HBO's Chernobyl

>Just go out on the roof comrade, nothing bad will happen

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Other urls found in this thread:

>You'll even get a nice tan

>"Lenin would be proud of you."

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Wtf happened to thread

gay ass jannie fuck you

Guy looks like a fucking hotdog when he comes back and still gets berated by the two fuckers in charge of the place.

It got deleted for not being another GoT or capeshit thread

Maybe jannie does it for free because he is a commie?


probably got removed due to all the offtopic kremlin fanboi spammer posts.

communism a shit, A SHIT!

That was honestly chilling when he tried to go against the old crooks orders.

Never enough shitting on Lenin in western media even if subtle. Too many ignorants thinking he was just an unremarkable revolutionary with a vision instead of a bloodthirsty tyrant that he was. Judging from typical comments they learn their history from epic rap battles.

Why did he do it? He knew what would happen. I'll take being shot over radiation poisoning.

Why did (((they))) 404 the last thread?

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Just Cherenkov radiation. Nothing to see here.

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Which scene got you spooked, Yea Forums?

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Hi, Mod here.

Previous thread's content was 90% politics.

If you're looking for those type of conversations this is the wrong board.

Reminder that we remove threads even if the OP is on-topic if the rest of the thread has nothing to do with Television & Film.

Please don't make my job any harder than it already is. K thx bye!

so can someone who has read a lot about the accident tell me what events will probably take place in the next one

ep 1 was kino

What kind of anomaly is that?

>meanwhile over 900 GOT threads about killing minority characters

>no capcode

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Any more cases like this one? Some user posted this video and it piqued my interest

It's called the 0:00 tan

Vortex, obviously. Don't get too close.

Would you? Would you really?

Fuck you commie nigger piece of shit

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The monologue from Maester Luwin would have been out of place in any other show imo, but with the absolute Kafkaesque nightmare the show was trying to portray it was right on the money.

I like to think the character was trying to convince himself of his bullshit, as much as the entire room.

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Was wondering that myself, although you don't think clearly in those moments and don't have the energy to stand up. Maybe nervousness made him submit even though it was a certain death sentence.

I liked the scene where Dyatlov is getting carried out and he starts seeing how shit has indeed hit the fan and no amount of bullshit will help.

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I asked this in the last thread before it got 404'd:

Why haven't we seen any nuclear terrorist attacks yet? Supposedly an ungodly amount of nuclear material was lost all over the soviet union after its collapse. Not to mention how much nuclear material must've gone unaccounted for during the Mao years of the PRC when literal peasants were in charge of nuclear stockpiles.

Obvious falseflag trying to stir up shit. Mods would have special names. Keep thread on topic instead to spite them.

people will begin to point fingers, boys will start dying, evacuation will begin towards the end. The infamous roof will begin where they can stay on the roof a maximum of 90 seconds and even then the chance of them getting serious cancers is very very high

the TLDR is the soviets desperately try to contain the radiation and disaster while making tons of mistakes, denying everything and costing the lives of hundreds of soldiers and workers sent to stop the radiation and clear the rubble

Is that happens when Fellow Travelers infiltrate the upper echelons of academia.

I don’t have HBO. Where can I watch this?

Look up Windscale

Because if he refused it wouldn't just be him punished, it would likely be his family too

I recommend going through this album/story about Chernobyl

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yeh, he knew but was ignorant on purpose but after that he knew it was over, he really did accept the fact the core blew up and knew this was out of everyones control.

Probably the initial evacuation, the realisation just how serious the accident is and the attempts to prevent another reactor meltdown and explosion.

Not sure. It was pruned or deleted. Janny might be a fucking commie. Either that or the janny is paid to promote got/capeshit threads and delete on-topic threads.

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oh shit

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making bombs is too hard

I'm glad they started with Captain Crozier's suicide , meaning that they can focus on the drama of the situation itself rather than some GoT tier shock over character deaths.

it's weir to know the story already and know whats next.
wait still sweden finds out bros, they flip a tit.

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Terrorists are dumb.

IRL very similar situation of beaurocracy covering up radiation levels harmfull to population happened in USA(albeit to lesser extent), in Hanford Site and around it.
The main difference between USA and USSR is that USSR died and cant cover up its secrets that well anymore.
Large beaurocratic states dont care about individuals, regardless of the declared ideology.

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>a literal commie posing as a mod
Keep reporting these threads you stupid faggot. We'll keep making them. Sorry the latest kino shows how utterly fucking incompetent Soviet leadership was.

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Americans wouldn't be display half the bravery Russians did during this. Everyone in America is selfish and there is no sense of collective duty for the good of the nation that exists in the mind of Russians during the USSR period.

Lawsuits and cowards is all that would appear in such a tragedy in the United States even if cleaning up radioactive rubble and building a barrier around the site could save lives.

This type of patriotism and sacrifice is only possible in collectivists societies whether enforced through the state like here or through a conformist culture like in Japan where older men volunteered to give up their lives to avert a meltdown.

