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everyone be teleporting more than Little Finger

Are people seething that hard over brown qt dying or am I kidding something

People are seething because the writing in this show is at walking dead levels of retarded

its going to get lower when Arya doesnt kill Cersei, shutting down that stupid eye color theory. and Dany is stabbed by a STRAIGHT WHITE MALE Jon.
Are D&D /ourguys/?

Did you notice in the last scene of episode 4 how they showed cersei and dany's eyes so overly saturated in post editing.

I swear I never noticed either of their eye colors before, now they're both GREEN

Fuck these writers.

>Danny being thrown under the rug right and left
>Dragon survives battle of the dead just to get shot down by a pirate

I welcome it, thought this season was going to be total shit

If that was true then The Long Night would've had a negative net rating. People are just upset their favorite Yaskweens are dying.

what's happened is the accumulation of cockups has become impossible to ignore. I think Dany being personally btfo as a result of the terrible writing is what's making the difference.

How kino would it be if Mountain beats El Hermano and bangs Arya with his zombie cock while him and Gendry watch

the writing for s7 was just as bad yet...

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>rating everything 1

Wow, badass!

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I'd assume more of everyone turning on Dany that is the main character for a lot of people. Nobody mind that much when Robb got backstabbed, but people actually were trained to like Daenerys from S1 to S7.

the Longest Night worked as a self-contained climax if you didn't care who killed the Night King.

but it left an expectation that the story still had some cards left to play, which has now been utterly destroyed. I personally assumed they were going to do SOMETHING unexpected because Cersei as the final boss was obviously not going to work and Dany was a non-starter, but they're doing both.

>not because of dorne
>or 20 good men
>or the butchering of stannis
>or the Kings Landing nonsense
>or the loss of any sense of scale and a lived in world
>or the loss of any internal logic consistency
>or the complete thematic and narrative collapse with the ass pull defeat of NK
But over what is quite possibly the most agreeable and GOT-like episode of the last 4 seasons

Why do people dislike this episode more than the other 3? Is it the starbucks cup?

this in the show with dorne storyline

because popular opinions turning on it.

youtubers are starting to finally 'not like it' and thus masses stop liking it too.

It's weird how many normies praised how GoT killed and subverted and then they get mad at this

each of those episodes had major plot developments that appeared to actually be going somewhere interesting.

Season 9 viewrship will plummet

>episode is actually less shitty than most of 6, 7 or 8
>normalfags choose now to be mad
Is there anything normalfags and kikes don't ruin?

>the most agreeable and GOT-like episode of the last 4 seasons
I wouldn't say that it is still shit just not as aggressively shit as the previous episode.

>Literally nothing happened in the first half of season 3
>Season 5 and 6 had Dorne and Arya's no face nonsense
>Somehow a perfectly average episode from season 8 is worse that that

Yeah, I don't get it either.

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it is just because dany is getting btfo. everyone was totally fine with this show since season 5 despite the writing being god fucking awful because yasss kween slay kept winning. now that she is most certainly going to lose all the airhead retards are having a shitfit.

GRRM understands what kinds of twist you can get away with but D&D don't. story structure matters. you can't just turn a protagonist into an antagonist in the closing parts of a story.

Goddamn they're so predictable, this was a SHITE episode but equally as terrible as the 3 other ones but they don't like what happened so they finally see the errors in the horrible writing

I get that you guys think GRRM is going to do Mad Dany in the books but you should be more worried about the fact that D&D apparently have the same reading of the character you do and yet are responsible for all the other awful decisions in the show.

>see that normies are finally giving the show the shit it deserves
>realise that its not because of the gaping plot holes, lack of continuity, character assassinations, disregard for the source material, contempt for its audience or the terrible dialogue, but because a non-white background character whose name everybody had to google and who has done literally nothing but stand in silence as a glorified sentry since she was introduced was killed off

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Probably some outrage rating bombing due to Missandei death? I mean 90% of the time the show had stuff like Daenerys burning evil men #3238, sandsnakes, strong female fighter #231, arya and sansa executing Littlefinger and other girl power moments, it's kind of a kick in the teeth to have Missandei die when people were literally shown that they should be expecting her to pick a knife and save Greyworm from the mountain.

you are wrong its just seething danyfags

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It's at a 6.9 for me.

what if Arya killed Dany? how mad would the sjws be

its not only missandei dying, its dany turning into a villain. theyre absolutely seething that their precious self insert could be villainous. its all flying right over their heads and the butthurt next week is going to be fucking hilarious when she burns kings landing to the ground and jon kills her

I just said it was shit and I never said anything about Mad Dany...

not as mad as they're going to be if Jon kills Dany like in the leaks.

Pretty sure that D&D think mad Dany is a subversive twist that no one saw coming due to her reasonable and level-headed decisions previously
(hence the reaction by the fanbase)

Doesn't Daenerys have violet eyes like all pure-blooded Targaryens?

Not that mad. If Arya does it then it's justified. If a man does it then it's sexism and crushing a strong independent women under the weight of the patriarchy
>tfw not even three dragons and two armies is enough to break the glass ceiling

Dany turning villainous is an even worse decision than having Arya one-shot the Night King and his entire army. it's not going to work as an ending, even for people who support the theory it won't have any emotional impact.

