Will it be kino?

Will it be kino?

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We continue to hope

Doubtful. But it will most likely be ok and entertaining enough.

Shit cast will hold it back


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They already forced in diversity too much for it to be great.

the cast is gonna ruin it.

Of course it will
Chalamet and Villeneuve are both KINO

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>white man saves the browns



Gets great cast
Yea Forums insists it going to be a bad cast.

I want to nibble on that tumm!

>reddit meme cast
>great cast

kill yourself.

no u

so what your beef with the cast?

The only "iffy" cast member is Zendaya, but unlike anyone Yea Forums likes it will get people in the seats.

Tim only plays good fags.

So what young actor would you replace him with user?

Any other flavor of the month white dude

They'll try to dumb it down and turn it into capeshit. Can't wait for the Bene Gesserit quips.

Name one user, or are you hard pressed to think of a small statue young actor that is a half decent actor?

How is the diversity forced when the entire book is about space muslims? It'd be more forced to have it be full of white people.

Kino already happened.

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Name a teen actor? Idk some shitbird from CW. Don't really keep up with them.

Yes, we should trust your opinion then, have sex

Miniseries was good except low budget.

Children (Which that is from) is full out kino.

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yep tim definitely has more range then jughead :^) its not like he is a CW tier actor with a fanbase that memed him into b-list territory.

I'm a huge fan of the books and seeing the Lynch movie was painful, is the miniseries more faithful to the books?

Of course
The mouse is so scared of it they pushed Avatar 2 back an entire year

It's as much of a faithful adaptation any Dune fan could wish for.

The dune miniseries are very faithful to the books.

The first one (that covers dune) does not have enough budget to do it really well, so it has outlandish costumes and feels like a stage play at times.

Children of dune does dune massiah and children of dune, and other then making the kids older is very faithful to the books, and has enough budget to make it work.

Only Chalamet's faggot or female fanbase thinks hes going to do a good job. This cast pisses off dune fans because this movie was not made for faggots or Women. It is a Patriarchal coming of age story. Frank Herbert went as far as to ostricize his gay son he hated fags that much. To cast timothy who is famous for his roles as a fag and a pathetic drug addict is the equivalent of taking a shit on Frank's Tombstone.

Anybody with respect for Dune hates what has been done with the casting.


Thanks, I'll check it out.

Yes, since a actor can't play more then one role.

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Not the one they hired for sure.

He looks the part. Haven't seen him in anything so I can't judge his acting skills.

Lmao bitter faggot

You really think Momoa can play Duncan Idaho. Thats a sign there the others are probably miscast.

Horny faggot

I'm actually excited for Brolin and Bardem. Oscar Isaac as Leto is weird but I'll give him a chance.

I'm really excited for this movie. I trust Villeneuve.

Shaved he looks the part.

Also he will get asses in the seat, something BR2049 didn't have.

Now just how raunchy will this movie be?

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fucking trash fuck off bitch

They did this because tim is not believable with a woman at all despite being straight.

The entire point is Paul ruins the Fremen and their way of life (and the rest of the galaxy) by becoming their messiah and leading them on a genocidal jihad.

>dune with a soiboi lead and full of shitskins by the hack villenueve
it will probably be even worse than 2049


>intimacy coordinator
That's fucking retarded


Casting is absolute shit so...no.

The fact that you fucks have to resort to ticket sales as an indicator of how well this movie is going to do just exposes how banal and plebeian your tastes are.

You don't know anything about movies, so do yourself a favor and go back to whatever homosexual sub reddit you came from.

Who would do a better job than Villeneuve?

No one can do it well without sacrificing some of the artistic integrity to appease the studio. Just look at the cast.

why is the cast so fucking shit

I doubt they will go for R due to $$$

>Fremen are not shitskins
user, I have bad news for you.

Leto is dusky
Fremen are dark.

It's always money

Yes, I know nothing about movies, since making the money back has no impact on the movie and if people will continue to get work.

Word to the wise, people work in film to make money. This isn't theatre or a arthouse flick that no one watches.

You dont get it. Think SJW. Its to make sure the woman doesnt feel raped when shes acting out a fictional sex scene.

It will bomb so hard they not even do the second part.

So what so shit about the cast?

>Josh Brolin
>Dave Bautista
>Rebecca Ferguson
>David Dastmalchian
>Stellan Skarsgård
>Oscar Isaac
>Javier Bardem
>Charlotte Rampling

Are all great choices.

>Timothée Chalamet
- Who else works in the movies that is the right age would do better? Asa Butterfeild? Kek

>Jason Momoa
Here to sell tickets

Will be 1000x better then fucking Sean Young


not an argument

so who would you cast user?

Chris Evans and Daisy Ridley?

>Chris Evans and Daisy Ridley?
lmao @ you thinking the actual choices are any better than those

t. Person who never read the book

user, propose a better cast, I am waiting.

I was about to say that Oscar Isaac is too young for the Duke but I just googled him and he is 40 wtf

>Great cast for action movie
Just no.

I read all of the Dune books by Frank Herbert. The Fremen are brown and the only ethnicity that hasn't diluted and mixed at all is the Space Jews that turn up in the last couple.

