Evil bureaucrats edition
Please no more tankies. Do not reply to tankies. Do not bait. Talk about this excellent fucking show like we did in the last thread.
Evil bureaucrats edition
Please no more tankies. Do not reply to tankies. Do not bait. Talk about this excellent fucking show like we did in the last thread.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Comrade Dyatlov
>Comrade Dyatlov
t.propaganda chif
Looks like Pryce struck out in New York with Don and took up nuclear engineering.
>Dyatlov only got off with 10 years in a work camp
Literally the chief engineer of this mess, along with Fomin.
>REEEEEE you're talking about tv on Yea Forums
Agreed can we please keep the goddamn Stalin apologists out? Or at least just don't fucking reply to them.
Also, I did not realize Stellan SkarsgÄrd was in this kino. Really looking forward to episode 2.
The pool was kept open though it all.
He seems to be quite obviously guilty of enormous negligence by most conventional accounts. I'm surprised he wasn't executed.
> So how did a reactor that can't explode comrade explode then?
> I don't know but it did
> No it didn't
If it wasn't such a terrifying discussion I'd laugh.
>You didn't see graphite on the roof!
that old guy tapping his cane on the floor taking control of the situation
Chernobyl would not have happened under Stalin
Based GMDSS m8
Fuck ships though I'm glad I left
How is this show? Worth a watch?
I like when he walked out of the control room he saw smoldering pieces of rock on the ground. He must have been deep in denial or something.
So far so kino. Just have a bottle of vodka at hand if it gets too grim.
>>Comrade Dyatlov
What the fuck was his problem?
Wouldnt be good if it wasn't Kino af
It's good
A true kolkhoznik
Definitely gonna watch it. Sometimes I just need a good show about bolsheviks being absolute cunts and ruining things. Glad that's all in the past.
Btw there was a Battle of Chernobyl during the Soviet attempt of conquest of Europe in 1920 and got their asses kicked, It was a rare kind of river battle. Interesting place.
Still not available on HBO Go. Why do I even pay for this shite service?
I dunno lad, I guess we'll never really know.
very kino so far. it hasn't even begun levels of happening.
He's no longer here.
Seriously? Thought it was identical to HBO Now except came from your TV subcription instead of standalone
Middle management.
Get's constant pressure from upper management to succeed so can't admit mistakes. Takes it out of lowly minions and expects them to perform outside of their skillset and training. When shit hits the fan they are mentally unable to process anything and lock-up.
Who here /rewatching/ right now?
Nope. They advertised it in my country as it being released today (day after it airs in the US).
So far only GoT is available only hours after it airs for the first time.
About to leave work. Got a magnet link?
imagine spending your last hours getting yelled at for something that was not your fault.
He was afraid of looking bad in front of his bosses, so he blamed his underlings. His bosses were afraid of their bosses, so they accepted convenient scapegoats.
That's how good men like Sitnikov were sent to their deaths. ;_;
I'm re-watching it with my family soon, it's fun for all the family
That's fucked, HBO Now releases the minute anything aires on the network
Why are those two famous actors standing on my roof??
I reading up on how and why the reactor exploded before rewatching. Jesus wept what a series of stupidity, human error and soviet era bureaucratic bullshit. It somehow makes Dyatlov look even worse than what we've see so far.
>why didn't they just jump into the reactor for a quick death
No such thing with radiation. Even if you go hug a uranium rod and get hit with 5,000 rads, it's still gonna take 1-2 days to die. It's like jumping into an oven although the oven would probably kill you faster and would be less painful too.
Such as life in STEM
He probably survived for a few weeks-months.
it's done on purpose because a cable sub is still more profit for them than some stream shit
>I have spoken to Deputy Secretary Maryin
>Maryin spoke to Deputy Chief Frolyshev
>Frolyshev to Central Committee member Dolgikh
>Dolgikh to General Secretary Gorbachev
I didn't know I was watching The Death of Stalin.
>wake up from a comfy sleep with qt ukranian gf
>fuck someone did something stupid at the plant
>eh ill go check it out i guess i have to
>wtf you dipshits dont even know where the good geiger counter is at?
>yeah guys this shit's fucked. it's over. gtfo.
>....what the fuck you really want me to go look and see if the core is exposed
poor fucking bastard
He died a little over a month later.
it was available for me on HBO GO at like 1130pm est last night. was using an xbox 1 to view...
Nah bro, radiation could deff instantly KO
Radio Yerevan was the most accurate piece of Soviet media.
Yeah but the reactor was 4000 degrees at that point.
So how many people died because of this?
