Yea Forums here, what the hell is wrong with this board?

Yea Forums here, what the hell is wrong with this board?
Nobody here even likes television and film.

You never talk about anything other than the most mainstream shows and movies, you have no interest in the medium, you have no interesting personal taste.

As far as art-form boards go this is hands down the worst.

And I know what some of you are going to say:
>But at least we're not lifeless hipsters like /moo/ or Yea Forums etc.

Now, while it may be true that some people take it too far, at least the people on those boards have ACTUAL interest in their mediums.

They want to develop a distinct taste, they want to get deeper understanding.
Here you find none of that, hell, this board is so shallow even Assarat is considered obscure.

Don't you want to learn more about cinematography?
Don't you want to broaden your perspective?
Do people here even watch new films apart from the occasional hyped superhero movies?
I mean, where's the love for your medium?

The only thing here that seems to generate at least some interest out of the ordinary is viral youtube videos.
If only you could discuss TV & film with the same passion you have for your memes.

Sorry for being so harsh, but you guys really need to step your game up.
You may contrast the usual Yea Forums taste elitism, but you're so far in the other end of the spectrum it's just embarrassing.
Sometimes it's better to have a slightly elitist taste than to have no taste at all.

Okay, that's all I wanted to say, bye.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Have sex incel

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Yes yes you're much brighter than us because you read a paragraph of Nietzsche, fuck off you pretentious idiot. Yea Forums users are some of the most obnoxious people on the site.


Have sex.

We enjoy our own farts openly. You pretend you don't.

Yea Forums? More like /shit/

It used to be better, but then baneposting became mainstream and it brought with it retards who only come here for dumb memes.


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For me, It's Kierkegaard

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absolutely and irrevocably BTFO

have sex

thanks for reminding me why I never go to Yea Forums

This entire thread proves OP right

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have sneed

based discordtranny twitter zoomer

> I read some shit that's publicly available
Wow get a load of this special faggot

I don't get this board's obsession with awful pleb sci-fi shows that will be canceled after one season

Modern film is shit and we shit on it in a moore entertaining way than TV is entertaining now kys

Yea Forums unironically does not read. Look at the catalogue, it's practically indistinguishable from Yea Forums's.
>Game of Thrones
And you might say "it used to be better" but I was there, from day one people were talking about Neil Strauss and other nonsense.
On Yea Forums at any given time there are maybe four people who can hold a conversation about art films. It's the same way on Yea Forums, but given the smaller userbase they stand out more. This whole website is one giant ghetto, every board is the same few themes of hating women and niggers filtered through an alleged topic, like books or movies or sports.






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all of these fucking boards are trash. this is the online equivalent of digging through the garbage.

fucking kek

>When speaking of modern art, the first thing to mention is its “intimate” quality, typical of a feminine spirituality that wants nothing to do with great historic and political forces; out of morbid sensitivity (sometimes brought about by a trauma), it retreats into the world of the artist’s private subjectivity, valuing only the psychologically and aesthetically “interesting.” The works of Joyce, Proust, and Gide mark the extreme in this tendency in literature.
>In the majority of literary works, in short stories, dramas, and novels, the regime of residues persists, with its typical forms of subjective dissociation. Their constant background, rightly called the “fetishism of human relationships,” consists of the insignificant, sentimental, sexual, or social problems of insignificant individuals, reaching the extreme of dullness and banality in a certain epidemic type of American novel.
b-b-b-but muh third worlder poverty porn!!

tv shows are popular among people that have social life because it's something to talk about every week

That's pretty ironic, considering it's coming from the guy who painted this sort of shit

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have sex roastie, the men are talking

Ironic how?

The mods and jannies here are the worst of the site and chinkmoot is a literal disney shill. It's basically an adverisement board with pajeets paid fractions of pennies to spam capeshit and brainlet edgelords here because they think nuchan is the same Yea Forums back in 2009.

A good use of filters removes most of the shit and the buried threads are the best on the site.

>Don't you want to learn more about cinematography?
>Don't you want to broaden your perspective?
>Do people here even watch new films apart from the occasional hyped superhero movies?
>I mean, where's the love for your medium?

This is true. I go to /p/ to actually discuss film. And here to discuss capeshit.

>every board is the same few themes of hating women and niggers filtered through an alleged topic, like books or movies or sports.
It's so obvious, yet the accuracy of this had me laughing hysterically. This site is literally just sex-starved teenagers/young adults concocting bizarre conspiracy theories about why they can't attract women, almost all of their insecurities/hatreds being projected onto various minorities.

And yet a lot of people here are female. The self-loathing they must feel to keep coming back to this shithole.

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Yea Forums is garbage. It’s literally never been good since its inception. I read a ton of books and never ever browse that board because I can just feel I am surrounded by brainmites.

