Redditors would rather support a hot female manic than a sensible ugly man.
This show is like a litmus test for people with no taste. People who will watch something just to root for the Mary Sue protagonist, not matter how ridiculous it gets.
So would Yea Forums
There's no fundamental difference between reddit and Yea Forums.
So modern morals means women can never be bad?
no you retard
Stannis literally just looks like a normal bloke and he is the hero of Yea Forums
You don’t post here often do you?
Bobbyposting IS fundamental
So they really just wanted to see Daenerys win win win and never see any trouble whatsoever and be perfect in the finale too?
The problem with Game of Thrones is it started as the "anyone can die" show, but it lost its way.
You can't recover from that, and just revert in the last season to SUBVERTED EXPECTATIONS. Letting Danny steamroll to victory would have been shit, but there was no other better alternative at this point.
If they'd kept the quality high throughout the shows existence and kept the "anyone can die, no plot armor" as a real thing, then the show could pull off killing off Danny at the last moment. But as it is, it can't be pulled off by D&D.
first day here?
/r/ASOIAF is actually very similar to Yea Forums when it comes to criticizing D&D
lots of them aren't Dany fans. I doubt the creator of the reddit thread in the OP's image is a danyfag
they just think that D&D's execution is poor. They are doing "Twenty Good Men" type feats on Dany's forces via Euron to bring her to the situation where she turns mad. They also made the events at Winterfell post-battle with NK also hamfisted, like Jon telling Sansa/Arya who tell Tyrion who then tells Varys which leads to a potential coup.
I don't like Dany as a character, partly because of how D&D kissed her ass from Seasons 1-7 , but I will still think D&D are doing a bad job in terms of execution in the current Mad Queen arc
ive seen normies start to turn against the writers after last episode because of the dragon and missandei
You guys are like my grandma crying over her soap operas. If GOT ran the length of a show like All My Children, you dumbfucks would still be watching it fifteen years later.
wait what? I thought she was a villain since the start? Did I interpret things wrong? Was she meant to be a good guy all this time?
Americans need black and white morals to be able to understand a story
I got banned from r/relationshipadvice for refusing to stop saying nigger
It's not "peasants dying in war"
It's "tens of thousands of peasants being mercilessly burned to death for the crime of living in the wrong city"
What it boils down to is Dany has on one hand the lives of thousands and thousands of innocent people and on the other her personal lust for power.
they are subverting your expectations by turning Dany the "mad queen"
ok reddit
>unrionic reddit threads on Yea Forums and discussion of redditors and reddit behavior
absolutely sick of this dogshit board
>siege that can result in an underling or even the peasants revolting that can cause the person being sieged to surrender, plus the golden company being sell swords means if the going gets tough they could just bail
>carelessly burning thousands to death with dragon fire because you're impatient
>dumb blue checkmarks will call these the same thing
just think, one year from now, there will only be one GOT thread up. feelsgoodman.
>Did any of them cry when Tywin ordered the Riverlands scorched?
Yes, both Tyrion and Varys were firmly against it. Next question.
then leave faggot
>current Mad Queen arc
"lmao so these horse-nomads have their entire culture on plundering random cities, murdering and robbing civilians blind and raping their women? how cool, that'l make them a great army for me teh khaleesi!"
She was mad from the get-go you dumbo.
That's the whole point.
She was always the mad queen, there were just even bigger cunts around.
>The problem with Game of Thrones is it started as the "anyone can die" show, but it lost its way.
No the problem with Game of Thrones is people thought it was the 'anyone can die' show. But it never was.
It was the characters actions have consequences story.
Now it's just random shit happens, people teleport, nobody listens, nobody thinks, nobody plans story.
no reddit needs to leave
oh wait GoT ends soon what am I saying
you deserved quads for this post
we know what people are posting, we just dont take them at face value
So the fate of Drogon is still in flux right?
He either carries Dany's dead body away or is just gone essentially?
So I'm hoping Euron shoots his ass down too and that's the final final final straw that has her start executing innocents.
>if you have sex with prostitutes or profit from the toil of others you should also be OK with the wholesale murdering of thousands of people by the person you're personally trying to make monarch of the entire realm
this is your brain on leftism
You mean reddit and /GoT/
fucking kill yourself dumb faggot I'm out of here
why should they die and why is that more merciful than starving them to death? dany needs to breach the wall, insert her troops and break up any enemy troop concentrations from above. since inner city combat will be melee combat that will cause much less collateral damages than any modern urban warfare.
Is this where I disagree and you tell me to have sex?