They're pissed that their queen isn't a good person and the show isn't being subtle about it anymore.

wtf I love GoT now

>>Dragon survives battle of the dead just to get shot down by a pirate
this was what killed the episode for me. It is just so fucking stupid to kill a dragon with a fucking crossbow when in the last season they could hardly hit any.
Only redeeming moment was when they killed the black lady.

She was so adorable before becoming a mutant

>a new chapter for Westeros begins
>2 episodes left

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if arya kills dany i think theyre going to short circuit and blank out. they wont know what to think about that.

You're talking about a show written by two kikes. Of course they're going to shit all over any white Messiah figure, just like they shit all over any concept of nobility or monarchy.

They don't have the same reading, GRRM told them the end. Their writing is shit and nobody defends it, but they've showed dark aspects to her character that idiots slept on and that's on them.

reminder that its a Sapochnik episode next who will undoubtedly save the series yet again

They don't care about Missandei. They're pissed that Dany will die a mad Targ, there won't be boatbaby and that Jonerys is dead.

she has been burning and crucifying people since season 1. she watched her brother get murdered in front of her and she enjoyed it.
there was less foreshadowing and reason for the res wedding, but im sure you arent complaining about that.

but the difference is that those were 100% bad people and it never shown that she was not that good a ruler as well.
for everyone watching the show, she literally is saving the world from evil people by burning and crucifying them, bringing utopias to every city she visits and now the writers are suddenly making her evil for the twist.

Looks like salt's BACK on the menu

>except Arya who they had single-handedly save the world

It's not only that developments are happening that people don't like, it's also that the way these things happen are fucking retarded and the characters act stupid as shit for no reason. The dragon getting killed and the meeting at the end were just so bad. You really have to wonder what the producers are thinking when they send this shit.

Episode 4 was pretty much on par with 3 in terms of awful writing, teleporting characters, cringe dialog, attempts to force emotion out of the viewer, subversion/surprise at the expense of believability and a grounded/consistent world that can immerse you and various other signs of a show that has utterly lost its way.

However 3 hit a lot, lot harder due to the impact/implications it had on the series as a whole (both past and remaining episodes), ruining a major arc which had spanned 69 episodes before it and just fucking... I don't even know it was just such patronizing, condescending, underwhelming garbage.

But 4 absolutely was an awful episode, it just didn't have the scale of the impact 3 did.

The fact that The Long Night has such a high rating tells you everything you need to know.
They are not angry at soap opera/capeshit-tier writing. They are mad because the dragon was killed and because things aren't looking good for the YAAAAAAS queen

>it never shown that she was not that good a ruler as well

What do you think Meereen was about? Her husband there even said his father, one she crucified, was innocent and so was he, on the show. She's a villain that thought herself special and good. Anyone with half a brain could see the clues.

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>rating everything 8-10

wow you are much critical, very highbrow, much picky

Why do people hate the last episode so much? Dany has been btfo many times before.

I'm beginning to see why D+D resorted to so much fanwank

>Season 7 average episode rating is 9.2
>Season 1 average episode rating is 9.1
>Season 7 highest rated episode is 9.8
>Season 1 highest rated episode is 9.6
>Four of the top 5 highest rated episodes are in the newest seasons

If the newer seasons are so terrible, why don't the ratings reflect that?

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>be David Benioff
>4 am, sitting alone and throwing scratched ideas in the fireplace
>the phone interrupts my deep meditation
>it's Weiss, sounding like he found the cure for cancer
>he's out of breath
>my pupils widen
>Weiss can barely articulate the pure raw emotion coming over him
>with those words all reality breaks
>i can only see a ninja assassin Arya fucking up Dany
>it's so fucking rad
>i start demolishing everything in my office in a frenzy
>Weiss is on the other line through the entire ordeal, screaming his lungs out
>then a realization hits
>As a pure-blooded Targ, Dany has purple eyes
>i cry
>all i wanted was a good show
>a fun show
>i pick up the phone and scream inarticulately at Weiss
>no words are needed - he understands me immediately, he starts weeping
>this goes on for 10 minutes
>"david what if Jaime go"
>"what if Jaime go back to cersi"
>not sure if i heard him correctly
>"what if bronn threaten jaime and tyroin david and then jaime has to fuck cersi because he fuck brienne"
>irony taste in my mouth, realize it's blood
>"y.you mean as a way of getting close to her to then kill her?"
>"NO, because he fuck her DABID!!!"
>grab my dick with my left hand and my idea crayons with the right
>jaime could probably do it in episode 5, i realize, it fits his character
>don't know what that's about but it sounds rad as fuck

dumb frogposter

fucking normoids

So because I don't rate everything 1, I must only rate episodes 8-10? Yea Forums logic at its finest again. I actually rate most episodes 6-8 with the occasional 9 and 5. The only episode I ever rated 10 was LOST - The Constant

They finally revealed she is not the hero of the story. Normies are pissed.

you can't detach one from the other.

the problem is that D&D never accepted the need to weave the two plot strands together properly and pay them both off at the same time.

4 is getting raped because even the people who were okay with 3 expected the show to have SOMETHING else in the tank, but it's not there. and what it does have is worse than nothing because it just consists of ruining the remaining reasons those fans still had to keep watching.

is George purposely holding off releasing the books because he knew how much autistic screeching would result from dany becoming the villain so it could all get pinned on d+d?

>those were 100% bad people
She picked people randomly from the ruling classes to be crucified in season 4, burned a random prisoner alive and fed him to her dragons (admitting afterwards she had no idea whether or not he was guilty) in season 5, burned the Tarlys alive in season 7.