Americans are shit.

making normal bombs is hard enough for a terrorist group, making a nuclear weapon is extremely hard. Actual countries have got access to nuclear material in the past and failed to make weapons.

Despite what you see in movies it is actually incredibly difficult to make an atomic bomb without nation level assistance and infrastructure.

The core is on fire and burning the graphite/boron.

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Buccaneer bay

This shot + with the grating music and the scenes that came just before = kino.

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>Doctors and scientists in the USSR dress like butchers at the supermarket

Really makes you think

after the show aired there was a mini interview thing and they said they wanted to focus on the story of everyone involved and the disaster rather than leading up to the final episode and finishing with that like some trival drama

you're fucking retarded, the slavs actually did a fantastic job at containing the incident considering the scale of what they were facing. ~50 deaths total. people seem to think this event killed thousands of people when in reality, a mere six months after the explosion, scientists were crawling THROUGH the reactor and climbing over control rods during their expedition into the complex to check for any conditions that might generate a 2nd explosion. None of them died.

Terrorist attacks succed only when secret service needs it.

What the hell was his problem?

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"50" people died but it was never reported or checked how many actually died afterwards because of radiation poising and cancer.

>older men volunteered to give up their lives

the engineers at fukishima weren't older men. they didn't truck in elderly to work on the reactors. it was the young and middle aged engineers who averted the meltdowns from being even more catastrophic.

stop sliding this thread. 1/10 i got baited into replying

They all die btw. All the firemen that got there die from radiation poisoning weeks after.

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There was no problem. Everything's fine.

Did they actually closed the city so no one could escape and "spread misinformation"? Also what was that ashes? Like radioactive ash? It's was from the burnt parts of the factory or what? How one the scale of 10 daangerous it was to touch it?



>tfw i have 4 more weeks of salt from this faggot to look forward to

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did people really do this?

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fuck that guy

>What was so special about the RBMK-1000 reactor that made it so unbelievable that it assploded the way it did?

Compared to other designs it has a high positive void coefficient. Light water is a good neutron absborber and moderator. If water is replaced by steam, theres a loss of these functions: In RBMK design the graphite does most of moderation so that half is checked. However absorption is not, leading to an increasing number of neutrons overall and an increase in reactivity, hence positive void coefficient (the steam effectively acting as void as it does nothing to the neutrons). In most designs the loss of water simply kills off the reactor, though there has to be mechanisms in place to avoid a meltdown from residual heat.

This was actually a design goal as it had various benefits it could run on unenriched Uranium; it needed no heavy water, and it produced sweet sweet Plutoniom.
This still doesn't make in automatucally unsafe, but does requires better controll mechanisms and personel training.

So of course people were aware that RBMK was iffy if it went low on water, which is eactly why the test was devised: They wanted to see if the wind-down rotation of the turbines could be used the produce enough electricity until the diesel generator sprung up (in one minute).

See this

based janny

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>mfw Misha picks up the piece of the graphite moderator

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Had it coming, laddie.

They did. They died.


Death to those who insult kino

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He had no problem. It is impossible for the reactor to explode. The other technicians were in shock and didn't know what they were talking about.

So how do you actually explose RBMK reactor?

lmao get bent

>just go ahead and shoot me

>User was banned for this post
Stay seething, commie dicksucker

Ok, so where the fuck do I watch this?

This isn't Stalin era anymore. At worst he would get fired

Yeah it was probably radiated ash/dust.

I miss the history channel so much

not to mention the graphite tipped control rods

An actual nuclear weapon would be extremely difficult to build, it requires a whole lot of resources and a delivery device which is a problem of it's own. More likely scenario would be terrorists getting hold of nuclear material and exploding it with conventional explosives, but even then the radiation would be gone in a few weeks.

Go check the roof they said, you'll see it's fine they said.

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reminder that the core never actually exploded, you are delusional if you think it could.

HBO you dumbass

>only 80s kids in the eastern block remember this

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Turn off all the safety features (which they did), ignore procedure (which they did), carry on with their testing despite multiple alarms (which they did)

Home Box Office.

The whole test, intended to increase the reactors safety was riddled with fuckups and simply bizarre events, like delays, shift changes, manual shutting down a secondary coolant system, some dude lowering the rods way too down below planned test energy outpout levels - the reactor wasn't supposed to go below 700 MW that night, yet hovered around 200 MW and even achieved as low as 30MW, partially thanks to a xenon isotope, normally burnt off, accumulated in the reactor which effectively kills off reactivity.

In the reactor's defense it was constantly giving off warnings that boiled down to DUDE STOPHIS but were ignored since they the test was already way overtime and they wanted to get over it. So they had a reactor in an extremely unstable sitution - the xenon and the water flow wanting to keep output low, so as a compensation all normal and half of fail-safe (aka do not pull out) controll roads were removed.

In these glamorous reactor conditions they began the experiment. Water was shut down, steam voids formed, begining to increase reactivity as I described above. The controller hit the big red button, but being boron-tipped the controll rods helped increase reactivity even more, and then kaboom.

The control panels last reading was 33 thousand MWs.