She's turning into her brother; 'no me! I'm the rightful ruler! Not you! Gimme my crown!!*
>then leave faggot
ideally for reddit
Ummm no you fucking retard. Tyrion is also responsible for the deaths of those at Blackwater and didn't care at all when prior sieges were underway by the lannisters. He had a standard, now he is suddenly acting against that standard like he's some modern liberal. The guy literally types it up in that images.
It's actually pretty sweet user. My boy Euron gets his time in the sun and Dany does a last minute heel turn? The only way it could be any better is if the leaks for the next 2 episodes are falsified and mixed with real leaks so Cersei, Euron and co end up winning lol.
What the hell is whiplash?
that's pretty relatable though desu
>Tyrion is also responsible for the deaths of those at Blackwater
He defended his city against soldiers coming to attack it, that's in no way comparable to killing thousands of innocent civilians when you're on the attacking side
>didn't care at all when prior sieges were underway by the lannisters
And he's advocating siege now, there's nothing inconsistent there.
>why should they die and why is that more merciful than starving them to death?
Siege warfare generally had the intention of turning the inner populace against those on top who want to hold the siege.
>the blackwater
You mean killing an INVADING ARMY that will kill you because you're part of the family they're there to kill
most of Yea Forums is just redditors making posts they know would get downvoted, can't lose that precious karma
it's been like this for years now, i don't understand how anyone can still be surprised
>most of Yea Forums is just redditors
There he goes with that post again
So Danaerys, dragon queen of dragons, isn't going to use her dragon?
Some faggot movie about a Jew drummer who fucks his dad I think
Cersei and Euron winning wouldn't cause as much butthurt as there could be, people would just take it as a bad end. Jon killing Dany, then Jon dying, then Tyrion and a new small council electing Davos as king because, "He learned what it means to rule from the only person who truly knew," would flip the showfag's collective shit.
Why do normies like to see cities burnt to the ground? When Missandei said "dracarys", everyone in the bar erupted, cheered, and clapped.
I never really cared about the show past season 2 despite my gf watching it. Now I do want to watch S8 just to see how bad it'll get while she can barley stand it...
Danys "problem" was that once she arrived in Westeros she outgunned everyone else and be it only thanks to her dragons and not the mass army, navy and general support she got from other great houses. They needed to not only make her lose but fuck her as hard as possible as quickly as possible to not have her steamroll everything on her way to the Iron Throne.
It's hilarious how after episode 3 these people had no problem with the show but now that the strong woman is comprised they are starting to point out all of it's flaws. It's a strange world they live in, denying reality up until the group gives permission to tell the truth.
it's not a real city
How about an end where the smallfolk decide they’ve bloody well had enough and go Jacobin on all the royalty and nobles and set up a democracy?
>"lmao so these horse-nomads have their entire culture on plundering random cities, murdering and robbing civilians blind and raping their women? how cool, that'l make them a great army for me teh khaleesi!"
and what exactly supposed to be wrong?
>normies are suddenly aware of D&D's writing
top kek, 8x04 might be the greatest episode on the entire show so far
They'd just take it as communism and clap.
you mean the (((Faceless Men)))
>Am I russian or dragon?
we already had that in season 6 but they got blown up.
Fucking moron, Stannis is by far the favorite on Yea Forums, Dany is one of the most hated on this entire board. You must be one of those underage Yea Forumsirgins I keep hearing about.
>Dany is one of the most hated on this entire board.
I am pretty sure Shamsa will be a top-1
Not since the 2016 reddit invasion.
It's true though, she really isn't doing much wrong. Fuck Kingslanding and the sluts and douchebags who live there. Didn't anyone see that episode where they were all throwing shit at Cersei? Those people are animals!
>the hero of Yea Forums
Everyone despises you and your reddit show, GoTdittors.
ohhh shit, I'm red
>most influential
>literally not a single meme that stuck
>literally not mentioned outside of GoT circlejerk threads, which completely vanish after the show is off air
How about you simply stick to reddit and stop implying your show has done anything to this board aside from being a plague that attracts redditors?
Thank god there's only two episodes of this shitshow left and that they are burning the entire franchise along the way.
this. asoiaf and pureasoaif are kino subs.
>GoT thread
>people unironically discussing subreddits
Checks out.
man get over it, the overlap between sites is pretty big.
lol that's not true at all. /r/asoiaf has been shitting on the tv show for a while now.
And that overlap is reduces to a minimum the moment GoTfags leave.
