Just go on the roof bro.
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How many roentgens is it comrade? Give it to me straight
It's only 3.6 Roentgen, nothing to worry about comrade.
3.6 bro
Not great, not terrible
such a great and memorable theme
Imagine spending years studying nuclear physics and then execute idiotic orders which will certainly lead to your death and YOU KNOW IT. Fucking hell. How did they cope with it?
>who bio-robot here?
Not good. Not terrible either. I've seen worse.
Stupid westerners discover new event, some scenes are great btw
bout tree fiddy
how many people did the chernobyl event kill?
The price for heat for every household in the USSR
lots of vodka and suicide
Ummmmm actually comrades it's at least 200 roentgens. Just sayin.
Official podcast with writer's thoughts etc
Not many, it only peaked at 3.6 roentgens
>want to watch the whole episode and fap after that
>feel so bad that I can't
6 gorillion.
Zero, comrade.
Okay Yea Forums! Just go up onto the roof and look down; trust me nothing is wrong.
There is no graphite
That's the radiation poisoning
Is it shot on film? It doesn't look like digital.
>I sent plenty of men to look at that defect piece of shit
>everybody that came back was half dead
>they must be wrong
>fucking incompetent zoomers
What did he mean by this?
Reminded me of that kino scene from The Death of Stalin with Michael Palin.
>summoned to fire at nuclear plant
>see glowy material on the ground
>better pick it up
37 directly attributable deaths.
There isn't and never will be any agreement on potential deaths.
>B-But I saw graphite on the floor, comrade Dyatlov
>when you find out roadside picnic was written BEFORE the chernobyl disaster
Holy shit, is that an actual line from the show? Nobody talked like that in 1986. The "cult" of Lenin was long dead by then.
You're delusional
go to the infirmary
he was the leader of a power plant and he was scared shitless
he knew that if it really happened all of his family will go to gulag
Lads I found graphite near the plant...
Is this any good? Didnt even know it started
to be fair, it wasnt glowing when they arrived, it was just a weird rock
Nukino so far
>in the 80s
Soviet bureaucracy was the definition of "shit rolls downhill"
Pick it up
Roadside Picnic and Stalker have nothing to do with Chernobyl, the Zone was created by aliens. It's only the video games who take the Zone and place it around Chernobyl.
Everything I've listed is pure kino btw.
yeh its pretty good, depressing atmosphere kino
>he doesn't pirate it
Oh, user...
Shame that the Andrew Jackson miniseries appears to be dead but knowing current HBO it could've been risky.
only feel like committing to this show if it's top tier suffering and gore porn. what of it lads
There is no graphite. As a matter of fact, there is reactor
It's sort of life imitating art.
>when you find out kino adaptation named Stalker which were shot in soviet location was also BEFORE the chernobyl disaster
You won't be disappointed.
>Get horrible dose of radiation which will undoubtedly kill you
>Immediately get yelled at by some suits
use cyбтитpы for english
But what about the core? It can't explode.
How can there be graphite near the plant when it is supposed to be INSIDE the plant, user?
It's kino.
I thought it was sparkling when he picks it up
Pussy. To the roof. NOW!
>he doesn't know
They don't think be like this comrade, but is.
>just call the fire brigade, bros.
Yea Forums, do you taste metal?
>But there's 3,6 roentgen/hour
imagine the smell
that might have been the nature of the graphite but you may be correct
There's never been a solid number. I think the number of deaths directly attributed to Chernobyl is in the 40's or something, but then the Soviets didn't exactly keep a record of people who were near the explosion at the time and then coincidentally died of cancer years later.
Did the ordinary plant workers know how dangerous radiation is?
I wonder what the next episode is going to be like, is it just going to be people dying of radiation in hospital?
Yeah, a little.
We'll be ok, r-right?
No, but I found some graphite.
>get drafted to the red army at 17
>hope i get sent to some comfy place
>have to shoot dogs and get throat cancer in ukraine
lmao get outta here
Poor radioactive man :(
Of course, that's why they hesitated to go near the reactor in the first place.
