The general that won't stay dead Edition
These threads suck without the fun posters
>Let's take what we have while we live. I have never had so much as now. All my life I've been alone. Many times I've faced my death with no one to know. I would look into the crew quarters and the shuttlepods of others in the coldest dark and I would see figures holding each other in the night. And I always passed by. You and I, we have warmth. That's so hard to find in this world. Please. Let someone else pass by in the night. Let us take the world by the throat and make it give us what we desire.
>MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILES! Have you seen my Breen Perspiring Fungus?
Fill it in /trek/
Yaaaaaay Trek lives!!!!
I thought I had no friends anymore but then /trek/ came back!
He died I hope.
I follow the regulars in the discord [spoilers] it's my friend simulator[/spoilers]
>some misguided individual revives /trek/
>not even 10 posts and the shitposters are already here
Yeah no I'm going to do something that doesn't suck instead
Link the discord then. I'm lonely
based reading rainbow nig doesnt care
Based jaded user
What's it like kissing a girl in real life?
Pretty much like kissing a guy.
Nobody dared give me the link tho.
I've asked for a link in three different threads and no one ever gives it to me. I'm so tired of having to be me.
nu-pike talking with a science fiction author(haven't read any his books, but tons of his videos)
Stay strong, user. I'm sure you're really a nice guy.
Some posters write hurtful comments
No one cares about nice guys. People only like badasses with big dukat energy.
Nice guys are usually loyal.
Here's to the gayest dweebs on Yea Forums!
Would you watch a high adventure series set in the Trek universe that follows one of the weekly scoundrels they encounter instead of the crew of a Starfleet ship?
No, it has to be militaristic and ordered.
That whole episode was like Roddenbury trying to prove how superior Star Trek is to Star Wars
good thing that's not actually picard
Looks like ol pickers to me.
Yeah but what if his copilot is a sexy runaway from Risa who didn't want to be a cumdumpster for federation neets on vacation? And she hates the hero because he owes her a starship or something.
You could still have all the Starfleet autism it just wouldn't be the main perspective, and the hero could eventually warm up to them. Might be more interesting than rehashing TOS/TNG again.
>when someone posts another /trek/ thread
Goddamit , bash
A Dominion War anthology series would be more interesting. Each episode follows a different story, like one episode is about Starfleet Marines, another about Cardassians, another about the Jem'Hadar.
You want it secretly
This one is overrun with shitposts. We need a thread for serious discussion.
>all the men look on in disgust
lmao trekkie scum btfo
I'm here to talk about the culture of fereninar
>Yeah but what if his copilot is a sexy runaway from Risa who didn't want to be a cumdumpster for federation neets on vacation? And she hates the hero because he owes her a starship or something.
Getting there.
i've finished deep space nine season 6. it's been nostly good, but I wish they had never introduced the Pah-Wraights. still excited for the final season
If STD and the last half of ENT have shown us anything it's that war stories kill Trek and only appeal to boomers who watch war movies for the action scenes.
I don't believe you're that new
You're just trying to divide the community. You won't succeed. We're stronger than that.
Imma be real with you chief I've never actually seen it. Heard that the main character was a tranny so I never bothered
>Last half of ENT
Pleb confirmed. Seasons 3 and 4 of ENT were better than the first two, and honestly better than anything Trek since Deep Space Nine ended.
>costanza on voyager
that was a weird one.
what a strange thing to say. I started watching (tos) last summer and have been working through the treks chronologically since, occasionally sharing my thoughts here as I've watched the episodes.
now kinda sad that what seems to be considered best trek (tos, tng, ds9) is about to end but still excited to watch enterprise and voyager to find out about what new things they bring to the table
He didn't play George, you idiot
The scoundrel and his copilot get into morally grey situations and reluctantly choose to do the right thing, often losing any credits they might have made on the gig. There's a Starfleet ship full of dipshits which keeps pulling them over and the captain knows our heroes are up to shady shit but have hearts of gold so he lets them go without a ticket... this time.
If your community can be divided by my asinine fanfic shitposts then you have bigger problems than me. Try to have fun, maybe someday you'll have sex.
>implying jason alexander isn't a character played by george costanza
You're a liar. It's too rosy. that gave it away.
that makes no sense
I am not going to let you hurt us.