You can tell GoTfags are redditors because, despite being a general, they keep spamming endless threads anyway, and even spam more than one general because they are used to making threads in reddit for le ebin upboats.
It's 70% attention whoring and 30% legitimate discussion.
ledditors are actually less likely to spam the board with the same shit over and over. you are talking to people who are used to contained threads. they'll stick to got and then move on.
>meanwhile, half the catalog is GoT threads
Just two more weeks and it's over. Then you can enjoy the circlejerk about any detritus released by Yidsney
I hate Dany but the sudden handwringing “think of the peasants and the children” is a bit much. Kings Landing is by all accounts a shithole that needs a good clean out.
They should make her go full Dresden and fire bomb Oldtown into charcoal just coz.
>letting people go hungry so they overthrow a ruler is the same as nuking the entire city with dragonfire
Yeah but to be fair, what happened to the firebombing campaign right after Dresden? I realize after Kings landing the wars over but if we're still mentioning dresden like 80 years later imagine how much agitprop the anti-Dany lords would get after KS
Euron should unleash his kraken, kill both cersei and danny as the Storm, and level king's landing
the scraps and aftermath will be Varys abolishing the nepotistic monarch system
>even one innocent person is dying during it
>daenerys is planning to just burn everyone alive
>used to be completely accepted in medieval times
holy shit normalfags are so fucking ignorant it makes my head hurt
>fuck off racists
Says no Yea Forums poster ever.
>modern people care about peasants in a war
didn't america murdered millions of japanese civilians in order to get some strategical economic advantage like 50 years ago?
that roastie got btfo in her own thread
>people discussing reddit boards on Yea Forums
Yea Forums - reddit
nope, read the other posts, it's a seething danyfag, probably a woman
Caring about the peasants isn't a solely 21st century concept.
It's not about the lives of the commonfolk it's about how they will react to a foreign queen coming in and burning their city down. Even the books had this sort of theme present. Leaders since the beginning of time had to think about issues like this.
If the show was actually consistent though the commoners of King's Landing would have lynched Cersei after blowing up the sept.
He's unironically not wrong though. Them being afraid to just take KL's because a few peasants might die in the crossfire has never made any sense. Especially when their alternative is sieging it.
true but like you said Cersei blows up their place of worship along with the former queen and none of them care, so it's retarded for the show to make us worry about the peasants now.
Where was all that morality with Joffrey and Aegon II whom Varys served like a mule and even had Ned killed for?
Dany's scenes are difficult to film properly, because they're full of unreliable narration
D&D just took them at face value
her entire character is summed up at the end of season one: she 'does good' for those she sees right in front of her without any understanding of the greater context or ramifications of her actions, which usually leaves the situation worse than before she meddled in it
Never been on reddit, mostly cause I don’t like the layout. That being said I don’t really give a shit or have a superiority complex about browsing a taiwanese basket weaving forum instead of a robot masturbation website
This is really accurate
I blame capeshit and GoT
>hating a shitty ferngully ripoff, Cameron's worst movie makes you reddit
it's her position of power that makes her mindset so dangerous
if she was simply a hedge knight, she would be a hero of the people (as long as she didn't just up and die)
but because she has the power to change things on a societal scale, she fucks everything up
He was working for the realm you idiot, he can't just go about assassinating monarchs, he works from the shadows
Did any of the random peasants even know it was cersei blowing up the sept? With all the wildfire stashed under the city and how volatile it is it would have been easy to just say it was a tragic accident that the barrels went off on their own.
but that's literally what he was pushing Bobby B. to do, assassinate Dany, then he claims he was on her side the entire time for no reason.
>he can't just go about assassinating monarchs
>plots to assassinate dany
>working for the realm
>desires a maleable king instead of a married couple balancing each other out
My ass, faggot.
Hotpot knew it was Cersei when he was talking to Arya and he's not even in KL, plus it was Cersei's trial.
>but that's literally what he was pushing Bobby B. to do, assassinate Dany, then he claims he was on her side the entire time for no reason.
this is because the Young Griff storyline was cancelled
>implying pussywhipped jon would stand up to psycho bitch dany on any issue
she's not a monarch yet, just because they call her queen out of fear of getting burnt alive doesn't mean she has the throne
see above fucking retarded nigger, also as he explained it wouldn't be a balanced couple, Jon bows down to everything the mad queen says, plus it's incestuous which is what leads to Targ shit madness in the first place
You have to go back
so why would he want to assassinate her then if he was working for her the entire time?
