Why does modern media have such an aversion to simple, classic fantasy aesthetics?

Why does modern media have such an aversion to simple, classic fantasy aesthetics?

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Because it has largely been exhausted, you fat fucking loser piece of shit incel

Because for some reason Hollywood is positively terrible when it comes to fantasy

Everything is about postmodernist deconstruction. Fantasy stories like Martin's. Sci fi. Crime dramas. Even capeshit. Archetechture of buildings. Paintings in museums.

You can't just tell a simple story. It has to be subverting everything that came before it and tell some kind of meta narrative critiquing the past by picking it apart.

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It would be very expensive to make up or render all those lizardman mooks when you can just have yet more cheap prosthetic zombie/Not-Orc mooks that the industry has mastered and can churn out probably 100 for each lizard suit.

Fantasy still has a reputation for being cheesy and poor quality 80s style kids flicks despite LOTR and GoT. Audience just don't show up reliably enough to justify the expensive productions.

Even WoW floppd and it has an in built audience.

We need Conan more than ever

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Watch Anime

Recreating the previously valued works of art (i.e. the Force Awakens) is a very lazy way to (sentimentally) excite the audience.

Sword and sandal titles have come and passed, never to return.

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It may be lazy to you but it is what sells.

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And where does the finger point (((solely))) at?

I want to watch a whole series that's on the scale of the Prancing Pony part of LOTR. A journey through muddy towns and dusty inns, facing bandits and trouble, seeking treasure and glory. No epic battles or world shattering magics, just a simple adventure.

cheese makers

But if anything.movies have a problem with repeating past successes over and over again. Hollywood is not too subversive, it's too safe and not self critical enough.

This is just fucking sad...

That's largely because writers are all trying to be new and refreshing. They want to do a twist on whatever inspired them and are afraid of being derivative. The result of this race to be different is that we've come full circle and as an audience we are sick of looking for the next twist or subversion and just want a classic, well-told tale that will make us think or feel something.

Peoples in charge have notime for creativity and imagination, the ywant results, they want something that works even if it's a boring pile of turds

Name a single movie that has ever had accurate medieval costume and set design, dipshit.

>It needs to look like GoT

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Everything is overexposed and everyone is bored with it. The best thing about older fantasy is that everything wasn't an over exaggerated caricature for the most part, a skeleton was sufficiently cool and something you could even be afraid of. Now there's nothing left to do but make superficial "my dark elves are native americans that ride raptors" type donut steel tweaks and self-insert fodder for hot topic kids. The creative slate is covered in garbage and we're very far removed from the natural world that gave much of it it's substance and feeling in the first place. In many ways we've been stuck in the fantasy world for far too long.

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>Because it has largely been exhausted
This has to actually happen for this claim to be made, dipshit.

OP, I feel the same. This is why, as much as I don't care about the original animated movie, the live action Aladdin looks amazing visually. I want fantasy and to be transported. I want opulence and color. If I want gritty reality I'll go outside!!!FACT!!!

Also, this is why I LOVED Aquaman!!!FACT!!!

You make an excellent point about being so far removed from the natural world. I can't empathize with true, bitter cold, or starvation, or butchering meat, or the smell of death. All I've ever experienced is comfort and my whims met instantly.

Maybe that's why medieval fantasy has seen such a popular resurgence.

There's a great deal we take for granted and frankly, don't understand. Music for example is a lot more relevant in the older stories both for man and monster alike, something that has increasingly faded for us now that we can fill the air with noise at a whim. I think this a big part of why deconstructionists are seldom capable of making anything remotely interesting themselves.