Why are all the zoomers uncut?

Why are all the zoomers uncut?

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they all look the same to me

Zoomers are just millenials but even fucking gayer

hispanics have far lower rates of circumcision

but im the gayest of them all. Im the actual gay

Zoomer cunny


started dating a girl that turned out to have a dick but im still into her...
is it possible to be gay for fem boys and only top them? i might be gay fml

Gen Z are kids that are born after the internet boom.

Gen Z are based and redpilled, millenials are cucked retards and corporate/political sstablishment sellouts.

Source on that claim?

I'm gen Ay, you old fucks are all useless so i've come back to sort this shit out

turns out cutting up babies dicks is going out of fashion, chillingly sad isn't it

>be non-jewish
>get circumcised
wait, people actually do this?

I've had the privilege of inspecting many white zoomer penises, and like 3/4 of them are uncut.

Cucked by Kellogg's
There's some people here who complain about Jews but then staunchly defend being circumcised.





Zoomers were born after the internet boom when instead of asking your doctor about circumcision you could make the decision for yourself based on your own research. Medical books barely would touch the subject for pregnant mother’s and doctors pushed it. In the last two decades not so much as it’s hard to sell once someone doesn’t feel absolutely alone in thinking cutting off part of a babies genitals might be wrong. Uncut American millennial from the 80s myself I feel lucky as fuck my parents were super hippies back then.

Americans. Also some primitive African tribes.

>Yea Forums defending zoomers because its unironically made up of mostly 13 year olds

thanks encyclopedia britfaggica, but everyone knows that, he was saying they look the same, like ya know, appearance

patrician taste

I was born in Canada back in the 80s, still got mine but my boomer dad from the early 60s I'm not so sure. He acts like a circy sometimes.

I circumcised bith my sons because it is a vutal Christian rite
9 And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy seed after thee in their generations.

10 This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.

11 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you.

12 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you, every man child in your generations, he that is born in the house, or bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seed.

13 He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant.

14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he hath broken my covenant.
Genesis 17

I will never understand the obsession u trannies have abt ant eater dicks

You mutilated your children's junk because of a fairy tale. You lost the game.

and what about this

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It's almost like his post was created to provoke this exact response

>Bryan Singer posts on Yea Forums

You do realize the point of Christ was to stop the barbaric bloody side of the old Jewish testament and instead simply have faith in Christ.

You can’t honestly believe a god worth worshipping wants you cutting off parts of baby genitals, that’s some fire and brimstone demon worship right there.

lol what a fucking idiot.

> Muh atheism
Go tip your fedora over at Red.dit. Yea Forums is a traditional Christian conservative board
That was done away with but the requirement for circumcision to enter heaven hasnt. Besides women prefer cut dicks over that unnatural anteater shit. Its weird

>“Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the circumcisers"
Philippians 3:2

You are a child abuser and a piece of shit, people like you should be shot in the face by their victims.

i had a dream last night about the qt Chick fil a cashier who smiled at me earlier that day and in my dream she ended up having a dick and I was ok with it in the dream and when I woke up I found lots of ways to rationalize it the main one being she was fucking hot and otherwise indistinguishable but yeah im havin tranny dreams thank you Yea Forums

Post pics pls.

God desires circumcision to show you make are willing to sacrifice and mark you as a child if God. You are just a secular humanist.
The actual child abuse is casting you child into the pit where the worm will jot die and the fire will not be quenched

Do Millenials and Gen Z really dress differently?

what do you mean "this was done away with" lmao, they have never specifically stated that any laws within Leviticus are "done away" with.

The reason for kosher food is found in Leviticus.

>Besides women prefer cut dicks over that unnatural anteater shit. Its weird
american ones might. but as circumcision becomes less and less commonplace through the generations of godless shitskins, so will womens views on the matter. "women prefer it" is the most horseshit fucking cope out of the bunch, women dont have any fucking clue about anything

You obviously haven't read the new testament properly then you fucking heretic.

