>watching Stacykino
>turns into some limp wristed shit about how girls should date dorky boring pseuds
Fuck these nerdy writer self inserts. What’s some undilluted STACYKINO?
Watching Stacykino
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There are basically no Stacies in Hollywood (even ostensibly cool actresses are recovering theater kids) so they have nothing to go on.
How the fuck did Alicia Silverstone not have a bigger career. She was young, beautiful, not that talented but fun to watch on screen. What the fuck happened?
she hit the wall kind of early. I'm saying she was already kind of old when Clueless came out. She should've been starring in more movies in the late 80's/early90's
She made alot of bad career choices and renee witherspoon did her shtick alot better. That being said; I think she'll have a mini career revival soon. It was nice seeing her pop up in Killing of Sacred Deer.
odds OP is a tranny trying to live vicariously through cinema Stacies?
Heathers but the main character is supposed to be a becky but she is friends with the stacies
what is some stacy kino from the last decade?
>renee witherspoon did her shtick alot better
Huh, that's actually a great point. Can totally imagine Silverstone in Election and Legally Blonde, she wouldn't have been as good as Reese tho
huh, I didn't know they were different people
I think Megan Fox was one
She's worked pretty steadily since then. I know someone that knows her, says she was more into doing her own thing and the wierd vegan shit, than being a "star". And that she's kind of an idiot - but a rich idiot.
>last decade
I actually think Drew Barrymore somewhat took what was supposed to be her "spot" more than Reese Witherspoon did.
Witherspoon has more raw talent than both, Barrymore and Silverstone have similar levels of talent and kind of similar vibes onscreen. I could see Alicia in a lot of the roles Drew did over the years.
13 going on 30
I guess Jennifer's Body is a bit stacykino
What the fuck are you on about? She's still kinda hot even after all those decades, one of the best ageing actresses
Hollywood standards. Always looking for younger
lol the average flavor of the month starlet did not attend theater school
Batman and Robin. Career ender for her AND Chris O'Donnell. Because they were the shittest part of one of the shittest movies of all time.
Sad for her. The Crush was one of my first fap movies, and she was quite good in it.
13 year olds look like THAT?
spot the trans kid
hollywood standards is pretending washed up past her prime whores are attractive. hollywood homos would never cast sexy teens at their prime
Neither of them can't act for shit, so Batman and Robin was more of a catalyst for something that would've happen anyway. O'Donnell has been on like 300 episodes of NCIS tho, dude is a gajilionnaire, i doubt he cares
She's been working steadily since then, idiot, just not in big starring roles. She does a lot of theater, too.
did Schwarzennigger do anything good movie-wise after Batman and Robin?
Do you remember the late 90's? It was all "teen" actors and actresses.
How can something like this happen?
is it me?
Dazed and Confused
Gone Girl
Forrest Gump
All from a certain point of view, of course.
>35 year old teens
still trying to forget it
Drop Dead Gorgeous
19 isn't very old
alright i'll be the one to say it: she was fat and during the 90s-early 00s that didn't fly
I've heard this before and where was she fat though? I tried looking up pictures but had no luck. I've never seen a picture or video of her looking fat.
watch batman. She's fat even with the costume.
12 million dollar net worth aint shit
i know i know it's current day and if she looked like this today she would be considered "in shape" but back then it was all rail thin heroin chic chicks. didn't help that she had kind of a fatish face either.
she had a very visible moustache in the batman movie.
She was chubby by normal standards so in hollywood she was fat, mind you this was also the time in the fashion industry where runway models(besides certain exceptions like with VS at the time) were super fucking sticks
>rail thin heroin chic chick
God I wish that was me
>but back then it was all rail thin heroin chic chicks
>this was also the time in the fashion industry where runway models(besides certain exceptions like with VS at the time) were super fucking sticks
Sadly, makes sense. I was gonna say in what world is this considered fat? The 90s world, I guess.
Poor mans Drew Barrymore
(but Clueless is cool)
Post it
how much is your net worth?
she looks kinda fat there: her sexy jawline is pretty much ruined. still fuckable, of course
i guess "fat" was just an euphemism for not-at-her-prime-anymore
I wonder if she'd have been accepted today, people shit on jennifer lawrence for being relatively chubby compared to other female leads when she was popular
She reminds me so much of Drew it's not even funny. I watched Fever Pitch recently and was thinking how much I think that role would've suited Alicia. I also could've seen her doing Never Been Kissed and 50 First Dates.
$800 000 000
Jlaw has a naturally chubby face. Silverstone did not. She just got chubby
Damn being born a Chad AND getting alimony, very impressive
Yeah but Silverstones Babysitter flick is a caricature of Barrymore seducing a 40yo as a 15yo.
She didn't want fame and she was one of the first actresses to openly screech about pervy producers and convos about her losing weight. She was also lazy. And had limited range. She became as famous due to Aerosmith videos as Clueless
Cobra Kai S2 w Tory
THIS, obv
that was when hollywood still had some standars
>12 million dollar net worth aint shit, let me tell you how that will be chump change once bernie is running the country...
Hollywood is and always were a capitalist driven institution, not more or less. At most, it reflects.
Look at Alicia in Beauty Shop from 2005 when she lost weight she still had it
I'm still so happy I watched Heathers without knowing a single thing about it
very based
tbqh she aged nicely
>why are you looking at pictures of me when I was young, user?
she's communicating with the primates using their simplistic movement signals.
in other news, disgusting. not her body, but that humans have to debase themselves to reach the depths of imbecility, it sickens me.
I would let her have sex with me
What exactly is it that gives away that a person (woman) is older? It seems to be not merely the skin itsel - the whole skin of the face sits different on the face. Does that make sense?
her oldness
>where runway models(besides certain exceptions like with VS at the time) were super fucking sticks
they still are, at least from any non-meme house
its the best way to watch it
They're nowhere near as skeletal as they were in the early 00s