Read this, fags.

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did you not notice where at the start the guy was sent to the prison labor camp for the disaster? they still did some funky shit

>reading women

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No they didn't.

red forrest creepy as fuck
why is chernobyl so interesting


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>Americans wouldn't be display half the bravery Russians did during this.
True, but they also wouldn't display half the incompetence that gets you into these situations to begin with.

>nobel prize
Don't need to read this to know it's globalist propaganda

Waiting for the torrent, got it


It's really amazing how bad engineering with layered bureaucracy and a fear for your superiors all worked together so well
It honestly couldn't be replicated even if they tried

>boron tipped
graphite tipped
Though pure boron carbide rods still might not have been enough to save her at that point

Who would win?

Most dangerous object ever created by man
One screwy Boi.

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Radioactive ash yes. Dust from the graphite that was touching the control rods. Extremely highly radioactive material that got blown into the atmosphere. Very bad stuff.

In fact so bad that two days later, radiation alarms was going off in a nuclear reactor in Sweden(and other parts of Europe). Everyone was so perplexed and thought their own reactors were leaking. Eventually they managed to figure out that it was coming from the USSR, and the Swedish state managed to make the Soviet leadership admit that there had been an explosion.

Torrents are up, at least on 1337x

hey dont worry it is only 3.6 roentgen, why are you so upset?

Pure kino.

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Slotin was a mad bastard

How does graphite and boron burn?

Also i terms of the radiation is it being spread and released through the smoke and dust or is it present everywhere?

I was happy she won the Nobel prize her Second-Hand Time got some needed exposure. She really gets Russia and Soviet legacy. Shame she hates catholics so much it weakens the message of her books. Propaganda is just propaganda.

>instant bias without knowing anything about what you're hating on

as expected for this low IQ board




and even more importantly
are they going to shot them shooting it with an ak47?

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>hates catholics
>weakens the message

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>shooting it with an ak47?
but why

Actual most recent theories on the accident think the core partially exploded.

Oh they really did -

The red forrest is a real phenomenon that an be observed even today. The radiation changed the colour of the forrest and permanently altered and scarred the landscape. Scary shit.
He knew that being a fuck up was worse than going to to gulag and no one else understood that. If his character background arc is correct that he was a friendless arrogant loser then hes the type of person who'll throw anyone under the bus in order to get the job done.

>How does graphite and boron burn?
By the definition of burning, it reaches a temperature where it rapidly oxidizes in the atmosphere.

>as expected for this low IQ board

> needing to explain what a chemical reaction like burning is

just add heat and oxygen

they are slavs

>The mass is quite dense, unyielding to a drill, but able to be damaged by a Kalashnikov rifle.

Only 43 people died from this disaster? I thought there'd be more

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>Swedish state managed to make the Soviet leadership admit
How did they do that though? They has something to blackmail them or what? Soviets could just deny everything.

Calm down Dyatlov

>feeds his kitties
>hangs himself

what did he mean by this?

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Eat my ass faggot

It was the easiest way to get samples at a safe distance.

the absolute level of fuckups that went down that night....what the fuck were they thinking

>Also i terms of the radiation is it being spread and released through the smoke and dust or is it present everywhere?

Depending on proximity you'd contract radiation. But the smoke and dust makes the particles travel further.

No one died, it was a non incident. Those guys died from excessive alcohol consumption like all russians.

Need a webm of the roof scene.

Your pic was taken in 1996.

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>ayy blyat

When you shoot bullit at radiation, radiation can not get past bullit storm. Is basic Physics, Ivan.

This is just pathetic.

There are concerns of forest fires that can cause a repeat of what the ash from the fires did to Europe.

>heh...i'll just use this little screwdriver to keep me and my colleagues from guaranteed death no big deal
dude was a moron

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yes but really cant expect the soviets to keep count of how many people they killed. its also more about the fact that they never kept count of how many people died from cancers and other conditions after, which they either didnt keep count of or just said "ah, it was cancer" and not "ah, its cancered caused by standing next to the most radioactive disaster in history"

we will probably never know how many people died or lived shortened and horrible lives because of it.

How did they even manage to take a picture with all the radiation there? Wouldn't it fry the film?

Could they escape from the plant, or was it guarded by soldiers with dogs like in Call of Duty?
Ofcourse everything was probably guarded by soldiers with dogs in the USSR.

They used a mirror iirc

Will the kitteh be alright?

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i meant if they will show/mention the elephants foot.

they used a mirror to take the picture from behind a corner in the hallway. or a series of mirrors, I can't remember

t.chief engineer dyatlov

They used a mirror across the hallway


Why would they run away? They worked there, it was their duty to fix the mess.

Yeah for causing the disaster. Some lower level technician refusing to die wouldn't land him in jail

Hello FSB
>Everyone in America is selfish
And theres nothing wrong that thats why capitalism is great. if you cant succeed on your own youre a fucking douchebag. Americans wouldnt send firemen into a burning exposed reactor core with nothing but their basic uniforms on. Theyd go in with full radiation lead suits and respirators. Theyde evac the entire surrounding area for 100miles and everyone involved in the cleanup would be properly briefed and warned of the dangers and most likely be given a choice too which theyde probably go anyway.