At least with Yea Forums or Yea Forums it’s full of the same retards but the subject matter is also retarded so it’s excusable. Such a thing is not excusable when it comes to books though, and Yea Forums should hang its head in shame for bringing such a bad name to the best medium for storytelling.

this place has been infested with zoomer niggers since 2014 what the fuck do you expect faggot

>yet a lot of people here are female
i don't deny the female existence on this site but to say that they are a lot, specifically on this board, was just exaggerate

>And yet a lot of people here are female.
bro what.Need a source on that. Apart from /cgl/ most boards are like 90& male

Loads of women use Yea Forums. The 'no girls on the internet xD' meme is at least a decade out of date. Odds are you've argued with, trolled, and relatively civil chad conversations with loads of girls on this site without realising.

*and had relatively civil conversations with

>still no source

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good thing we're on 4channel

*Shoves you into locker*
Yeah how do you like that you bookworm

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at 0:17

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You're clinically retarded if you don't think at least a third of this board's population is female. Yea Forums is huge now.

I've seen 10,000+ hours of television and film and 90% of my posts are sneed

good thing we're on 4channel

It wasn't funny the first time either, you insufferable sperg.


easy there post 2016 crossposting tourist

I've been here for over a decade, idiot.

Forget it, user. It's Yea Forums.

riddle me this
two four square =?

yeah but they were mostly sticked on particular board (let's say /r9k/, Yea Forums, /cgl, you name it) and half of them are just lurking anyway. You stated in your first post about the state of the site that full of lonely teenager and it's only proved that they rarely interact with these average " male Yea Forums user" here. Again they are usually lurking only and not to say that they don't visit this site every 2 hours like all of you

I know, their stupid opinions are retarded posting style is easy to recognize.

Perform intercourse

Learn English, you semi-literate baboons.

Wow, holy shit, OP just got told to sit THE FUCK down

>implying Yea Forums reads
>implying Yea Forums knows about music
this board has good discussions at times, but we're just funposting you queer. dumb neetchan poster

>atleast 50 active unironic threads about capeshit and GoT at all times
>"we're just funposting"

those are gay. really the problem are the jannies. they delete all the fun threads with oc and leave capeshit, star wars and got.

There are more quality threads in Yea Forums and Yea Forums than in this shitty board. Rampant cunny posting, horny and lonely posting, capeshit, waifu fagging and janny posting have ruined this place

Okay sweaty

A good sign of a brainlet is he takes Yea Forums and Yea Forums seriously.

its better when game of thrones isnt on/capeshit movies arent coming out

at least a little bit


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>Yea Forums here
Fuck off, you intellectually stunted pseud. You'll never understand us.

holaaa redddiiiitttt

have sex

I don't even watch movies (jf I do it's from the last millenium), I just come here to watch all the plebs fight over capeshit and banepost

>posts pseuds favourite

Just create more film threads on Yea Forums if you want to talk about something with merit. There isn't that much to even talk about when you watched your share of Tarkovskies and Godards etc


psstt user she's a girl
be nice to her

Tarkovsky and Godard is entry level art house though

Exactly, which is why they are the most talked about on Yea Forums

Fuck off, you spic piece of shit. God you Puerto Ricans piss me off, with your fucking gook Macau language and your slapping-hands-to-enunciate, and your loop earrings. I bet you have like 8 different sexual diseases, you greased up little muck muck woolly haired troglodyte. I bet you have a weird skull shape. And, for that matter, why do you always sound like your tongues are too big for your fucking mouths? Disgraceful.

From the capeshit and the HBO softcore shitposting, I assume most people here are under the age of 15.

how much of a newfaggot are you lmao

>how much of a newfaggot are you lmao

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I've never seen a spic in my entire life.
lurk more.


And that's the tea

>Yea Forums has ACTUAL interest in their mediums
Have you EVER been there at all? 80% of all Yea Forums threads are so shitty that they receive no more than 20-50 replies before being archived and anything else is fotm shit, daily memethreads (charts, all caps lyrics threads, music for x feel, etc.) and arthoe circlejerks. You can't even get decent threads about Yea Forumscore anymore. It's concentrated boredom and it's so blatantly underaged. I'm 20 and feel ancient when I'm browsing through several pages of hip hop drama and post-ironic spongebob memes.

At least Yea Forums has a sense of humor.

>I-I've never seen a spic in my entire life.
Look in the mirror, Paco.

>concocting bizarre conspiracy theories about why they can't attract women, almost all of their insecurities/hatreds being projected onto various minorities.

You are either a Jew or someone who has taken on the Jew mentality. I.e. a roastie, a self-hating White male cuck boy or some shitskin.

Either way fuck off. Fuck right off. Then kill yourself.

Stop embarrassing me in front on lit asshole, your proving his point

this is unironically true.

>what the hell is wrong with this board?

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+10 points for using all of /pol/'s buzzwords in one post

tv shows by definition can only be mainstream

surely /pol/ have created more buzzwords then there are words in that post

Nevermind OP, he's just one of our tranny jannies trying to undermine the board even more.

I completely agree but this place is hopeless. I don't take this place seriously. The whole board is one giant shit post

Descartes never said that, though.

