For me it's Summer Glau.
For me it's Summer Glau
Other urls found in this thread:
based summer glau poster
>ywn go back to when tv was just glau threads lost threads, supernatural threads and the oval
I miss the oval ;_;
Now that the dust has settled, I think we can all agree Claudia looked better in goggles.
how did you get through the day without dank maymays?
and that one person who posted the same thread every day, i don't remember what it was, some cryptic shit that got posted at the same time every day like clockwork
i >>>> summer glau
it sucks that 4plebs only goes back to like 2013
does anyone have all the memes from 2010 ?
wasn't it announcing how many daus until her next role?
Gonna have to cancel this thread OP sorry.
2010 now
well tbqh the threads got about 10 more posts than it normally gets
I resurrected this pearl from page 10
what's this from?
is that serenity ?
i wonder how many more job offers she would have got if there was a season 3 and showed off Alison human personality more.
there was supposed to be 4 seasons planned at least
the images are all 404 though
>that scene when Cameron screamed out loud that she loved John and he loved her while the Sarah was screaming for John to kill her.
>evil robots get to travel through time
>personal glaubot doesn't
major plot hole here
wat ?
>glauposting was a thing
Good times
i miss the old daily felicia day lesbian hangout threads
is this supposed to make any sense ?
still is, though entirely depends on the mood of the jannies
I miss following I
This show was amazing.
I still have hope it will have some representation or something with Friedman one of the like 12 writers on Terminator 6 but I doubt it.
Whatever happened to that autistic tripfag that dumped Summer Glau every fucking day
Everything is fine. I ran a test. I'm good now. Everything is fine. You love me JohnAnd I love you
They all moved to the private Yea Forums reddit after 2012
I had forgotten that I had forgotten this.
last i can find on 4plebs is she got persecuted by the jannies
sigh, this is such a good show that would have had so much fan art on tumblr if it was around just a few years later
Speaking of Serenity, anyone else seen Jewel Staite (Kaylee) lately? Scary.
Waifu on Waifu warfare
refuse to watch dollhouse because of this
Fox was a total shit show back then, it's a minor miracle we got as much as we did
I miss the old sense of community Yea Forums had. I miss the autistic weirdos, the obsessives, even the trolls. Yea Forums today is totally dead. It's a festering culture warzone now, except with only one side screaming into the void. It's like a parody of what knowyourmeme imagines /pol/ is, except they're actually serious. Nothing that made old Yea Forums good could survive here now. The days of absurd and lighthearted posts are over. If you're not personally invested in spending every waking hour shitting american politics into each others mouths while "fighting" a non-existent enemy, leave.
What's cool is I went to school with her in San Antonio. If you think she is a nice person, she was doubly so to everyone here. One of the most genuine, one of a kind people
You should anyway, it shits the bed in the last few episodes but it's genuinely solid, especially for late Joss Whedon
>latest works:
>How to Plan an Orgy in a Small Town
So did you sniff her armpit
Looks like she's dating Ana
Nothing since then? That was years ago.
I vaguely remember her showing up in an episode of Supernatural and she didn't look herself
She had a way of looking very defensively, then when you past by she would beam up insanely.
Sadly no armpit, that is kinda weird.
I remember everyone bitching about the state of Yea Forums back then too
they were tourists swaglord brought in
>Nothing that made old Yea Forums good could survive here now
apart from the odd nostalgia thread like this one
>90% of links on r/tscc
dead or broken
it's not fair lads
and LOST - those were truly the golden days of this board
More acting in a single webm than the entire 8th season of GoT
>The height of Glauposting was over a DECADE ago
>There are zoomers posting on Yea Forums right now who weren't even born during the golden age of Yea Forums
saved. that's a kino cryface.
Listen, and understand. The passing of time is inevitable. It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are all alone.
You still don't get it, do you?! It will break you! That's what it does! That's all it does! You can't stop it! It'll wade through your favourite shows, pull down your ratings and rip it off the fucking schedule!
did she die
no she came back as the punisher-ess
The show is about a corporation that can read and imprint personalities. Death is not necessarily the end in that show.
