Fuck Disney
And fuck Avatar
they will steal Jim's glassless 3D tech in order to give SW a boost
That stupid Frogposter is gonna SEETHE
These movies are never going to be released, nobody wants them. The Avatar craze is long over. I predict they either get canned in the next few years or stay in production hell.
H- how many days until Avatar 2 now, bros?...
avatar is shit
>pocahontas in space
who the fuck cares about this faggotry
Im laughing, but I kinda feel sorry for you. I remember when you started
unbased and unrobust. Don't think for a second that these news will destroy the network. Big milestone days ahead of us bros.
HOW many days?
>too afraid to compete with capeshit
>tfw 955 days to Avatar 2
they'll be released on one of the streaming services in a never-before-seen massive package deal
When will we revolt against Disney for Pandora brehs?
hmmm according to the calulatlshun now is meni meni MENI days until abatap too
Avatar is shit.
look at that dumb fucking savage struggling to use such a primitive machine
when Avatar 5 comes out in 2027 James Cameron will be 73 years old and over as a director.
wasted careers general?
This only makes us stronger.
>Aquaman got Avatar delayed
What a timeline.
i prefer more alita
At least they'll delay your inevitable suicide by a few years
sure it does
Why doesn't Cameron just go into retirement officially? He hasn't directed anything in 10 years now.
b-but he's the king of the world
We've already passed the 10 year mark, Avatar 2 is never gonna happen.
cameronfags on suicide watch
He’s giving others a chance before he crushes them all (again)
Disney owns hollywood now.
Are the Avatar sequels even real? I'm almost convinced they're a meme at this point
How will the Avatar counters even handle this? They were so close to one year and then in the blink of an eye it gets taken away. Ouch.
they are a meme
That was exactly my first thought. Let's see how far the autistic spambot will go now ...
Just a meme to generate word of mouth for the Dinsey ride.
I thought Disney wasn’t producing new SW movies for a while?
Have you not heard who the writers are friend?
when you've waited for ten years another one isn't much
Cameron's avatar sucks if you are older than 15
>Di666ney only bought Avatar to remove it as a rival
based Disney
A few months is "a while"
rip avatar poster
Wait, hasn't Jimbo already filmed it? Or some of it?
So is this purely delaying its release or does this affect its production? Are they just shelving the film for 2 years?
They're the Duke Nukem Forever of films.
Yes, in every way
Good. So tired of his threads. I'd rather see another useless capeshit thread than his outdated countdowns.
Retard, you'll be seeing a lot MORE countdown threads now that it's been delayed.
I'm the Avatar 2 poster. I think I'm going to kill myself after this...
>Disney forces Jim to make Avatar a spin-off of star wars and makes Rey cameo
The salt would be unreal
But Duke was a beloved character
Only a couple of autists even remember the characters from Avatar.
>156,898 days until Avatar 2
rip avatard user
>429 years
I think you messed up your math
Avatar 2 is the Chinese Democracy of film. It's so past overhyped, it can never rise to the level of expectations it has.
I think he checked out of movies a while ago as an artist. They just finance his submarine hobby.
Not even the mouse can cuck jimbo
>implying they are not bluffing
>implying based cameron will not release avatar 2 by surprise on the same day as SW and crush capeshit for ever
fuck china
>tfw Aquaman 2 makes more money than Star Wars
You stole that joke
>tfw Avatar came out so long ago fucking Leona Lewis sang the movie song
No, I just checked the numbers. He's right
holy shit the avatar autists must be SEETHING
fucking LEL
ahahahaha look at this fucking faggot!
get fucked you piece of shit! the mouse always wins :^)
Fuck Disney. I'd tell those visionless corporate suits to burn in Hell, but that would imply that I thought they had souls.
Don’t do it. You still have so many delays yet to see.
avatarcucks literally on suicide watch LMAO
Next Avatar was going to be in water. Guess Disney dosen't believe Cameron's muh space nigga eco-realism can compete against Aquachad.
Dubs of truth confirm
>wasted careers
he's like top 10 most successful directors ever
Cut them some slack man it took humans until 4000 BC to develop society in the mesopotamia and nile river and civilization only started sprouting by 600 BC. Meaning for over 200,000 years we were hunter gatherer spear chuckers just like them.