People just haven't been paying attention. You could cut together Dany's scenes to make her look like a Ramsey-tier villain.

this, but unironically

He wants to observe what audiences hated and do the exact opposite to peotect his legacy.

He purposefully delayed the books to get back at D and D. 4D Chess.

it obviously flew over your head. not all of the masters she crucified in meereen were slavers... her husbands father spoke against slavery.

the Meereen plot was meant to be contrasted with the Cersei King's Landing plot in the books.

in Meereen Dany was in a hard as fuck situation with her ports blockaded from chapter 3. in KL Cersei had everything she wanted and threw it all away for totally petty reasons.

GRRM doesn't hate Dany's character or see her as a villain, she's written as flawed but idealistic. dunno if you read the books but your theory is ass.

Of course she's not the hero. Nobody who wants to be dictator that badly is ever a hero. People didn't see this? Not even after she went about killing all those who didn't bend muh knee. They act as if she helped Jon out of the good of her heart but she still didn't help him until muh knee bending.

how can you rate an episode post season 4 with 6-8?
With that, the earlier episodes must all have been straight 8s if you don't vote any higher.

There was a vast drop in quality during the course of the show, everyone knows that, not just book readers

GRRM has never planned to make Dany into a full-blown villain, it's a made-up theory that apparently results from a lot of ASoIaF's fanbase having the same creative instincts as D&D.

>GRRM doesn't hate Dany's character or see her as a villain

Perhaps not, but he wrote her as a tyrant and cruel person.

>dunno if you read the books

I don't think you did at all. She has ruined cities wherever she went and the breaker of chains is something that she uses when it's convenient. Fire&blood, a dragon plats no trees. That's the path Dany will always take.

>no one who wants to be King is a hero
>except Stannis, Robb, Robert, etc who all did the same things and also demanded knee-bending

why is Yea Forums such autists about ratings?

She's not a full blown villain. She's just another insane Targ, willing to put up with incest and genocide as long as she gets to rule a continent full of people that hate her.

Even if I rate everything 6 to 8, I'm still rating it lower than most people, so I don't see how that would be controversial. The lowest rated episode before the new one was actually 8.1. Even though the overall quality dropped, the later seasons still had great episodes and I was more bored by the show in season 3 and 5 than 6 and 7, so it's not like it's been one big decline like people pretend.


Not matter how much you scream it, Dany will cause her own ruin.

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didnt grrm say that villains view themselves as the good guys in their own story? he isnt writing her as a full blown evil villain like rorge, but he is writing her and a couple other characters in a way where they could turn out to be villains. arya and tyrion are the most obvious ones outside of dany. theyve already done some horrible things.

Yeah, none of them were heroes. And Robert didn't even want to be King.

Can’t wait for the leaks to be true and we’ll see how low the ratings can go. Are you prepared for a worser ending than lost?

the curse of the anglo

Tyrion is just an idiot. Arya is just a murderer. These aren't real villains, they aren't even that dangerous. And they have such minor ambitions.

Best ep of the season (not saying much) get lowest score. Sums up the public's taste.

what are you arguing?

in writing terms she's not an antagonist. the incoming trainwreck is because D&D have the same misconception about the books that you guys have. congrats.

They're just butthurt over dany

>you guys
Are you some kind of tumblerite tourist. This is exactly the kind of shit GRRM would do and he has done it before. Sorry about your waifu but you've got to accept reality.

>writing terms she's not an antagonist

But she is a full blooded Targ and that Targ madness runs deep in her blood. All it takes is any challenge to her authority and it's immediate death. We all know Jon is the only worthy King of Westeros if there must be one at all. Dany should just go back to Essos and rule her slaves.

M88, Dany's last chapter in Dance is her deciding that peace is a waste of time, that she doesn't care about helping people and that her destiny is to conquer and destroy. Mad Dany isn't some obscure theory, it's a surface level reading of the books.

What an idiotic danyfag. 10/10

>read the user reviews
Fucking normie complaints

This + popular youtubers are shitting on it now because of how retarded last two episodes were.

>they aren't even that dangerous.
tyrion murdered the most powerful man in westeros, how the fuck is he not dangerous? arya is learning to be an assassin... neither one of them are good guys

It was just as bad but it wasn't destroying the most important things that were developed over 8 years.

>the one episode that's pure kino
>is le downvoted

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>Most popular show on television.. Literally gonna fuck up the last season.
What did they mean by this

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>we want the Breaking Bad audience

So basically "this went against my headcanon, or this is problematic, 1/10"

It honestly confuses me that people like Dany.


My bigger question is how, I mean how did they not see the fucking boats

Weren't they behind a cliff or something?

>Ride my dragon head first into danger
Not using any of the ground for cover, just flyin right the fuck in, no even trying to swoop around or have the dragons split around both ways...

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Yuup there was even cover for the Dragon queef to use..

I hope you are all aware the only reason the episode is rated so low is because of Missandei's death.
It may not make sense to you, but that's why people are rating bombing it.

It was the best episode of this season so far

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>LOST - The Constant
fucking based

>Yea Forums likes hackwriting now because it pissed off some people on twitter

i can't wait to see the hysteric shitfit these people are going to throw when jon kills dany.

Will someone post the shot with the fucking starbucks cup? It's so obvious that they don't give a fuck anymore.