The liquidators werent patriots, they were scared of going to the gulag, being sent to afghanistan or having their families imprisoned. Doing things under the knife is not the same as bravery.

They used mirrors to get the picture.

Soviets tried to keep it under radar for as long as it could. Closing the city is a bit irrelevant (wouldn't be surprised if they did immediate lockdown) since evacuation order came way too late and the worst of contaminated shit already passed through by air. Neighboring countries, my country included detected irregularities before official Soviet confirmation and here at least government took action right away both official and public level.

it's an obvious r*dditor from r/politics or some shit that's extremely asshurt that anything socialist is shown in a negative light

What the fuck is that?

>yeap I'm dead



Crozier should have left a window open so the kitty could leave.

Not only it exploded, there were two explosions! there is still debate about their exact nature, the conservative estimate says the first was a steam the second a hydrogen explosion. But some researcher believe one of the explosion was a nuclear transient event, kind of like a nuclear bomb that fails to properly blow up.

It's nice to have you here, comrade Dyatlov.

so, is this a smart, unbiased, realistic take on communism, or just the usual hollywood propaganda?

Is this the same thing as Voices from Chernobyl? I read that and it was really great, can recommend if anyone is wanting to read some accounts of the accident and aftermath

I liked the bits with the people who chose to still live in the abandoned areas


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ITS NOT TIMBER OR PAPER. How does concrete and metal burn.

>Gets massive dose of radiation
>Starts getting yelled at by soviet suits as soon as he gets back
I know these are some unfortunate circumstances, but this is ridiculous

specifically the moment he turns around

millions of people got cancer and died because of widespread and unnecessary use of X-ray imaging in the medical industry

you'll never hear about that either

They will have to deal with the core melting in the following episodes. In reality, miners were brought in to dig a 150 meter tunnel underneath Unit 4, where a special refrigeration device would be installed below the building, in an attempt to cool the core. Scientists worried that pneumatic drills would stress the building’s fragile foundations, so the miners were ordered to dig their tunnel by hand. They worked 24 hours a day and achieved their goal in a month, but many of them later died from exposure, and their refrigeration device was never used - the core cooled down by itself.

>The liquidators werent patriots, they were scared of going to the gulag, being sent to afghanistan or having their families imprisoned.
You know, mate, you're just projecting your own mentality there.

Howd they get the mirrors in there? In the show people are dying just standing near the building. How the fuck did people manange to get down underneath the reactor into the basement to take these photos? Spending a minute in there at the time would kill you.

What's some good Russian vodka to drink while watching this?

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Ok so for those who don't know Alexeievich's books are usually about the Soviet legacy and what it did to people, dangers of Russian imperialism. Perhaps it's not the best for her to be open about her own prejudice. Her opinions on Belarusian president and socialism as a whole seem to be rather conflicted as well.

I don't understand why radiation is so devastating.

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an easy bake oven

The former

Voices from Chernobyl is the American title of the same book.

>that one hermit who lives in the exclusion zone to pay for his sins


Sweden had good scientific proof, and told the ruskies so. At first the soviets denied it, but they said they'd take it to the international atomic energy agency, and that'd be public humiliation. So the Soviets backed down and admitted it on their own terms.

Just heard about Slotin in this thread. Any kinos about the incident?

What about the photo with men clearly in the frame? Is the danger of being around elephant's foot overrated?

A sub-critical mass of plutonium that killed a couple of people. One was a retard and was showboating for other scientists by holding the neutron reflector with a screwdriver, it slipped and encased the plutonium, made it go critical and irradiated him to the void

If they did they'd expose they were the bigger threat than their boogeyman Hitler.

Demon core. I have no idea wtf was going on here, can someone explain. Like what was the point of the experiment and why is it being done in an office not an underground lab?

does that instant red face thing actually happen?


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The state takes care of kitties right bros?


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Yea, but it also is still dangerous as fuck and will most certainly kill you
It's just not bad enough to melt you where you stand or whatever retarded shit people say

pretty unbiased from what i can see unless you're a commie apologist. it's an accurate retelling of events from what i've read in the past. it has all the great parts of socialist bureaucracy as well which makes some r*dditors upset. so in other words absolute kino.

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readJohn cusack movie.

>Hunting parties spent weeks scouring the zone and shot all the abandoned family pets, which had begun to roam in packs. It was a necessary evil to avoid the spread of radioactivity, prevent decontamination workers from being attacked, and put the animals out of their misery. A quick death was better than slowly dying of starvation and radiation sickness.

> “The first time we came, the dogs were running around near their houses, guarding them, waiting for people to come back”, recounted Viktor Verzhikovskiy, Chairman of the Khoyniki Society of Volunteer Hunters and Fishermen. “They were happy to see us, they ran toward our voices. We shot them in the houses, and the barns, in the yards. We’d drag them out onto the street and load them onto the dump truck. It wasn’t very nice. They couldn’t understand: why are we killing them? They were easy to kill, they were household pets. They didn’t fear guns or people.”

