

Attached: krypton-doomsday-season-2-2-1163842-1280x0.jpg (1280x718, 67K)

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Someone in the editing room is based

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what in the goddamn

HAHAHAHAHAHA thats class

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My sides are lost in orbit...

no fucking way

Attached: World's Biggest Nut.png (468x344, 265K)

I'm old, i dont understand it. What am i watching, what's "doomsday", what is this show, and what is that scream?

The scream at 0:20 is an orgasm of a black dude.

Scream is a black pornstar faking an extremely loud orgasm as he fucks an 80yo woman that has been used for edits of thousands of vids and become a meme in its own right.

Just google something like "loud nigra scream" to hear it.

I have forgotten where the scream originally is even from.
but yeah based editor

Attached: ct.png (1280x720, 481K)

It's called a Wilhelm scream and is reference to George Lucas's classic masterpiece Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Have a good day friend :^)

Is it even legal to use that scream? Fucking hell thats hilarious but kinda sad I recognize it instantly

search "loudest orgasm" on youtube

jesus christ lmao

Based and SiIvapilled

How the fuck does DC manage to fuck up everything?

anyone have link to real scene

This, Denke Desu Sempai.

my fucking sides

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Is this the real life?

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My personal favorite

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>the downshifting

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why do they do this

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holy fuck

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his retarded cousin looked better

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Holy fuck.

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Attached: abigaillaugh.webm (742x718, 2.8M)

fucking kek

I wonder if the sound editor knew what they were doing
It'd be funnier if he was completely unaware of the meme

How would he even get a hold of of clip without knowing what it was?

Most likely at least one person had to have known, and got it suggested or snuck in or something, but the rest of the editing team had no idea.

Probably gonna get fired now that everyone is pointing out its a porn clip

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What the fuck is this how the chosen imitate human inflections?

dear god I need Abigail Shapiro's tits in my face

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how can you do this to me

holy shit

Attached: pepe laugh.jpg (300x250, 79K)

Attached: abigailparen.jpg (720x548, 35K)

stage acting. think it was either a musical or a opera exaggerate your expressions so the audience can clearly see. also khazar milkers


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please be real

>those poor few clueless people replying to the tweet with "Wow Doomsday looks great!"

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>How would he even get a hold of of clip without knowing what it was?
You can literally just find a sound clip of the scream itself on Youtube, without context it's just a scream of anguish and shame