>they acted retarded before so they can't act slightly less retarded now
because they're now seeing how arbitrary she is and how little she actually cares about the people, all she cares about is her "rightful" claim to power which is now invalid after learning that Jon is the actually rightful heir
If Jon is such a weak and malleable faggot why would Varys think he would make a good King at all?
> plus it's incestuous which is what leads to Targ shit madness in the first place
Incest is only incest in Westeros in the immediate family. Tywin was married to his cousin and nobody ever brings this up as incest.
>Everyone going off about "BUT WE HATE DANNY AND LOVE STANNIS"
>Completely missing the HOT female part
>expecting anything else from chinese bug people
they still don't even think twice before running over children
Because he's temperate and would listen to Varys who actually cares about the common folk.
>>they acted retarded before so they can't act slightly less retarded now
pretty much yes. why would the peasants care about dany burning shit down if they didn't care about cersei doing it?
Because that was an one-off thing that Cersei had to do to bring the city back under the crown's control. She bears no threat to the common people after that. On the other hand the insane targ is planning on burning their entire city to the ground with them in it.
He's right though. It's completely ridiculous how Tyrion has talked her out of attacking King's Landing twice now with "if you kill people in the city Westeros will never accept you", as though Robert and Tywin didn't rape/pillage the hell out of the place with 0 consequences decades ago. And at the same time, Tyrion is still ok with starving the city. He knows Cersei, he knows she doesn't give a fuck about the people and if they start dying she won't budge. He's telling her "don't take this completely obvious path to victory, take this much slower, winding path that will see your people die in slow agony". It just doesn't make sense, unless Tyrion is deliberately sabotaging Dany.
> She bears no threat to the common people after that
so they're just completely a-okay with her burning down their place of worship?
>On the other hand the insane targ is planning on burning their entire city to the ground with them in it.
Dany bears no threat to the common people after taking the throne by the same logic.
>Because he's temperate and would listen to Varys who actually cares about the common folk.
A king who just mindlessly listens to his advisor doesn't sound like a good king. Also since when does Varys care about the common folk the guy was plotting against Robert to try to put Viserys on the throne.
>If Jon is such a weak and malleable faggot why would Varys think he would make a good King at all?
Jon is only weak willed specifically for Dany, because of love
the rest of the time, he has will but isn't completely stubborn
he hears his council and tries to make the best decision
you're a bad man red
lol reading this thread is pissing me off. Redditors are sewer niggers
no, you have to go back. SJW took control of media thanks to lukewarm cowards afraid of the truth like you.
I have only been to reddit 2 or 3 times. Been of Yea Forums for years. The only one i agree with is Dark Night is a good movie. Also i would prefer not to have the loli images, but Im ok with them if they annoy the janitors
There's no difference. He was OK with Jeoffrey being a complete psychopath and even enabled it, but Dani being even slightly kind of off kilter is now not OK in the slightest, and she simply MUST die?
Fuck off, retard.
when has he ever done this? every time jon has lead before its ended in disaster. in the night's watch he was killed by a mutiny and the battle of the bastards he only won because LF arrived after he got baited by Ramsay.
Dude, Tyrion's plan makes a lot of sense, if she comes in and slaughters thousands of innocents they will all blame her. If she besieges the place and starves them out they will all turn on Cersei who they will see as the one at fault for not surrendering her power to save them. It's not about morality for Tyrion as it's about not having revolts on their hands. As for Dany it SHOULD be about morality if she wasn't so full of shit.
>so they're just completely a-okay with her burning down their place of worship?
No, but they're not going to risk their lives just for that.
>Dany bears no threat to the common people after taking the throne by the same logic.
Because they'll all be dead by the time she does.
>A king who just mindlessly listens to his advisor doesn't sound like a good king.
I didn't say he'd be a good king, I'm explaining why Varys thinks he would be a better king than Dany.
>Also since when does Varys care about the common folk the guy was plotting against Robert to try to put Viserys on the throne.
That was before he knew Viserys was insane like his sister.
He got her north didn't he?
>implying you prefer varys to pussywhip jon
He didn't enable shit you utter retard, he thought that jeoffrey was the lesser of the evils at the time and didn't want to bring chaos to the realm, seriously kill yourself you waste of space faggot
You are idiot, there is nothing mad about Dany in EP4, and even if she start killing its still nothing mad about it. ITS WAR. Its my favorite character this season and most interesting, i hope she will burn King Landing to the ground.
r/asoiaf right now is just Yea Forums the moment we realized it was all garbage.
We don't really give a shit because we expect it, they don't, they're invested.
>No, but they're not going to risk their lives just for that.
Why not? They were doing it before.