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This. Episode 4 was better than the Long Night. They’re just mad that yas queen isn’t slaying

Can someone spoil last episode (s) to me. What is so bad about them

How the fuck did they only capture Missandei anyway...GoT Magic strikes again.


>Ruining 8 seasons of Azor Ahai/Rheagar lore with Arya is 100% ok.
>Having Meli die in chains while using the word that freed her is not Ok

>Sam loses weight
>Gilly gains weight

Makes you think.

missandei was given as a gift before she freed the unsullied with the dragon scam

It's Danyfags seething because they couldn't tell that she's unhinged even though she's been mercilessly burning and executing all her enemies since season 1

>the one episode that was actually okay got the lowest rating
Okay there big boys.

as a pretty casual viewer of GoT, for me this season has been leagues worse than 5, 6 or 7 and there's one reason for it. Yeah the previous seasons had some dumb moments but there was still lots of mystery, intrigue, setup, character development and questions that were setting up the final season to be something great. Then they literally do a
>nothing personell
and fucking ruin a decade of setup, foreshadowing, storytelling and character development and take a big fat dump on the entire series.

The reason the previous seasons could be forgiven is with the expectation of a great final season answering questions people have had for a decade (or more if you've read the books). Now the final season has made the show impossible to rewatch and something to be soon forgotten after the final episode is aired.

ballistae don't even look like they have a design that can go fully vertical... Why not dive bomb the ships. Rook just fucked the queen single handedly in chess apparently

if this is what they do for missandei getting rekt just imagine what they do when jon executes her. i wouldn't be surprised if it gets as low as 3/10

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Sam's been training and fighting since season 1, Gil is literally preggers. I didn't think too much

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if you still had hope after the disaster that was season 5 then i dont know what to tell you. you either ignored the obvious problems, or you didn't notice them in the first place.

>most interresting episode of the season
>full of plot holes but not as bad episode 3 and last season
>plebs hate it

I don't get it.

incels and sjws getting together to hate got

it's beautiful to watch this train wreck

like I said, casual viewer so I overlooked them in hopes of a great ending

sjws hated it because of Missandei dying and dany getting crazy

We like got now because it triggers womyn.

Good work Sam.

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Too bad: Dany has never been so interresting.

I was thinking the exact same thing when watching. Or just go over the top, since they cant point straight up.

>but the two hacks will still get multi million contracts to do more crap

“She forgot about the Iron Fleet” - Benioff

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unsullied dont have cocks sweetie

I'm not letting that excellent .gif response go unrecognized

Feminazis are seething over dead nigress, Yass queen being pushed aside, and Sansa claiming the rape made her stronger.

>She forgot about the Iron Fleet

She still has dotharaki with her. Some survived.

If you were pissed off before, lemme just get you to watch one thing for me:


normies are finally starting to turn on the series, the GoT hate has officially hit the main stream. my co-workers have all been bitching about the last episode(s). i think people were willing to forgive the shitty hard-to-see night battle even tho it was pretty meh, but then last week's ep was so retarded that the writing is finally being blasted like it should be

honestly i'm upboating the episode, episode 3 is the one that needs downboats

Except it was one of the least retarded episodes in a long time. Normies are simply subhuman and hating on it for the wrong reasons.

explain to me how the way rhaegal died and subsequently cersei not blasting them all with those OP scorpions or shooting tyrion with her archers (after sending bronn just to kill him) was anything other than completely retarded. no one i've talked to thinks that dany going mad is stupid, they all think the build up to it was illogical and rushed

the writing for the last episode was better than most of the crap from s5+. euron was teleporting all over the place last season, so why are people complaining about it now? oh, because danys dragon dies, right? so teleporting is ok as long as her precious stupid fucking dragons dont get hurt
people who hate this episode are just idiotic danyfags. they have been completely tolerant of all the shit this show has been shoveling at us since s5 but they're just now starting to complain about it because muh dany. fuck off

I hope this is true. I can't wait for the salt from people who have forgotten exactly what the Dothraki are

Honestly they probably did see the boats and didn't think anything of it, the dragons haven't seen an actual threat from one yet. Remember they destroyed the navy of the slavers trying to retake Mereen even though they had catapults and ballistas with complete ease? Plus Dany is probably complacent as fuck after having survived winterfell with two of her dragons still alive and thinks that no human enemy could compare to it, its just a matter of time until she wins.

the inconsistencies are pretty much on par with plenty of other things post season 5

rushed maybe but not illogical she's always been a power obsessed tyrant and has killed plenty of people in the name of her knee. This isn't the same Dany that would lock away her own dragons to protect the people, that woman is long gone.

>You could cut together Dany's scenes to make her look like a Ramsey-tier villain

Somebody really needs to do that if it doesn't already exist.

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honestly the last ep has restored my faith in this show
why did i ever doubt D&D....

can't wait for the meltdown when dany gets raped to death or something in true game of thrones fashion

>she's always been a power obsessed tyrant
and that's what people don't get. this is also in complete contrast with jon. jon does not crave power at all.

Even normies are getting tired of the retarded writing.

Explain to me the 20 good men and Stannis burning his kid. Why don't those episodes have a 5.3 rating as well faggot?

No they are throwing tantrums because their kween might lose

or anything involving the sand snakes. jesus christ those episodes should be like 3/10. the people shitting on this episode are just women obsessed with dany and her stupid fucking dragons

Here are the demographic breakdowns.