Could you imagine actually being really into Avatar? Its literally the most generic story ever told. What would be extremely based is if Disney releases a live action Pocahontas remake in the same week with 1/4 the budget and BTFOs avatar LMAO
ITT: what butthurt haters really believe
and the only thing he's done in the past 20 years is Avatar: a forgettable CGI showcase
he's a legit good director. he could have made kino
but noooo he spent 20 years on blue cgi cats and a terrible uninspired story that looks like it was written by a robot attempting to write something that would be popular with the humans
It doesn't make it any less worthwhile, user. I've never even seen Avatar and it was always fun to post on your threads to measure the days of my life one at a time. At 1250 I met the girl of my dreams, ~1100 I was in love, 850 she wouldn't even speak to me, 700 and I'll probably never see her again.
Life goes on and carries you to new beginnings, one day at a time.
>big industries market to literal brainlets
>China and India their biggest markets
wtf... Disney is turning me racist!
Just like Alita right?
>Those waiting for James Cameron’s upcoming Avatar sequel saga are going to have to wait a bit longer than previously anticipated. Walt Disney Pictures just announced that the first sequel Avatar 2 has been pushed back a full year from December 18, 2020 to December 17, 2021. Avatar 3 has been pushed back two years December 17, 2021 to December 22, 2023. Avatar 4 will open two years after that on December 19, 2025 (originally December 20, 2024) and Avatar 5 will drop on December 17, 2027 (originally December 19, 2025).
Movie is shit, plot is shit, CGI is shit. it's a redo
What happened?
The distance between us was too difficult for her to handle, had a host of other issues that she couldn't work out anytime soon. I wished her well and said goodbye.
Met someone that can treat me better and we're going on vacation in a week and a half.
Guess he can get comfy
>all those fucking preplanned sequels
Jesus Christ. I really hate corporate roadmaps
>tfw Cameron's giant ego has deprived the world of several original movies because he's too stubborn to admit that Avatar was a gimmick.
He didn't direct Alita
Avatar is actual garbage carried by looking good
Only mouth breathers could truly enjoy something so braindead and shallow
You have to be literally braindead not to see what Avatar established in terms of a world. The narrative is simple to make room for heaping tons of world-building. Now that the building's done, the story is going to explore the implications of what Sigourney Weaver's character laid down:
1) Eywa is a planetary consciousness infinitely more complex than our own.
2) The Na'vi are either a post-Singularity species that forgot or are an emergent sapience in a post-Singularity world.
3) If the Na'vi didn't build their paradise, then who did?
>dude in a thread yesterday saying to my face Avatar 2 would outgross 1
Bet he's feeling dumb now
Not even the Mouse believes in your movie. The 3D schtick is over
I love you, user!!!
How can one blue catfrog be so based?
By the time Avatar 2 actually comes out, you would have to adjust heavily for inflation anyways.
/atv/ on suicide watch!
Literally no one cares about Avatar anymore.
These movies are never going to release at all are they?
Cameron is Disney's bitch
>tfw Jim will die in my lifetime
Camerin wanted to direct Alita 2 personally. So he didn't have time for Avatar 2 yet.
Maybe 2 but I doubt the plans they had for the 32 sequels still stand
Yes, of course.
Has the logo always been that? Reminds me of hunger games.
all of them
But they built a fucking expensive theme park land based on Avatar.
The mistake here is that 99.9999% of outer space is an uninhabitable, ultra hostile, barren wasteland. What a kingdom to rule over...
I liked Duke Nukem Forever...
I imagine this guy would have been one of the idiots who called "talkies" a fad.
C A N C E L L E D .
Unequivocally BASED. (((They))) will NOT divide us.
>tight deadlines
>"this is why this is shit HAHAHAHA"
>okay, so we'll delay it a bit
>"this is why this is shit HAHAHAHA"
hey fickle fuck, make up your mind
They also pushed Alita's sequel out to infinity years from now, and the home video release to infinity +/- a couple thousand years.
Avatar is boring.
will their even be a teaser in the next 6 months?
we can't wait 30 years for this
it's done, the day is near
based actual countdown poster
When will the capeshit end?
a slut
>less than 40M made since sunday
user, it's not looking good
Thanos needs at least +300M before P.I.K.A.C.H.U.
tick tock pandorafags, I'm buying another ticket for it tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it.
Pikachu just got btfod in Japan and lost to Endgame and got horrible reviews. It is going to bomb and have no effect on endgame.
You do.
what the hell you talking about
>the epitome of a 3d imax experience
>released on streaming
try again, boyo
>tfw we get to relive milestones and reuse OC
Cameron you arent done with the sequel's script yet?
>detective conan
youre retarded
I miss him bros
inflation not adjusted ;^)
it's more than likely james cameron asked for it to be pushed back
These movies are just an excuse for him to develop technology to licence out as the new industry standard.