Damaged edition
/got/ general
Emilia knew the final season was total shit
stop bullying dany
Kit too
nth for Ashara
First for Snek
I met Smirkfu irl. I worked in a shop in the summer, and she came in a few times
She called me sweetheart
Reminder than Jon kills Fatty
xth for Shredding the waves of the RAD fork
>Everything that is currently wrong with the show stems from two things: 1) They cut fAegon, replacing him with Cersei and 2) They changed Euron, getting rid of his Kraken and dragon binding and blood magiks
Prove this statement wrong, I dare you.
Azor Qyburn.
Is this what they call a sarcastic confession?
I'm jelly
People give Sansa shit for spilling Jon's secret but why is no one giving Jon shit for not keeping his mouth shut? He knows that Sansa dislikes Dany, of course she would be itching to spread any information that distances Dany from the throne. Even if Sansa's distrust for Dany is non-sensical, it still gives her a justification for telling the secret. Jon, on the other hand, has nothing to gain from revealing it to anyone.
shes so cute bros
kit also said episode 4 was his favourite, the last 2 eps must be really, really fucking dumb
Out of all the people they could choose to kill, they had to murder the ONE woman of color on the entire show?
This calls for Radmure
I mean they're not stupid or delusional. They all know how much the writing quality has dropped over their tenure, they're the ones who have to deliver these dumb lines and work their way through murky character motivations that make no sense.
What was wrong with Jon's accent when he gave that funeral accent? Sounded pretty meme.
Also starbucks lel
No, everything wrong with the show comes from the fact that D&D conflated GRRM’s subversion of fantasy tropes as subverting expectations in general.
I wish I was an adult.
Threadly reminder that the kingdom was objectively fine in Tommen's hands after Cersei's arrest. Tommen (or more realistically Smirkfu and Olenna) would've been more or less decent and civilized rulers.
It just goes to show how much the MUH REALM guys are just virtue-signalling showboaters - particularly in the books where Varys assassinates Kevan even when Tommen is still alive
I understand Dany needs to lose to let her emotions finally out in terms of rage, but them finding Missandei and shit was retarded.
By the Seven, that can't be true
This episode was awful enough
Honestly at this point I'm rooting for Dany to just kill as many people as possible, since the bad writing has fully turned against her.
>2 episodes left
he's coming back right?
Of the 5 Kings (and 1 Queen), let's see how many named characters of their courts are still alive
Bran, Edmure, Manderly(?), Jaime
Davos, Gendry
Cersei, Tyrion, Sansa, Varys, Sandor, the Mountain, Podrick, Bronn, Ilyn Payne(?), Qyburn
Yara, Aeron(?)
Grey Worm, Drogon
Honestly I wish he sounded like he did when giving that speech all the time. His delivery was great.
Winter has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when the Long Night ends
nth for /therealm/
He didn't say he wouldn't tell them. Sansa swore she wouldn't tell anyone.
Autistic bran is cute
What are Sansa's tax policy? She's been the Lady of Winterfell for a while, surely this would have been known by now.
Rest in peace my queen
have sex
Ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhh ah ah ah ahhhhhhh!
You sho...
shouldn't ha...
have tr...
trusted me
Because Tommen listened to Tywin and actually took advice. Joffrey only stayed in line because Bobby B would smack him upside the fucking head.
But yes, the "For the realm" shit is complete bullshit, they want people who are easily controlled. Varys himself said Dany was too strong for Jon, so why would Varys want Jon if she was the stronger and more capable leader? They want someone they can control to their own benefit.
Robert would have been a godly King if more rebellions had happened during his rule.
It all makes sense now. Both Kit and Emilia were salty about not getting the throne.
WTF I love Burlington freaks now
>Name is Eddard
>Everyone calls him Ned
>Name is Iggard
Jon is a retard and he just needs to propose to Dany already and end this fucking pointless drama.
The enemy of EVERYONE is Cersei, just unite and starve her the fuck out or nuke them with full allies (THE PRINCE OF DORNE WAS JUST WRITTEN IN, REMEMBER EVERYONE?), who the fuck cares about any of this.
“Aegon has been shaped for rule since before he could walk. He has been trained in arms, as befits a knight to be, but that was not the end of his education. He reads and writes, he speaks several tongues, he has studied history and law and poetry. A septa has instructed him in the mysteries of the Faith since he was old enough to understand them. He has lived with fisherfolk, worked with his hands, swum in rivers and mended nets and learned to wash his own clothes at need. He can fish and cook and bind up a wound, he knows what it is like to be hungry, to be hunted, to be afraid. Tommen has been taught that kingship is his right. Aegon knows that kingship is his duty, that a king must put his people first, and live and rule for them.”
