Why hasn't there been a show as good or better than the wire??
Why hasn't there been a show as good or better than the wire??
The Sopranos was better but the Wire is close.
As for why a series hasn't been as good as either since I'm assuming quality isn't high on Hollywood's agenda.
People barely could understand the Wire when it released, definitely couldn't now. You want something on that level to be produced now?
eh, i liked it but it was eh
YFW i dont know the rules to chess LOL i stopped the show at that scene pretencious garbage
Yeah, i'm watching the 1st season of The Wire and I just got done watching the episode where DeAngelo teaches the younger kids chess. I was blown away! I had to watch it a couple times to really pick up on it, but did you guys realize that when he was teaching them about the chess pieces, he was really referring to THEM being the pawns! What an amazing metaphor!
It was so deep and meaningful, I am amazed by the deep symbolism of this.
Do the later seasons continue on with masterful symbolism like this? This was truly the pinnacle of storytelling that I have ever seen on a television show, and I think I can confidently say The Wire is the best show ever made without even having seen the entire series.
Also the acting is amazing. Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.
Breaking Bad is way better
>niggers knowing how to play chess
Well this show definitely wasn't based on reality.
>watched entirety of mad men 4 times
>same deal for the Sopranos +2
>try to rewatch the wire but always end up dropping it after season 3
idk man it's just not the same
Money? It's hard to produce a quality show for cable television as there are rules about subject matter that HBO can get around but in turn they have to be careful about what they spend the money on.
This but unironically.
But season 4 is great, why not drop it before 5?
because modern audiences have no patience for novelistic storytelling
they want straight to the head, easy to understand action/porn filled tv that wraps up nicely after each episode and is perfect to discuss on text with friends or faggots online
even in early 2000's when we havent been conditioned to have attention spans of 30 seconds yet nobody watched the wire
It's a pretty good metaphor, pasta aside. Saying that if you play the game long enough you may move up but as long as you work for Avon you can never be the king
what do people here think of The Deuce? it never seems to have threads.
I've been enjoying the shit out of it, literally to the same extent as the Wire, and the quality is very even, and hopefully will remain so given that next is the last season.
>The Sopranos was better but the Wire is close.
I love Breaking Bad but The Wire is on another level.
>D'Angelo says that Avon is the king
>Omar says "you come at the king you best not miss"
>Later Omar tries to kill Avon
>Literally comes at him and misses
>Gets shot
Streaming the wire season 3 @@@
Basedstream com
Come in and shit post boys we watching darkies
It's subtle but effective, amazing tv directing and impactful. Really makes you think
Fuck you ,you Wire-baiter. If a show takes 3 seasons to get "good" is it actually any good? You don't read a book and go, "Well gee, the first 600 pages are all slow, terrible, and "realistic", but it all really ties together once you read all 650 pages". Eat a dick
Mad Men is up there, desu.
Treme was very good, but not Wire tier. Haven't seen The Deuce yet.
Imagine actually watching niggers on tv yikes
Never thought of that actually. The main thing I noticed was that wee-bey was the only one to shoot him in a firefight.
Then watch season 2
If I didn't like Sopranos all that much will I like this?
Short answer is that twitter came out giving retarded libshits a "voice" that they promptly used to ruin any realistic portrayal of any "disadvantaged" group.
>YFW i dont know the rules to chess LOL i
They're fucking backwards project niggers. You think they know anything else than shooting themselves and doing crime?
The shield