if she was a cute black girl
I still haven't seen her movie or Endgame. I refuse. She's a giant bitch and I won't give her views.
she urinated into my mouth yesterday, but then she apologised
: (
I guess that depends on whether her being a feminist is the reason her character comes across as an uncaring cunt.
why are black girls so perfect, bros?
Hope this is from a porno...also need sauce
Brie Larson is not right for the role. Captain Marvel doesn't need to be shitty.
The movie would've probably been shat on either way, not only because it's capeshit, but because it was helmed by a woman. Understandable for Yea Forums.
However, the backlash towards Brie would've been minimal to none if she hadn't made any political statements. With Gal Gadot, at lot of people initially hated her simply because she's jewish, but that's not the case with Brie, so it wouldn't have been that bad.
In fact, I would go as far as to say that a lot of anons would've clung to her autism and proclaimed her /ourgirl/.
It would've been an interesting thing to see but sometimes small mistakes cost you a lot.
No, the character itself is that way in the comics too.
Whichever way you look at it, this movie would've rustled some feathers.
I would not complain if it was ms marvel
>Would you still hate this character if Brie wasn't a feminist retard?
this character she's already doomed in comics.
there is no fanbase.
what kind of incel would I be if I didn't?
Brie is actually really cool, I don't like Captain Marvel because the character is a fucking nazi in the comics.
this. cap marvel is the most hated and rebooted character
Another problem is the deconstruction of these characters
Even setting aside the SJW vomit, the movie is mediocre trash like antman or whatever. The movie was like being on xanax and wine just watching this woman fly around shoot bolts out of her arms. I just don't care. I barely even remember the main antagonist or the plot. It's just like some engine explodes in her face and she becomes the most powerful person in the universe. Whatever. Boring plot.
Why is she wearing lipstick?
i fucking hate that racist bitch
Fuck you all, faggot incels
yeah as an origin its fucking garbage.
They couldn't even give her braids for fucks sake. Even setting aside the race issue, it's like a totally different character entirely. Even if she were white I would still not see how she resembles her. I also love how everyone is so quick to try to pilpul their way around the Norse gods not being nordic. Lol. It's unreal how demented sjws are.
He character has never been popular. Her comic is on it's sixth? reboot and it's numbers are in the tank and it's doing cancellation numbers again.
Having said that, if it had been Blunt like it had been planned and Mary Poppins scheduling had not messed it up I think I would have liked the MCU character. The stuff Brie said in pressers and in interviews and the way she forced the worst divisive identity politics into every conversation made me despise her and Carol.
This except not rape. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather hatefuck
how is it a deconstruction when it's not even the same character
No, she's just a Superman ripoff with a half-baked Doctor Manhattan origin story.
it IS a different character, dumbass
>mediocre trash like antman
antman was funny
Bad Feet
Hal Jordan rip off actually
Yeah, this is because they literally KILLED the white female version and replaced her with the black character and are now calling her Valkyrie. Imagine if they opened up the movie black panther with some quick backstory about the original black panther (who was black) having been killed and now they have Bucky or some other white guy playing him? It would be OUTRAGEOUS in the black community and across the internet. It's kind of the same thing. It's even WORSE than not depicting her correctly you idiot. They just blackwashed her, changed her entirely and gave some shitty explanation for why they are calling her Valkyrie. Pilpul faggot. Fuck off.
If she had Dr. Manhattan powers at least she would be interesting.
her being the last surviving Valk isnt a shitty explanation you seething virgin
It is shitty and for all the reasons I already explained and which you did not refute asshole. Also I get more pussy than a fucking toilet seat at a fashion university, stop projecting tranny.
you being a seething virgin did refute it, /pol/fag. Get laid
> you being a seething virgin did refute it
I'm married and lost my virginity in 1994, which is probably before you were even born. Sorry, you lose.
> /pol/fag. Get laid
I don't even go on /pol/ retard. I just don't like blackwashing or whitewashing of characters. I would think it was just as shitty if they did this to some established black character.
I don’t hate the character. I hate the casting and the one note writing. The girl from Edge of Tomorrow could’ve done 50x better