You showed em user! Right on!

That's not quite true. In Britain Channel 4 used to show experimental programming half way through the night. Most of those have fallen in to obscurity. They'll very likely never be seen again. Sad really.

controlled opposition


Well, yes. Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /x/ are the worst boards by far.

>pretending that Yea Forums is any better
At least we have fun with the shitposting. That doesn't happen in Yea Forums.


we have funny memes about carrots and the semantic shift of the word ‘corn’

You are being an excellent goy with all those buzzwords.

And what is wrong with Yea Forums? Fags there don't even read books or like reading books. They just post salty shit and bait eachother. How is Yea Forums any better than Yea Forums? The only difference is that we have sneed and fuck jannies memes (improvement).

On the internet everyone can falsely quote, but that doesn't make the quote any less true - An-Nasir Salah ad-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub

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Thanks for proving him right.

/pol/incels and reddit forced meme posting faggots killed this board as an "art-form board"
it is now purely for shitposting

I tried to make a thread about tropes and another on why we don't see transcendental genre types much. I got a couple replies about kino or not kino, but that was really the extent of it.

what's the Yea Forums meme trilogy?

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Anyone can say random shit, doesn't make it true. -me

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shit so many replies. did Yea Forums just fix Yea Forums?

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OP is a hypocrite pseud

there is nobody to fix and nothing to be fixed

Holy fucking shit?!?!


Exactly, there is nothing wrong with being twitter.

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Going through pre-Banepost Yea Forums is pretty amazing. It's like a different world. Shitposting's always existed, but not to this degree.

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baneposting was a symtom not the problem

The sad true is that this board is full of plebs that eat all the mainstream bullshit.....AND THAT IS HOW WE LIKE IT YOU FUCKING HIPSTER, HAVE SEX YOU INCEL SHITSTAIN

Yeah, this board needs a purge


Imagine reading books without pictures when Japanese comics exist

I don't know why Yea Forums tries to deny that we all come from Reddit.

Sounds like Yea Forums.


>You never talk about anything other than the most mainstream shows and movies

Not really. I've mentioned non-mainstream movies and shows from time to time, and have had some pretty good conversations.

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tv and film are a waste of time

capeshit, niggers, lgbt shit, boring crime dramas, dogshit arthouse made by sheltered middle class lefties

huge waste of time

>This site is literally just sex-starved
>teenagers/young adults
No. Average age is definitely 27 by now.
>concocting bizarre conspiracy theories about why they can't attract women
>almost all of their insecurities/hatreds being projected onto various minorities.
>And yet a lot of people here are female.
Jesus christ are there actually anons who believe there are any females on this site? 99.99% of posters are male and the female posters post once or twice and fuck off forever.

t. Tranny who thinks he's a girl

How will OP ever recover?

Well OP is of couse correct, but misses the point entirely. All film and tv is shit now.

Yeah and I bet you think the FBI still watches this place. The hacker known as Yea Forums days have been gone for a decade, no one but oldfags and edgelords to come here anymore and It's long ceased being a fun site. There was definitely a brief influx of Not Like Other Girls femlurkers that came in during the election but they would've got bored within a week and left. Women have their own places on internet, and are naturally repulsed by the pathetic whiny incels that make up 80% of 4channels user base. You're just a horny incel fantasizing that you're shitposting with some cute but awkward femanon. There are 10x more tranny posters on this site than actual women.

Yea Forums is the same shit as twitter now you dumb nigger

Ahhh yes and only currently made films can be talked about.

for you

We actually had an excellent thread a couple of weeks ago around The Man Who Laughs (1928) and other silent films of that era that were instrumental in bridging the gap between silent film and film with sound, and of the preponderance of comedies during that timeframe because of the Great Depression so that people got a form of escape from their shit-tastic real life.

>Some roastie follows Whitebmen to the only website where they still have free speech.
>copies what they do.
>Is attracted to it because they've made it attractive
>Wants to change it in to the "politically correct" site that every other fucking site now is.
>Is still too dumb to see a war being waged on White men.
>Moans about "muh minorities"
>When Whites ARE a fucking minority. And we're being chased around everywhere both in the physical world and the virtual one.

It's layer up layer of wrong from you evil leftist cunts. And that's why you should kill your self you feeble minded piece of fecal matter.

I just come here for the memes because Yea Forums never wants to talk about anything that isn't capeshit or got

We actually had an excellent thread a couple of weeks ago around The Man Who Laughs (1928) and other silent films of that era that were instrumental in bridging the gap between silent film and film with sound, and of the preponderance of comedies during that timeframe because of the Great Depression so that people got a form of escape from their shit-tastic real life.

>weeks since Yea Forums actually talked about movies
I rest my case

>Yea Forums
>white men

most based and redpilled post in tv history pls post again

You know that roastie was talking about White men when she moaned about our treatment of "minorities".


avengers > game of thrones

You forgot to throw in about ten more buzzwords, you unimaginative cretin.