>Because they'll all be dead by the time she does.
The claim is that the peasants would be mad after Dany burns down the Red Keep/KL, and she wouldn't be able to control them because they wouldn't trust her.
>I didn't say he'd be a good king, I'm explaining why Varys thinks he would be a better king than Dany.
varys has shit logic.
>That was before he knew Viserys was insane like his sister.
So he was trying to make someone he had literally never met king?
WRONG u 50 iq brainlet:
Nothing Daenerys has done or wants to do is all that crazy.
Her father was called mad (mentally ill) because he became an actual paranoid schizophrenic. He heard voices and saw plots against him that weren't there. He refused to clean himself and died muttering the same thing over and over. He wanted to burn everything and everyone. He was not behaving rationally.
Daenerys is a sane person who wants to sack a city and conquer a kingdom. 10,000 civilian deaths is unfortunate, but not unreasonable. Are we going to pretend that innocent people don't die during conquests?
Executing the Tarlies was not a sign of insanity either. She was willing to send the Tarlies to the Wall to take the black but Randyll rejected her authority and chose death. That's on him.
Was executing slavers back in Essos suppose to be a tragedy? She made slaving a capital offense. Slavers wanted to keep slaving. They paid the price. Just like that brother of the Night's Watch who fled the Wall had to pay the price. Desertion was a capital offense. Ned wasn't "mad" for executing him.
Has Daenerys shown signs of paranoia? Well, she fears what could happen if Jon's secret is revealed. But then we see Tyrion and Varys (our sanest and cleverest characters) come to the same conclusion a few scenes later.
She's also suspicious of Sansa. But then we see that Sansa is actually scheming for Northern Independence and actively leaking information that could hurt Daenerys. So she should be suspicious of Sansa, shouldn't she?
She suspects that her advisers, Varys and Tyrion, have divided allegiances, but again ... they do. Tyrion's in love with Sansa, still loves his brother, and has already lied to her. Varys is serving "the Realm" (which really translates to "whatever Varys thinks is best at any given moment").
If this is a depiction of someone becoming paranoid, why are the person's fears all justified?
>psycho bitch dany
>caved on every single advice from everyone
>tyrion's advice especially caused her repeated disasters while everyone vouched for him
She would've been Queen already if she would've been a bitch. Pity.
Dany pussywhips Jon based on her temper tantrums, Varys would whip Jon into making decisions that are actually good for the realm
>Why not? They were doing it before.
their spiritual leader was dead and their place of worship gone, their revolt had failed, look up real historical religious revolts like the munster rebellion
>varys has shit logic.
How so? He thinks he'll be able to advise Jon way more easily than Dany, perfect logic. Plus he's more temperate, he has the loyalty of the North and he is male.
>So he was trying to make someone he had literally never met king?
he wasn't trying to make him king, he was gathering information
Which is why Sneedposting was a thing for longer than a week, because Redditors have no clue what humour is.
>He heard voices and saw plots against him that weren't there
That was Bran
>Dude, Tyrion's plan makes a lot of sense, if she comes in and slaughters thousands of innocents they will all blame her. If she besieges the place and starves them out they will all turn on Cersei who they will see as the one at fault for not surrendering her power to save them.
Why not head for King's Landing in the first place, then? You know, before Cersei can gather what is apparently every civilian in Westeros within the walls of the Red Keep? Fly to King's Landing, set the Red Keep on fire. Cersei dies along with her closest advisors, maybe a few dozen soldiers.
>It's not about morality for Tyrion as it's about not having revolts on their hands
Were there major revolts after Tywin and Robert slaughtered/raped most of King's Landing's population?
>Daenerys is a sane person who wants to sack a city and conquer a kingdom.
Do you even read the garbage you type? There's nothing sane about saying you care about common folk and then explicitly saying you're going to slaughter anyone who stands in the way of the throne you feel owed to simply because of your last name. She wants to break le wheel but also wants absolute power even after she learns that Jon has a way better claim to the throne. She burnt alive prisoners of war for no reason other than to terrorize the Lannister army which is worse than fucking soviets or nazis treated their pows at times.
>Why not head for King's Landing in the first place, then?
She couldn't even make it to Dragonstone without losing one of her dragons you utter retard, if she tried flying directly to the red keep they'd both die and she'd fall to her death too.
>their spiritual leader was dead and their place of worship gone, their revolt had failed, look up real historical religious revolts like the munster rebellion
So if they won't rebel after their spiritual leader and place of worship is gone why would they rebel after Dany takes KL?