I had the same thoughts. Though he looked the age in A Most Violent Year so it depends on how they present him.

You are retarded, the Fremen are clearly arabic.

I still think he's closet bi, like virtually everyone French, he just prefers girls more.

It's odd. No Ryan Gosling so it can't be good.

>Dune- Action film

>It's odd. No Ryan Gosling so it can't be good
they actually want it to break even, something that Ryan Gosling can't do. for anything over a budget of 20 million.

>He think it'll not be action
Do you seriously imagine this guy fighting?

Have you seen Villeneuves movies?

I thought he was like 32

more so then you user.

have you seen a villeneuve movie?, it will be tons of time of tension building up then a 3 second spasm of violence and it will be over.

Do you seriously imagine Chalamet fighting and subduing a seasoned warrior?

Well I recall him from Body of Lies and that was 10 years ago, and he looked 30 in that.

>who else would do better?

Hollywood doesn't really cast many other young burnette actors that are any good, its weird. Most of the kino ones are blonde/ginger.

Former Army guy here, seen plenty of french foreign legionaries who look like him, and so yes.


yeah but he feels really bad about the whole thing

he wasn't talking about slap fighting fyi

Yeah, you need

>Dark hair
>Can't be big stature
>has to be able to pass as a ducal heir and not a whiny brat
>Movie actor, not a TV actor

To be blunt, there not too many options.

France fell off so hard lol

answered your own fucking question retard

robert pattison

He is a bit too old now.

He has the same height and build as guys like Lauri Törni. So yes, guys like him can be fighters.

Do you think all fighters are built like rambo KEK

will be kino. no casting for feyd

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He 32 user, far too old to play the role.

doesnt look much older than chalamet, he just looks like an actual male though.

They are at the very least intimidating.

Have you seen him recently?

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Wow what a great actor, truly meant to carry a franchise.

If you read the book you know that it points out that guys who do not look intimidating are the ones you have to watch out for. Or did you miss that part?

He doesn't have to rely on a haircut to make him less ugly at least.

the intimacy coordinator thing is fake, that twitter account is known for making up shit, pretending to have inside info about chalamet, another obsessed fan.

looks a lot younger than kyle did when he played the role, really doesn't look much older than chalamet, as i said he just looks like a male rather than a little boy.

Doesn't matter, he won't be believable in the fight scenes themselves because that would require skill.

What everyone ITT is doing is the equivalent of people expecting Heath Ledger to play The Joker as a homosexual cowboy.

I don't know about a franchise but he carried this movie

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Jelly fag

You say this everytime. Tim has been shit in any movie where he doesn't have his tongue down some dudes throat. Heath wasn't.

user, we get it, you do not like the actor. Don't have to sound silly saying that he "doesn't look much older then Chalamet.

as is pointing out, you think since he played a fag in a role he can't do anything else, when that far from the case.

joseph gordon levitt wasn't bad in inception

I'm not some neckbeard nerd. Only reason why this movies will succeed and be watched is because of Timothee Chalamet.

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Kill Kill yourself faggot scum

Completely forgettable

>all the Disney manchildren seething
yes Dune will kill both starshit and capeshit

deal with it capekiddies

Queers should be executed

He has an ugly profile.

Hostiles, Interstellar, Lady Bird

>intimacy coordinator
An acting teacher? This is Jared Leto in BR2049 all over again.
Bravo Denis.

No as I already said he looks like a little boy, I don't give a shit that he starred in a film for middle class lefties to be titillated by borderline pedo faggot sex

and yeah he really doesn't look much older, you'd see similar faces to both of them in any 18-20 year old group.

Dune won't be any better than NUwars with this cast. They even got an alumni.

Everyone is a shitskin in dune, or at least inspired by them. The emperor is called saddam for fucks sake.

Dune will flop because it has this disgusting faggot in it

It's a le troll twitter account you dummy

Says you, people still talk about that movie user.

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Kill yourself faggot scum

whatever makes you sleep better capekid, but your days are over

He was the worst part of both hostiles and interstellar (minus ann) , suprised you didn't mention baby boy but its not like anyones gonna sit through that trash.

Amazing amounts of butthurt ITT

when will they stop casting homo looking jews!

I love you.

Yeah because leo, the nip and ellen.


did tim buttfuck you and then didn't call you back?

well,just what we needed,another Dune remake...
I have a great and totally original idea,make a Ben hur movie after.
its what people want.

No one talks about it out of here and no one likes it because of queer lust, faggot scum

I'm not even gonna watch it lmao

Great proposal. We'll start off with you first.

he's half jew

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I only like old star wars. Faggots should be executed.

Kill yourself faggot scum

>liking starshit in any shape or form
pathetic manchild confirmed

my dick is ready

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Yeah i enjoy classic star wars and not other mens cocks. Kill yourself faggot scum.

Kill yourself faggot scum

See this is the only reason people like him, which would be fine if he was not the lead and a less important character.