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that was taken in the mid 90s and even then, that guy didn't stick around long to oogle at the thing.

it got better over time, but at the time of the disaster you would die within minutes of standing next to it

>At the time of its discovery, radioactivity near the Elephant’s Foot was approximately 8,000 roentgens, or 80 grays per hour, delivering a 50/50 lethal dose of radiation (4.5 grays)[6] in less than five minutes.[7] Since that time the radiation intensity has declined enough that, in 1996, the Elephant's Foot was visited by the Deputy Director of the New Confinement Project, Artur Kornayev,[a] who took photographs using an automatic camera and a flashlight to illuminate the otherwise dark room.[9]

>The Elephant's Foot had penetrated through at least 2 m (6 ft 7 in) of concrete to get to its current location.[2] There were fears that it may continue to penetrate deeper into the ground and come into contact with groundwater, contaminating the area's drinking water and leading to illnesses and deaths[10]; however, as of 2019, the mass has not moved significantly since its discovery and is estimated to be only slightly warmer than its environment due to heat from the ongoing nuclear decay

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It was probably taken later, nowadays the amount of radiation isnt lethal there.

>ITS NOT TIMBER OR PAPER. How does concrete and metal burn.

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The core. The core. The core is on fire. We don't need protection, let the motherfucker burn.

Yes, but you have to understand that happens to every cell in your body, it's not just the skin that gets radiated, it's everything. Sunburn is just the sun's very weakened radiation on your skin
This is like a sunburn of 1000 times the intensity in every cm of skin, organ, or bone in your body

It tears your cells and DNA apart. It basically destroys everything that makes your body work.

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There was highly radioactive ash blowing over from the USSR and the whole world knew it, no point trying to cover it up anymore. Plus Gorbachev had been trying to make the state a bit more open about the shit they were doing

You have to be a very low IQ poster
Successful bait if not that

>time to die.

Yeah apparently its like a sunburn.
It seems like this radiation sickness thing is either over hyped or it snon consistent. They say the elephants foot is the most dangerous thing in the world but people have stood next to it. Why is it in the show some people get sick quickly and others dont. How was it possible to build the sarcophagus' if the whole place is so radioactive. How did the liquidaotrs do their job? How did the 3 divers get underneatj into the flooded basement? How is their film and photogrpahs of the incident.

Seems to me like its not as bad as people say it is.

its a mix, it shows soviet incompetency from many officials, the retarded bureaucracy and blind faith in the system but also the sacrifice and dedication by most of the people involved once the gravity of the situation was realized.

>On the day of the accident, Slotin's screwdriver slipped outward a fraction of an inch while he was lowering the top reflector, allowing the reflector to fall into place around the core. Instantly there was a flash of blue light and a wave of heat across Slotin's skin; the core had become supercritical, releasing an intense burst of neutron radiation estimated to have lasted about a half second.[6] Slotin quickly twisted his wrist, flipping the top shell to the floor. The heating of the core and shells stopped the criticality within seconds of its initiation,[15] while Slotin's reaction prevented a recurrence and ended the accident. The position of Slotin's body over the apparatus also shielded the others from much of the neutron radiation, but he received a lethal dose of 1,000 rad (10 Gy) neutron and 114 rad (1.14 Gy) gamma radiation in under a second and died nine days later from acute radiation poisoning. The nearest person to Slotin, Graves, who was watching over Slotin's shoulder and was thus partially shielded by him, received a high but non-lethal radiation dose. Graves was hospitalized for several weeks with severe radiation poisoning and developed chronic neurological and vision problems as a result of the exposure.[8] He died 20 years later, at age 55, of a heart attack. It may have been caused by hidden complications from radiation exposure, but could also have been genetic in nature, as his father had died from the same cause.[16][17][18]

he was dicking around

>all these fucking brainlets that won't spend 10 minutes on wikipedia

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Kind of. They were all exterminated a few weeks later for purposes of disease/radiation control.

it's not hollywood-tier mustache-twirling evil if that's what you ask.

but it's a dramatic rendition of one of the biggest fuckups of the Soviet system, so it will be critical.

I thought radioactive decay takes place of thousands of years?

i see you over there

>The heating of the core and shells stopped the criticality within seconds of its initiation,

What would have happened in the worst case? Nuclear blast?


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That guy wasn't even irradiated, he was just being a dick and puking on random dudes.

because at the time it was unbelievably dangerous and over time, thanks to hard work, sacrifice and science its not so bad now. what dont you understand?

After some time most of the radiation emitted will be stopped even by skin, but it can still kill you if it irradiated particles get inside your body with air or food.

