What's Disneys problem?

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It can’t be bargained with. It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

The end of cinema.

Another franchise about to go to shit!

>Avatar was almost 10 years ago
>plan to release a sequel every other year

so the 20's will be hell on earth

When is WW3 going to start?

>TFW Star Wars will last that far into the next decade. Also, AVATAR!!!

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There was never hope for Avatar.
There wasn't enough story for one movie.
3D was the gimmick for its success and will not draw a scound time.

>It can’t be bargained with

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Is this a joke? After Skywalker the star wars hype will be dead


Why does he love bargaining so much? Is it because he's a Brit?

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Lmfao avatar has always been shit

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Nufags don't give a fuck about old characters. They just like star wars because other nufags like it and they want to fit in.

it's the most dogshit cgi film of all time
you're about 10 years too late

KOTOR era will be fucked up big time


W-where's Alita 2...

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I've come to bargain... Make a world without blacks and Mexicans. Then we'll part ways in peace.

You underestimate how willing people are to eat pure shit if they're told to. Even with all the outrage after Last Jedi and the failure of Solo people are still hyped for the next one. Even if they don't want to admit it themselves. They'll go see it and at worst think it's OK until a few months later when the DVD release and all the reviews come out at which point they'll complain about it and the cycle will repeat

i thought based cameron was the only one who could stop disney

Not 1 (one) of these flicks will pass Endgame

Avatar is under Disney? Has that always been the case?

no john you are the disney

Skywalker will make 3 billion in 2 weeks


no, its happened since disney bought fox studios.

All fox has left really is its news department.

It won't because Star Wars isn't as popular as Marvel, not since Solo flopped anyway, but it's still probably going to make over a billion

At least we have Sonic

Why must us DChads suffer like this?

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you're being fucking retarded and acting like cameron wasn't already fucking making that many sequels

Aquafag will be pushed back to February

Because WB is run by the mentally challenged.

they're creatively bankrupt, all they know and do are remakes / remasters / reboots /sequels of old shit

well fuck. it doesnt even matter now that Endgame beats Avatar. theyre both under the same company now. Disney has truly taken over.

Asking as a non capeshit connoisseur, how did Marvel mog DC so hard? Just looking at the lineups of actual heroes, it seems like the opposite should be true.

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So no one but Disney is allowed to touch the Christmas release window. Fucking hell, that's depressing.

Star Wars is more popular than marvel

Christ, fuck Iger

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Warner Bros has been a total mess for decades and all their good movies have been made in spite of the clueless people in charge of making the decisions.

Don't they have a big movie on December of 2020? Why would Disney cut their profits by putting two big blockbusters in the same month?

You don't actually believe this right?

I only watched camrips of solo and tlj . I am not watching another one made by these fuckers.

I didn't even watch Last Jedi yet lol

It was.
Long ago, in a galaxy far far away...

Who the fuck wants to watch star wars anymore?

where it belongs in our hearts

You only need the one Alita. It would be a mistake to adapt Last Order.


normies don't care enough to mention her because her movie was actually good

>popular things = not good
>unpopular things = good

>someone who has more than a passing knowledge in his hobby of choice doesn't like what the stupid masses like

Fucking kill yourselves you worthless pieces of shit and go back to your cesspool of /alita/. She's fucking cringey and a literal childs body. The movie was shit. Your generals have little to no content per post. Super high reply ratio to poster and you all report anyone who calls you out or uses slurs against you.

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What happened to all that fewer Star Wars movies because of fatigue shit they were talking last month? That didn’t last long.

Original plan was to make 2-3 Star Wars movies a year like th MCU does.
1 every 2 years is a step back.

>my only criteria for liking something is whether or not many people like it.
Truly a connoisseur and a scholar. Tip o' the hat to you, m'lord.

What the fuck? Disney own Avatar?


When they say 2022 why do I imagine that as being 5-7 years away

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do you live under a fucking rock
here's an official Disney website, knock yourself out

>Laughing all the way to the bank

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He's a semantics using Alita faggot. Go on their general they're ALL like this. They all use semantics day and night and extend replies until the other is exhausted.

Really it all depends on 9. I predict a lot of the die hard fans like me are not going to see it opening weekend and are going to wait to see how much it backpedals from TLJ. TLJ mocked fans in the movie and the media mocked fans for being offended by it. There are thousands of videos explaining this, let’s see if they got the message. Everyone’s expectations are low anyway.

because you deserve to be bullied

I'm just hyped to see the failure. I've gotten more enjoyment ripping on these terrible films than I probably would've if they just made semi-decent sequels.

>without blacks and Mexicans
without all spics (from central and southamerica too) and we'll a deal

soooo shared universe then

that would as odd and infuriating as everything else so far

>DC fags can't jump ship to root for Avatar now that Disney owns it


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a fucking big shame if they decided to adapt it

I'm not gonna any of those movies.

After I watched TFA awakens I knew it was shit, and I never even pirated the 2nd I don't care.

Fuck Disney.

>Your generals have little to no content per post. Super high reply ratio to poster and you all report anyone who calls you out or uses slurs against you.
and it's different to any other general bcause...

Disney owns Avatar? Since when? Jim sold out to the white slavers?

Avatar was 10 years ago
James Cameron is forever

Remember when Disney made pretty little cartoon movies for everyone to enjoy?

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since Disney bought Fox


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Disney owns Avatar too?

I hope they all bomb.

>why does a billion dollar multinational company like to make lots of money on a regular basis

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>"Avatar 2 will beat Endgame and kill the mouse, just wait"
>"I hope they all bomb"


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The original plan was 1 per year. Alternating years for trilogy and one-offs. So far they've stuck to that.

*record scratch*
hol up
>a literal childs body
almost got me til here
turns out alita is

I hate Avatar, Capeshit and Fag Wars, I also hope they all fail
Yea Forums is not one person

When I see 2027, I imagine my great-great grandchildren's funerals.


Disney owns 20th Century Fox and all of their movies now.

Then post your non-existent source.


..... that Emma Stone Cruella de Vill movie


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Gave me a kek

I guess this confirms Aquaman 2 will flop and have bad reviews

for what? he didn't try hard enough to destroy star wars he pussied out

>Avatar 2027
The prophecy continues. Avatar will lead us to Zion.

DC movies were designed for adults, and they are bad.
MCU was made for kids and the movies are mediocre.

It formerly was.