>see female with thin hips
>think about how hard giving birth would be for her
Autistic things think while watching movies
Whenever there is a static long shot I look at the objects on the very side of the frame to see if there is some extremely slow zoom happening or not.
>character goes underwater
>hold breath until they resurface
Did you die here?
Get out Im the only person who does this
>warn the characters on screen when they put themselves into danger by yelling
same wtf
does that mean I'm autistic
I unironically was taking big gasps of air during this scene, was comfy
Poseidon is the best movie to do the underwater test
I do this in real life when I look at women. I've seen some really extreme hiplets out there, it's almost scary.
I did this multiple times during 13th Warrior cave dive scene.
>characters get into car
>see if characters put on their seatbelt
>See attractive female
>Imagine her taking a poop
Every time
>character does something awkward
>pause the video
I do this too, but that's just calling being a good kinosseur
use to do it allote
>cringe scene
>open phone and shitpost
Literally all me
>close eyes
>lower head
>slowly take my hand to my face
>stay still awkwardly for a moment
>continue watching
>character is driving while having a conversation with his passenger
>he constantly takes his eyes off the road for far more than the microsecond people do in reality
Why do this? If I'm driving I barely glance over at a passenger while talking, if at all. It's like you want the audience to anticipate a crash that never happens.
i don't watch movies at all. i just post about movies I've never seen on Yea Forums
>see Asian woman
>imagine how hairy her pussy is
>things think while watching
Man, what's with that frog and only legally retarded people posting it? It's not normal.
What an existence.
hard mode: Clockwork Orange scene
>be manlet
>occasionally look up height of people involved in stuff i watch
I don't watch movies that have colored people as main actors
Every single female character in a movie the first and only thing i see is her tits
>character is dead
>stare at body to catch signs of life (eyes moving, breathing, vein pulsating)
>cool special effect
>zone out and wonder how could they do it
>rewind because I missed a few minutes
>door/furniture/anything moves by itself
>imagine I'm the one behind the door pushing it/sliding the chair with some strings etc.
I thought I was the only one.
I analyze every guys hairlines
>character gets emotional
>imagine myself as the actor to see if i could recreate the facial expressions