Watched a couple episodes of DS9. I like it so far. I like seeing my main man O'Brien the Red in the spotlight with his sleeves up. Too bad Cisco and Spotty can't act for shit. Thanks for reading my blog. do people page each others combadges and get the right person every time? I just watched Picard send a message to Riker, and then Dr.Crusher immediately after and all he had to do was push the button. Wouldn't other peoples badge pick up the transmission? Makes no sense how the badge signal just knows who to go to.
shut up
Please do not divide the community by posting opinions. I am this general's gatekeeper and you will take my posts seriously.
I'm fine with you as long as you can admit that Ridgenose is cute.
Someone explain the "alt right likes DS9" meme.
"Dukat did nothing wrong" is posted by the same group of posters responsible for "Trump did nothing wrong" and "Hitler did nothing wrong".
Just heard of Trek. Can someone explain Vulcans to me?
This post was not made in good faith.
Disingenuous posts? In my /trek/? It's more likely than you think.
Vulcans are aliens.
They come from the planet Vulcan.
In TNG(a series of star trek) it was revealed that ancient humanoid aliens seeded parts of the galaxy with code in dna and their equivalents, so that's why there are so many human looking aliens.
Vulcans are very emotionally by nature, but very repressed emotionally by nurture. They had devastating wars and since then they have a culture devoted to unemotional logic.
They're much stronger than humans.
Faster too.
In the history of star trek, the Vulcans was the first alien civilization that made contact with humans, after humans made their first warp drive.
Vulcans were cautious, but remained in contact with the humans. Over time the Vulcans, Humans and two other species formed the Federation of planets that the star trek series is centered around.
Pon farr.
No way, bro. I just finished marathoning the extended editions of Lord of the Rings and was googling movies with elves and someone on reddit was saying Vulcans are basically space elves. This is my first time visiting /trek/, sorry if this has been discussed here before.
I don't believe you. Why did you have a "selar saves lives" filename?
I am actually being serious, though. I like to post my thoughts after notable episodes to gain new insights from others. I feel kind of afraid to keep posting now
I was trying to find a good enterprise or ds9 documentary last night available on streaming. Nothing jumped out at me. Any recommendations?
You can go watch a DS9 documentary in movie theaters next week. Monday the 13th.
>"You know, Lieutenant Commander Data, with great power comes great responsibility. Rudyard Kipling called it "White Man's Burden." Myself, I just call it as I see it: the responsibility of the master to discipline the servant."
>Jellico looks directly at the camera.
>"The Klingons, the Romulans, the Cardassians...It's our responsibility to civilize them. And if we can't? Then they shall dangle from the elm tree. The Day of the Rope is near, Commander. We'll have every Cardassian in this country dead or in chains in 10 years."
You can post your opinions, too. We can have a friendly discussion, even.
Nerys is alright (that's her name, right? I remember it 'cause of a comic character that shares the same name) but she's no Ro Laren.
So pretty much the Eldar except in space and autistic. Thanks, bro.
>what are phone filenames
It was OP's pic from reddit.
I'm gonna pay you 100 strips of latinum to fuck off.
Really? Show me the Reddit post with that filename.
They probably found it here. This site is picked up by the google bot, after all.
Fuck off, I'm not going back there for you.
/trek/ y'all are weird
Holy shit, Valley Forge is the most pathetic loser who currently posts in /trek/ threads. Look at him LARPing in this thread right now.
I am sick of GoT threads eating up this board.
/trek/ and /alita/ is where I live. GoTfags can fuck off.
I am talking to you now, and I want to tell you to calm down. I am always here for you, anun.
sup nerds just cruising by to say /got/ is here forever baby thirty threads a day the party don't stop we out here hittin bump limits like tasty waves anyway good luck with /trek/ maybe you'll get to 100 posts today
>So pretty much the Eldar except in space and autistic. Thanks, bro.
Not really, go to /tg/ and ask them about the eldar.
I would watch that.
Harry Mudd would probably be a main character, though.
>captain radmure will never resolve diplomatic tensions by showing off his kickflips
>Valley Forge (LARPing as Anonymous)
>Radmure Tully (literally who?????)
This would be a good time for everybody to stop posting. Just let the thread die again.
/trek/ delenda est. Ceterum censeo, tripfagi, namefagi et waifufagi delenda sunt.
/trek/, these are the crimes of which you stand accused. How do you plead?
