thank you based mother
Thank you based mother
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yikes,Liberal whites are so cringe worthy.
Fucking pleb
Imagine even entertaining the though of dating a white woman
>sansa's strength has nothing to do with everything she endured
>rough society doesn't make you stronger
Just how delusional are these retards?
Twitter will be the doom of western civilization
>people can't be made stronger through suffering
No wonder this people want an idyllic wonderland that will never exist. Any pain seems to only have a negative impact to them.
What the fuck were the writers thinking? "Being raped made me who I am!"
Fuck off with this shit.
It's a pretty common trope. I'm surprised they'd actually risk it though.
How is it not true?
Game of Thrones has always been about harsh truths. Despite its fantasy setting life and people are cruel and duplicitous. Sansa trying to put a positive spin on her traumatic life shows she is a strong woman. Everything that doesn’t break you can only make you stronger. Look what she has been doing, undermining a queen to try and make her cousin king.
>The #littlebird Always was X-men Day of Future Past: The Dark Phoenix™
would you have prefer she stayed a mentally broken mess that didn't recover?
The hyper-liberal attitude is the downfall of Western Civilization, and ironically, it was already predicted decades ago.
>you don't actually have to do anything hard in order to become strong
>the world just owes you its surrender because you're special
>you don't have to prove anything to anyone to earn their respect
seriously, unless you're rich if you have this attitude people will just avoid you as soon as possible.
>raping makes wahmen stronger
time to go do wahmen a service and start raping them
... but being raped surely makes you who you are, since it changes you.
Who ever said that the person sansa is now is even strong? Maybe she would've been so much stronger if she weren't exposed to all the hardship. Look at Catelyn, she wasn't raped, and she turned out super strong also.
Pretty sure Sansa's 8 season journey involved more than just being raped.
have you met a raped girl? pretty much everything they do has some underlying relation to the rape, in fact theyre usually begging to tell you about it
>Biology is nothing, everything you are is environmental and personal experience
>Your environmental and personal experience of extreme trauma doesn't have anything to do with you changing, you had it in you all along
she's such a cunt. Womyn have been calling themselves strong "survivors" for years.
>What the fuck were the writers thinking?
Only one way to find out
The quote from the show directly states against this.
Jessica Chastain is nothing but a sexdoll mommy fetish. Fucking retard.
Bad experiences make people stronger
>what doesn't kill me makes me stronger
People are just braindead and ready to get angry that wahmen are being disrespected
She became politically savvy thanks to dealing with Littlefinger, the Vale lords, Cersei, and the Boltons. Going against Daenerys was a tough decision (treason) and she probably wouldn't have dared to try if she didn't go through all of that.
Sansa has been through far more than rape. I mean shit, try watching the last seven seasons and just count how many "how could I be so dumb" moments Sansa has ended up in. By now she knows perfectly well that nice words don't mean anything and that given the chance anyone ambitious might turn on her at a moments notice. Its just a part of growing up.
I found it more of an odd way to resolve her storyline with the hound. Really? After all that wondering how Sansa/Hound relationship would end up, it ends with Sansa telling Hound that if he saved her she wouldn't have endured the hardships she needed to become strong?
So what, the Hound is like a 'niceguy' or some shit?
every woman should be raped
"Don't stress hound, for you see, being betrayed by a family friend and raped by a man who is practically my brother actually had no effect on me whatsoever."
Anime isn’t real
>I don't need to go to school because I'm already smart
>I'm smart therefore I should study subjects in order to become better at using that gift
>practically my brother
>Being raped made me who I am!
Did she actually say that?
this. so much this.
so this is the power of the ethnostate
in the 21st century, someone who is raped is expected to be a perpetual, broken victim that uses their trauma to get pity points and not someone who integrates the experience to make them mentally stronger wtf i hate game of thrones now
Watch the show.
>She became politically savvy thanks to dealing with Littlefinger, the Vale lords, Cersei, and the Boltons.
Literally the pleb filter for GoT fans.
All Sansa ever did was get used as a pawn for like 6 seasons. That is not the same as being privy to the intricacies of politics and conniving.