I could beat the piss out of all the people depicted there

>Generation Zyklon Based won't accept Shekelstein's livestock branding

>unnatural anteater shit

Sooo 90% of all men across the world? Most uncut cocks (my own included) look fine when hard unless you have extra long forskin or something. Plus women who have lengthy roast beef shouldn't judge our dicks.

Their parents aren't as religious as ours.

evangelicals are a plague

Zoomers are basically 1997 to now. Most of them are still children and havent left high school, let alone begin a career. Criticizing them is therefor not really fair. They havent had a chance to prove themselves. Millenials on the other hand...are the worst generation overall.

Which one is the Harry Potter fan generation? That's the one I hate.

>unnatural anteater shit

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>Besides women prefer cut dicks over that unnatural anteater shit.
They only "prefer it" because they're so used to cut dicks. They don't give a fuck either way

say what you will about these people but at least they got something right.

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This is a jew.

Holy fucking YIKES my dude



circumcision makes you stronger

Actually 81% of American men are cut and even the decline only took it 77%.
> Morris and his colleagues found the circumcision rate in newborns has declined from 83 percent in the 1960s to 77 percent in 2010. (The overall rate among U.S. males age 14 to 59 is 81 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)Apr 2, 2014
Circumcision rates declining in U.S. infants, raising health risks later ...
cbsnews.com news circu...

In addition considering the majority of circumcision takes place among muslims and Africans the world wide rate will only increase. Circumcision is the future

the only uncuts are non-freedom lovers crossing our boarders

Your false god is satan and you are doing his job on this earth.

Daily reminder that sexuality is a spectrum and there's literally nothing wrong with whatever you're sexually attracted to as long as it's a consenting adult.

>rising health risks
if you can't clean yourself properly you deserve to get a diseased dick and die.

Probably true. Millenials were indoctrinated early on by buzzfeed, vox, vice, etc. At least some Zoomers have a healthy skepticism of that "news." Trump's entire presidency is worthy by moving the Overton window about the accuracy of the information we get. Hopefully we get many more generations of skeptics re: this shill information factories.

They now circumcision is a sexual mutilation perpetrated on children, and the victims of it lose most sexual nerve endings.

America isn't the world, dipshit. And muslims and Africans REALLY aren't the world.

I found out after he died from the autopsy report that my dad was uncut, which presumably is why I am too. Never got to ask him why.

>violate your kids human rights
>violate your kids religious freedoms
nice one

and you still believe that women prefer it when there have been studies that found women prefer the pleasure of non-mutilated men and survey that found higher incidence of sexual discomfort among mutilated men and their partners

The zoomers are no way near nigged out enough in that pic. Well here in bongland anyway

The girls would be wearinga tops that are literally just a strap over their tits with huge amounts of fake tan and leggings on the bottom. Would be wearing White air force ones as shoes. Would be obnoxiously loud and openly rude to people because there are no reprecussions for it any more.

The guy would be wearing a north face jacket, one of those faggy bum bags, adidas tapered track pants and some gay £60 meme shoe. Maybe vans old skools. They would also have the classic zoomer cut up top while listening to gucci gang. Would try and nig up their speech by saying words like "live" or "cheese" or "fire" or some other nigger slang that they heard a rapper say once but are scared of blacks irl. They would be very left wing and secretly wish they could be born with black skin so they could be a rapper. They Smoke weed casually and are perpetually doing some shitty degree in 'business management' or "enviromental sciences" while dropping out half way through and repeatedly telling themselves "shit bruv i gotta get my shit together"

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European women, millenial and gen z women hate mutilated dicks with their shitty scars and calloused head.

Mutilated cut dicks only please fat boomer bitches, jewesses and muslims.

lmaooo most zoomers are tranny catboy nazi maids that eat up capeshit

True. I just sucked off my Mexican buddy. Uncut. Most of my millennial Mexican fuck buds are uncut too.

infant mutilation violates these "freedoms"

The majority of world wide population growth is muslim and african.

this is the worst opinion. millenials and gen z are barely distinguishable and both are hideously corporate in their values and personal ethics. basically every generation post 1940 was a mistake.