Don’t forget they completely retconned Victarion aka baddest motherfucker alive and also never even fucking bothered to show Howland Reed who didn’t even show up for fucking war against the others even though he’s a stark ally, ned’s closest friend, his son died protecting the kid that is trying to save everyone, and he knows Jon from birth, it was much more important to have a scene where tormund wants to fuck the ogre they didn’t have time for literally the one man who knows what’s up in all of Westeros.
>critics don't like it
>autists don't like it
>normies don't like it
>the actors don't like it
>George doesn't like it
>it's not true to the books
>it's not original, interesting, funny, engaging
>it does not pay off any of the existing setups
>it's objectively bad contrived writing with no internal consistency
Why? For what purpose? Why make it like this? Why are we here?
Fixed it for you
will Yea Forums be enough to contain the shitposting of the finale?
nth for Stannis
Jamie is going to die a Cersei cuck. I was hoping hks end would be him joining the nights watch and dedicating his life to fighting the real threat, but apparently the white walkers are gone forever now.
>Dany: I love you Jon
kit was mad because they cucked him out of his arc and made him useless this season, emilia was mad because they completely fucked her over and made her the final villain after years of building her up as a strong woman
>knows that kingship is a duty
Sounds kinda like Stannis to me
>no fucking Kraken vs dragon fight in a raging storm
>no fAegon set up and reveal to have him be a great payoff villain
Why did they spend so much time on the fucking NK again?
I think the main thing Kit is salty about is not killing the NK which has pretty much been the end goal of his plot since the NK was introduced. Amilia probably fell for the YAAAS QUEEN crowd and thought that if she didn't end up on the throne, it was because she sacrificed herself heroically. Becoming a mad villain probably never even entered her head.
What about nuking the character arcs of Tryion, Stannis, Littlefinger, and Sansa? What does that have to do with Euron or Aegon?
Who cares! Another civil war for a marginally better ruler?
>studied poetry
Kit was only mad because his entire character revolved around the NK only to be cucked out of it by a 45kg little girl.
To practice for Star Wars. Got to continue in the footsteps of elated auteurs the likes of Rian Johnson.
Sounds like a faggot.
somebody combine stannis aaaaagggh with *cough *cough* please
>yfw after killing dany jon beheads her and parades her with a dragon head changing DRAGON QUEEN DRAGON QUEEN
So he can slay mad noble woman pussy
the only woman of color i cared about was whip snek and she had no lines and died immediately. stop bitching fag
It's not even subversion. It's just sheer incompetence by D&D's part. Those two should never be allowed near a script again.
>Dany turns to the screen
>Drogon breathes fire directly at the screen
>cut to fire emerging out of a monitor, engulfing D&D and burning them to cinders
>The end
>And who are you
>It just goes to show how much the MUH REALM guys are just virtue-signalling showboaters - particularly in the books where Varys assassinates Kevan even when Tommen is still alive
Varys' motivations being MUH REALM was just a cover. His real plan was putting a Targ back on the throne, that's what it always was. He never dropped his loyalty to them. D&D are just too stupid to realize that.
Ned was actually a shortened variation of Edward and other variants in real life. Just the same as Ye is actually pronounced The. OId english is closer to its bastard parents than it is what we have today.
This is still hard to believe
Rate my dad
>Aegon is written as an incredibly tropey 'farm-boy-is-the-chosen-one' type character you would find in entry-level fantasy such as the Belgariad
I was actually looking forward to how GRRM was gonna flip that one on it's head before he stopped caring.
Lady Sansa I must interject on behalf
on behalf of Little
The real ending isn't the death of NK or Cersei or Daenerys, it's the memes we made along the way.
This is Dany. Say something nice to her
wait how does gendry know how to work valyrian steel to make drogon's armor? does someone teach him in the books?
Sounds like a pointless anime character, glad he got cut out.
Based Joff
Daenerys is extremely comparable with Stannis
>Dany: This man has loved me for years and has done everything in his power to protect and serve me
>Also Dany: Buut, there is this new hot guy that is basically Jorah but youngeeer sooooo
Good old parallels to real life.
There will be a sticky but the catalog will be filled with GoT threads
late to the party I see
>it kills all viewers as well, including myself
based dany
>GoT is so strapped for OC that literally the only memes this season have been Varys coughing and more nigger shit with Rhaegal
Man this blows
>putting a Targ back on the throne, that's what it always was. He never dropped his loyalty to them
No, but we also don't know where the fuck he was on his Grand Spin-off Boat Adventure either.