Underage b&s are the only ones rating it highly.

Attached: got s8ep4 rating.png (604x910, 56K)

i hope you didnt spend your time making this
its just a tv show

30yo boomers hate it cuz it was a starbucks cup instead of a white monster

anyone rating anything on imdb is a fucking moron

how to get an age 18-29 gf?

sell heroin get them hooked on heroin make them give you sex for heroin. very easy

>grab my dick with my left hand and my idea crayons with the right

fucking hell lmao

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Yeah, this episode evoked a lot of the earlier seasons - intrigue, plotting, deceit, and betrayal. It had all the hallmarks of the first season with a few shitty lines and scenes sprinkled about.

>muh 10 years of GoT is being raped before my eyes

It's nice that they feel what we felt 4 years ago

most of it was character drama, something that has been severely lacking for a long time in this show.

blame the previous episode, the long night
note all the reviews, all the backlash, what actually happened
this next episode was just depressing, boring, and who the FUCK even cares about these two batshit hotheads

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cant believe the first three are so high

the leaks are real, what a shitshow

Nice shop OP.

I like this one


>the comments
Normies are really stupid.

you guys are retarded this is all a product of simple ALGEBRA:

1) half of the world are women which means half of the show watchers are women too
2) strong female leads lose power throughout season 8 with death of 'muh sundae' as the cherry on top of it all
3) women rage and downvote episode 4 together
4) rating drops by exactly HALF

it's not a coincidence

bran is king



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Lmao even females don't rate it as good as basedboys

lol even the uploader missed the irony what a retard

based generation Zyklon

Well said. It's a shame that it couldn't be better incorporated into the Long Night arc. I see no reason why The Long Night and Mad Queen arcs had to be separate and distinct points - overlapping, while narratively difficult, would have been incredible.

depressing to watch, dany was insanely hot season 1

This isn't the worst season AND it doesn't have the worst episode rating.

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Tinder and just swipe right on everyone.


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Normies were justifying to themselves the last episode with a "they'll make it worth it with this one" mentality. Then this one didn't fix anything and pissed off the sockjust crowd in one blow. So now normies are mad because they caught on nothing would get better, sjw's are mad for dumb shit, Hema fags are still mad about the last episode and ballista ballistics, and shitposters have been mad sense season 6. It's all crashing down.

Yes, and also their feminist icon is getting BTFO. There were literally zero complaints about the shit writing from normies last season or this season when women were ruling everything and arya was teleporting behind the NK, but knowing Dany will die and lose is the last straw for normies.

The real question is how the fuck The Long Knight has a score above 3.0?

You don't need a cock to rape. Any phallic shaped object shoved up the cunt or ass will have the same effect.

The difference is that they are rushing the end of this story and GRR isnt.

It does not matter if the ending of the books is the same as the show if the pacing and STORY to get there is different.

The NK alone should have been a whole season by itself, finishing it in 3 episodes was moronic to a whole new level.

emilia clarke is a terrible actress that's why daeneyrs is so shit and annoying, the worst part is she makes good actors and good characters act bad and be annoying(tyrion)

Rating systems let city slickers and normies vote. So they can't be trusted.

I hope you didn't spend you time telling someone they wasted their time. It's just an user you know.

>Dany's personality
>Important things
Pick one.

>Being retarded enough not to think it was product placement.


I think people just aren't smart enough to appreciate the last episode, which is why it has a lower rating than episode 3. This woman graduated from Harvard and thought it was excellent.

For me, it was that episode 3 was so fucking dissapoiting and dumb, but then I thought, "Maybe there's more to it for a thoughtful ending." Then, it was two retarded episodes in a row, and with only 2 episodes left, I realized now it's too late. It can't be saved.
The other thing that happened is that social media, then the press, then word of mouth even to casuals and normies, have now already leaked the ending to everyone, and nearly everyone hates how the series ends. This rating is a reaction to the end of the series that everyone now knows and dislikes. Not because of politics. Because it's all just retarded and horrible writing.

In all honesty, episodes 1-3 were great with episode 2 being arguably the best episode in the entire show. Episode 4 was an absolute fucking mess of Dany doing a lot of stupid fucking shit just for the plot to move forward. It isn't even the character herself acting how she would in the context of the show; the writing actively caused her and others to make decisons against who they are. "Lol Dany and all her advisers, two of which are among the smartest men in the world, forgot about the Iron Fleet that has been butt fucking them for the past year"

your graph is missing the fourth episode, which is, by far, the lowest rated episode of the series

just keep your stupid opinions in your pocket

The more unbelievable thing is a pirate with no possible experience with hitting airborne targets managed to hit one thrice in rapid succession from half a mile away while in a swaying boat. I have a degree in applied math and modern fucking artillery isn't that precise.

What? EP2 was cringe on so many levels.

i'm so glad i never watched a single second of this gay crap or walking dead or capeshit. thinking of all that time i didn't waste makes me feel young


>called game of thrones
>always about would be monarchists deaths
>allude to character being shit, in the previous season.
>seething that character flow are fully shown when she learns that jon snow is rightful heir.

Her entire self is built on being the true monarch of the seven kingdoms. why are people so surprised? People only follow her since she had dragon from the beginning season.

It's not the problem of Daenerys being evil though.