The badges just transmit to everyone and you ignore it, if it wasn't meant for you.
but he was standing right next to Geordi when he did that, wouldn't there be an echo, or wouldn't you hear his transmission from Geordi's badge also? You never some random persons voice coming from the combadge unless it was meant for one specific person on screen
I don't know what reaction is funnier about this. The fact Patrick Stewart is face palming or LeVar Burton complete dear eyes.
Look guys, you had a good run. Just give it up.
These threads aren’t fun anymore
At least VF is ruining /tg/'s Star Trek threads too
>They come from the planet Vulcan.
SHouldn't it be called Vulk or Vulcar or something/.
I love how he accuses someone else of everything he's guilty of. He forgot to mention sucking dick to get made a jannie.
based VF
What the hell even was this general? Some kind of a proto-Discord?
Valley Forge was Jimmy Two Times all along. At first he wanted to understand the appeal of Star Trek but didn't have the patience to watch it all at normal speed. Then after failing to be accepted by the thread of the biggest losers he decided to destroy it.
It started as Star Trek, then became infested by insufferable, attention-whoring tripfaggots and the anons ("anons") who replied to their every off-topic garbage post, combined with a janitorial staff less inclined to delete offending material than to stop sucking dicks.
At its best, it was mostly memes, jokes and occasional discussion of TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT with occasional TOS references. We typically hated JJ Trek (or, when STD came around, were generally ambivalent towards it). Between the STD and Orville Shilling/Anti-Shilling, angry /who/vians and Jannys who genuinely disliked that a general about a 50 year old franchise getting such high traffic, its fate was inevitable. Remember when Trekkie229 was the worst of our problems?
STDfags are trying to say that only "woman-hating incels" like Captain Pike and refer to the character as "a plank".
>Geordi complains about no gf or how holodeck sex counts
>this qt was basically begging to hop on his dick and he just goes "no way, fag"
Even Geordi knows that black girls are gross
His VISOR can detect their extra melanin
Is that ugly misshapen lump of flesh being proposed to supposed to be the chick who played Keiko? Holy shit, what happened?
>ugly misshapen lump of flesh
Please do not bully Riker.
marina sirtis is a hateful evil child abusing scumbag
post pics plz
It was completely consensual
The Vulcans are real, not just a fictional character from Trek (Star).
was she abusing a male between the ages of 12 and 18 years old?
They're just space elves, and elves are just the fallen angels that didn't chose Satan or G*d and have to wait until Judgement Day.
How embarrassing. Every single one can't believe how cringy that is.
Statistically speaking, it's impossible for an alien race to have never evolved to be exactly like Vulcans somewhere in the universe.
fuck israel, fuck ferengi, and fuck the founders
>when you nut but she keeps rubbin
I don't understand this post.
>it's an O'Brien rambos the whole station because he realizes his kid will never look like him
I love how much less spoiler-filled the descriptions for DS9 are on Netflix compared to TNG.
>TNG: "Data's brother Lore returns from the past with Mark Twain in tow while Crusher is inseminated with an alien baby against her will. Also, Worf gets punched out."
>DS9: "O'Brien attempts to fix the food replicators."
It's unironically the autism killing /trek/. is afraid to just be himself, so he tries to force a gimmick in order to feel like he has his own identity. /trek/ gets boring, everybody leaves, and our threads die a slow painful death.
Why did you write Crusher when you clearly meant Troi? The writers actually respected Crusher.
I combined the plots of several unrelated episodes in an attempt to make a humorous exaggeration of the aforementioned episode summaries. Clearly, my attempt was unsuccessful.
Nobody here has a sense of humor. We just drift from crisis to crisis.
Why is the preview clip they play for TNG always from "Code of Honor"? As if people in 2019 would love to see their first glimpse of the show be the one about the planet of jiggaboos who kidnap a white woman.
I'm not paying for it, don't worry.
>gimmicks on Yea Forums
>game of thrones discussion slows down
>people came back to posting in /trek/
makes you think
It was honestly better when the previews were just random clips with "epic" music played over them.
I will hold to this day that Picard did Moriarty dirty. A character who is constantly expressing no intent to do evil, and could have hurt the members of the Enterprise many times out of anger.
Couldn't Picard just allow him to be an AI aboard the Enterprise, considering his genius level intellect, he could be a useful asset.
AI are illegal and we don't deal with terrorists
Genetically undoing retardation and visiting Talos IV are the only crimes in the entire Federation that anyone takes seriously.