Just the same as he has no legitimate claim to Storm's End or being named a Baratheon, that's up to the Stormlands and whoever is actually King/Queen, Dany can't do it.
The more unhinged she becomes the cuter she is
>mfw dragons finally get what they deserve
>mfw Danyfags finally get what they deserve
>mfw showfags finally get what they deserve
Nobody gave a shit when they gutted Stannis like a fish.
Nobody cared when the SS Character Assassination came for Jaime.
People's eyes glazed over when I told them what a joke show Euron was.
Nobody noticed Stoneheart, Griff, Belwas, Victarion or Arianne Martell not existing.
But now the tables have turned. Now Danyfags are finally having to deal with the bullshit they've willfully ignored for years. And they can't fucking stand it.
This is the Stannischad's final revenge.
This is the ending you deserve.
>ignoring all the arya OC
So Ned was prounonced "Need", interesting
>studies poetry
>not a faggot
I hope that Euron kills him now just for fun
his plan is to put a Blackfyre on the throne, his conspiracy mongering is one of the huge reasons the Mad King goes mad in the first place
Post yfw you realize that house Baratheon being restored by Gendry, who is from flea bottom like Davos, being made into a new lord would have been a perfect call back to “then we will make new lords” if D&D hadn’t cut that line from the show
I really like that outfit i can just imagine how soft and cozy it would be to hug her
>*ding ding ding*
and why did jon came back from the dead?
Except Stannis willingly gave up everything only to end up with nothing. Dany lost everything without wanting to and still ends up with nothing.
>32 years old
>no husband, no kids
she's fast on her way to wine aunt status
As terrible as this season is turning out to be, I'm not proud of it, but I've been hoping, with all the tragic deaths of main characters and all, been hoping, since season one, for the death of Dany.
And my gawd, with how the writing's been going, I still do have a bit of hope now. They've been so unbelievable retarded, it might happen. :)
>Plant your roots in me...I will always be with you
>spend entire life doing whatever Olenna and Tywin want, basically their glorified servant
>On the other hand, get to /ss/ Margaery every night
Is this a good end or bad end?
It's like they hate their target audience. And film making. And Disney. And money.
Let's not overdo Coughposting, lads
At this point even Varys just wants anyone who isn't an utter fucking retard.
She's finally exposed as the incompetent bitch I always see her as. Her "power" is nothing but men in heat crawling before her and doing all the work for her.
Without those men, and since the flying lizards are not so impressive anymore, she's nothing but a little girl trying to talk in the middle of adults.
Just die. It's about time, you pointless, useless, boring queen of my ass.
This, it was never for the realm, it was about causing political upheaval to put a government he approved of into place. That meant Aegon - he doesn't consider Dany viable for rule until way later.
[Spoiler]They fuck in the books [/spoiler]
>mfw house baratheon lives on
>mfw targshits are extinct
>there are CNN articles about GOT
Let's say the HBO show never happened and Winds is getting published soon in this timeline, just how popular would the novels alone be? They were always on the threshold of niche and mainstream but the TV show is what REALLY pushed it into the mainstream spotlight.
The point of Faegon was for him to win the hearts of the people of Westeros and be celebrated in the streets. Dany even has a vision or prophecy about the mummers dragon. That's what'll pave the way for her Mad Queenery and she will end up killing him and turning the entire realm against her.
>Cut to the Burlington being incinerated
>Cut to all of /got/ being roasted and finally experiencing the sweet release of death
>Dany ends with "All must die".
The end
>The pilot episode was the culmination of about four years of work by scriptwriters David Benioff and D.B. Weiss to make an adaptation of the A Song of Ice and Fire novels as a TV series for HBO - including all of the time spent negotiating, pre-planning, designing and constructing sets, props, and costumes, casting, and writing.
>Benioff and Weiss never anticipated having to refilm the pilot episode. After they finished, however, they showed a rough cut to their friend and fellow scriptwriter Craig Mazin (known for writing the scripts to The Hangover series's sequels and Identify Thief). They expected Mazin to give them a few written notes on points to refine, but instead the only thing he wrote on the notepad he handed back to them was "MASSIVE PROBLEM" spelled out in capital letters.[1]
>Both Mazin and HBO felt that there were major problems with the pilot episode, which devastated Benioff and Weiss - even years later, after Season 5, they explained that this had a huge emotional impact on them, and they considered it the low point of their careers, only regaining their mood when they decided to take the unorthodox step of outright re-filming almost the entire first episode (about 90% of it by their guess) and learn from their mistakes.
