How do we stop degeneracy from completely plaguing Hollywood...

How do we stop degeneracy from completely plaguing Hollywood? Realistically what steps can we take to change the world and society for the better?

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oh no a love story that isnt straight in a superhero movie.

The west is finished!!!!!!!

Implying it's not Hollywood spreading degeneracy to the world. Op us a brain let.

remove jews (except Sandler because he's based)

I didn't go to the theater or pay for any movie/tv entertainment since 2009. I'd say if more people did like me, we would have ground to negotiate for better content by now.
But I came to realize that even non-normi, smart people, are dumb fan boys. They think that going to a theater, and complaining after, will have impact. They don't realize that the only metrics that matters for production companies, are the sales. Whatever people's opinion.
So of course, Marvel should do an all out LGBT degenerate film, even a whole trilogy, cause so many people ran to watch the shit they produced for more than 10 years, that they have enough treasury to do what the fuck propaganda they want. Stop paying.

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>He doesnt know Captain Marvel is canonically a dyke


Seriously, that shit. She even had a sperm donor for a baby recently.

Pic related is probably the best thing abut Deadpool 2. Put them in a comedy spinoff with Rain Wilson.

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next up: at least 50% of all actors in Marvel movies have to have a feces eating fetish.
Also lets talk about "Feces Eaters in Magic the Gathering - it is time for more diversity"


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Have sex in your cloaca.

nobody cares for lesbians. both straight men and women LOVE lesbians
homophoby only works towards trans faggots

>Brie's saggy side boob.

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Hollywood has no cajones, the best they can do is pay the LGBT some lip service. The furthest they will ever go is a pair of young, cute lesbians, because it can still be marketed to straight men.

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both of them deserve to die for being fags. but nooooooo love is love amirite lads, time to pardon all those pedophiles

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Never gonna happen. China won’t allow it.

Well okay then


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It's ok to be gay. Get over it.

i hope they don't chicken out and make her Bi , go all the way to gay or fuck off.

It's okay to be pedophile. or zoophile. or incestphile. get over it.

Is that the subtitle of CM2?

based china

>How do we stop degeneracy from completely plaguing Hollywood?
just let it happen, theyll lose the asian audience, china specifically

they really are saggy now. what a shame.

What a disgrace to the church.

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The gay part had nothing to do with the women lmao. What the fuck are these articles

Danai gurira should just ditch all these losers.

What was the gay moment in Endgame?

discord tranny
the anus is not a sex organ
and two women "having sex" are only fooling themselves

that one's objectively wrong, tho

Why does it have to be ugly bottom drawer dykes and not beautiful Cap/Bucky and Spider-Man/Anyone?

This. It’s boring as fuck and not realistic.

What gay moment in endgame are they talking about? I didn’t see one.

We don't. It will destroy itself sooner or later.

Joe russo (played by mark ruffalo) is a gay man in Cap's selfhelp group, right after the time jump

have sex

>Why Marvel's next move may be an LGBT adventure
I wonder "Why"

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THE MCU LGBTBBQ adventure has already begun

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An LGBT movies in the MCU would be so hard to pull of.
No matter what you can do, you can't include everyone and the people you include are not rightly potrait in the view of all those different snowflakes.

have sex

Like capeshit isn't already fucking trash.

idk black panther was super gay and that made money

your hand is also not a sex organ

You'll cry about anything won't you?

this but unironically

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Where did this come from?

1. Stop giving them money
- easy
2. Pray for a tsunami to give southern Cal the douche it needs to clean out L.A. and wipe (((hollywood))) off the map.
- easy, not so effective
3. Burn the place to the ground
- not so easy, effective, not legal
4. Take off and nuke the place from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

I prefer 4.

As far as I'm concerned, they can turn all the major franchises into interracial prolapse porn. It's already shit, so who cares. You should be worried about the diversity hires creeping into important areas, not just entertainment.

I dot with my wife
masturbation is degeneracy and a waste of time

>no gay men but three lesbians

Sounds less pro-gay and more like a porno to me, fuck this.

close but no cigar.

her wife Spider-woman had the kid.

Two sets of the the saddest looking tits and a huge head that just glares all the time, this movie will be killer.

women on women is fine. nobody has nothing against that, even russians and chinese are okay with lesbo stuff

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Why don't you just make a Conservative equivalent of Hollywood?

1) make premarital sex illegal
2) make gay marriage illegal
3) change the culture to make people have more animosity towards gays
4) regulate hollywood

Brokeback mountain came out before lgbt nonsense was cool. That should have never happened. We need to make being gay and supporting gays illegal.

THAt church has a drumset, it's one of those blasphemous nu-churches that sing folk songs about Jesus and the pastor talks about going to Christian rock concerts

You stop watching their movies, you freaking idiot.

>People will be checking out after Endgame, calling it the last Avengers etc
>The general public doesn't want to see a load of uncharismatic diversity heroes taking over previously iconic roles
>We're going to have years of headlines asking "WHY DOESN'T THE GENERAL PUBLIC LIKE WOMEN IN CHARGE!?!"
Stop the world I want to get off

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Stop having so much sex

Why is she so hot bros... It's not fair...

that moment wasn't even on the nose and done tastefully. I don't know why they need to make a big deal out of it and say "Marvel may have an LGBT adventure". Fucking kikes.

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It's gay sex, though, so it doesn't really count.

Two gays bump into each other and get into an altercation where both end up dead. Later in the film, a gay guy bumps into a straight guy and attempts to start an altercation with him, but the straight guy says "wait a minute, I'm straight!" and then chuckles to himself and walks off, leaving the gay guy angry.

people have a healthy, natural animosity against faggots
gay marriage makes no fucking sense, since marriage is just a contract aimed at protect women getting dumped by partners after knocking them up

Conservatism and artistic creativity are not compatible

Why bother stopping it?

There's a 5 second scene Where Cap is having the support group and one of the members says he had a date with another guy. That's it.

I’m so fucking sick of seeing fucking lesbians just because it plays better with demographics. Give me real fag shit or no fag shit at all

If white male protagonists shouldn't stop minorities from enjoying media, why should homosexuals characters stop white straights from enjoying media?
Isn't that what you people say when SJWs complain about too many whites?

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Diversity is our strength

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Some of us want a better society.

You say this on a board where pedophilia is accepted and people indulge in hedonistic fantasies.
Why is chan hilariously paradoxical?

diversity is actually a good thing, but those liberal retards are basically brainless clones parroting the same bullshit

There's literally nothing wrong with gay people.

pedos are natural and okay
lesbians are hot and okay
faggots are degenerate and not okay

Because redditfugee boomers and their ludicrously inconsistent religion based morality.