>How so? He thinks he'll be able to advise Jon way more easily than Dany, perfect logic. Plus he's more temperate, he has the loyalty of the North and he is male.
is he trying to make a puppet king or thinks Jon would be a better king in general? I thought it was the latter based off his dialogue.
>he wasn't trying to make him king, he was gathering information
Yes he was. He stated his intentions when he meets Dany, that he was always working against Robert in favor of the Targs because he thought they were better.
Of course this makes no sense whatsoever given his earlier actions, and is because they ran out of book material and cut Aegon.
The fire bombing of Tokyo killed more than the atom bombs, and no they didn’t kill millions.
/r/asoiaf has much more quality discussion than Yea Forums and very good knowledge about the books, they are not normies definitely. The only thing is that both boards have much more sympathy for Daenerys after episode 4. Dany is probably the last three dimensional character in the show, with her internal struggle and loneliness, maybe Jaimie also, we'll se what direction he will take in EP5... The rest are just paper one dimensional characters destroyed by D&D, every single one even the smartest one like Varys and Tyrion are behaving like idiots.
after all this years
>kills a bunch of the rich elites and the church, some peasants caught in the blast
>dragon fire nuking the entire city, burning everyone alive, and likely setting off the hundreds/thousands of barrels of wildfire still under the city
Everything is sane about it. Read book u fucking retard, and stop comparing our world to GRRM world. Targaryens are conquerers, and in war people are dying. If Dany is not sane, the Tywin Lannister is also not sane for example. u fucking brainlet retard.
>some peasants
the place was completely packed, it was hardly just rich elites. if anything it was more peasants than elites because peasants made up the faith militant. not to mention its not just "some church" it's -the- church, it's their equivalent to the Vatican. so yeah, blowing that shit up is comparable to burning the city.
If it was necessary for America to nuke Japan twice to end the war, why is it a problem to do the fantasy equivalent of nuking Kings Landing with a dragon to stop the prolongation of the war?
>blowing up a building is the same as blowing up an entire city
>b-but its a big building
because nuking japan was to force them to surrender and fuck off
Dany wants to rule the land with an iron fist while pretending to be "LE BREAKER OF CHAINS"
Its weird to try pass yourself off as the savior of the smallfolk while you're burning thousands of them alive
blowing up the religious capital of half the continent is comparable yes.
why do we hate reddit again?
Danny really shouldn't have listened to her advisers though, if she had just turned up and started burning, the war would be over, Cersei wouldn't have dragon-killing super-snipers everywhere and a bunch of fuckwits in King's Landing who should probably be facing famine anyway since they've spent the entire show destroying farmlands and no-one's stockpiled food to last the winter (not that that's going to be remembered ever).
Asoiaf sub and book readers in general hate Dany.
Because it literally wasn't necessary with Japan just weeks from capitulating to Russia, and we only nuked them so we could take credit for the defeat and propagandize the new super weapon we subsequently realized was actually a little too dangerous as we continued to perfect it.
The entire Jon vs Dany drama is and will always be retarded. Them being married is a win-win for everyone. Even Aegon in the books wants to marry Dany because it makes his claim stronger to those that would doubt it.
And I doubt everybody is just going to take Jon's word from some random papers found in the Citadel by his friend and his omniscent brother at face-value. Not to mention even if they did he swore himself to the Night's Watch, abandoning all birthright. Do they expect every Southerner to just believe Jon resurrected?
Redditors are very close minded and refuse to acknowledge moral systems beyond modern progressive ones. They are the very thing they claim to hate (old people who spent their teenage to young adult years close mindedly accepting conservative politics).
I really don’t understand why people still browse the main pages of that place. Parts of it are good, but it’s a giant shit show.
lmao true
tyrion was written into a retard past season 5
winter is canceled because the night drumph is dead
I browse it for news updates tbqh. even if the community were better it would be shit for discussion though, the comment layout is so annoying to read through.
I think they expect them to just not care about Night's Watch vows, or the legitimacy of his claim for that matter, it isn't like Cersei actually has any claim to the throne she's on either.
yeah but if they expect them not to care about claim at all why does jon being rhaegar's secret son even matter?
A lot of simps would. But those are everywhere and Yea Forums is not bonded by the same rigid shame-based moral code that Reddit is. I say this as a person who is much more comfortable speaking my mind here than over there.
Simps are worse than incels. That is a very hard group of people to beat, but they did.
A simp is always a weak minded thirsty beta who values sex above everything and will opportunistically try their hardest to signal in feeble attempts to get laid; to the point where they abandon logical/moral thought.