Business as usual for the retard duo
Please fuck off d&d.
I hate how one of them said he's staying away from the internet when the finale drops and he's gonna be very drunk. No you fool, read the critisism and get better you fucking useless shit.
It's the only joy I receive from /got/ these days.
>that image
WHY the fuck did she cry like a little bitch?
>Missandei: "Fuck just kill me already"
Were you here for the BOARposting of '18? Ran it right into the ground we did and we'll do it again and move onto something else. Thats the /got/ way.
Ned’s Fed and Sed
Formerly Chycks
best thing that has happened this season
They removed the mysticism and magic for politics, and then completely fucked the latter up once they ran out of GRRM material. Nothing's been done with Tyrion, Varys, and LF literally after the books finish and D&D starts shitting on the script
werent they supposed to have filmed multiple endings? how many finale leaks are there
Im sure if she wanted a kid she'd have one very easily dude. She fucking every day.
It's not a bad outcome for the smallfolk, or for my dick
Game of Thrones is written for *CLAP* THAT WAS EPIC STYLEZ YOOOOO moments
I'm confused, they're sheering when the negress got beheaded. I thought they found it problematic
I think this ending just confirms it was going to be fodder for the WW's, with his whole army getting greyscale and him dying too. Just another fakeout.
Step into the circle and say that again, dog.
She's a woman?
the theme of this episode was "FUCK FEMINISM" so naturally brienne had to be turned from burly knight into a crying wreck because her crush walked out on her
>dany lets jon dig dragonglass so that the norf plebs can even try to defend
>she saves their beloved king by sacrificing one of her dragons
>she saves beric which will later save arya so that she can kill the nk
>she puts her army in first line, less casualties for norf
Why are those northern inbreeds so incredibly presumptous?
I like that song, reminds me of elephants.
she realized jaime would prefer to go back to his sister and fuck fist her with his golden hand than settle down with her ogre looking ass
How is Dany the villain now?
Explain to me what she's doing that is wrong.
Why is nuking the Red Keep with dragonfire badwrong, again? Cersei already blew up the red keep with wildfire and fucking NOTHING happened. The people seriously don't give a shit.
She doesn't have the conventional military might to claim victory by any other way. Her advisors are acting retarded just to artificially force a conflict that shouldn't exist.
jaime gave her that good D
She's a woman. D&D were right to portray her as just another dumb bitch.
Where the fuck did all these Danyfags come from?
I don't think I would've been able to contain myself. did she went in alone? at night? any security you could see?
Prepare to feel
I can hardly make out the characters in the background. Too much blur tbqh
That was the point user. She was always a little girl. She was some sheltered princess who only ever heard stories about the grandeur of Westeros and her brother's claim, then all of a sudden she's thrown out into the world at 14, raped, starving across a desert, seeing slaves, murder, rape, theft, etc. This entire time she's trying to learn and understand from those around her without getting mad about all the bad shit that's happened around her, some her fault because she's young, some not. She's told the entire time how Westeros begs for Targaryan back, and when she finally gets there the Seven Kingdoms are in ruins basically, an undead army is coming, and most of her closest loved ones die.
She was always a little girl/fish in a big pond. That was the point of her entire character, she's a girl you're supposed to feel bad for because her life is utter fucking garbage and she's a teenager. Jorah was the backbone of her entire operation, same with Barristan, they're both dead.
I hope so. I’ve got a thing for older women user.
>bronn's teleporting popping in and popping out
>Euron's invisible fleet with drones
>Jaimie's character is ruined forever for no reason
>cut from big reveal about Jon's parents
>needless drama about Dany and Jon for no reason when both rulers can rule together
>stupid bullshit about "we can't burn King's Landing" even though it would be only the Red Keep
Why did they bring up elephants so much if there aren't actually any elephants?
Checked and based
Azor Pie
I'M BA...
they came from reddit to steal our oc and have the occasional burst of diarrhea
Fuck foreigners
>one of the last remaining good characters in the show
>round out his arc with him finally letting go of Cersei and embracing Brienne, an actual good person who loves him
>In the very same fucking episode he flippity flops and is back on the cersei cunt juice guzzling train
What the fuck is wrong with D&D
We call it making the 8
>Cersei already blew up the red keep with wildfire
yikes showfag
What is the most DABID thing that Dabid could ever do to Star Wars?
>A man you're starting to fall for takes your virginity a very sacred thing to most women because of how it affects them emotionally and he just peaces out soon after being cold as fuck to go back to his sister who has murdered thousands and plans to murder more?
