>”I don’t tip.”
Wtf was his problem??
>”I don’t tip.”
Wtf was his problem??
Steve buscemi
He based
He was too smart for America.
I bet he's uncircumcised, too.
Cause he's a faggot alright
Possibly this.
Reminder tipping is a legacy holdover of feudalism. You should pay your employees a fair wage. Steve is right.
Hot, got any more?
Tipping = watching cuckold porn
He was just being independent. I reckon he doesn't actually feel that strongly about the matter, but he does enjoy making conversation, and was probably feeling out the rest of his team more than anything.
He later justifies his not tipping by saying the service was bad. He is playing into the system he explicitly rejected just as much as the rest, but simply voting no.
Ultimately however, he doesn't feel like anyone is owed shit. That's why he has no qualms about running off with the loot in the end.
Overall ya, pretty based.
I bet he doesn't clap at the end of movies either
This. Anyone who doesn’t tip is a closet homo.
Yeah there's a GIF of it but can't find it, phoneposting here. He gets rammed really hard, arm backstretched clutching at his abusers chest.
So here in the UK people still tip (hairdressers, restaurants, delivery guys) despite them actually getting at least minumum wage by law, LOL. I honestly say to them like why, they're making more than you per hour and you're giving them a tax free bonus for what? Doing their fucking jobs, lol. What fucking sense does that make?
People say Americans are fucking stupid but I swear Brits are legit brainlets to a man.
Did you know he went to 9/11
Keep the change isn't the same as tipping
It's the same in the US. Employers are required to compensate up to minimum wage if a worker's tips don't cover it.
>be american
>receive $1 an hour because I'm used to living in jewpocalypse jewniverse
>depend on begging for tips and obsessively post threads about it every fucking day for decades
>be english
>pay for personal service
>if the person does a good job, you give them a few coins because you were particularly pleased with the service, it was above your expectations
Americans can't comprehend having personal choice or anything based on real interaction. Only fake smiles and forced 'tips' which is really an undisclosed service charge.
Fucking pathetic.
americans are strangely entitled to the money of others yet claim to hate socialism
He was actin' like a professional
tips are 100% voluntary and are always only offered after payment has been processed, you stupid nigger
Well, Brits are proto-Anglos, Americans are processed Anglos
That's not what people do here.
That's not the same at all. In the UK they're paid minimum (at least) regardless and then they get tips on top of this. Dude do you know how much fucking money waitresses make here? I knew a girl who earned 500+ a week working 2 days each 6 hour shifts.
And most of that is untaxed to boot.