>you will never be as based as Moriarty
NPC for life, just end the program already
TOS has some amazing episodes, to be honest.
You would think that a show that's nearly 60 years old, and is the product of mid-century television writers and production would be be much worse, but honestly all the morality plays, the character dynamics and monster of the week are usually pretty good, if not great.
It's not even 55 yet! Round down! ROUND DOWN!
There are a handful of okay-ish episodes but most of TOS is boring and forgettable. People only like Kirk and Spock because of how visually iconic they are, no one actually cares about their stories. Trek didn't become important until TNG.
There were only 18 years between the end of TOS and the beginning of TNG.
Now in 2019 it's been 20 years since the end of the last good Star Trek.
*until DS9
>Trek didn't become important until TNG.
You're really underselling what TOS did to sci-fi. Maybe not every episode was great, but I would still rank a few of Tos's bests above some of Tng's and ds9's bests.
>inviting Wheaton
Also how much do these photos cost?
Rounding up makes it seem more impressive.
TNG and DS9 are two halves of the same story. TOS kicked things off, and a couple meh movies kept the brand alive for a while, but it wasn't until TNG and DS9 that Trek breathed life and became relevant to people in a meaningful way. I'll agree TOS is impressive for its time but it's really just cowboy shit in space.
>fuck, marry, kill
>last good Star Trek
You faggots sound like 1987 all over again.
>Wahhhh it doesn't look like it used to
>Wahhhh it doesn't have muh favorite characters
>Wahhhh it's more diverse
Shut the fuck up. People were whining about TNG the same way and now it's great? Seriously, fuck off.
Dukat did nothing wrong
Caesar did nothing wrong
Kaiser Wilhelm did nothing wrong
Hitler and Trump did a lot wrong
jesus you're fucking old
Almost got everyone killed in his second ep. He was wild card for the most part, Picard couldn't really trust him
Kill Troi because she's insufferable
Fuck Crusher because she's experienced
Marry Yar because she's deeply traumatized and too emotionally damaged to leave me
That'll show 'em!
I fucking hate women. They're so easy all you have to do is slap the shit out of them it's like a refresh button when you computer starts acting up. Imagine being that fucking basic.
Calm down Dukat
Ds9 was literally conceptualized as cowboy shit in space
Denise Crosby would have been much better as troi, and sirtis as tasha
I'm not sure about that.
>DS9 was literally conceptualized as Babylon 5 rip off
now go to bed kiddo, you have to be ready for the epic documentary you redditors are dying to see
>multiple 3-hour+ long movies
nerd, youre only supposed to marathon 20 minute segments of a single movie
anyone ever occasionally bring up star trek and have to pause the conversation while the non-initiated giggle and joke for several minutes about a race called the "kardashians"?
every single fucking time
Quit larping as an adult.
DS9, as the writers imagined it, would work like The Rifleman, season 1 was rife with Western influences. Odo was the sheriff, Quark was the bartender, Bashir the sawbones, the Bajorans are Native Americans, and Sisko was the nearly retired soldier who was sent in to pacify the settlement.
The executives were the ones who wanted to muscle out Babylon 5.
Aw man take me back to 1992. That was my dads favorite shows. Would love watching that shit. Its so crazy how only watching those episodes once i can still remember some of them.. good times.
No because I don't discuss random tv series with people who haven't seen them
you never meet someone who has seen it in passing, or maybe only watched TOS / TNG?
>letting people know you've watched Stat Trek beyond TOS and TNG
Do you want to be branded a nerdlinger and compared to Big Bang Theory characters? Because that's how that happens.
Picard had shown far more mercy and consideration for dangerous, unknowingly harmful organisms, whereas Moriarty was quite honestly noble in how he didn't hurt anyone in his desire for escape.
That would make sense, if Picard bothered to bring that up when Moriarty asserted that he had changed, but Picard acts as if he believes Moriarty, so there's no reason to have tricked him like that in the end.
I don't really talk about tv shows that much, it's not that relevant to real life
That's the key word. Moriarty was an hologram so fuck him.
geez, save some pussy for the rest of us bro
>dabs on the founders
I want to hear Bashirfaggots female imitation voice, when it the documentary?
>not respecting new life, and potentially new civilizations (once Moriarty and his woman start copulating electronically)
I'm gay but thanks
I'm not trying to be some big shot, I'm honestly surprised that some people sit around and talk about tv shows on a regular enough basis to have to explain cardassians to normies who think of kardashians. I don't push my unrelated interests on people who don't share them to that extent.