Because it's not consistent to begin with
What radiation does, is break and reassemble your DNA basically. Maybe nothing important changes. Maybe it kills the death process of your cells and they keep repoproducing creating tumors (ie literal cancer). It's really all a matter of chance.
As for the elephant's foot, it wasn't ever (and still isn't) safe, but it's been enough years at that point where being near it would just make you get the equivalent of 10-20 xrays
I wouldnt even consider touching that shit though

Ive spent hours on wikipedia. The information is inconsistent or doesnt make sense.
>elephants is most dangerous object in the world
>heres a photo of a guy standing next to it wearing nothing but a sperm suit and a basic carpenters respirator

Yeah I call bullshit. Its obviously not that dangerous. Either that or Russian people arent scared of getting leukemia in 20 years.

>Like what was the point of the experiment and why is it being done in an office not an underground lab?
Probably for the same reason the nuclear pile experiment to create the first stable reaction for the purpose of producing energy was conducted in a middle of a fucking city.


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it does but it was more about the heat and activity in the elephants foot, they had worried it was going to stay so hot and active it was going to burn for a long long time and go through the floor. they had planned to push it into a cooling device but it wasnt as bad as they said. but at the time the radiation coming off it was unbelievable.

Depends on what radioactive element we're talking about. Cesium-137 is considered the most dangerous element released at Chernobyl and it's supposedly mostly gone by now.

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Why did the scientists wear such silly white outfits?

You cant stop thing sbeing rdioactive, its a naturla slow rpcoess of decay.

Different radioactive elements and isotopes have different decay rates / half-lifes. Some can stay dangerously radioactive for thousands of years, others seconds.

nah it doesn't work like that. i believe it would have continued to heat up and melt if it reached high enough temperature? it's essentially a nuclear reactor at that point i believe but it's completely uncontrolled or cooler. for a nuclear explosion to happen i think it's a lot more precise series of steps.

>arent scared of getting X in 20 years
Or they are scared but they're more scared about their families or getting sent to prison and not providing for their families

Well if you had an IQ of more than 70 you'd realize that radioactivity declines substantially over time, so when it was formed it was hyper deadly, but now it's not so dangerous.

>it's a Mr Hickey and Captain Crozier go to Chernobyl episode

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There is no problem, you're clearly in shock. Report to the infirmary immediately.

Thing is it wasn’t even off topic. Talking about real life Chernobyl and communism propaganda is literally the core of the show.

>tfw the evacuation authorities forced people to leave behind their pets
>literally dooming them all to slowly either starve or die of radiation sickness over weeks / months

I'm ok with this.

>he's sitting down half dead
>coworker comes in
>are you ok?

I believe to easily spot if you receive serious radiation burns. Because you'll start bleeding on that spot. The hats probably to cover hair and prevent contamination?

this is high school level physics user, it's not difficult to understand.

lel, eat shit

This is also good, just went through it

>Or they are scared but they're more scared about their families or getting sent to prison and not providing for their families
It was 1986, not 1936. If anything, there's documented cases of dumbass bravado and throwing safety precautions to the wind because "what's the worst that could happen, lol".

People involved in construction were paid and sent home after they received their maximum allowed dose. Construction of the sarcophagus was finalized in November of that year and the reactor had exploded at the end of April.

is this show kino then ?

>it's a Mr Hickey and Captain Crozier go to Chernobyl episode
fucking kino
i wonder who has buttsex and who eats contaminated food

>The foot is still active. In '86 the foot would have been fatal after 30 seconds of exposure; even today, the radiation is fatal after 300 seconds.

plus our radiation suits are superior now. the ones in 86 were a joke. either way, the amount of radiation in that room is extreme. the guy taking the pictures volunteered to go down there multiple times against the advice of everyone to take pictures of it.

Chain reaction and it would have continued to emit more and more radiation.

Understanding it as a fault of communism and something that can't happen elsewhere is totally missing a point.

Recently NASA learned that some shuttle/rocket catastrophe they suffered was caused by some retards from rust belt falsifying the data about the amount of aluminium in elements they produced.

i think the butthurt commie must have reported it a bunch of times...even then the janny had to make the move.

>Louis Slotin
lol so much for that Ashkenazi IQ

Show is as good as you could make it about this event.

Holy shit thanks
This looks like a great companion piece

> One of the biggest fuck ups

Only 200 people died in Chernobyl. Meanwhile, 10 million people died in Holomodor. Millions still were executed or forced into work camps.

Yeah as I recall these guys actually melted didn't they?

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pretty sure everyone will be eating contaminated food in this one

>Only 200 people died in Chernobyl.

officially and as a direct result of the explosion or recorded radiation poisoning. it doesn't take into account the amount of cancers etc that many people got or the amount of children born deformed or dead.

Nope. See

I prefer getting whole Europe killed that let someone shot my God boys

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From what I understood reading about the subject. The more radioactive something is, the more quickly that radiation goes away with time. Vice versa with less radioactive objects.

Given how radioactive the elephant's foot was at the beginning, 10 years is more than enough to remove quite a bit of its deadliness. And even so, I doubt that guy was there for more than a few min

that is not a basic carpenters respirator you mad bastard, the fucker most certainly contains radiation filters

It's just 3.6 roentgens comrade

What would Lenin do

this guy had a weird voice

just drink your vodka and go about your day.

nothing great, but nothing terrible

He'd go up on the roof the see for himself that everything was fine.

t. Never read a history book

I've seen worse.