The problem is all of the characters making retarded military decisions and giving her the worst advice possible, and her being in this position even more because all of her advisors, allies, the Northerners are really fucking stupid then because of her own mistakes. They're part of it but everyone else is so fucking dumb she's not even the main reason.
They've accidentally made just burning the fucking Red Keep the only logical choice. Narratively now the whole war with the dead seems like a minor irritant Dany and everyone should have just ignored, Jon was wrong and is dumb and useless. By everyone bending over backwards to be a pacifist hippie with Cersei for some reason, she and her magical pirate Mary Sue boyfriend blow up and teleport in the kill everybody, being a pacifist hippie now is clearly fucking stupid. The characters' arcs, actions, and abilities make no fucking sense just like Stannis being a retard and getting BTFO of my Mary Sue Ramsay shit. There is no character left people want to see on the throne.
By the way, normies did complain about the terrible Stannis shit, 20 good men and stupidity. They just held on to hope against hope the show would somehow right itself before the end. It didn't.

It's called a song of ice and fire, nigga

>IMDB actually shows rating breakdown
>nearly all of the voters are men
>men actually gave the episode a worse rating than the few women did
There are hardly any roasties on IMDB, it mostly guys.

most sign up with male gender as default and never change it

>season 8
>4 episodes
what's this dumb shit about?

>but people actually were trained to like Daenerys from S1 to S7.
If by people, you mean brainlets.
Dany was already an idealistic despot-in-training who had no problem murdering anyone who got in her way.

Anglo women hit the wall at 12, which is why so many Brits end up being pedos.

The Long Night ruined the entire series forever, not paying off multiple plotlines and events and ended 9 years of anticipation in one episode with 'lolsubversion', but it gets an 8.4 and The Last of the Starks got a 5.3, why? Because a POC was killed, the yaasqueen is tyrannical and Sansa said her hard life (and being raped) made her stronger? The viewers rating these episodes are just as retarded as D&D.

>people who hate this episode are just idiotic danyfags
I hate this episode because Cersei didnt kill Daenerys, Drogon and Tyrion while she had all of them under her nose. She could have won the war vithout even starting it, but it seems that Cersei became honorable sometimes after she fucked Euron and she forgot that she blowed up a fucking palace in the middle of his own town just to kill two people...
This time there were no badside for killing Dany and co right in front of the city walls, but for no reason she let them go...WTF?|

don't forget the doglovers

Seeing the asshurt of Danyfags tomorrow might almost make these past few shit seasons worth it.
Always hated that bratty cunt, the fact that people actually sympathize with her says a lot.

>you should be more worried about the fact that D&D apparently have the same reading of the character you do
Probably Dany character is one of the only few that are following the plot that Martin revelaed to D&D about the ending, that's the only explanation.

Oh yeah. Jon didn't pet his CGI dog before he left. That's worse than irrecoverably destroying the entire series. I hate these idiots.

>finishing it in 1 episode

>Narratively now the whole war with the dead seems like a minor irritant Dany and everyone should have just ignored, Jon was wrong and is dumb and useless
this is even worse if you think that if Daenerys never joined or helped Jon, the NK will never get the dragon needed for him to pass the barrier and so the long night will had never came ever, since Daenerys dragons are the alst 3 dragons left in the world.

Three episodes? It was one. And the NK wasn't on screen for more than 5 minutes. He didn't speak and never even drew his sword. We should have been so lucky to get 3 whole episodes.

>Anglo women hit the wall at 12
Only in England, though. Anglo-American don't because apparently their ancestors brought all the good genetics with them to the Colonies.

>>Sam loses weight
>>Gilly gains weight
>Makes you think.

She steals his food. He is starving.

>dany turning villanous

I honestly cant comprehend how some people would think she is the hero, she has ALWAYS been one of the most petty, cruel, arrogant and stupid people on the entire show.

Her brother had his head boiled by molten metal as she watched in ecstasy, the guy was nuts, but he took care of her for 10 yeras, literaly carried her o his back while crossing a desert. Does that sound like a hero to you? What the fuck. She has ALWAYS been a monster, the only people unable to notice that were her fanbase composed entirely of progressive rich white teenage girls.

Attached: dany please - his last words.jpg (400x226, 81K)

>she has ALWAYS been one of the most petty
Not sure about that, there's too many.

>the writing for the last episode was better than most of the crap from s5+. euron was teleporting all over the place last season, so why are people complaining about it now? oh, because danys dragon dies, right? so teleporting is ok as long as her precious stupid fucking dragons dont get hurt

There wasn't any teleporting in S8E4. The show often skips many weeks between scenes. Often times D&D have fucked it up by throwing in scenes that fuck up the time progression and ruin the time skips, turning them into teleportation. But the last episode they didn't actually do that.

Except when something popular gets a low rating. Then it suddenly counts.

its always has been

The last season of The Walking Dead had better writing than the last four seasons of GoT.

>a sheboon who graduated from harvard

Are you seriously implying her opinion matters on anything just because she got babbied through Harvard by the account of her genitals and skin colorization?

Dude you are delusional, or didint read the damn books. She's been crucifying thousands of people, and not just slavers, she's fed kids and adults to her dragons, she has "freed" the slaves by throwing giant chains at them with catapults, she has completely destroayed any semblance of civility in the eastern cities like Yunkai and Meeren, they look like butchers shops now, full of dead bodies, disease and crime because of her idiotic idealistc rule.