Is it believable that her arc has made her less trustworthy and appreciative of how duplicitous people can be? Absolutely. But if you seriously buy that Sansa's experiences have somehow made her a master of intrigue and medieval court, you're a fucking sheep. Literally no different than actually accepting that Arya is the world's great ninja jedi assassin given one year of formal sword training and like a year or two of stick fighting in the dark.
>weak ass beta men would accept this shit instead of telling this dumb cunt to shut the fuck up because men get "raped" by swords, maces, daggers, AND men despite the fact that, unlike bitches, men don't have an orifice that was designed EXACTLY FOR TAKING A PENIS and passing a SHUT UP BITCH or I'll bend you over and spank you like a child
NEVER take this "rape" crybaby shit from a bitch....EVER.
did you?
Trump needs to leave twitter so that site nosedives into obscurity like tumblr.
according to toxic feminism they are.
The hound tells her, "little bird, if you had stayed with me, you would not have been beaten and used."
She replies, "if I had come with you, I would still be a little bird."
Which, affording DnD the barest charity that I can, I figure means that she chose to face terror and harrowing ordeal (getting imprisoned and raped) rather than running away from danger, so that she could make a difference and be a part of important things when the time comes. It's an empowering female moment that doesn't come at the cost of
"owie zowie, you stepped on my balls! Oh nooo my poor little pee pee"
But because audiences are only primed to see empowering female moments in the form of them castrating some dude or group of guys, a moment of inner strength reflecting on the importance of sacrifice and responsibility, is taken as "DURR DAHH I'M GLAD I GOT RAPED BECAUSE I GOT STRONGER BY LEVELING UP FROM HOW MUCH XP IT GAVE ME"
Of course, DnD are retarded enough that it's entirely possible that this is EXACTLY what they meant by it. Who am I to say for sure?
T the last unironic sansafag
>Hardship is not a tool to make character stronger.
Did you miss the most recent episode where Sansa successfully triggered a chain of events where Jon will become the King of Westeros?
>iterally no different than actually accepting that Arya is the world's great ninja jedi assassin given one year of formal sword training and like a year or two of stick fighting in the dark.
You don't realize that the House of Black and White is a religious temple devoted to the god of death. Arya isn't just an assassin, she is a priest of death.
dont like 70% of rape victims love their rapist afterwards?
Citation needed
Almost every story revolves around needing to be broken to become stronger. It's probably true too, my GF has a shitty past and is pretty 'strong' because of it.
>her and her alone
>the story doesn't matter
>all that matters is that the character exists
In the Bible (which was written by God) its closer to 85% iirc
This is why people don't bother trying to write female characters. They're not allowed to have anything bad happen to them and if something bad does happen, their character can't change as a result of it. They're not allowed to face any adversity because that means they aren't already perfect and characters that don't grow are not interesting.
Yes and no. She essentially said that if she didn't go through all the shit she did she would still be a retarded little girl, which is objectively true.
Yea Forums - Twitter Screenshots About /pol/ Stuff
You're always making fun of Brie Larson and the likes, but Jessica Chastain is the dumbest, most virtue-signalling woman in Hollywood. Stars in a movie glorifying torture and thinks she's one to talk morals and ethics.
>Did you miss the most recent episode where Sansa successfully triggered a chain of events where Jon will become the King of Westeros?
What does that have to do with my point about the plausibility of her character development?
> Arya isn't just an assassin, she is a priest of death.
Uh huh. My point stands. How are her current abilities plausible given the actual training she underwent?
god she looks/looked so GOOD
Have fun spending the rest of your days on twitter virtue signaling granny.
I'm sure Sophie Turner loooooves that her X-Men co-star is shitting on the show that made her und is using her to gain twitter-warrior points.
just one of hundred (if not thousands) of articles.
doesnt surprise me in the slightest. girls love dominance.
Of course only girls who like to talk about their rape would tell you about it, so your point is really incredibly stupid. You don't know the girls who don't like to talk about it because...guess what, they don't talk about because it.
Painfully obvious you have no idea what you're talking about. No guy who has any experience dating a woman who has been sexually assaulted would say it wasn't a central part of the relationship.
>make believe
>mixing fictional characters from an upcoming movie you are in
OH boy
Then what the fuck was the point of this performance? (Sorry no webm)
Unless they literally don't talk about it in which case you wouldn't know jack shit. Stupid cunt.