Sentient holograms were literally used as slave labor to mine asteroids as if they were ancient caves.
but then worf would have had to become counselor instead of security chief
Who are the kardashians? Is this another Babylon 5 thing?
I don't see how this is a problem.
has the dubsminion ever gotten dubs. ever?
The dubsminion has endured a 1,000 posts without dubs and will endure a 1,000 more.
You haven't gotten dubs in your last 10 attempts.
the guy who played Bub in Day of the Dead also played the "father" of the human boy in Suddenly Human
I only talk about Star Trek ironically
>I don't push my unrelated interests on people who don't share them to that extent.
so you just guess that no one you talk to enjoys star trek? seems you dont discuss anything personal with anyone judging by your comment. i assume you just bring up the weather and whatever clothing the other person is wearing?
>i assume you just bring up the weather and whatever clothing the other person is wearing?
If I'm tryna have sex, yes
I was going to make a spreadsheet but I didn't want to be accused of being chartfag again
there is no try
or do not
jesus christ I'm tired of waking up and the future not being star trek yet
promises were made
Some people say TNG gets good when Riker gets his beard, but I've found it's about one season after he has a beard.
Well if you keep making charts you're charfag.
>guys what if I made a chart teehee
Have you seen the chart rating dick sizes of the various /trek/ tripfags?
I don't need to, it's obvious which tripfag has the biggest dick.
No, I said I don't talk about trek to no -trekkies
Why are you falseflagging? Butthurt?
is it bashirfag?
Would have been fucking great, man.
>what happened
>Yar dies, Worf becomes chief of sec and spends six seasons getting the shit beaten out of him, Troi is a useless fucking shit with bullshit powers that never work for seven seasons that serves no purpose
>what could have happened
>troi dies, Yar stays chief of security, occasionally gets the shit beat out of her but also gets to beat the shit out of people, and the Ent-D gets a Klingon counselor with less positive emotion than the android
What does your heart tell you?
There are only two tripfags.
There are FOUR LIGHTS.
Only two that you remember, newfag.
There are at least 3 variants of Bashirfag alone.
>Computer, create a /trek/ thread
>Generate tripfags BF and VF in TOS era uniforms
>Enhance the size of my dick to twelve inches and make me black
>Force the tripfags to fight each other with lirpas over who gets to fuck me
>Generate a thousand incels eager to gang fuck the loser like a pack of chimpanzees
>Disengage safety protocols and begin sequence
>not giving yourself tits to be a big dick futa
Where bash?
I was thinking about running the tripfag futa program and have them play with my tits but my dick wanted to see them roll around hitting each other and slicing their costumes to shreds. Dickgirls tomorrow.
destroying vf's ass again in the discord video chat
bashirfaggot is already a dickgirl you dont even have to make him a futa
>you will never be forced to gag on bashirfaggot's fat feminine penis while she holds the back of your head and rams your mouth, spraying loads of her cum down your throat and forcing you to swallow every drop
>you will never wipe her jizz from your lips and suck the sticky from your fingers while thanking her
Does she eat well to make her cum tasty or is it vile stuff?
I'm quite fond of it, not too sharp or bitter but there's a definite kick that makes it special and uniquely hers. Try letting her have your ass sometime, it's the best ride you'll ever go on.
>jacking off to tripfags
>That fucking cuckold drinks Arrogant Bastard.
>everyone i don't like is the same person
Fuck off with this schizo shit. God VF gets more obnoxious every day
hi guys. pls recommend a st movie
Watch First Contact so that you don't fall into that trap of saying ENT retconned the Borg.
Fuck off, he has to watch chronologically for them to make sense.
Voyager is actually great compared to disco.
First Contact is standalone as long as you've watched ENT though?
Stewart and Spiner's expressions are fucking great.
Just no, user. Back to the drawing board with you.
Keep it IU, dude.
Only if that scoundrel is Quark.
Disc is pretty rad
new thred make
Jesus Christ what happened to Wesley? It looks like one of those androgynous things Riker fucked grew a beard.
is ginsburg jewish?
Set course for Virgin VI.
STD feels like it was written by 16 year old girls who watched in this order: nu-trek movies, disney star wars and then after season one they watched the cage.
Actually, the writers are well versed in the Star Trek franchise.