Should've jumped in.
Many of them were just locals so, no.
>writers specifically pick a dead person to serve as the bad guy for their series
And this is how you avoid getting sued.
>b-but the air is glowing!
That shaky camera effect was very kino.
>the meter maxes out at 3.6 so that must be the actual reading!
Main character calls him a scapegoat
It's ok, they just gave the plant a new paintjob, that's what you're smelling.
They were all broken anyways...
Why is this so unsettling? It's like some pervasive Medusa monster that you can never see.
It's not like he didn't do those things in real life, though.
Russian here.
Got a couple of videos of radiation sickness caused by Chernobyl disaster for you
Maybe some of you would find this interesting to watch
Moscow only sends us broken meters!
Reminder that ayy lmaos unironically saved us
Didn't he also said that he deserved death for everything he had done? I'm a bit confused. Or did he mean that death will be mercy or smth?
We weren't meant to gaze upon this
>When the Hospital doesn't stock Iodine pills
was just small maintenance inconvenience )))
next episode we are getting the roof clearing lands, get hyped for depressing kino of men running ontop the roof with subpar equipment to shovel hyper radioactive graphite and concrete for 90 seconds at a time only to get cancers anyway.
Unofficially it had to kill thousands, at least. Pripyat alone had a population of like 50,000 people, and it took them days to evacuate the place. There's no telling how many of them had long term health problems/ cancer/ early deaths.
ummmm sir, the controls for the reactor core aren't responding
How bad is the anti nuclear propaganda?
Are you implying that the perfect Soviet measuring device didn't go exactly as high as it needed to?
Do I need to call someone from the Party, user?
the episode makes it very clear that everyone in charge was to blame to a degree.
Pripyat was built especially for nuclear workers and their families. A lot of them didn't want to move there so young people just done with school often came. They knew of the dangers but had orders from above.
>when your eyes are melting off but you're too cool to care
Fuck off, space nigger.
>Why would we have iodine pills?
Yes, but also
>There were far greater criminals than him at work
its fine, its more anti-retard than anti nuclear
but comrade that's the maximum of the dosimeter
Go and check the rods
Don't forget the guys who wear scuba gear to go through massively irradiated water to open valves and come back with their skin falling off.
Oh look another piece of capitalist propaganda slandering the radical idea of sharing. No nation has ever been misrepresented and slandered more than the USSR. I encourage everyone to listen to Chapo trap house which destroys this capitalist propaganda
Is it good lads ? Debating whether to watch it weekly or binge it when it's done
Non existent. The fault is placed entirely on human errors in design and operation.
The whole point is all the leadership involved was in denial and shifting blame because whoever lost he blame game got shipped off to the gulag.
Nice, probably gonna wait for the whole season to release and binge it then
It's actually worse. If he had no glasses, his eyes would eventually bleed.
I don't know how this shit is called in english, but in russian it's "radioactive mirror effect".
He maintained that he dindu nuffin and blamed the plant design till his death though.
Considering that the plant was built in blatant violation of the project's own safety standards, he may have had a point.
You know this shit is good and the situation had comically gone to shit when every quote in it is more or less legit, and it's extremely quotable to begin with
The first episode is fantastic. Hope they keep up the quality.
>movies featuring car crashes are against cars
That's normal user, you should go to the roof and you'll see that everything is fine
Dunno how they can fill the rest four, hour long episodes.
i haven't seen anything anti-nuclear so far other than just the fact of what can go wrong when people fuck up. towards the end of the episode it's getting into what the core is doing to the local environment.
>He maintained that he dindu nuffin and blamed the plant design till his death though.
Isn't it confirmed that he ignored the safety protocols and allowed the test to continue instead of shutting it down to prevent the accident?
>Comrade Fomin, I d-don't feel so good...
Cooling tank?
Did she look into the core?
I don't give a shit about the dosimeter, I NEED WATER IN MY REACTOR CORE!