>Good director
>Solid cast
>Great, non meme cinematographer
>Oscar winning costume designer
>Main guy behind visuals also did BR2049, First Man, Tron Legacy
It's going to be great, and I can't wait for the asshurt here

a manchild AND a phoneposter
yikes x2

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Faggots should be executed

already ruined with this faggot as the lead. Paul actually had high test.

BR2049 was a visual let down compared to the original.

>yikes x2
Kill yourself zoomer faggot scum

>>Good director
>>Solid cast
>>Great, non meme cinematographer
>>Oscar winning costume designer
>>Main guy behind visuals also did BR2049, First Man, Tron Legacy
>>>It's going to be great

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I would love to see the seething ugly /pol/ack in here responding to every Timmy post with pure cope and rage. Please show face.
It's going to be a great movie, anyone who says the cast and director is shit are just pure contrarians or book purists, fuck them

What do you think about Heath Ledger?


Kill yourself faggot scum

Imagine being this much of a contrarian holy shit, how do you get through your day with so much shit up your nose

reddit nigger

will be as good as a foot massage

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>contrarian holy shit
90 born queers were a mistake

You have bad taste man

Kill yourself faggot scum

If they stay true to the source material and utilize Islamic themes in this movie.

Timothy Chalamet will be dead within a year.

discord zoomer tourists in full effect ITT

>discord zoomer tourists
trannies and faggots should be executed

>Paul actually had high test
>is described as short and young looking

not true
he's also a very good actor that's why Yea Forums like him

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What are your tastes? Let me guess, either silent films or fringe Asian shit that you force yourself to sit through so you can tell your friends how you have a deeper understanding of film, pretentious faggot

Kill yourself faggot scum

Great argument

It's literally one guy absolutely seething

you aren't far away from being like one of those faggots.

you are entry level pleb, soon you'll probably move on to actual arthouse and watch dogshit like goodbye dragon inn or the colour of pomegranates and you'll act like those are masterpieces.


If he was a good actor we would be discussing his movies instead people are posting gifs from his one well known role to jerk off too, just like people do with bad actresses.

shoo shoo capekiddie

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lol of course

this is from another movie

>Paul had high test
So you fags haven't read the book then huh

Imagine reading hundreds of pages of something good and still having shit taste lmao


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Most of it has been CMBYN

why do gay people and trannychasers always post gay/tranny porn in threads shitting on them?

because you give them a constant free stream of (You)'s everytime

I don't, I haven't replied to him once.

Ok you win. he's still a good actor, people here would prefer miles teller or ansel engort

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Because you asked for it


Villeneuve hasn't let me down yet and the cast looks amazing. As long as he makes something resembling the source material, I think Dune is in safe hands, even if it is kind of impossible to adapt in some ways.

Timothée is pretty small

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Kill yourself faggot scum

>It is a Patriarchal coming of age story
It's a deconstruction of the Messiah narrative or hero's journey, dipshit

Trannies should be eradicated

>people here would prefer miles teller or ansel engort
that's why Yea Forums is plebiest board

>people here would prefer trannies and queers to kill themselves

People like you shit up the board. Arguing about what turd is the most polished.

How tall is he?

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Everyone who makes threads about their aids kike of choice should be executed

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It IS the Messiah narrative taken to it's fullest logical conclusion.


This little faggot can't do anything that isn't subversive. Frank's narrative was practically a how to manual for how to overthrow the capitalist oligarchy. Timothy Faggot boy is the poster boy of liberal capitalism and it is the reason why he is going to eat shit in this movie.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Yep, because tim has definitely been in something on par with a knights tale or 10 things i hate about you and showed range, and its not likes he's flubbed anything that isn't a gay romance film.

>40 posters
>over 200 posts
literally one mentally ill schitzo replying to a discord zoomer over and over again

aids kike isnt heath.

>discord zoomer
And you are calling people schizo?

This thread is a disaster

The movie will be too.



Blade runner 2049 was mediocre

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im glad the people who doubt dennis are the people who don't like BR2049, it's good that he isn't pandering to you folk

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90s born queers were a mistake

He is pandering to normies even harder with this meme ass cast.

YES Tim played a gay man in a movie but irl he identifies as straight, he's dating your favorite actor's daughter, Lily rose depp. Are you all so in love with lily that you have to hate this talented actor?

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you're one of them faggot

I don't like depp.

The word came from here you newfag

kill yourself faggot scum

Stop embarrassing yourself tourist

Depends on how many scenes involve qt Fremen riding Shai Hulud.

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Pls go back to twitter

keep outing yourself zoomer

>says zoomer but not normie

Did you get here last week or something?

watering down so as not to offend all your queer buddies. kill yourself zoomer poof.

The book is amazing. But it's a long story. Trying to fit it all into 2 hours would be the tough part.

A great director could do it.

Reminder that Tim is getting daily blowjobs from those (natural) lips. He's straight.

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Only gen z would like this cast, queef.

Kill yourself faggot scum

Wtf is that forehead

luckily i dont like the cast and despise all aids kike threads.

its going to be a series isnt it?

The plan is for at least two movies.

He is more like a pretentious frenchmen imo

Aids kikes must hang