But in this instance, yes. The next scene is her boyfriend holding her brains in his hands trying to recover her personality so she can come back. The damage is too severe.
The oval, retard.
i thought jodelle was the next glau/felicia
Her nose ring makes me want to puke. Not waifu material.
I don't even know who Jodelle is. This is a KatMac board now.
She's the bizarro Daisy and crazy knife chick of Evil Coulson's team of space mercenaries
not Glau just to be clear, but I expect waifu threads
for me it's Kenzie
For me it's Claudia Black
I feel so old and all my years were wasted on memes
I regret nothing
who dat?
why she did this?
>Allison from Palmdale
Thank you for explaining.
That was a rough episode. When she tried to call home but she didn't exist yet so her own mother didn't know who she was.
no problem user
are you new?
Brooke Williams
Amy a cute.
I still sometimes catch myself saying that after I do something difficult
ikr? I almost want to forgive her for that execution
Did she temporarily quit acting because she was pregnant or something?
she's not whedon approved
had a kid in 2014 and 2017 i think, or 2015 and 17
but wasn't doing much anyway apart from the odd episode
Based PoIbro
It wasn't her fault. That show was all about mind control.
She did most of her own stunts, you know. Among the various Whedon girls she's considered the "tough gal".
>quit ballett for broken toe
>do ballet in shows anyway
what did she mean by this?
>She did most of her own stunts, you know.
Ballet is fucking torture, and if a "broken toe" is what rationalization she needs to give everyone to stop doing it then I'm all for it.
At the same time the stuff she did on Terminator was basic shit that doesn't require a lot of stress.
The ending to Dollhouse was such bullshit when they decided that Echo wasn't really a person and that Caroline should get to take over. Weird how they went to all the trouble of showing how it was people's minds who made them who they are, except in turns out Caroline is special because spine juice or whatever
ballet is literally built on the toes. that's like saying about a quarterback
>quit the nfl because of broken shoulder
>still throws the ball around on ESPN sometimes
That ending unironically made me tear up. I was expecting a continuation of evil robots from the future, it had no right to get as thoughtful as it did.
Being an professional ballet dancer is dancing all day, six days a week. Hardly comparable
She didn't preform a full ballet, she did a single dance here and there. It's more like quitting the NFL because of a broken shoulder and occasionally tossing a ball around with the nephew.
that's not Summer
Are Glau and Felicias daughters going to lez out? How old are they?
The reason this scene happened was because the network fucked them over on budget and they couldn't keep using the blank firing weapons because the city complained.
why can't i have glau gf?
because its too good to be true
I know I just wanted to post some sick stunts
>that armpit
I'm also developing fetishes for women's body parts that I didn't know existed
she still has an active fan forum
I’ve been at a life long tossup over whether I prefer hairy armpits for the novelty/masculinity of them or shaved armpits for the smoothly feminine aesthetics. The key tho is a small, well formed bicep and deltoid allowing for maximum pit depth
active as in still online
It's a ghost town like almost any other fandom forum. Just let it fucking die, depressing
well thats a plus
who is that?
gril from invasion of the body snatchers
are there any new cute actresses who can actually act like her around?
Oh shit I had completely forgotten about that mole
Her foot is better now she did a test. Everything's fine now she did a test, she's okay now.
>Objects in Space aired almost 17 years ago
I still haven't seen an episode of TV topping that finale
Blessed thread
thats from the rotor wings on an osprey. What the fuck did someone shoop out the light circle lol
fuck I need to redownload Farscape
>implying a glau thread would be anything else
Quads and I get a perfect girlfriend.
Bad luck
anyone remember the Glau curse?
she was dead to me the second she got that horrific tramp stamp
That was rough. How many shows did she take down?
we dying glaufrens
Don't look up any current pics of her, it will break your heart to see what happened
I just looked and she looks exactly the same bruh what are you talking about
valiant effort bro but these threads normally die at about 150, if not much earlier lol
>glaufags still exist
who was in the wrong here
>yachting instagram thot