Oh no they ambushed as from the front on a sea during the clear day when our dragon was high in the sky

Oh no they ambushed as from the front on a sea during the clear day when our dragon was high in the sky

Attached: jS5GAt0l.jpg (640x360, 24K)

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I don't understand why they couldn't just make this a night time scene, it would have solved all the problems

it also would have established that time had passed for once, but of course we can't have that on the show now since everybody has instant travel

They did a night scene in episode three and it was so incompetantly filmed that nobody could see a fucking thing.

Then Euron's fleet will have had hit Rhaegal from behind a rock three times with 100% accuracy at night.

Oh well, it's almost as believable.

personally I wouldn't have killed the dragon at all, have the scene set at night, Eurons fleet ambushes Danys fleet and starts shooting, Dany comes to the rescue and hits back with both dragons, wiping out some of his ships, he tries to hit back but of course it's too dark so he decides to wait until he can see the fire and shoot everything he has in that direction, one of the dragons gets grazed, she decides to retreat. You'd have to double the amount of euron ships though because otherwise it would be easy pickings for the dragons

there would be loads of merchant ships travelling around the area seeing how close they are to KL
Just because Dany wasn't able to recognize them as Eurons ships doesn't mean its a plot hole or bad writing

Just admit it, you are seething because your favourite character got BTFO arnt you?

Could have been morning with fog clinging to the islands where the ships were hiding.

Bah, there can be no finesse expected from GoT at this point.




Don't ask questions.
Consume content and get excited for next content.

Literal fog of war, realistic and kind of spooky

>it also would have established that time had passed for once
Do you need everything spelled out for you, nigger? GoT has enough shit wrong with it without you retards complaining about time passing not being visualized and only implied.

Wait was this an ambush? I assumed they knew they were there since it is protecting Kings Landing.

I assumed the real surprise was the giant ass Scorpions they had. We knew of the one but now there are hundreds.

And near a friendly port I might add.

>You cannot fast travel when enemies are nearby.

The dude is a witch. So he used magic?

that would solve nothing. how is euron supposed to see and shoot at the dragons at night...?

You really are dumb do you ?
To think any merchant would be allowed to freely travel your own territory sea at 500 meter of your own castle in times of war without at least passing 10 checkpoints before getting there.

Are you really that stupid ?
Dumb fag

Fire is bright, he uses some of his men as bait and fires in the direction of the fire

And a valid tactic if you know the sea and the lands and the weather, like the legendary pirate you claim to be. It would have made sense and reinforced Euron as a character. Guess that would be too 8th grade writing for dabid.

Fuck off with your science shit in a fantasy show, nerd! Have sex!

Tell you what, I promise I will have sex, if dabid hires a strategist consultant

What’s even dumber is that they got close enough to pick up Danny’s handmaiden instead of her general. Even then, they got close enough and didn’t kill the survivors.

Attached: 11242451.png (1896x900, 745K)

The writer literally said Dany forgot about the Iron Fleet, despite the fleet being mentioned in the strategy meeting earlier. It's just bad writing. They have a checklist of scenes they need to make happen. They stopped caring about the how and why, anything that gets them to their precious "cool" and "epic" scenes is fine, no matter how nonsensical it is.

The Frankenstein's Monster of the writing arts.

it's not implied
last season tyrion saw a pregnant cersei
he has since traveled the length of westeros at least 3 times

now tell me how cersei isn't showing? she's not pregnant? it's a ruse?
why wouldn't tyrion mention this instead of "baby"?
where's the child?
still in her but she's not showing?

you j detractors are so fucking delusional

bobby b and crew took months to get to winterfell
they took just as long to get back
>b-b-but he likes to stop and eat!
yes, when people travel long distances they stop and eat and sleep.
jon and tyrion took two weeks with a small group to reach the wall from winterfell, which is at the very least 1/6 the distance from king's landing to winterfell

the show now has people teleporting around with no time passing at all. it's not implied to pass as literally nothing happens between tyrion being in the north and then being in the south the exact same episode