Simpol, Tasty, Burgah

Simpol, Tasty, Burgah

Attached: gordonburger.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

How the fuck are you supposed to fit that in your mouth? He always gives other people shit for making burgers too big, but just look at this fucking thing.

For me, it's Cowboy Burger

Attached: Kitchen Nightmares vs. Burger Kitchen's Cowboy Burger vs. Gordon Ramsey 2.jpg (595x399, 33K)

My dick is girthier than that dicklet lol

>Makes fun of cowboy burger for being too big to put in your mouth

>makes that undercooked thing instead

Attached: gordon_hypocrite.webm (350x386, 2.48M)

Whats wrong with his skin

a chef that spent years yelling about food poisoning to restaurant owners got botulism toxin injected in his face. pottery.

he also puts olive oil in his pasta cooking water and onto the rinsed pasta, he's a hack

There's nothing objectively wrong with that fag

That is not undercooked lol. Do you like your burgers burnt or something.

based and blind retard

>mfw part of the 99% who only watch his shows to laugh at the insults he throws and the autism fits he has about food

waste of good oil, sauce doesnt stick

Now that's a cowboy with a very small hat

Did anyone watch his Masterclass? It's on the torrents already.

Lmao that shit chef can't even grill the burger until it's done

Minced meat must ALWAYS be well done, no exceptions. Anything else is asking for malaria. You give me a burger that has pink inside it, I'll throw it in your face.

what part of this is simple?

No that's Marco

this. A steak is OK to not have be well done because of the cut and processing. Ground meat is not all from the same place and goes through different handling and is RIPE with bacteria, but go ahead and eat it raw for your ego's sake.

I like the episode where the guy cant stop cooking spaghetti

>amerilards actually believe this


Are you some casual that doesn't grind his own blend for grilling burgers with the boys?

WTF man

show us a timestamped photo of your kitchen setup or fuck off you moron

All cattle and no hat.

Do all Brits turn pink in the sun?


This is how you spot someone that never cooks proper meals.

>tfw eat raw hamburger meat because I don't have the gut of a weakling who only lives today because of modern medicine and luck

I'll concede that cheap minced meat varies from region to region and some are way more toxic than others and will kill you if undercooked. However, we always prepare homemade burgers and cook them medium. It's tasty and has never made any of us sick.

I fucking hate undercooked burgers. I love mine darn near burnt

embarrassing post

obviously never had steak tartare

>because I don't have the gut of a weakling who only lives today because of modern medicine and luck
You literally do though. Go drink some wilderness river water without boiling it and see how that goes.

I love watching people who are in "Naked and Afraid" drink unboiled river water. Sure enough 24 hours later they're shitting about every 30 minutes.

>I'll throw it in your face.
You won't do shit, fag.

come on

I've been drinking spring water everyday for the past week. Spring water from an actual spring not a bottle.
The only thing that matters is the cleanliness of the source.

>he also puts olive oil in his pasta cooking water
That is pointless.

>and onto the rinsed pasta
If he's doing that while mixing in the sauce, that's okay. It can enhance the dish depending on what kind of sauce it is, though I wouldn't put it directly on the pasta before mixing, only after. Of course butter would generally be preferable.


Faggots like you are the reason why people get curb stomped

Based brainlets not understanding temperature.

it’s like one of the richest chefs in the world couldn’t possibly have a meat grinder and prepare his own meat like many other restaurants that serve burgers with color for said dish instead of using frozen Walmart ground beef and calling it a day.. not a chance right

>butthurt americlaps with no knowledge on actual cooking besides microwaved queso pretending to have valid criticism

>nice simple rustic

>"Excuse me miss, this is the thin crust?
>"yes, chef"
>"my god"

Attached: thincrust.jpg (842x424, 52K)