Yeah, it's ok to cry in that situation user. Not crying doesn't make you some cool hardass man.
Why we need fAegon.
dude glowing lazer eyes lmao
Humanity has evolved so much since the Roman collosseums.
I feel a Picard speech coming on...
Because it wasn't enough to ruin Jaime, they had to undercut Brienne's character development too.
Who is this mysterious hooded figure with a limp?
If only there were a character with an uncertain fate who suffered a leg wound
Maybe they planned to have them but then found out it's completely unfeasible to bring a bunch of elephants to Ireland to film.
Does Tormunt realize it's still fucking winter in the north? Where the fuck did he go?
add young ned stark
looks like a fat jon snow kek
Aerys was always crazy, though
Because they lived, her army didn't.
Jumping Waif
Anyone got the one where they compare Tyrion to Lincoln?
that TIT
>tfw the lord of light brings you back to save westeros from your insane aunt
>tfw you chop her legs off and tell her you need someone taller
Jon looked cooler when he didnt tie his hair back. He looks like a cucked soyy boy now
he probably just picked an episode at random
coughposting is less funny than sneed
so how anti climatic is drogon going to die
>that video
Whoops! Back into the ebul incest knight hole with him!
What happened to all the costumes? Why is Sansa dressing in some BDSM suit? Why is Kingsguard just black leather? It's all trash.
Half of every faction conveniently survived.
Remember when Jaime left KL and it started to snow?
I, I do.
No matter how much you whine it's not going to disappear.
By what FUCKING right does the wolf judge the lion?
Lol its a body double kid
ok call me retarded but who was it lol
>coughposting is less funny than sneed
Bring back the Emperor, only to have him be killed after 5 minutes by Snoke.
It looks like Lyanna is about to chow down on Jorah.
Is that incest?
We're talking about the plot of the TV show right now, numbnuts. She's not even in Westeros in the books.
he's not gonna die, his armor is going to make him invincible and hell just burn shit left and right
He will live and fuck off like Ghost.
some user in another thread said sophie turner specifically requested the BDSM gear which is extremely based of her
>Remember when Jaime left KL and it started to snow?
Is it still WINTER?
I know, I know. I'm just glad because for years I fought against blind fans that considered her the best character ever without realising she's nothing without support. I'm just glad the truth is clear, now.
wasnt he non targ actually? he wasnt her real brother right?
Nah, he meant 4.
>doesnt get to kill the NK in 2
>1/2 are filler
>5/6 are character destruction and worst end
4 probably is legit his favorite.
the hair really changes everything
for me, it's s4 > s3 > s4 > s2 >s1 > s8 > s6 > s7
no it's not
they don't do that unless you are pregant
lad cersei didn't blow up the red keep
>all of this got tossed away
>we get Euron vs Jaime instead
What a fucking tragedy
a bold synthesis
Are you a loli with greyscale?
>Dany is turning into am actually Psycho and looses her Plot Armour
>character arc actually becomes interesting after 8 years of snooze-fest.
Really pops my popcorn
I know it's an edit but THIS is the audience they know they're writing for
Why is anyone surprised at the quality decline
Dany always had the best tits on the show, fact
More bolts, your Grace?
Sophie is extremely based and I hope we at least get to see her titties before this trash is over
>>spend entire life doing whatever Olenna and Tywin want, basically their glorified servant
wasn't Tywin already nailed to the shitter wall by the time he actually married smirkfu?
the kind guiding hand of Kevan would raise him right without Cersei
Nobody is anything without support. Even Bobby B would have failed without Ned. Cersei would have failed without Qyburn. Sansa would have failed without Littlefinger, etc. Everyone needs support.
But honestly, if anything she has actual characterization compared to some other characters, I can definitely see why people would like Dany, but dislike her arc and being stuck in Essos for the vast majority of it.
>after killing Cersei and blowing up the red keep in season 7, the seven kingdoms is united to stop the greatest threat to westeros, the night king
This is how it should have been
I mixed up my post, I meant to say Sept of Baelor. Bottom line is that literally nobody gives a fuck if you destroy cultural and political pillars of Westerosi civilization with fire. I don't know why the show keeps pretending that it's a big deal.
Anyone has the Jon stabbing Dany in Valyrian image by chance? need it to spam a friend outraged by turn of events for Dany
>chrysreviews hated this episode
good, i'm glad that snarky tumblr cunt is angry
Yeah cos they're gonna need a body double for someone nude on the show more than anyone
because of her badass and cool stronk womanz line before her death
I'm afraid we're overrun by plebbitors, your grace.
mind = blown
ever thought about candidating for a nobel or something
He had his own make it or break it moment. When Margaery was arrested he could've rallied his Kingsguard and Golden cloaks and cut through the Faith like carving a pie and freed her. He pussied out.
