A WOMAN? Ruling the Seven Kingdoms?

>a WOMAN? Ruling the Seven Kingdoms?

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He's literally /ourguy/
>cares about the poor neets
>cares about the country itself
>"and we give it to you, the people"

Attached: bane dubs.png (533x468, 166K)


He is a fag
>Muh innocents
How about the possibility of innocents dying after Cersei wins or innocents dying in a prolonged war?


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Isn’t a woman ruling the seven kingdoms RIGHT NOW?

>didnt give a fuck about using wildfyre against the boats attacking at blackwater bay
>cares about innocents all of a sudden
fuck off varys you 180'ing scroit twit.

Can’t wait for this traitorous freak to be executed

>deeb and dim writing is good when it's dabbing on libtards

What does defeating an invading army have to do with caring about innocents?

>all these years trying to get daenerys on the throne
>a freak northern bastard named jon comes out of nowhere and has a better claim

What was his logic in opposing Stannis again? Was Joffrey supposed to be a good guy?

varys knew about melisandre and he hates dark magic after he got his dingus cut off

Well I bet he really feels like a fucking retard now all things considered

>cares about the poor neets
>cares about the country itself
He doesn't though. Varys is a Targaryen loyalist. He doesn't give a fuck about "the people" or "the country".

And as soon as it turns out that the "northern bastard" is actually the real Aegon Targaryen, Varys immediately wants to support him.

I was more annoyed by the show runners flip flopping back and forth from Westeros being a super fucking progressive place where everyone things women can do everything a man can do without question to the point of following a fucking child into battle, AND somehow the rulers of Westeros not taking Dany seriously because she's got a vag. It can't be both ways assholes.

>delusional Stannisfag equating his army to the innocence of the small folk
checks out

Do you know what invading armies do to innocents? Here's a hint.

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I don't get the couching thing...


Varys describes what the seven kingdoms needs – a ruler with strength, but compassion, who inspires love but also keeps the other nobles in line, and that has the right family name. Tyrion scoffs and says good luck to finding this man, which Varys cleverly turns with this quote making it clear he means to ally Tyrion with Daenerys.


Attached: best-game-of-thrones-season-5-episode-1-quotes.jpg (840x470, 34K)

>a freak northern bastard named jon comes out of nowhere and has a better claim
>a freak northern bastard named jon comes out of nowhere and has a COCK

it's almost like you watched the show