This entire series is just propaganda from capitalists to discredit socialism and harm the Sanders campaign. The actual facts show the USSR was a largely benevolent government which in fact handled the Chernobyl accident fairly well and openly.
> muh Stalin
Stalin just industrialized rapidly. The same people would have been killed in capitalist nations.
You mean like disinfecting stuff?
I think it's more about the aftermath rather than the incident.
There are people in this thread believe that the core is exploded
Listen to the podcast, it's kino
We'll just send between 2k and 4k political policeman do not worry tovarish xoxo
whats your opinoin on ukranian jews? been seeing one at work, thinking about taking things further. she moved to america in her teens
Not an actual line from the show.
You know you want to
Like clockwork, soviet apologists
Fuck off, noone died in three mile
>It's actually worse. If he had no glasses, his eyes would eventually bleed.
>just a little heat rash lad
>it'll clear right up
was really good
me on the left
where does the half echo parenthesis meme comes from ?
I've noticed it only recently
fucking russians I hate them so much
that time here in socialist countries this was a fucking secret
friend of my mom was a kindergarten teacher for politician kids in hungary
she alerted my mom to not to go out because raining can fucking rekt you.
Everyone knows RBMK reactors don't explode.
His brain stopped working here. He's completely delusional.
According to the official version. Official Soviet version, at that.
Yeah? Go look at and you'll see it's fine.
reminder to ignore and hide this bait
As a long time Sanders supporter i can safely say you are a retard.
not worth for it
10 20 years ago it could be great
now it is nothing more just an abandomed site of buildings and you can find stuff like that everywhere
just turn your brain off bro
Russian keyboards can't do the ":" key quickly so to do a smiley in online games they usually just do the )
>How bad is the anti nuclear propaganda?
none existant 2bh, there are some anons who see it as anti-nuclear/anti-Russian [sic] propaganda and looking for propaganda where there is none rather than focusing on the event and sacrifice people made to contain the accident
You need to understand that to agree that yes, the core is rekt, meant they were all dead.
You just dont want to believe it
Beta rays have caused radiation burns around and on his eyes.
dont even reply to the morons shitposting about politics etc. just discuss the kino or the disaster./
Comrade, I think you're in shock. You better get yourself to the infirmary.
Slavrune keyboard can't type :
so )))) is smiley face for them.
Kyshtym disaster
> Ozyorsk and the surrounding countryside have been heavily contaminated byindustrial pollutionfrom theMayakplutoniumplant since the late 1940s. The Mayak plant was one of the largest producers ofweapons-grade plutoniumfor the Soviet Union during much of theCold War, particularly during theSoviet atomic bomb program. Built and operated with great haste and disregard for safety, between 1945 and 1957 the plant dumped and released large amounts of solid, liquid and gaseous radioactive material into the area immediately around the plant. Over time, the sum of radionuclide contamination is estimated to 2-3 times the release from the explosions from theChernobylaccident.
> In 1957, the Mayak plant was the site of a major disaster, amongall the other such accidents, releasing more radioactive contamination than Chernobyl, again. An improperly stored underground tank ofhigh-level liquid nuclear wasteexploded, contaminating thousands of square kilometres of territory, now known as theEastern Ural Radioactive Trace(EURT). The matter was quietly and secretly covered up, and few either inside or outside Russia were aware of the full scope of the disaster until 1980....
He's a fucking maniac, he's straight up sending junior engineers and interns to their death because he won't accept it.
Wonder how burned eyes look
I love how they commercialized it, all happy faces and posing for cameras. Honestly hilarious to think about.
Was that the actual phone-call that they had in the episode? Anyone know?
They don't.
I see ty
>"Radiation? What Radiation?"
> Before the 1957 accident, much of the waste was dumped into theTecha River, which it severely contaminated as well as residents of dozens of riverside villages such as Muslyumovo, who relied on the river as their sole source of drinking, washing and bathing water. After the 1957 accident, dumping in the Techa River officially ceased, but the waste material was dumped in convenient shallow lakes near the plant instead, of which 7 have been officially identified. Of particular concern isLake Karachay, the closest lake to the plant (now notorious as the most contaminated place on Earth[14]) where roughly 4.4exabecquerelsof high-level liquid waste (75-90% of the total radioactivity released by Chernobyl) was dumped and concentrated in the shallow 45-hectare (110-acre) lake[15]over several decades.