>20000 roentgen tan

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The army would have evacuated the city by that point and no dogs allowed where you're going.

Aren't the feral dogs/cats thriving in the Zone these years along with other wildlife?

Why does this event always delievers kino?
>roadside picnic
>Stalker movie
>Stalker game
>now this
Is it atmosphere of total desperation or horror?Or both?

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Chernobyl wasn't even the first nuclear fuckup within the USSR. Look up the Mayak accident.

Shoot this man. Send another.

fugg that's even worse

F to all those poor dogs and cats left behind.

Cut off the phone lines to prevent the spread of misinformation.

I think you are wrong, it really was something as mild as 200, but my only point was that it was basically nothing compared to the horrors of communism, which would dwarf eve 100 nuclear disasters.

I feel that he wasn't a particularly "bad" or evil guy. Just trying to keep everyone calm and working. No point in panicking or running away since the air outside is already contaminated and you are fucked no matter what you do.

Our moment to shine!

Attached: shine.png (1909x959, 1.47M)

Nice. I get my Iodine from

i clicked this now my cpu is at 99% WTF!!!

yeh, the zone is actually filled with wildlife of all types, there are actually a few weird variations and mutations but not stalker tier.


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take a nap

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We will get awards for this!

>radiation filters
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but in this case the best that a respirator can do is filter out as much dust from the air as possible to minimize the potentially radioactive particles from being inhaled. You don't "filter" radiation.

Some got away. There are even turtles and wild horses roaming around. Here are some puppies near the plant. You're not allowed to pet them.

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is this the one where they completely denied it and still do to this day? there was one at a secret base in the urals/central russia and they never ever confirmed it.

Who's that actor? He looks familiar.

I liked it. Perfect voice for an asshole bureaucrat.

I knew that face was familiar!

Is this how soviet leadership worked? Every city/region had its own little committee that votes on what to do, and is under a higher ranking committee? No mayors or someone who is directly in charge? I'd have imagined governors or something.

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> Our moment to shine!
With enough roentgens I'm sure they will.

This man is clearly delusional. Take him to the infirmary.

Roadside Picnic was written in the 70s mate.

Get fucked.

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soviet literally means "council"

>roadside picnic
>Stalker movie
those were made years before Vladimir I Lenin Nuclear Power Plant reached all its energy production goals ahead of schedule

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Stalker was true kino because the actors died IRL, same as the Chernobyl dudes... except the movie was made 7 years before the incident.

on a basic level? yes, thats what a soviet is, a collection of "workers" making the decisions while reporting to a higher set of "workers", its workers all the way up.

Oh. I thought it was after the accident for some reason.

A radioactive dust particle that lands on your skin can be scrubbed off. One that you inhale will sit on your lung emitting radiation for fuck knows how long. So yeah you most certainly can filter it.

literally this

>that votes on what to do,
Hahah, yeah they "vote"

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Been a good while since a ban this funny come round these parts

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But this is not how it truly worked, is it? That's what the old man was about, to represent the will of the "state", which in this case was just a direct demand from higher up the chain of command.

The committee was powerless because those above them had already ordered that the city would be sealed off and military police called in.

Are you illiterate or what? What the fuck do you think I wrote? I said filtering the particles is a yes, filtering radiation is a no.

Jewish nepotism, not IQ

welcome to soviet bureaucracy.

A nuclear fission reaction is basically a bunch of invisible particles or neutrons flying around at supersonic speeds and colluding with other atoms to split them to produce energy. When it's locked in a core, it's "safe." When the core blows its top, suddenly it's being scattered into the atmosphere.

Why did some people get sick quickly and others didn't? Same exact concept if you were in the military and one of your squad mates got shot with a bullet and you didn't. It's random. Millions of them go in every direction. If enough particles hit you, you are dead. Also, it should be noted we are getting hit with background radiation right now but it's just not enough to do any real damage.

That being said, I wouldn't visit the elephant's room today even with a top of the line tony stark iron man suit. But it has cooled significantly since 30 years ago.

fairly shit tier hollywood garbage

> If his character background arc is correct that he was a friendless arrogant loser
He was bitter and sad because his son died from a Submarine nuclear accident in the 1970s.

lmao butthurt communists burst in right on cue

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Each city had an executive committee with a chairman who technically was the mayoral equivalent, but in practice the first secretaries of the CPSU city committees made all the meaningful decisions.

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>and their refrigeration device was never used - the core cooled down by itself.
lol where the fuck did you hear that. the refrigeration chamber was used under the reactor.

>gimme dat for free
Literally the slogan of capitalism.

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Yeah sure you can scrub off a particle that contains like millions of charged photons that enter your body. Get out of here Stalker.

Not that guy (fuck that guy) but roughly speaking you can filter radiation. That's what wearing different levels of protection for alpha/beta/delta/gamma radiation is for. They filter out the radiation.