The show whiteashed her a great deal, read the books, she has been a delusional piece of shit ever since she agreed to murder viserys. Matin made it abundantly clear she she is NOT a hero, not even a good person, and if you pay attention to Quaite and daenery's dreams, she is the closest thing to the antichrist version of planets that exists.

How is it Fucking 5.3 now!? It was 7.5 like yesterday!

Why is this being Fucking allowed!?

I want out of clown world. Look at those fucking subhumans.

>calling Arya beautiful

It's not a Disney product so the ratings don't matter, no need to re-evaluate the rating system even when buttmad not-sex-having incels review bomb it.

>amerimutts cheering on for the murder of hundreds of thousands of poor people for having their pet nigress die at the hands of some single tyrant that rules over them. All the while thinking they are the good guys.

Just like real life.

>All those retards ITT thinking that normies are starting to realize the flaws of the writing and how dumb everything got

People are just mad because the ONLY arc that had constant development for like 3 seasons ( Dany being kinda mad) is finished and dumb women think it is bad because their main girl is getting the villain treatment.

It has nothing to do with your 50k subscribers youtubers shitting the medieval tactics/logical of this world

I fucking hate the general populace and their stupidity. This show has been shit for years but only now that their fucking favorite insane character and her black friend are suffering do they start to shit on the show. Fucking ridiculous.

With S8E04, "The Last of the Starks" over:

- 2nd worst rated episode by /got/ at 4.27, with the worst episode S8E03, "The Long Night" rated at 4.23 (-0.04)
- 3rd worst rated episode by Westeros.org at 5.53
- 2nd worst rated episode by Rotten Tomatoes at 7.16, with the worst episode S6E08, "No One" rated at 7.00 (-0.16)
- worst rated episode by IMDB at 7.00, with the 2nd worst episode S6E08, "No One" rated at 8.20 (+1.20)

Attached: GoT156-2.png (2940x1940, 256K)

I haven't saw one of these since season 3, when the only sjws were the titcow and her friends. Now the whole bar looks like a bunch of faggots. What the hell happened?

This. It's been shit for so long yet they eat it all up till their favs die, which was one of the biggest selling points of the show in the first place. Bandwagon culture is retarded.

>woman who got a degree for being black thought the episode was good

wow, made me think

danyfags fucking destroyed this show. omg how dare something bad happen to our stronk female. the signs have been building since season 1, she's a power hungry nutter that is quite shit at ruling, she's just another robert, a conqueror not a ruler. she has routinely murdered innocent people throughout the entire show.

>It wasn't destroying the most important things that were developed over 8 years.

...yes it was. the beyond the wall episode fundamentally ruined a lot of established things.

yea that episode fucked stuff up. that was when they got into killing a white walker=auto killing all the wights that walker turned. i want to spit on whoever came up with that. im pretty sure in s7 they also establish that wights can only be killed with fire, valyrian steel, and/or dragonglass. that doesn't really make sense because meera kills some wights with regular swords and stuff, and plenty of wights were getting killed in hardhome with regular steel.

This is honestly the most entertaining part of the season.


The new seasons pander to general audiences moreso.

I mean episode 4 is probably the better of the season so far, why the low ratings? Are SJWs really that shallow that they are simply mad the black girl got beheaded?

>Dany turning villainous is an even worse decision than having Arya one-shot the Night King and his entire army
you have a clear misunderstanding of both of those characters and character narrative structure in general.
Arya's character had 0 relationship with the Night King. Instead, it was Jon and Dany and some other characters that did (Sam, Ed, Tormund, Beric, Mellisandre). Any of these characters could've killed the Night King, but since Jon's relationship was stronger, it would've been much more satisfying to see him kill the Night King.
But no, le epic assassin goblin comes out of nowhere and snubs everyone. It's garbage

Meanwhile, Dany's Mad Queen arc is a completely logical continuation of her character. She's always been obsessed with getting the Iron Throne, she's had to suffer to get it, she's resorted to burning people alive to get it, it's completely logical for her to turn into a tyrant to make sure the Throne is hers. You might not think it's fun or satisfying, but that's just Game of Thrones, it's filled with tragedy and the ambiguity between Good and Evil, people doing bad things for the right reasons or vice versa. Look at how Jaime killed the Mad King, who was hated by everyone and he's being mocked for it instead of treated as a hero.

she looks like if chloe moretz was done right in that pic

I blame Jamie’s character arc being destroyed, and. The previous episode finally opening everyone up to the suspicion that the writing on this show has become dog shit—the rest is confirmation bias

so then how did the boats shoot the dragon, fuckhead

the last season of twd was unironically enjoyable.

Rhaegal dying was dumb and feels like it's only done for shock value, which is the same for most of this season

>reviewers acknowledging the disconnect of arya and NKs plotline, lack of themes but praising it because strong woman
>reviewers mad that Dany was being made into a tyrant, despite hints of it throughout the series
>people mad that hound was rude towards Sansa but forgetting that him turning into a fan favorite doesn't change the fact that he's an asshole

We can't even discuss themes and storytelling anymore without things devolving into partisan politics. I'm honestly worried about this. Good stories and writing should take precedence over everything else but in this day and age it takes a backseat.

She has been mad since astapor/mereen


the fact that you can't stop talking about this show is a good indicator that it isn't really the issue, you are.


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This can be happening, I'm in control here!

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What autistic faggot rates every, individual episode of a show?