>dies in 15 seconds after 8 seasons of buildup
>being this new
Sorry kid, most nude scenes are body doubles/cgi
I miss posting about Gravedigger theories and R + L = J on the Forums of IAF in 2011. And Stannis was still alive. Everything sucks.
That audience would still watch the show if it kept the quality of the first 4 seasons.
>danyfags are THIS delusional
dany isn't even worthy to be a challenger of the holy tit trinity
I felt bad for Kevan in the books. Shit head of. Brother roped him into everything
Essos > Westeros
Factually true, in everything.
Great end desu.
That is precisely why they have the body double, dumdum
Not always.
>it's common for 13-14 year old girls to be attracted to 40+ year old bald men
seems legit
Jorah was always being delusional about his love for Dany
>Bottom line is that literally nobody gives a fuck if you destroy cultural and political pillars of Westerosi civilization with fire.
They should though. The fact that they don't is just shit writing because the writers want to avoid consequences, at least when it suits them. And that answers why everyone in the show acts like Dany doing the same is a big deal, because the writers know it should be, they just skipped over it for Cersei because they're lazy hacks.
Who would she even show it to? Jon is going to KL and Theon is dead
None of them have the nipples Dany has or the proper natural shape
would this actually kill a man? i know the fat hack is ripping off the parthians pouring gold down the roman senator's throat, but viserys dies on the spot
I swear to god this bar's youtube channel is probably why the writing sucks now.
Always been here. But I'm officially a Stannisposter, because i like to be in denial. But Stannis is obviously dead and memes aside, the Targaryen queen is the best candidate. Also she looks like my highschool crush (like Jorah, i never scored).
100% correct. tho D&D have never cared about characterization oh well
ive been a danyfag ever since i read a game of thrones over 10 years ago. show dany was shit since they didn't portray her as struggling to understand her role and rule in a fucked up world past like season 3. now show dany is finally showing paranoia and vulnerability again like in the books and i am full TARGARYEN now.
>This is how it should have been
I've been walking into walls all week...
Absolutely based
The point is that they know they don't have to try
>she's nude on the show more than anyone, therefore suddenly needs a body double for a sideboob shot
Your claim makes no sense
That beta that's swinging his arms around at the 6 and 7 second in this is the single most aggravating thing I've exoerienced.
every time
Yes, your brain would be baked
This is how it should have gone.
>Dany exterminates Stannis' forces at Dragonstone
>Jorah has already been healed and back to her
>Tells her to sack King's Landing, or return to Westeros, worry about the dead later
>Sacks King's Landing
>Becomes Queen
>Starts trying to fix everything
>Night King manages to get past the wall due to Bran's mark
>Jon and crew get pushed further and further South until the NK is at KL
>Dragons die
>KL in ruins (like in Dany's vision with the Throne Room with the ash/snow flying around)
>Dany gets injured protecting Jorah
>Jorah puts her out of her misery and forms Lightbringer
>Kills the NK
>Jon is King now in place of Dany, Jorah his right hand to honor Dany's last remaining family other than Drogon
This is how it should have ended.
it all happens because some of you faggots are so vain that you just HAVE to repost images on reddit because DUDE KARMA LMAO
Should have died even faster probably, the metal should have passed the bones istantly.
What is wrong with cersei?
literally no one even remembers these people other than Melisandre and she's low on lists of caring
this was made yesterday, right here when some user was taking requests, fuck i hate reddit, they don't even know that it's supposed to be paulies hand, fucking disgusting
Memetic appropriation
They did it with bobbyposting too
You would likely die from shock, it perhaps wouldn't be as instant, but you would be dead pretty quickly.
reddit. just got to keep posting /ourguys/
This thread is reddit, are you fucking new?
Which is why the current arc of "NOOOOOOOOOO STOP YOU CAN'T JUST BURN DOWN THE RED KEEP THINK OF THE CIVILIANS" feels forced as fuck because they're already demonstrated that absolutely nobody in the world is going to give a shit if she does, because nobody gave a shit the last time it happened.