I'm really positively surprised how accurate it is so far. There is of course some over exaggerated bullshit like burns from radiation literally 5 minutes after he took graphite or Red Forest being Red 8 hours after disaster, but aside from that it's really good. All the procedures they did, who went where and shit is quiet literally taken from the best book about Chernobyl there is: The Truth About Chernobyl by Medvedev. I highly recomend it if anyone's interested in Chernobyl Disaster, amazing read.
They insist on providing translated subs in my country. I guess they're still translating. Apparently they translate faster for GoT.
It took him a month to die
Yeah let's wake up Gorbachev to let him know our colossal fuckup
But it's not a problem or anything lol
Soviet bureaucracy. Everybody hated it, even civilians that were true communists.
They had a moral responsibility to let their bosses know that it had indeed exploded.
> Is it bravery that made him do that or ego? I figure it was the latter. He didn't believe anyone who told him it's much, much worse than he believed and thought them delusional. He only did what he did because he thought the others were idiots.
I think it was bravery if he actually knew that what he saw out the windows was graphite bricks when he first left the control room but at the same time if he did know such it makes his lies/denial much much darker and potentially malicious.
QUESTION: Did the real Dyatlov confess to seeing the graphite himself like the show presents?
> He didn't though
Dyatlov offered to do so before he vomited and collapsed. It's what gave Fomin the idea to send Sitnikov.
Have you read Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham?
That's core Eastern European mentality.
Should read up on Three Mile Island and Windscale as well, it's interesting to compare and contrast what happened
The numbers vary wildly. Probably not that many but probably loads.
yeah the forest being red seemed a little much but i guess it's just a visualization/dramatization. but didn't radiation burns happen that quickly? the whole nuclear sunburn type of thing?
I bet IRL, Dyatlov was never going to go on the roof.
Directly surprising few (~23)
Indirectly is up for a lot of arguments especially since the Russian govt at the time tried to suppress as much as possible. The consensus is at least 4000 but some reports over 20000 up to the present time.
>QUESTION: Did the real Dyatlov confess to seeing the graphite himself like the show presents?
Dyatlov eventually wrote a book that pretty much blames everyone who isn't Dyatlov for the disaster
Is this not working for anyone else?
Yeah, only thing that might not be realistic is dudes hand looking cut but I do think it would boil up and split
Voices From Chernobyl >>>> The Truth About Chernobyl
Trust me
Sounds like some anti-nuclear number
No official numbers but I've heard somewhere between 20,000 - 900,000, sooo yeah
31 relatively immediately, all plant staff and fire fighter first responders.
No good records on how many of the liquidators, bio robots & helicopter pilots died down the road.
>the whole nuclear sunburn type of thing?
Yeah, that did happen to the guys who looked into the reactor, the really weird one is the guy who was carrying the burnt guy. He had one shaped like the outline of the guy on his back
> Dyatlov offered to do so before he vomited and collapsed
I got the impression from that scene he was sick and collapsed because he knew about the radiation and the stress finally overcame him. He wasn't really volunteering.
So those were the real people not "composites" created to simplify the story for the masses?
That's basic hierarchy.
Some random liutenant doesn't just call the president and tell him of his problems. There's a line of command.
Dyatlov is possibly the most malicious person in the show yet, tbqh. The bureaucrats do what bureaucrats do, but Dyatlov was in the plant when it happened, he saw the aftermath with his own eyes, saw people collapsing in front of him, etc. And he STILL says "it's not horrible."
>Probably not that many but probably loads.
Peak Soviet answer.
Has it ever happened before?
A man named Albert Stevens survived the highest known accumulated radiation dose in any human. Apparently he was injected with fucking Plutonium because doctors thought he was gonna die due to being diagnosed with terminal cancer already so they decided to experiment on him. Apparently he accumulated 64 Sv but still lived to 79.
I, disagree
i knew it was gonna be kino as soon as i saw that actor they called in the end
In this episode yeah, they've admitted they're going to composite some people later simply because they don't have the time to introduce hundreds of scientists and medical personnel
Hard to say but could be up to a million.
>The total number of deaths, including future deaths, is highly controversial, and estimates range from up to 4,000 (by a team of over 100 scientists[9][3]) to the Union of Concerned Scientists estimate of approximately 27,000 based on the LNT model,[10] to 93,000â200,000 (by Greenpeace[11]). Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment, published by the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, but without NYAS explicit approval,[12][Notes 1] is a 2007 Russian publication that concludes that there were 985,000 premature deaths as a result of the radioactivity released.[13] The controversy arises because most of the deaths cannot be measured: any cancer deaths that may be caused by the accident are small compared to background rates of cancer. Theoretical estimates must rely instead on controversial models such as LNT or hormesis models.[14]
I'm just saying theoretically
What about, say, 1000x that amount? There is deff AN amount that would essentially instant KO
Does anyone know who this cutie is?
