Is it possible to make a good anime adaptation on the big screen?

Is it possible to make a good anime adaptation on the big screen?

Attached: evangelion.jpg (636x759, 87K)

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Depends on the source material and how they adapt it. Edge of Tomorrow was pretty good.

Not exactly, there are many things that can be done in an animated film that simply can't be done in live-action, even with tons of CGI.

Just do one of those ones about siblings fucking. Instant success.

fpbp. OP is an underager who unironically gets off to weak ass male protagonists with micropenises being lead around by some bugwoman whore with extremely annoying overexaggerated cringey emotions and little depth.

That's a great photograph in the OP.

Might someone with actual knowledge explain to me why is it so engaging? Is it the leading curved lines into the subjects or some shit like that?

>talks about masculinity
>sits his ass on Yea Forums
wew lad

Not really - most anime stuff can be done in CGI - the problem is it requires a level of detail and complexity that is not worth it in regards to time it would take.

In addition, once anime is replicated to perfection it would elevate the level of cinema to the point where any other movie would look trash tier.

As soon as Anime becomes mainstream - people realise Japan has been doing things better the entire time.

Back to your Discord, tranny.

Anime behaviour is cringe and real life anime behaviour is indistinguishable from mental retardation.

You are wrong if you think I'm one of them, brother.

Attached: 335150612111.jpg (920x610, 59K)

ichi the killer

I think it's possible. It depends on what the story is and if there's actual passion involved in it and not just some soulless studio ploy to make money.

I think soon. I mean the last part of below fight where tony shifts his remaining armor to fight is practically a nen battle.

Anime is passion driven and made by MEN they know it doesn't pay well but they do it anyway. I wish we still had shit like the original Batman cartoon but now nothing has passion in the west

Mis en scene , golden spiral and rule of thirds.

The curved line of the back wall draws your eye around to the sharp ceiling which draws it downards to the characters. The ceiling and pillar also frame them. Its like a spiral inwards

The light also adds a touch of contrast to the harsh grey that surrounds the two, to which there is no horizon or sky . The light also draws your eye to the people.

The view looking down with the woman (misato) leering over Shinji with her arms crossed blocking him against the wall while he cries really captures the emotion of whats happeneing.

Its a really well done photo and i wish that if they did an eva movie they put half as much thought in to shots like this but if hollywood got their hands on it they'd for sure make it in to a film about robots punching aliens.

Sure: project an anime on a big screen.

yeah, just look at ghost in the shell. it's a great movie and has tons of minority representation

Anime is pretty mainstream. Instagram normie thoughts are always going on how about much they anime and ramen and whatever.


Attached: C56E6427-35E7-4C6C-8FCB-DFD259C735AD.gif (300x442, 1.66M)

Easily, all it requires is taking insane risks no Hollywood executive would ever take.