> In addition to the radioactive risks, the airborneleadand particulate soot levels in Ozyorsk (along with much of the Ural industrial region) are also very high—roughly equal to the levels encountered along busy roadsides in the era predatingunleaded gasolineandcatalytic converters—due to the presence of numerouslead smelters.
>sir it does happen that the roentgen count coincides with the maximum of the meter
>3.6 it is, comrade
>read a book about it
>a woman who was a little girl that time said the goverment told them to go away for just a few days, after that they can return
>she said she had her little kitten, and it was left there
poor kitten
>his red face
3.6 what? How does a reactor blow? Explain it to me. ARE YOU STUPID?
Ok now redo this but he is all glowing green
>shift+6 is somehow insurmountably harder to type than shift+;
They're just lazy.
It looks exactly like the chemical one
>roughly 4.4exabecquerelsof
So what was that blue beam about?
Thanks for the info comrad.
its just searchlights bro, dont worry, go back to bed
Yeah it was real.
Cherenkov radiation. The least of your worries if you ever see it like that.
ayy lmaos
simple Cherenkov radiation comrade
Cherenkov radiation.
It's artistic license though, it doesn't work that way in the air.
Wish granter, comrade.
>One becquerel is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays per second.
duh, dummy
Too scared to Google it
Denial is a hell of a drug
The Monolith.
You're in the control room and these guys fuck up your reactor core. What would you do?
>I think I ate something bad, comrades
>Lake Karachay (Russian: Кapaчáй), sometimes spelled Karachai or Karachaj, was a small lake in the southern Ural mountains in central Russia. Starting in 1951, the Soviet Union used Karachay as a dumping site for radioactive waste from Mayak, the nearby nuclear waste storage and reprocessing facility, located near the town of Ozyorsk (then called Chelyabinsk-40). Today the lake is completely infilled, acting as "a near-surface permanent and dry nuclear waste storage facility."[1]
>The radiation level in the region near where radioactive effluent is discharged into the lake was 600 röntgens per hour (approximately 6 Sv/h) in 1990, according to the Washington, D.C.-based Natural Resources Defense Council,[5][6] sufficient to give a lethal dose to a human within an hour.
Soviets really didn't give a single fuck.
>Kids playing with the radioactive soot/ fallout
This shit was way more horrifying than any actual horror of late
uh, in english, doc?
What's wrong with you? Why didn't you jump down to get a closer look and see what's what?
it can happen even with low radiation xoxo
A proper dose of X-rays can make your eyes glow like a superhero
Aroozhey abrow
I found some graphite on the ground guys.
Looks cool go and pick it up
Just pump more water into the reactor core, bro. That's all that's required.
could be a cool gift for the wife
The soviet union was totally rotten.
I dont know, I could go on and on.
The Bolsheviks from the start financed their party by armed robbery. Stalin in the early days was robbing and killing people for money. This wasnt a fluke, it was just how they operated, and was a decision made from the top, by Lenin.
During the civil war, the communists literally had to go invade places in the country and crush the people. This included things like burning down entire villages as a form of mass punishment. After they took control they had to force collectivized farming on people. They took people off their land, and put them on state owned farms. They took the kulaks, and they stole everything they had, and shipped them to the gulags.
Millions of people were killed, or pushed around. After WWII, hundreds of thousands of ethnic Germans were forcefully relocated to work camps in different parts of the country. A huge number, maybe 10%, of these Germans died immediately in their poor working conditions.
When Isreal broke off foreign relations with the soviet union, they responded by randomly picking a jew in the highest levels of each region's government, and executed them. Just to spite Isreal.