>be Ruskie
>smoke a pack for 20 days
>eat pork and drink 2 litres of vodka a day
>get some radition
>die at 51 instead of 52
I don't believe we should count deaths like these
This chick is the only notable composite in the series as far as I know.
She is a mismatch of multiple scientist who gave Legasov help.
Not really. A nuclear reactor explodes and the following fire covers huge parts of Europe in huge amounts of highly radioactive material. 20k isn't a lot considering and is likely a conservative figure.
Jarred Harris is always a good sign.
This show inadvertently brings up one of the biggest failures of communism and socialism.
In a communist/socialist system, the people working at nuclear power plants are barely making more money than farmers. They have no monetary motivation to do a good job.
In capitalist countries, nuclear power plant employees are some of the highest payed people around. They are highly rewarded financially for doing a good job and making sure disasters such as Chernobyl don't happen here.
Yeah we've had the Three Miles incident and Fukushima, but those are nothing compared to the gross negligence that occurred at Chernobyl.
Ultimately you can only rely on people to do a good job if you pay them enough money. That was never the case in socialist/communist countries and as a result they had numerous avoidable disasters like these, Chernobyl just being the tip of the iceberg.
Same thing happened with doctors/surgeons in communist countries. Surgeons fucked up way more in the Soviet Union than in the U.S. although they had the same training and usually the same equipment. The different being that surgeons in the USSR were making less money than low-level bureaucrats whereas surgeons in the U.S. have always been some of the highest paid members of society.
>This thing happened
Jesus christ what was wrong with these people
Watch it again. He's pretty much forced to say he's going to look himself and as soon as the realisation hits him he'll certainly die .... collapses.
Anyone noticed who the only writer of the show is? Nice career.
>tfw just started the episode
Why the fuck donât they just leave the plant they know itâs futile trying to save it
Hey Yea Forums go peak in the reactor for me real quick. Just up on the roof!
shhhhh we just got that tankie retard to disappear
jesus fucking christ
> Simi Valley Nuclear Disaster...
> Reactor is 100th the size of Three Mile Island...
> 240 times the radiation may have been leaked...
>leave it
Enjoy gigacancer for everything north of equator
Yeah, lad, I understand that. It's just funny how they're pretty much completely paralyzed unless someone higher up in the chain approves the most basic of things. That's what gave me Death of Stalin vibes.
>Everything is fine, but we had to wake up the most powerful person in the country to tell him how fine this is
They're not saving the plant m8
They're trying to contain the radiation.
>all that shit
well looks like he graduated to kino
Not sure how much of it is true but Gorbachev later complained how hard it was to get any reliable information from Chernobly. Everybody was scared as fuck and tried to cover his ass.
They've said there is one character that's just a bunch of the scientists rolled into one, since with 5 episodes they haven't got time to flesh out shit loads of staff at the plant, scientists, medical staff, etc.
I am in awe at how good the first episode was. HBO kino is back on the menu.
>"The word hypernormalisation was coined by Alexei Yurchak, a professor of anthropology who was born in Leningrad and later went to teach in the United States. He introduced the word in his book Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation (2006), which describes paradoxes of life in the Soviet Union during the 1970s and 1980s.[3][4] He says that everyone in the Soviet Union knew the system was failing, but no one could imagine an alternative to the status quo, and politicians and citizens alike were resigned to maintaining the pretense of a functioning society.[5] Over time, this delusion became a self-fulfilling prophecy and the fakeness was accepted by everyone as real, an effect that Yurchak termed hypernormalisation."
Dyatlov was in complete denial that the reactor was damaged and just thought that it needed cooling.
I know, I was surprised when I read he was the one writing this show
>Scary Movie 3 and 4
>And he STILL says "it's not horrible."
Literally pic related.
So what do we blame when similar incidents happen in capitalist countries?
Do you know how many oil rig disasters there's been? Do you know how much an oil rig engineer is paid? What about fukushima? Do we blame capitalism for that?
Fucking moron.
Also contrary to what you think, skilled technicians in all fields in a socialist economy were compensated more for their labour. They just weren't paid ludicrously more than the average prole like what happens in capitalism.