And furthermore, when Cersei did it, it was a huge YAAAS QWEEEN SLAAAAY moment but when Dany suggests doing it, it's all "oh no look out for the mad queen bros someone stop her!!" What's with the weird favoritism?
fuck that pic genuinely scared me
Go back faggot
>That metal CLANG as he hits the dirt floor
I remember a lot of people shitting on that back in the day.
stop being such a virgin and go phone your dad
nah he'd be fine whats a bit of molten metal to the head lol
Or pathetic faggots desperate for karma on reddit come here to browse because they know it's where the only funny memes come from?
is cough posting best thing that's happened to Yea Forums since sneed posting?
i'm thinking yes, yes it is.
if you actually unironically believe that emilia clarke's tits are better than those, you need glasses
>posting literal m4c filenames
Extremely dead yes
It's around 1000°C. Your brain would cook. Your skull might even crack open from the sudden steam pressure.
If they only have one nude scene finding a double is pointless. If they do lots then they may as well hire one. The only exceptions were margeries actor and the girl who played Sansa in the play oh also the kettlemasters daughter. Those were also body doubles.
She's holding in a cough
>just storm the vatican and kill the pope, that'll prove that my wife is free of sin!
Just imagine we get the GoT MMO of our dreams, we get to choose house baratheon, and kill all targ shitters.
We had dinner together.
doesn't change the fact that even shitty forgotten female characters are more attractive than dany
They don't need one.
I won't disagree, even Jorah told her to stay with him in Mereen and just rule and be kind.
The books paint it pretty fucking clear when she exiles him that she loves him, he's just older and not particularly handsome, but still loves him.
Yes, it would fry your brain and flesh/muscles.
A lot of characters suffer from poor writing, Stannis is one of the worst, same with Euron. Dany at least has her moments after Season 3 where she is like that. The biggest problem is they didn't focus on her paranoia from Quaithe and her betrayals.
Only retards love Cersei for that. I fucking still hate she die that and always have. I dont get Cersei fags.
Right and center is a body double
do it with the blunt hand please
My Queen...
>You think you're on your own?
The show was never this real again
reddit as adapted
What is this called? Rian Johnsinization of media? Am I crazy or is this just your brain on too much Yea Forums?
An incredibly popular and or high quality franchise is taken over by unskilled auteur(s), and replace quality writing or a creative vision with uninspired stories based around catering the fans' needs (or SuBvERtinG them) rather than telling a good story. This is further covered up with flashy special effects and high production values.
I'm all for Tyene and Mel's tits, but come on with the right chick, so many others are better than her.
>that tummy kino from Tyene
2019, I am forgotten....
it was literally to mock bookfags who know the Golden Company is known for their war elephants
>Drogo dies, Dany accepts his death and gives birth to Rhaego
>Rhaego grows up learning Dothraki and Westerosi customs in tandem
>Dany is a loving mother and Jorah serves as his surrogate father
>just as formidable as his dad, eventually grows his khalasar to be the largest ever
>btfos Essos in a matter of months, doesn’t bother trying to rule or fix anything like his mom did because repairing the areas you conquer is for fags
>drags his people across the Narrow Sea, where fAegon has installed himself as king
>kills fAegon and becomes King of Westeros
This is how it should have gone.
Name how they are
It is not in the nature of memes to stay contained.
more like surpassed
He just sounded broken up to me, like his throat was tight. Nothing wrong with the accent
GRRM already confirmed that D&D ending is roughly the same as his without all the actual writing, so no he doesn't hate it.
The girl who played Fake Sansa? She was basically an extra, why would she need a body double?
>daenerys is finally being outed as the insane tyrant she is
>normalniggers are mad because muh queen
so predictable
I think Dany is hot as shit but you’re wrong user.
>dies to the Others like all the other Dothraki
Some interview he did 2-3 weeks ago, they asked him about the ending and he said D&D's is still the same.
>And furthermore, when Cersei did it, it was a huge YAAAS QWEEEN SLAAAAY moment but when Dany suggests doing it, it's all "oh no look out for the mad queen bros someone stop her!!" What's with the weird favoritism?
This is a problem of the show since nearly the very start. Moments that should really be played as morally grey are played as fanservice for people in the Burlington Bar to cheer at. Really, if you removed all the triumphant music from Dany's storyline, the closeups of people looking at her with admiration and the smug grins, then there would be a very different tone to her entire arc. The tone of the show feels so confused and inconsistent, wanting us to cheer at Arya exacting revenge on people, when in the books Arya's revenge has been portrayed as very bitter and hinting that she only continues to lose more of who she is the more she kills.
Try again
Why is she such a shitty fucking actor man, the faces she makes are just terrible
You think the people who read the books hate it but the guy who wrote them doesn't? It's objectively a trainwreck even if the major events are the same.
it hurts
Stannisfags BTFO
All the shit she's done that's being called insane has already been done by others and they suffered 0 consequences for it so it doesn't feel right
That’s just Jon killing Dany and Bran getting the Iron Throne, which is cool. Everything else this season is D&D horseshit.