>"Did you even do a flip? How can you be sure there is no radiation if you didn't do a flip off the roof into the core which doesn't exist?"
you sure about that? i read that it can happen in a vacuum...i would think that under extreme circumstances you could see it in the atmosphere
>vomits on your table, appologises and passes out
literally me when drunk
Juggle it, faggot.
They knew if they didn't, the consequences would have been even worse.
why do you support someone that said that white people don't know what it's like to be poor?
Gonna go check to see how the core is doing guys, brb
why even respond you fucking moron? stop ruining the thread, this was the reason the first thread was deleted
>Didn't strip naked and roll around in them
send in the robots
Why didn't they tell him where the Committee meeting would be? Did they just expect him to know?
Pets were shot shortly after the people left.
>Hunting parties spent weeks scouring the zone and shot all the abandoned family pets, which had begun to roam in packs. It was a necessary evil to avoid the spread of radioactivity, prevent decontamination workers from being attacked, and put the animals out of their misery. A quick death was better than slowly dying of starvation and radiation sickness.
> “The first time we came, the dogs were running around near their houses, guarding them, waiting for people to come back”, recounted Viktor Verzhikovskiy, Chairman of the Khoyniki Society of Volunteer Hunters and Fishermen. “They were happy to see us, they ran toward our voices. We shot them in the houses, and the barns, in the yards. We’d drag them out onto the street and load them onto the dump truck. It wasn’t very nice. They couldn’t understand: why are we killing them? They were easy to kill, they were household pets. They didn’t fear guns or people.”
*robot commits suicide*
Don't worry guys, I checked it out and the core is fine!
There actually was a nuclear accident of this type somewhere in South America where a bunch of guys broke into an abandoned hospital and busted up an X-ray machine that had been improperly disposed of and started spreading all those cool chunks of glowing rock around the local community as jewelry for all their friends and family.
There was even an episode of Star Trek TNG inspired by that event.
Okay I'm back from checking on the core. It isn't there. Wat do now?
fucking kek
is Dyatlovposting going to be a thing?
>be robot
>built to go to the moon
>end up getting sent to my death in Ukraine
He meant that while Dyatlov was a cunt, he wasn't the only one responsible and that guys that were even more guilty escaped justice.
It is actually true. While Dyatlov should never have insisted on carrying out the test (the official guidelines were to run the test at 1200MW and under no circumstances do it below 700MW. The reactor was at 200MW when they started and because of Dyatlow's fuckups was incredibly unstable), the design was flawed - and the explosion of the reactor was not the worst thing about the disaster, it was the lies, the coverup and how poorly the aftefmath was handled (which was not hia fault, even though he was primarily to blame for the intial explosion).
Dyatlov was actually sentenced to hard labor irl for Chernobyl, but of course he only served 5 years since the USSR collapsed in 91.
Comrade i think you are delusional. Someone get him to the infirmary
no you didn't comrade
Read Plutopia. Its interesting book about "twin" nuclear "cities" Ozorsk and Hanford., good stuff.
Predictions for next episode comrades?
>I may have made a mistake
that's what this guy said it was at least.
I can't believe thaht he would be that retarded
>Cherenkov radiation.
>It's artistic license though, it doesn't work that way in the air.
It's literally a neutron beam and was very real.
"Alexander Yuvchenko, recounts that once he stepped outside and looked up towards the reactor hall, he saw a "very beautiful" laser-like beam of light bluish light caused by the ionization of air that appeared to "flood up into infinity".
Explain how a RBMK Reactor explodes
Here's a piece of graphite from the first soviet NPP in Obninsk
It's not radioactive (only 0.0004 uSv/hour)
Note how the cabin has been fitted to prevent radiation from getting in.
I assume MW is megawatts? Why would running the core at less power be more dangerous? Didn't the thing meltdown because there wasn't enough coolant and the steam spiked causing the pressure to skyrocket and blow the lid?
Remibder the Chernobyl incident was a CIA plan to discredit the soviet union at the begest of big business.