The plant has a little accident and redditors lose their fucking minds. There were people operating the other reactors next door until 2000 and they were fine
That webm is so depressing. If you ever saw that sight in real life, you'd know you were dead. No coming back, you'd be so fucked. What a miserable way to die too.
>That fucking firefighter dude is Hicky
He's gotten chunky
Even if you did eat pork and drink vodka, would you be brave enough to go up on the roof of reactor 4 and sweep up chunks of the core thinking "i'll be fine as long as i only spend a minute up here."
It was the most KINO series I've latch on a long time, blessed
Only after 600,000 people performed the largest and most dangerous cleanup operation in human history.
Of course similar incident still happen in capitalist countries.
The point is that they happen LESS FREQUENTLY in capitalist countries.
>Chief engineers just fucking sending lowly interns to their death
Nah go and get the fucking counter. You'll be fine. Go upto the roof while you're at it.
>t. Chief engineer Dyatlov
You think we'll see a Hickey-Crozier scene? Would be kino, albeit a little too fanservicey
>Our good dosimeters were fried by the radiation instantly
>Our mid-range dosimeters maxed out
>They must be broken too
>Our crappiest dosimeters maxed out at 3.6 roentgen
>3.6? I've seen worse, we can fix this
How does a character become so frustrating with such little screentime?
Comrade, it's just 3 roentgens from the water. GO there and open the fucking valves, we need to cool the reactor
what's so crazy is it doesn't even look like anything that bad. just a really hot fire.
Nice trip Satan.
> Boris Shcherbina (played by Stellan Skarsgard)
> He died in 1990 at age 70, and it's not clear if he died of radiation or not, given that he ordered the construction of a new town in the highly contaminated area. In a secret 1988 decree that he helped form, Soviet doctors could not cite radiation as a cause of death or illness.
What the fuck...
Wonder if we'll see Alexsandr Lelechenko. Literally did the opposite of that, telling his younger workers that he'd go and do it instead of them. Received a fatal dose of 2500 roentgen
Gorbachev honestly seems like a semi decent, semi competent guy surrounded by a sea of retards.
But he was still totally in his own beliefs up until he got sick, you could see it come over him at that moment halfway through the sentence
Based, i love these things of sociology
Turns out that water was actually more like 1000 roentgens. What's worse the reactor fuel wasn't even there anymore so opening the valves did nothing.
Yah they legit make me mad. My parents were living in Ukraine, but way south, around the time of the accident. They had me the following year and immigrated to the USA a few years after that. Shit was terrifying for them. They tell me the story all the time. As soon as my dad found out, he called my mom and told her to lock all the windows and stock up on water. Obviously the government lied and told people it was "just a fire" but rumors began to spread really quick and people caught on to realize it was way worse. Luckily the winds swept it further north as opposed to south where they lived at the time.
Very accurate show so far. Everything (apart from the language) from apartments to scenery to story.
No the fucking don't LMAO. This shit happens all the fucking time in capitalist countries. Infrastructure is constantly fucking collapsing because of incompetent architects/engineers in capitalist countries. Bridges/towers/Oil rigs you fucking name it. How can you be this staggeringly ignorant?
holy fucking kino
>real recording of the emergency call
Im still feeling sick
what a fucking ride
And now Ukraine is a fascist, neo-nazi filled shithole with rampant corruption and crime.
>born in 87 in Europe
>ruskies probably gave me autism
>In order to spare his younger colleagues a radiation exposition he himself went through radioactive water and debris three times to switch off the electrolyzers and the feed of hydrogen to the generators, then tried to supply voltage to feedwater pumps; after receiving first aid, returned to the plant and worked for several more hours. Died in a Kiev hospital.
What a guy
Holy shit what a bunch of pathetic, subservient faggots
And some of you want this type off shit here
>How does a character become so frustrating with such little screentime?
Take this user for a little suspension time. He's delusional.
Go away Ivan. You won't get rubles for your propaganda here.
where are you from?
I can't wait for the worldwide praises when he dies and people calling him champion of democracy. The truth is that he was a despot, the Soviet system couldn't produce anything above that. However he had a "human face" allowed some new things like transparency. It was carefully dosed to keep the system in power but when people get a little bit of freedom they immediately want more.
What went wrong?
>opening the valves did nothing.
Except cause multiple short circuits and complications later on
I meant to write "nothing beneficial" but thanks for the pedantry. Truly.
>thanks for the pedantry. Truly.
You're welcome comrade
>3.6? That's actually very serious, you should evacuate.