Reddit is filled with them. Places like Yea Forums (the male feminists), /fit/ (the guys who lift solely to please women instead of doing anything productive) and other places will always have them.
Ignore them.
What other evil, exactly? Because afaik, no one else vying for the throne at that time was a psychopathic, narcissiatic sadist who just did whatever he wanted and wouldn't listen to anyone.
Plus, your "argument" has no facts to back it up and you instead resorted to childish name calling because your feelings are hurt. Basically the same thing as a five year old calling someine a "poopiehead" because they like superman more than batman or some such idiocy.
Reddit is good for niche subreddits. Only page I frequent is the one dedicated to flashlights. Anything outside of shit like that is hot garbage and feels like I'm reading tublr posts (NO WRONG THINK PLS)
It doesn't really, convince some people currently in his camp that he should go for the whole 7 rather than just being king in da norf, rains on dragon slut and her "it's my birthright and destiny" parade.
The way the news is presented is iffy sometimes, but it keeps me on my toes. Whenever I see a headline thats framed in a way that is clearly biased I’m able to rationalize what it could be as objectively as possible
yeah that's what I'm saying they make this huge deal about Jon's birthright twist and claim but none of it even matters anyone.
i just look for headlines, big news of things that happened, interviews with devs I like, patch notes for games, announcements about whatever media etc. not like actual reporting of serious stories.
I unironically lurk the “quarantined” ones (redpill, mgtow, braincels, etc) and notice that the only reason they are banned is due to the fact that they speak uncomfortable truths that the close minded masses will never acknowledge.
Even if their interpretation of the truth is not something I agree with; nobody should ever, under any circumstances, suppress the truth. It is always ugly when it comes bursting out.
Show watchers don't understand the entire point to Dany's character. She is an excellent conqueror but an absolutely shitty ruler who doesn't understand her own people beyond "Their bodies can be right in front of me". The reason why Tyrion and the other counsel fails time and time again is because they are trying to run the army of a conqueror as if it is the army of the rightful heir of Westboros.
What do they think the significance of Dany saying "All men must die, but we are not men" mean? She is clearly telling Missandei (one of the few people she actually respects) that other people are tools to die for her.
True, like they just beat the apocalypse and all she can think about is the stupid chair. This show will not let anyone sit back and reflect on what happened and how they handle things from there on out. Nope it's just "lol k that's done now how do I get my chair"
>emcel rage
>shoots up kings landing
German peasant revolt when?
>They are the very thing they claim to hate (old people who spent their teenage to young adult years close mindedly accepting conservative politics).
Based. Every first world millennial should read this reply. They pretend to be superior to Boomers when they are just a SJW colored version of them.
Joffrey was an ass but he was still the king, and war wasn't helping Westeros
A superiority complex implies you think you're superior in general. That isn't equivalent just to knowing you're superior to faggots on reddit.
God I wish. But they couldn't pull it off. There's no time but to finish the plot threads they already started
Nope, it’s always been Dany since S1E1
That goes for every major site on the Internet. It's the niche parts that are decent to engage with, whilst the big ones are mostly swimming in shit
go call someone a faggot or nigger on reddit then come back and say that *dabs on your nigger dumb ass faggot ass nigger nigger*
>Dany was an evil dictator analogy all along
>Things are from her point of view, and not antagonistically
>Everyone who followed her (especially her fans) is analogical of everyone following dictators
Based and redpilled
>Not to mention even if they did he swore himself to the Night's Watch, abandoning all birthright.
nigga he wants to be king not president of the beaurocracy club. Nobody cares about that
>neutral opinion of problem child 2
some of you are cool, don't go to king's landing on sunday
She blew up the fucking vatican and the populist religious leader of the majority of the population of westeros
are you claiming russia defeated japan? when someone sucker punches you and you spend a lot of effort kicking their ass you don't let them slink away and pay off your rival
>Jon bows down to everything the mad queen says
I call BS on that. The only reason he even knows about Jon being Rhaegar's son is because Jon refused to listen to Dany and told Sansa. Meanwhile Dany spent valuable time and resources to help Jon when she probably could've steamrolled over Cersei last season instead of putting up with that stupid truce. He's way more stubborn than she is.
>isn't completely stubborn
Jon is one of the stubbornest jackasses on the show. Once he makes a decision he tends to stick to it regardless of if he bothered to get council or people try to advise him otherwise after. When he let wildlings past the Wall, he never properly explained himself. When he let the Karstarks and the Umbers walk away from the Battle of the Bastards with no repercussions, he did that against the advisors. When he decided to bend the knee to Daenerys he made that decision without any counsel and everyone in the North found out after the fact.