Still warmer than the surrounding environment.

youre retarded
most nations army troops have a clause which does not allow them not to take part in a nuclear clean up. they have no choice.
this includes the US, Canada, UK
fucking brainlet

Right wingers are so butthurt there's not single thread on Yea Forums they can't help resisting to spread their ignorant nonsense and greedy propaganda in.

That is mainly just the plant staff and the fire fighters who first responded.
Wikipedia list them all out by name.

There aren't any good list of how many Liquidators, bio robots & Helicopter Pilots died down the road from radiation.

Nice attempt to slide, now fuck off you Holomodor loving fuck

This entire series is just propaganda from capitalists to discredit socialism and harm the Sanders campaign. The actual facts show the USSR was a largely benevolent government which in fact handled the Chernobyl accident fairly well and openly.
> muh Stalin
Stalin just industrialized rapidly. The same people would have been killed in capitalist nations.

>One was a retard and was showboating for other scientists by holding the neutron reflector with a screwdriver, it slipped and encased the plutonium, made it go critical and irradiated him to the void
thats not what happened you fucking mong. they were testing neutron flux rates when he was startled and dropped the screw driver which was keeping the two reflector halves apart. get your fucking brain right.

I can tell you without watching the show based on an answer to one question.
1) Is Lenin mentioned by any character at any point outside of reading out pre-written speeches? If so, in what context?

All of you are funny and interesting, and I live here. Damn.

It wasnt "workers all the way up". The original soviet leaders were not themselves workers. Google the soviet leadership. They were all full time revolutionaries.

The plan for the soviet union, coming originally from Marx itself, and explicitly sought by the original Bolsehviks was a "Democratic Dictatorship of the Proletariat" (their term). It was a dictatorship. The only thing democractic was that it was in theory meant to represent people. But of course, they had to suppress the workers and the peasants quite a lot, who were not happy to go along with the soviet union.

There was a lot of bureacracy too. Its quite amazing actually how many bureas and committees they had.

This is all fresh in my mind because I've been on a kick of reading soviet history recently.

Uranium 235's half life is 700,000 years which means it'll be only half as deadly in 700,000 years as today. The elephant's foot is just a cocktail of concrete, lead, uranium pellets, and some other shit. Based on the type of radiation being emitted, only neutron or gamma particles can get you today if you were in that room without any protection. To my understanding, the uranium pellets buried themselves in a slushie of other materials when the heat given off during the meltdown caused everything to melt. The power plant itself was covered with a huge lead dome so the town should be fairly safe but seriously, fuck that room. Don't you idiots think about going there for the lulz.

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user thats the joke, well done.

it was "workers all the way up", are you autistic?

Some old guy used Lenin in a pep-talk to the committee right before saying the phone lines need to be cut to control mis-information and the population in Pripyat isolated and not evacuated.

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"rad" suits dont exist
the best you can get are suits which prevent you from breathing in radioactive contamination and protection from beta radiation (alpha is provided by your dead skin layer and youre good as long as you dont ingest it)

as for gamma/x-ray/ and neutron... just stay the fuck away and wait for it to decay away

Uranium 235 isnt particularly deadly unless swallowed unless you have enough for criticality to occur.
things with short half lives and high activity such as cesium-137, are much scarier.


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Dyatlov literally has seen worse : recieved a 200 Rem dose (1 Roentgen = 0.877 Rem) after an incident during the installation of a submarine's reactor.

This. Only a suit made out of lead and concrete can protect you from gamma radiation and neutrons. It would probably weigh several thousand pounds. In other words mech armor or some shit.

Good thing it's got a 30km area around it that has army guards at the entrances.

worth it to contain cancerous socialist dogs

>You're not allowed to pet them.
God this just keeps getting worse by the minute

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Netflix has a documentary about it called City 40 (trailer has been taken down tho).
Imagine Chernobyl but they never evacuated the city and set it up so the people live in luxury there as long as they stay even knowing it's contaminated.

Better not watch this clip of them frolicking around just begging to be played with then.

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the acting is shit , the script is shit, the English accents are off-putting ,

On the plus side the special effects and cinematography is acceptable.

Overall its not kino and i am disappointed.


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>that autist telling everyone nuclear cores can't blow.

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He used to install nuclear reactors on submarines. Got exposed to corium-chan one day, 200 REM in the face. Survived, but lost his child who died of leucemia because of the radiation in his body.

It can't. Go to the roof already.

I watched the video, Ray

Now I feel almost as shitty as if I'd stared into the exposed core myself



These 2 things are mutually exclusive. Vodka is literally a half-step up from Baiju and maybe 2 steps above gasoline

Comrade, my geiger counter is maxed out at 3 rads. It can't be that bad. Go turn on the water already.

t. Never tasted Maotai. The real thing, not the fake shit.

I've been told that high-end vodka is supposed to actually be good instead of just smelling and tasting like cleaning solvent, but I swear to god, I did actually receive some baltic vodka that was so awful that even mixing it with a whole bunch of tonic didn't make it palatable

thats in response to left winger bullshit infecting literally every aspect of every single thing