Chernobyl thread pruned

>Chernobyl thread pruned

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communism a shit

Why was it deleted? Tankie jannies?

Why was it pruned? It was a good discussion, aside from the retarded tankie.

I just called out the /alita/ general and janny deleted my replies within 2 minutes. We need this guy dead.

>deleting a thread about a currently airing tv show

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He's a piece of shit straight out of reddit. Moderation is a complete joke nowadays.

New thread

my karl pilkington thread got jannied too
someone should do something

Fuck off faggot Aliya is BASED!

The mom offering her kid a biscuit while they were showered with nuclear ash was a nice touch.

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>serie about how idiot and corrupt management fuck things ups
>idiot and corrupt management fuck the discussion about such serie
Its like pottery

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Probably too much discussion with butthurt tankie. In the future he has to be ignored. What's wrong with banning just him if he gets too annoying.

my movie recommendation thread got deleted as well
wtf is the jannies damage? this isn't a board dedicated to solely avengers and GOT

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Hi, Mod here.

Previous thread's content was 90% politics.

If you're looking for those type of conversations this is the wrong board.

Reminder that we remove threads even if the OP is on-topic if the rest of the thread has nothing to do with Television & Film.

Please don't make my job any harder than it already is. K thx bye.

Alita is still being shilled? Jesus

the catalog is 90% GoT threads, work harder

fake and gay, mods post with special names

KYS tranny nigger

reminder that impersonating Yea Forums staff if against the rules

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