Yes, but that doesnt mean it should be lromoted and normalized, which is what the left does

that's not gay. that's cyberpunk as fuck.

>Millenials were indoctrinated early on by post-social media net companies that didn't exist when they were children
Wew lad.

early gen Y or millennials are the last generation that remember what it was like before the internet destroyed civilization and polite society. that makes them 10fold better than whatever gen z will become.

more like post-1840...

They aren't, from what I've seen, though it seems to be getting less common.

I'm so glad my parents aren't retarded.

women literally bully their men into getting it done in numerous non-americanized cultures from Africa to Asia.

Those studies are bullshit pushed by antj circumcision zealots. Nothing is more natural than the age old tradition of getting cut

>Holy fucking YIKES my dude

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How'd you do that?

Exactly. We've had 30 years of gay pride parade. No one gives a shit anymore you queers. Stop with the oppression Olympics.

>not having a foreskin

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They really arent. Yes, they watch Marvel shit, but what else is there in theaters? They have an odd obsession with Hitler and Nazis, im not even joking

>regular human behavior shouldn't be normalized over arbitrary religious restrictions which serve only to discriminate and stratify society
Nah, fuck you.

I have never met a woman that likes an uncut dick. A guy I knew from europe moved here and had to get cut because women would literally nope the fuck out when they saw his weird penis. Nothing is faggier than an uncut penis

>millenials and gen z are barely distinguishable
Totally incorrect. You're a dumbass.

mutilation of a god-given body part is not natural
the Greeks and Romans knew this

Children don't read that shit and just mimic their parents political views anyways. This shit started happening in their teens and 20s. If you can block that from happening, Western civilization might not be a failure.


Literally nothing you said is accurate
Millennials are soulless depressed working drones
Zoomers are more self sufficient and fall into niche political groups

I decided to get circumcised at the age of 25. There was very little discomfort involved and it gave me life-changing confidence. Anyone who grew up with abusive parents that refused to circumcised should look into the procedure.

probably the fallout of all the christcuck missionaries that went there. those countries are full of superstitious crazy fuckers

only in Africa regular women would reject your for that

>being cut
Sign of a Jewish slave. The "muh masturbation" arguments falls apart when one looks into the guy's history of jacking off to Jewish supremacy.
Westcucks are all dumbfaggot cucks regardless of generation. The only good generation was whichever did the 80's movies and backwards.
Everything post-80's is increasingly garbage.

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You know most people without foreskin had literally zero say in the matter when it was done to them as infants, right? It's like me giving you shit for your face being so aesthetically off-putting that you've never even seen a vagina.

zoomers are literally more "gender fucked" than millenials


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>have an unprecedented rate of trannydom

circumcision is not demanded by christianity

if a woman is judging your penis its because she has seen a lot more to make the comparisons, which also means shes a huge whore, which also means shes unfit for mating. If your opinion on circumcision is guided by what whores think about what penises should look like, you're not just engaging in cope, but also stupid.

Go fuck yourself. Seriously.

Well you know people would never clown on others for things out of their control, that would be asinine.

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Actually its common in America because not being cut is correlated with being low class.

what the fucks your problem

>Zoomers are more self sufficient
i take it you've never had to deal with them
good god i thought we were stupid kids but they take the fucking cake

only Flips and Americans are this brainwashed over mutilation
there are no benefits aside from your son growing up to hate what you've done to him without his say

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>arbitrary religious restrictions
Nice strawman. Most believe that loading a child up with hormones before they hit puberty is bad. They have a scientific basis for this argument. It has nothing to do with religion, youre a bigot.

Also, fucking mens asses to get shit on your dick is not normal. Nor is fucking a womans ass. Do it if you like, but dont normalize it or be surprised when people find you disgusting or when you get a disease. You have a very childish mindset.

>t. seething dicklet
Difference between us if you will NEVER EVER be uncut and I can cut any day I choose. So keep seething, that's literally the only option you have. You will NEVER EVER know what your dick is supposed to feel.