Its a tool used by capitalists to keep the worker from understanding how socialism will benefit everyone. This show is propaganda
>"Nuclear Energy? Doesn't exist comrade. Roentgens above 3.6 are a capitalist conspiracy, go to the infirmary."
my torrent has the preview for the next episode at the end of it, cant find it anywhere.
Nice, rub it on your balls for a good three hours, then go impregnate the wife and make sure she sleeps with it on her belly for the entire 9 months. You'll get rly strong children who can fly and make knives come out of their knucles.
I hope they show the clean up.
The clean up of Chernobyl was pretty much as fucked up and miserable as the accident itself. Workers going in, not being told of the radiation risk, only being told to clean it all up. Getting sick, getting cartted off, being replaced. It was such a fucked up incident all around
It's only 3.6. Just walk it off you pussies.
>yfw some faggot tells you he's seen some graphite in the rubble
Only 40 people died at Chernobyl
Enjoyed the first episode but know next to nothing about nuclear power. Give me a quick rundown.
Pretty sure the clean up is what the show is focusing on
>tfw it was all a plan by the soviets tried to fry the ayyyylmaos
rock make power
fug :DDDDD
They havent shown the part where they gotta send three divers down to drain the dirty water or else it could literally start a nuclear explosion. The kino part being that the three divers knew they would die and they all did within a few weeks.
They do, I think it's going to be a massive part of the show. The trailer did show bio robots on the roof.
no. but maybe she should
Nuclear power bad is the only thing u neet to know
In the other thread i posted cherenkov radiation
but another user corrected me and said the blue vertical beam that was witnessed was high speed particles interacting with the air.
You smell anything sweet?
Does your mouth taste like metal?
Nuclear power is a myth. There isn't even a reactor in Chernobyl.
Go and clean up that radiation with a fork, comrade
nuclear fission causes heat
heat makes steam from water
steam turns turbine
spinning copper causes electric field
generates electricity
grug grug rock make heat
How could you find something that isn't there, comrade?
Here's how the reactor looked like after they threw 5,000 tonnes of sand mixed with boronic acid on top of it in order to neutralize the reaction and stop a second explosion. It wasn't very efficient.
It's perfectly safe comrade, nothing to see here.
Nah it can be perfectly safe all joking aside. Almost all plant failures have been human error/ human oversight
the liquidator scenes on the roof have the potential to be so much Kino.
The divers lived. This is just misinformation.
Am I the only one hoping they put a smidgen of supernatural horror in the show?
Like somebody having hallucinations that the core is singing to him or something like that.
>*falls unconscious*
>*skin starts pelling off*
>*eyes start bleeding"
>just go check the roof, smoothskin
Forgot pic. Fuck.
Can someone please explain to me how an RBMK reactor explodes? I'd love to know.
t. nuclear engineer
Go back to capeshit. Every single thing doesn't have to be fantastical.
So, question from a radiation-illiterate fucker.
How fucked are they from just being near that?
What if
What if a bear gets irradiated, it's fur goes all grey, and it mutates to become giant and have a human face
>Am I the only one hoping they put a smidgen of supernatural horror in the show?
Yes, it's a docu-drama, non fiction. I would like a STALKER style show, but this isn't it, nor should it be.
Nah. I like horror but this kind of scenario is already fucking awful. The Terror would have been better without tunnbaq too imo.
Heat + Pressure == Explosion
>invisible force slowly killing everyone
That's already supernatural enough
>Starts off badly
>Manages to get worse throughout
lethal dose
ass fucked
post reaction faces to this scenario
>get job at nuclear plant as entry level tech
>fresh out of undergrad with B.S.
>know a bunch of shit about everything but zero experience
>working first overnight shift
>bunch of alarms sound screaming
>everyone panicking
>someone goes "my rad counter is at 3.6 but that's the max it can read."
>supervisor tells him to stfu
Why did they think an RBMK reactor wouldn't explode? and why did it explode?
*pokes pencil through a piece of papet*
dead in less than a hour from irreversible processes within their bodies
>y-you too..