>Of course only girls who like to talk about their rape
Men or women, why would they "like" to talk about it? Nobody likes talking about a trauma but it's something one need to do to overcome it.
I switched to Latinas long ago and never looked back my nigs
based and woke post
Yeah, buddy.
You just keep believing that you can be intimately involved with someone emotionally and physically and think that major sexual trauma is something that's not going to make its way to the surface, regardless of their desire to open up about it. It almost always becomes a thing, but again, you don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about.
Fucking virgins, I swear.
No Larry
I don't get it, so these women are basically saying they should stay weak willed after traumatic events instead of growing from it? That's a shitty message
What a weak bitch. Good thing she is not in charge of the writting. Im glad my waifu Sansa will still be based and keep dabbing on the tombs of Targaryens.
Basically /thread
>Having tough experiences make you stronger in a way or another
I dont get why people got so angry
Unless they don't. People also repress and ignore trauma.
Maybe stop fucking sloppy second whores then onions boy.
They read it as a personal attack on them since they haven't been through equally horrible experience yet see themselves as strong as well. Some of course see people as possession innate strength and that if you manage to come out strong after a trauma it must have meant that you were as strong before the trauma.
They basically get angry because they want to see themselves as strong because of reasons.
it's fiction
People's reactions to fiction isn't fiction.
Is this idiot so stupid she can't even understand the terrible writing of D&D
>a traumatic experience made me stronger
they're glorifying rape!
Yeah, it's nothing.
Bro you’re actually on to something Every “damaged girl” I’ve met has told me they’ve been raped or how they got sexually assaulted before.
I don’t get it. It’s such an off putting thing to mention especially if you’re trying to get my dick.
Solipsism is a helluva drug.
>rape victim
Incel detected.
Jessica Chastain is such an ugly, insufferable, tranny-looking cunt. What the fuck is her problem, did she get raped when she was 10 or something?
she is a woman, so yes
You're going to need more than one case in one article to support your 70% claim.
>bible was written by god
protestants everyone
Thots rejecting rape fantasy? nah
You'd think if someone were interested in womens issues, they'd be proud of getting the chance to portray a character that gets past trauma like this and is an example to sexual assault survivors that they're not damaged goods and there is still life after their event. You know, I mean, if you actually did give a shit about those issues and weren't just a virtue signaling Hollywood faggot.
She's just shilling for the next capeshit movie they are in.
>the show and the character herself are wrong because I said so
I assume "strong" is shorthand for "strong, independent woman who don't need no man"
lol, its a tv show you fucking whore
The show is not real, lady. Dont get lost in the tv world and come out thinking westeros and Walter wight are real
I dont think getting raped would make a man stronger. Her point is correct but shes still dumb in thinking it matters in a tv show
has she just ruining the whole show with a fucking tweet spoiler?
She's saying that you don't have to be raped to develop into a strong and empathetic leader. Lucky you already had the helmet.
way to undervalue the worth of self introspection and self awareness, dumb cunt
chastain is the anti-thesis of actually empowered women
>overcoming hardships doesn't make me strong
No it isn't, no it absolutly fucking isn't!! Sansa became strong because of all the hardship she had to endure. Remember how at the start of the series she was basically eating joffrey's shit willingly? If she didn't go through all the shit she went through, she would still be the same vapid little girl dreaming of princes you virtue signaling sjw cunt! I am so fucking sick of these people projecting their goddamn agenda on everything and ruining franchise after franchise because the creators try to pander to them instead of focusing on a great cohesive narrative.
t. Buttmad nignog who is is fucking sick and tired of this fucking sjw bullshit.
>The little bird was always a Phoenix
Nothing more authentic than tying shitty promo material into your dumb feminist stance
>Rape is not a tool to make a character stronger
I beg to differ
>just be a victim for life lmao
The issue is entirely the overused cliche trope that you have to be raped in order to become a strong and tough woman. So many 70s, 80s and 90s movie did this. Shit, remember Thelma and Louise?
The hound actor is a great actor BTW.
He is so good.
She's saying you don't have to go through hardships to grow as a character with development in a fictional piece of work. In other words, she wants more Mary Sue