955 days until Avatar 2

>955 days until Avatar 2

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55 days till the next Marvel movie! Getting 3 Marvel movies a year, feels good.

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feels bad, man

Who is the audience for these bland fantasy movies?
How did they get more popular than The Sorcerers Apprentice or Percy Jackson

>get to see avatarposter frens every day for at least 3 more years

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the space ship at the start of avatar was pretty cool, apparently it's a plausible design

Percy jackson movie was absolute dogshit and didn't stick to the books well. I know that when I was younger the books were hugely popular.


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That's my point
It was forgettable and bad like Avatar. So why did Avatar do so well?


was it delayed? i remember the 1000 days post being older than 2 months

based countdown poster
cringe janny incel that deletes these threads

Literally no one. They're trying to capture lightning in a bottle twice but will probably cancel the 5 fucking sequels when 2 flops

>has never seen avatar
>waiting to finally watch it before the release of Avatar 2
at this rate I'll never watch it senpai

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no source material therefore nothing to compare it to. Percy jackson might have been a perfectly mediocre movie but everybody who thinks about it will always compare it to the source. Avatar didn't have anything to be held against.

Also women love CGI or something

Im sorry for you user.

It's pretty underwhelming

I'm gonna fucking riot if avatar poster ever gets banned

>women love cgi
Kek, is this an actual thing?

Get to work lads

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>has never seen avatar
if you didn't see it in theaters, you won't understand why it is so amazing

If you need all that for it to be enjoyable then it's no good

feels bad

>my opinion means something
fuck off retard


If abatap wasn’t dead already, he is now

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Fuck abatap

Suck a dick capeshitters

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and then there won't be any more Avatar after it bombs so horribly

Can't refute it my angry boy?

Is there some kind of record for a sequel doing massively worse than the previous film? Is Avatar 2 going to take that?

why would I bother debating an idiot who has hardly any reading comprehension? Here, let me help you find an appropriate thread for you to shit in

>Meme caption
>iCuck owner
Cameronfags are absolutely reddit, who knew

based jim is filming all 5 sequels at once, hence the slight delay.

It's poo poo with 3d gimmick

I trust James Cameron but he fooled himself, avatar only got so much money in the box office because people were curious to see the 3D effect every fucking news paper and internet article was talking about, not because it was a good movie

Absolutely retarded way to do it
Like are all the actors learning 5 scripts and doing different movies out of order on different months? Or is it just constant back to back filming

Angry capeshitter



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they'll dump the rest on Disney +

What's that? Since Avatar was released there have been 20 movies and 25 Seasons of TV Shows from the MCU and it's only the beginning? Fret not Avatarfriend I'm sure the Mouse will give you your Pocahontas in space sequel eventually.

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>20 movies and 25 Seasons of TV Shows
and they are all shit

Too bad Thanos didn't snap away these garbage Avatar sequels.

I'd rather have 5 Rian Johnson Star Wars flicks over janky Avatar sequels.

>implying it will ever happen

What could even happen?
It was humans vs blue guys, but the blue guys won and I can't remember but didn't all the humans leave?
Are the blue guys gonna fight blue guys for the next 5 movies or maybe green guys show up

It's a shame. By the time Avatar 2 gets here it may no longer be trendy to be conservative on Yea Forums. I really wanted to see the great clash of /poltv/ vs treehugger propaganda.

Go back to Twatter

that's how they did the Lotr movies

treehugger propaganda actually makes sense if the forest is literally sentient and ruled by a giant tree God that you can telepathically commune with by means of your tail or whatever

Honestly we might loop all the way back around by then. We are already seeing people denounce the evil /pol/ boogyman

Sill waiting for the return of ABATAP...

He’s dead bro

I never watched Abatap but I'm still sad for Avatar bro

reminder that pocahontas in space is by definition better than the entire MCU

That's Apu not Pepe you incel

not an argument

Moved so Cruella and West side Story will have more room at the box office. Watch WB, Sony or universal slide an action movie into december now. It's been shown they can do well with jumanji and Aquaman.

Pocahontas was a shitty movie. Being in space doesnt change that. It's the same old whyte pypo and hoomans bad story.

"Pocahontas in space" sounds like such an amazing idea for a movie. But then you watch it and it's the most generic, forgettable and predictable thing ever. Meanwhile, the MCU is this generations Star Wars.

are people like you literally paid to post? I just dont understand how anyone can think like this

>Meanwhile, the MCU is this generations Star Wars.
kiddie shit but without any of the groundbreaking effects?

I'm bored and I'm here to make Avatarfags seethe.

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What is abatap?

is it just rusing then or do you actually like mcu that much?

I don't enjoy/like anything so I try to make other people miserable too.

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blue-blues can't read though
and paper would make them sperg out because it's made of trees

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Remember, you're here forever.

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Avatar but in Cyrillic

any teaser?
even an image?
we can't wait and wonder forever

Based based based


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>when the awkward retard tries to fit in by copying the cool kid's jokes

I saw it in 3d in the cinema but remember absolutely nothing apart from that I almost pissed myself and that it's a ripoff of some cartoon lmao. Get fucked Cameron.