I heard a number before where a university professor quoted 36 000 deaths as a result of it, from it spreading to different population and causing a higher rate of cancer not only among the people around chernobyl but also large parts of europe. A lot of plants were effected and there are still radioactive animals running around the forest (even in scandinavia..).
>gas masks
>against radiation
Clown world
First pic taken on the morning of the accident by a reporter. Supposedly the others didn't survive due to radiation fuckery that made the camera film shit itself.
shitting your own intestines kind of fucked.
I wonder what the real unexposed core looked like, it was probably less dramatic than on the show.
Split atoms to create heat, warm water up to create steam, use steam to run turbine and generate electricity.
Split atoms create radiation, can cause runaway chain reaction, must control the level of radiation quite precisely to prevent chain reaction.
Too much dampening of radiation eliminates the controlled fission reaction, so not enough heat power to create electricity, so must maintain balance by controlling the amount of radiation dampening in the core with control rods.
Superheated water in reactor running out of control builds up steam pressure, ultimately culminating in an explosive release of internal pressure, tossing away the control rods dampening the radiation, so runaway chain reaction causes meltdown as nothing is there to dampen reaction.
Absolutely fucked beyond salvation. Their skin will swell up with blood underneath and fall off within minutes while blood and other fluids just run out of every orifice.
At least it's quick, probably looks worse than it feels.
you mean
>t. nuclear engineer with correspondence training
I've heard one user say E3 will be about that but I guess we'll see.
against radioactive dust
RMBK reactors can't explode comrade
nothing to worry about
>If only I had 20 good men
This is some bird box shit. Imagine being killed by a literal imaginary force and not even able to take a picture of it to show to others it exists.
Fucking amazing. I hope they'll show flashbacks to the hours leading up to the accident.
very good post
Soviet did most their nuke testing on land, quite close to populated areas. For years to follow people in these areas were dying of cancer and being born with bizarre defects. So if there's any inspiration drawn from nuclear contamination sites in Roadside Piknik or Tarkovsky's Stalker, it's probably coming from there. Shit started in 1949.
Seriously, what the fuck is an RMBK reactor? Does it even exist?
>"Radiation is at perfectly safe levels."
literally like being in space next to a small exploding star
except it's worse cuz the star would blow you instantly
it's a particule mask to avoid breathing radioactive dust I think
Seems straight forward enough.
So why are Dyatlov and the other nuclear engineers so sure that the reactor can't explode?
>just go on the roof bro
Only Lenin and the state know, we shouldn't be distracted from our labour.
Because Soviet nuclear reactors don't explode.
Episode 2 Preview, HBO are yet to upload it.
It is a bit complicated, but they causedfhe reactor to be poisoned by xenone-135,which at normal operation decays as fast as it is produced, but at low power absorbed neutrons and caused the power to drop even lower. This caused them to withdraw virtually all the control rods, which in turn meant the reactor couldn't handle sudden power surge when water started to evaporate, which then slowed down neutron absorption, which then caused the reaction to speed up - causing a feedback loop an a meltdown.
>So why are Dyatlov and the other nuclear engineers so sure that the reactor can't explode?
You could take a picture of it, but if you were that close, you were as good as dead. Here's another fucking lunatic photographing the elephants foot.
It probably turned their DNA into jam
What would comrade Lenin do?
>We have this here reactor design that can be used to solve our impending energy crisis
>easily built
>consumes reduced enrichment fuel
>can be refueled without shutting down
>can be used to produce polonium and other fun shit for the military
>'s basically perfect, except it's too large to build a proper containment structure
>but surely an accident can't happen in the Soviet Union
>nobody is stupid enough to violate safety standards while building the plant
>and even if someone did something as dumb as to use flammable roofing, it's of no consequence if nothing bad happens
>I mean, we don't staff our NPPs with retards who would run retarded experiments outside of safety margins
>hell (which doesn't exist), there would have to be a retard to order them to run such idiocy in the first place
>it's perfectly safe, comrades. VVERs are too expensive, so let's build a ton of these instead.
>past bump limit in less than an hour
damn, might have to check this show out
probably just a glowing mass of doom.
some other light reading for nuke kino.