Yeah, so is Kagan and Breyer.
3 out of 9.
nazi trek why?
Why so many hurtful posts?
mayweather was miscast
all the other black guys that guest starred could have done a better job
Hurtful to who?
The lefties who say the Federation is a commie utopia?
You don't get it.
>244 posts
>not a single Neelix
You disgust me /trek/
i t__c o u n t s
Who is the Paul of Star Trek?
He's on the run even now.
We've seen the memory sticks, Neel.
What was in the pot?
He fracked little kids.
What's worse, a child-like body with the mind of an adult or an adult body with the mind of a child?
If that even is the case it feels very second hand, like they had one friend who was actually enthusiastic about trek and tried to convince them it was worth watching without scaring them off by rattling off some of the lore.
After 2 seasons that's just about the most apt summary I can give and it was cemented right around the time a character unironically said "yum yum".
Remember that time you cucks had a fucking discord
is wheaton deliberately not 'manspreading' to seem more woke
why does he sit like a girl?
Small penis small balls.
Just as you'd expect from a Crusher.
Take a moment to appreciate what a loser this guy is:
>played wesley crusher
>leaves a cushy role in the established Star Trek franchise because he "felt he could do better"
>can not do better
>his entire post star trek 'career' brands himself as a nerd culture expert who reminisces about his past role in Star Trek, the show he left with animosity
>is literally a "my wife's son" sòyboy cuck
>becomes engaged in social justice politics
>chased off social media platforms by the very sjw's he went in to bat for
Has there ever been someone more justed than Wil Wheaton in star trek history?
>inb4 the woman who played Kes, that's a given
I'm finally s3 of ENT
It's finally starting to git gud friends
Mk nu bred
Nah as someone who's kissed both womens' lips are genuinely softer guys are much more tongue aggresive
Gary Mitchell?
This is true. They just enjoy pissing in the mouths of fans.
THIS IS VIRGIN V!!! Virgin VI exploded six months after we were left here. The shock shifted the orbit of this planet, and everything was laid waste. ADMIRAL Kirk never bothered to check on our progress! It was only the fact of my genetically-engineered intellect that allowed us to survive. On Earth... [grins wistfully]... two hundred years ago... [sighs nostalgically] I was a prince... with power over millions.
I just want to say that I hate all of you. That's all
The women have a universally positive reaction (including hidden Crusher)
The men have a universally negative reaction
Why is this?
>The women have a universally positive reaction
I think you missed some context.
yes, but I was on the other side of this discussion
You are right, I did. I'm still not wrong though
the writers/director/etc just did what seemed cool without thinking of the practicality of it is the only real answer
Alive and well with the new one, sekrit club for oldfags.
u mad bro?
One of the few good choices of the MU from DS9:
Gul Dukat is just too good for it.
Almost another full thread and not one single discussion about the topic they are supposedly talking about. Why does this general need to exist anymore? Hmm...
>Remember when Trekkie229 was the worst of our problems?
It still is...
Nigger, I've been trying and no one even responds to me. This shit has been officially kapoot for about almost a month now. Beating a dead whore, I mean horse.
fukin kewl
he's still here, working...
are q gods ? or just tricksters?
get lost 229
mak new threat
t h r e a d ::: c u l t u r e
Will this be the first connection new thread in weeks?
Don't even remember at this point.
Did he say their names first? We have bluetooth and voice activation tech right now. Future tech versions would be literally perfect.
Wasn't this the guy who also buys all that gum for Jerry cause he lied and said he liked it? Literally one of the craziest of Elaine's boyfriends on Seinfeld and that's saying something.
You're an asshole, you know that?
This is the last time I listen to anyone in this general.
We're 8 posts from 300, why can't you just wait?
I hate all of you. These threads are completely fucked. The fact these are allowed to continue despite massive bans is ridiculous. Let's be honest this isn't about Star Trek anymore you fucks made a discord and still come here. Fuck you, fuck the mods, fuck the jannies, fuck the trannies, fuck the niggers, and fuck you if you read this.
She also got abused and mistreated by scummy b-movie directors before she got onto Trek, so I think she is just fucked up mentally overall.
Gordon's attitude, truthishly, is problematic and outmoded for our C U R R E N T S T A R D A T E and I think I'll be notifying my senior officer on his bigoted tirades sooner than later.
>snitching on yourself
lol okay mkultra
I think you should be escorted out the nearest airlock.