A better question is how the fuck did he melt gold so fast in a random pot with a little fire
>Jorah as the surrogate father
He already has 3 kids, 2 of which are dead.
freefucks, go back, you'll NEVER fit in and you're obvious
GRRM told D&D how it would all end after they agreed to start producing the show. More than likely user isn't bullshitting and GRRM probably just hates how it's being pulled off, but the basic ending is likely to be the same.
"some interview"? "some interview" huh?
it is?
She's not part of the Wolf production unit, so the actors are not in the same country at the time of filming. Easier to just add her face on a another actor in post that fly her all they way to Ireland or wherever they were filming at the time.
You don’t have a limit on the number of surrogate kids you can have
no, those are perfect
hey I think I figured out why some spoilers say that Jon joins the night watch again after killing Dany and Drogon flying away with her body
> The Night King was created when he got stabbed with dragonglass
> He was also immune to fire, as seen when Drogon tries to burn him
> He was leaving the spiral symbol all along the watchtower
> The Night King was a Targerian
> Dragonglass/Valerian-steel didn't kill, but turned him into a white walker
> The same material is needed to actually kill him in the end
> Jon stabs Danny with Longclaw
> Drogon takes her body away, she becomes the Night Queen
> Jon has to take on the black again in order to protect the realm against the same thread
> There must always be a Lich King
Knowing Drogo he probably was already melting gold because he's a horse lord dipshit without any actual education and just thought "GOLD BAD, GODS GIVE GOLD, MAKE HUMANS GREED, GRR"
Lol that legolas analogy is spot on
>and hinting that she only continues to lose more of who she is the more she kills.
What's there to lose? She is no one.
He literally doesn't know how the show ends. He said he hasn't seen the scripts or seen the episodes. That interview has him saying he "doesn't think" the ending will be much different based on the discussions he had with D&D years back. He hasn't confirmed it, and he hasn't overseen how D&D ended up adapting the "broad strokes" he gave them, so you can't take his comments as any confirmation that the approach D&D have taken will in any way be like his ending. What's more, D&D could very well just decide not to follow what George told them as well.
No, he was wearing a belt made of gold, that's what he took off and throw in the pot to melt.
I can if I die. Too many kids, this isn't what I wanted Dany, I just wanted cuddles.
What's the most Reddit-thing you could say about episode 4?
>Arya is no one
Please stop this meme.
If she's no one, why didn't she throw away Needle?
I can't believe they killed the african american woman of color just to keep the white men and women alive, disgusting.
>The books paint it pretty fucking clear when she exiles him that she loves him, he's just older and not particularly handsome, but still loves him.
you can love someone without wanting to fuck them
Dany loved him as a father figure and closest friend
Jorah was the one who couldn't come to terms with that, and wanted her in the biblical sense
>show gets ahead of the books
>writers turn story into female empowerment
>wonder why it's predictable that normalfags are mad when dany turns evil when the majority of the fanbase is female now
fucking kek
Man fuck Jon for not petting my boy Ghost! Upvote if you think animal cruelty should be banned!
but longclaw isn't dragonglass
Fuck you don't lump this pile of shit with Arthaskino
costume nigga got ate
cough cough XD
dragonglass/valerian steel, same shit, see the image
she is super expressive and extroverted irl. it's not really over-acting, it's just the way she is.
While true, the books make it pretty clear the only reason they aren't together is because of his age, to the point she can't even bring herself to look at him, or she'd instantly forgive him and want him back.
Jorah came to terms with it after he was exiled, and just accepted the fact that they would never be romantically/physically involved, the reason didn't matter, love was love and he finally grew up and understood that himself. If he was younger, you could bet your horse Dany would have jumped on that bear. Especially considering he's one of the most respected, if not the most respected swordsman across the entire known world among a vast assortment of groups.
Yes and it made me incredibly happy. Greyworm and the rest of the unsullied are next.
Dany going mad is totally justified.
I wouldn't call her extroverted at all, she's more like a complete eccentric dork who happens to be hot and capable of social interaction, otherwise she probably sits at home reading books and drinking wine and being sad and lonely.
She feels like that type of girl, the ones who put on extroversion in public as a face when in reality, they're just weirdo introverted dorks who happen to be hot af.
I can't wait for the spin-off series featuring Tormund and Ghost!
you retard
it's literally migrants FROM reddit coming here and taking images they don't even understand
>Dany going mad is totally justified.
Except it actually is, it's just written poorly.