>The spray of water and steam knocked two operators onto the floor, killing one and severely injuring another. The No. 7 shield plug from the top of the reactor vessel impaled the third man through his groin and exited his shoulder, pinning him to the ceiling.[7] The victims were Army Specialists John A. Byrnes (age 22) and Richard Leroy McKinley (age 27), and Navy Seabee Construction Electrician First Class (CE1) Richard C. Legg (age 26).[17][18][19] It was later established by Todd Tucker that Byrnes (the reactor operator) had lifted the rod and caused the excursion, Legg (the shift supervisor) was standing on top of the reactor vessel and was impaled and pinned to the ceiling, and McKinley, the trainee who stood nearby. Only McKinley was found alive, though unconscious and in deep shock, by rescuers.[7] This was consistent with the analysis of the SL-1 Board of Investigation[20] and consistent with the results of the autopsy, which suggested the Byrnes and Legg died instantly, while McKinley showed signs of diffuse bleeding within his scalp indicating he survived approximately two hours before succumbing to his wounds.[21] All three men succumbed to injuries from physical trauma;[7][21] however, the radiation from the nuclear excursion would have given the men no chance of survival even if they had not been killed by the explosion stemming from the criticality accident.
Russian designed reactor. Canadians call theirs CANDU.
What do all these buttons do?
calling it. this is gonna be a new Yea Forums meme now lads
Imagine getting killed by this poisonous turd
jump into the core to punch the radiation to death.
Digits confirm, back to work on the roof
You can see the radiations effect on the photo, notice the lines from the bottom
I actually find the acne really endearing.
various ways to contain the reactor from saying the N-word
$100,000 to anyone who slaps the elephant's foot. You can run inside, slap it, and quickly exit but you have to do it bare handed. Do you go for it?
Radioactive dust is more dangerous than short radiation exposure because it remains in your body and kills you from inside
Sure but I'm going to cut my hand off immediately after
haven't watched it yet, but this thread is confusing: are you denying chernobyl happened ? are you saying nuclear power is bad ? are you shitting on the show ? what exactly is all this shitposting about ?
>All these actions led to an extremely unstable reactor configuration. Nearly all of the control rods were removed manually, including all but 18 of the "fail-safe" manually operated rods of the minimal 28 which were intended to remain fully inserted to control the reactor even in the event of a loss of coolant, out of a total 211 control rods.[53] While the emergency SCRAM system that would insert all control rods to shut down the reactor could still be activated manually (through the "AZ-5" button), the automated system that could do the same had been disabled to maintain the power level, and many other automated and even passive safety features of the reactor had been bypassed. Further, the reactor coolant pumping had been reduced, which had limited margin so any power excursion would produce boiling, thereby reducing neutron absorption by the water. The reactor was in an unstable configuration that was outside the safe operating envelope established by the designers. If anything pushed it into supercriticality, it would be unable to recover automatically.
just go to the roof comrade
It's only 3.6. Not great but not terrible.
No need
>he doesn’t know
comrades, this man is questioning THE STATE
Don't make me send you to the infirmary, comrade.
>$100,000 to fucking die/shorten your lifespan a few decades and need more medical expenses than what 100.000 can cover
what a steal
>Go up to the elephant's foot.
>Strip down naked
>Cum all over it
>Lie in the cum, on the foot
>Smear the now highly radioactive cum all over your belly as you lie there
Fucking Christ, what a way to go.
>chernobyl happened
You're clearly in shock. Someone take him to the infirmary.
>a soldier is shooting what is probably a dog
what are those black things hanging from their shirts?
new reactor
Yeah - they had to kill all wildlife and domesticated animals in the vicinity
have sex, comrade
Did you put the control rods back into the core?
all the buttons put more water into the reactor
it will fall off by itself, no worry
This user is in shock. Mods, get him out of this thread
worst death any living organism can experience
literally and unironically
>implying there is anything wrong with the old one
are you okay comrade?
dyatlav gets punished, as a boy