>They plucked this man out of bed to give him radiation poisoning and help give their lies legitimacy
it's really fucking good
non-tankie here, and honestly ignore that fucker, but Russian propaganda makes a huge deal out of Ukrainian warship of the Ukrainian Insurgence Army. And truth to be told they are quite popular there which is baffling because they're responsible for over 200 thousand deaths in maybe the most over the top brutal acts of genocide in Europe during WWII. I don't know what's wrong with them, probably lack of national heroes, but of course it's something that Russian government exploits to generate more sympathy for "their guys".
You fags never give up.
Can we get rid of modern us politics in these threads? It seems pretty comfy overall.
> fucking laser beam of radioactivity shooting into the sky visible for miles around
> it's fine, nothing serious, 3.6 is nothing
fucking hell. if it didn't happen I wouldn't believe it.
>tfw you get woken up at 7am on your day off so the government can give you cancer
The radiation is carried by the smoke and dust clouds by the explosion and fire. Leaving it would irradiated fucking everyone
Oh yeah I forgot what's relevant about this, they were German collaborators as well but it took some time before Hitler agreed to work with them when it was already too late and the generally anti-Soviet population (same goes for Russians) turned against him costing him the war in the East.
I'm just going up to the roof, I'm sure it's not as bad as people are saying
I contest that, I think it boils down more to rigid bureocracy and chain of command.
I don't specifically know the USSR but I am from Eastern Europe and know that a nuclear worker was an intellectual thus didn't have a bad pay, at all, obviously within that system and not compared to the West. Yes no one had a stellar pay, but the upshot is that even top level management didnt outearn your average joe by 100x just 4-5 times.
>sweet fucking laser in the sky
>caused by ionization from the exposed core beaming FUCK YOU to ayyylmaos
>tis only 3.6 comrade cherenkov radiation effect can happen at low levels
FUCK that guy
Have fun comrade, you will soon get rid of your delusions and admit that only hydrogen tank exploded
Was the old commie fuck played by Maester Luwin based on a real person?
>If you're exposed to rads working in the plant, the docs prescribe vodka every two hours
So Stalker was right all this time?
you seem unreasonably upset
IMDB only says Zharkov.
I'm not sure, but in the making of they made for this episode, the writer concludes that he represents the delusion of the supposed "Soviet Utopia" and the denial a lot of the hardliner communists had regarding the infallibility of their system.
Why haven't he tried to struggle them or some shit? I mean, get a knife somewhere and do the justice.
>pukes nervously
haha woops can't go check it myself I'm feeling ill
Why did they use a marvel style blue laser to the sky?
Wait what he's in this?
Why do Americans talk of this like it's something alien to themselves? You realize your average corporation has more "bureaucracy" than the soviet government right? You don't talk to the CEO of a company like they're your best pal.
The way the oligarchic state of the US functions as of now is even worse than the USSR when it comes to bureaucracy. Again and again the same psychopathic projections americans use against their enemies.
Get a knife and stab the main engineer of the nuclear plant and its director? Then what?
I think HBO fucked this part up a bit. The reactor burnt with a bluish-green fire, not yellow. I read several accounts of both those two guys staring down and the dude from the roof and they all reported blue flames. Thats how this older BBC drama recreated it.
>Chief Engineer Nikolai Fomin was declared insane in 1990, and transferred to a psychiatric hospital. Astonishingly, after he recovered he was allowed to return to work at the Kalinin Nuclear Power Plant near Moscow.
Y-yeah I'm totally insane
Can literally any Brit become an actor? So many people from that shitty little island end up being in things like this for no good reason
You would behave in the same way, don't kid yourself.
The firefighter with the hot wife.
>dat industrial drone soundtrack
dem chills
Because that's what actually happened. The intense radiation from the reactor core ionized the air.
>Why do Americans talk of this like it's something alien to themselves
>am from Eastern Europe
cherenkov effect from the exposed core ionizing the atmosphere
It's because they still have a culture of theatre and able actors unlike Estados Unidos.
Lol American suddenly caring about muslims. Didn't matter much when you were going on a genocidal rampage all through the middle east right?
And please notice the colour coding in pic related.
>Thats how this older BBC drama recreated it.
Note the year. He was declared insane by the commies then after 1991 the new government probably didn't give a fuck about covering for the commies.
Shit yeah. That soundtrack is god-tier and made pretty much every scene tense as fuck.
Then you DEFINITELY shouldn't be bemoaning bureaucracy when your government is most definitely a corrupt criminal oligarch who probably funnels millions away from social schemes.
"Surviving Disaster" Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Dunno but it has Adrian Edmondson in it. It's ok, quite low budget though.