TFW normies are finally turning on got but it's all for the wrong reasons

Attached: spoony.png (328x376, 280K)

Once the LCD gets a vote everything goes to shit. We are all completely and hopelessly surrounded by idiots

i miss innocent season 1 dany. she’s not aging well

They are acting like it's real lo lwhy rage over it.
I personally thought it was a good episode especially compared to the absolutely liquid shit plot armour yas queen crap we've had for the last 4 seasons
More of a return to form

>25% of people thought this was a 10/10 episode

Attached: 1411798792110.png (215x169, 2K)

It wasn't even really Starbucks.

>Bunch of petty squabbling
>World-destroying threat looming far away
>Everyone too busy infighting to notice
>Creator is opening anti-monarchist and anti-war
Yes, clearly what really matters here is all of the political drama.

>(after sending bronn just to kill him)
she knew bronn wouldn't kill them

Normal retards have super low standards. Hence why most media is shit because they can have huge profits off of the general retard population

it was on par with most game of thrones post s4. the only reason people are mad is because they used the POC as a prop to further the plot for white people and are literally forcing the female feminist symbol into insanity and death.

Yea Forums relates with her because dani is going through incel's go through.

It's called A Song of Ice and Fire, you tardmonkey.

>The Long Knight at 8.4

What the fuck. Episode 4 was horseshit, but 3 was equally so. The only difference was 'muh Special Effects' that you couldn't even see...

The Hell is with the Normies??

Stannis is the rightful heir, you fuckwit.

the fact that normies don't see a flaw with the other 3 episodes just shows that we're way past the entry mark of the meme age
everybody thinks and acts on what the echo chambers spout out

episode 3 was self-contained and gave closure. most people who watch the show weren't invested in WHO killed the NK, just that the heroes survive.
the NK's weaknesses were well setup by previous episodes and a lot of the flaws in the episode are questionable directing or shot selection rather than writing problems.

>the NK's weaknesses were well setup by previous episodes
Yeah, so Imma need you to elaborate.
>inb4 drugunglass hurr durr

>and a lot of the flaws in the episode are questionable directing or shot selection rather than writing problems.
You are only correct in that there are both horrendous directing and writing problems. Aka not only the latter, both. But if you're implying the episode is writing above the worst of fanfics, absolutely incorrect.

No he didn't retard.

detachment is the only antidote

Attached: reeee fucking normies.jpg (1080x1183, 752K)

Why the FUCK would Martin, the pacifist anti-monarchist make the entitled power-hungry warmongering conqueror the hero of his anti-war story? She either goes mad with power or the story and its themes wouldn't make any sense (unless Dany just gives it all up, but I doubt that's going to happen since it wouldn't be as dramatic). He loves fucking with his audience and making the initially sympathetic Chosen One the ultimate bad guy is just like something he'd do.

Attached: 9f9a3841898ff0053a93f4bea4b62729.png (600x600, 408K)

yes he did read the comments you dumb shit

>the Longest Night worked as a self-contained climax if you didn't care who killed the Night King.

Are you retarded? Why the fuck brann the tard built a wall to stop the other when he could've just hired a faceless man to kill the night king?

What site is this from?

>Olenna tells Dany to let a dragon be a dragon
>Dany doesn't do the dragon thing to seize what is hers
>is cosmically punished with her forces diminished and two of her three dragons killed

>if she just...

Why didn't Dany catch any flak for the way she handled the unsullied purchase? Wouldn't what she did there have been something approaching the red wedding in the honor system?

Well then they should have a 2 second on screen moment where Dany sees the boat and shrugged it off as non threatening

Because Olenna was a paragon of wisdom and not some stupid hag who overestimated her own intelligence and got her entire house wiped off the face of the earth.

Raping? Aren't they dickless?

Can people stop pretending it's just alt right Nazi Russian trolls who review bomb shit now? Clearly everyone bombed it out because >muh Missandei GoT is racist.

I personally believe that Beyond the Wall is the worst episode. Worse than that Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken shit episode in Season 5.

The plot in Beyond the Wall makes no sense, the fighting is super dull too. Like we saw how intense fighting wights can be in Hardhome, yet they somehow removed all the intensity. Also plot armor. The wights that grabbed Tormund just cuddled him gently instead of killing him.

Also they fucked up and had wights pop out of the hole in the ice to grab him. Wights can't swim, they just sink. The writers pretended that that isn't a fact just because it would be "cool and scary" to have them pop out of the water.

Daenerys comes last second to save the day after the final expendable nameless extra dies. Jon somehow just pops out of a frozen lake as he's immortal. Benjen is back, Benjen is gone.

Stannis claim was better than Dany's ever was. I don't know how people can hate Stannis but like Dany.

Honestly, I would rate it as a 9/10 episode if it was just another episode in the series. It's not though, there are only two episodes left and they nullified the entire White Walker plotline for this sudden ending with Daenerys.

>purple links

>its just a tv show

Imagine life without these tv shows and movies and video games and shit. Without stuff like this, we wouldn't have anything interesting to think about. Life is boring on its own.

remember when she had that random guy burned alive and then ripped to pieces by her dragons in Mereen?

Apparently not.

Stannis only went after the throne because he is the rightful heir and feels obliged to. If he wasn't the rightful heir then he'd either just chill out on Dragonstone or side with whoever the rightful heir was.

Who the fuck gives these shitty episodes a 10

people who have sex