>no fundamental difference
Not so sure about that.
Reddit Top Films of 2019:
Yea Forums's Top Films of 2019:
>some of you are cool, don't go to king's landing on sunday
Reported to gold cloaks
Tv doesn’t actively censor or use shame to nearly the same degree as Reddit does
Not only that, the concept of “wrong think” is completely alien to all the boards on Yea Forums. You could literally advocate socialism and gay rights on /pol/ and you won’t be insta-banned
Don’t make me laugh
>prisoners of war for no reason
She gave an ultimatum to all of the prisoners to bend the knee or die. Instead of killing all of those who refused to do so, she killed two commanders who remained defiant. The result was the rest that objected to her authority, knelt. How is that insane?
>kills a bunch of the rich elites and the church, some peasants
Honestly it makes no sense for any of the nobility who aren't Lannisters to support Cersei after that. Everyone should despise her
>dragon fire nuking the entire city
Daenerys only needs to burn the Red Keep, and honestly there probably would've been far less casualties if she'd decided to do that in Season 7, but she decided to listen to her ungrateful advisors
>jeoffrey was the lesser of the evils
If he'd supported Ned in Season 1, Stannis would've been King
>lol who cares about peasants dying? it's medieval times!
fundamentally reddit, i agree.
now leave.
bobbyposting came about specifically to combat shipping redditors
you guys are projecting. that post makes some good points.
He's not wrong. Dany was always intended to be mad but that doesn't mean the writers aren't doing a shit job of it, like everything else.
is it just me or does it seem like d&d and grum are rushing to finish got just to get it over with and cut their losses before the franchise goes into a full free fall? i just dont see grums fat ass finishing the books past wow at this point
Sneed is wubalubadubdub for Yea Forums
>normies cheered when she was dany yas kweening the sand nigger slavers to death
>with an army of sand nigger slaves she stole
>audience yas kweened when she established an apartheid in Meereen
>suddenly question about the moral implications now that white people will die
I'm surprised none of you tried to meme dany as a white supremacist.
Danny is an esoteric Jew, as are the Targs.
>dumbass can't comprehend that dany has the medieval equivalent of a nuclear bomb and the temperament to liberally make use of it
The whole reason Varys is against Dany isn't because he can't bear the thought of some peasants dying, it's because Dany is an arrogant, impetuous retard who would take things too far and doom everyone to another two decades of war. It's not about how many peasants get killed, it's about how she does it. Peasants starving to death in a siege is an unfortunate consequence of war that can be blamed on Cersei for not surrendering. Drogon lighting up King's Landing is a deliberate and wanton slaughter. It doesn't matter if the death toll is the exact same, or even if the former eclipses the latter. The two scenarios would have completely different political ramifications.
Joffrey was a complete retard who never had any power or effect on anything outside killing Ned. Other than that one fuck up, he was perfect for Varys, because he could be easily controlled. Also bear in mind that Joffrey had hardly been the king for long when that happened, and he didn't last long any way. He also did nothing to stop him from being assassinated. Varys wasn't also trying to actively get Joffrey on the throne like he's been doing with Dany. You can't really compare support a claimant with trying to dispose an incumbent, they're completely different animals.
The fuck are you talking about? It's more popular than ever. I can't get away from this shit, it's like the most normie thing to talk about.
Pretty far cry from ten years ago when it was something that only avid fantasy nerds had heard of.
Yeah, it's funny seeing all the posts going "b..b..but she has a right to be angry!".
Do you know what show this is supposed to be? There is no right and wrong, just people with conflicting interests, acting in complex thematic ways.
I don't watch Game of Thrones but this had better happen to Dolores in the next season of Westworld. Need more of this fine pink Himalayan salt in my life.
>Medieval people didn't have morality
>once upon a time these threads would have just been bombarded with fuck off newfag and >posting shittid on Yea Forums
>now people talk openly
This place is dead
>Roasties actually think Tyrion doesn't care for the common people just because he fucks whores and is rich
t. newfag
I feel so based when im around people as based (formerly racist) redditors immigrants like myself
I read a story on there about how some kid was threatened with expulsion and arrest for quoting a meme that some girl overheard and reported as sexual harassment.
That is literally something they should consider boomer-tier puritanism but they've all been radicalized for years, so they only think in terms of bad targets and not bad tactics.
It's doubly ironic because this is all a continuation of the libertarian left that arose in the Bush-era who should've abhorred that practice.