"Back when I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to reconquer Westeros as its rightful Queen you all laughed at me...

"Back when I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to reconquer Westeros as its rightful Queen you all laughed at me. Well I have to say, you're not laughing now, are you?"

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Other urls found in this thread:


traitorous bastahds

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What was she trying to achieve with that little surrender plea to Cersei? They KNEW it wouldn't work.The whole thing just served to demonstrate how fucked Daenerys is. Her little tiny bunch of Unsullied looked pathetic and they all could've be absolutely ripped apart by those balistae at any moment. On top of that she ensured Misandei's death, which could have otherwise been averted by not going through with this fucking pointless attempt to sue for peace. Guess that was just another little oopsie for Dany though, like the time she forgot about the Iron fleet and her dragon got a 20 foot harpoon through the throat.

There have always been little inconsistencies in the series right from the first season but they're just so fucking glaring at this point.

>wtf, they butchered the Mad Queen arc cos it only took 2 episodes for her to snap!
I get that every season is getting more and more forgettable, but people have been saying Dany has turning nuclear since before the fight with the Lannister army

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All hail the aryan queen

Reminder Sansa is in love with Jon and acting against Dany out of jealousy. All those Ned/Catelyn parallels were no coincidence.They were telling us she was falling in love with him. If you've had read the original script from GRRM you see'd there's a part when Arya figures out she's fallen in love with Jon but their relation eats her inside until she finds out who his parents are. It's kind of the same here, D&D might have copied that for Sansa in the show. Her line "Why her?" almost spells it out for us. We're led to believe she's asking Tyrion why he chose to support Dany. but it's actually: why did Jon fall in love with his aunt but not his cousin?

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>Jon x Salsa sex scene
please be true

>What was she trying to achieve with that little surrender plea to Cersei?
That was the retarded dwarf's idea, not hers




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>Don't go to King's Landing tomorrow.

Fucking assholes

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We need more female shooters.

This is too good for D&D though.

You´re right. My only issue with this interpretation is that it's too good for their minds.

Wasn't it a tranny?

I think that was just a Yea Forums meme, pretty sure she wasn't a tranny.
t. tranny hater

based ROME poster

>why her
maaaaaybe because she has the most elite army in all of westeros
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe because she sacrificed more than a half of her army to save your fucking life
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe because in spite of being a cruel leader at times, she actually cared for the common people
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe because she would prove herself to be a good person if you actually gave her a fucking chance
fuck you sansa you fucking BITCH

No , she was a leftist vegan animal lover.
Youtube were removing her videos.
I still remember how btfo all the MSM were when the one to finally snap at google was her instead of the alt-right neo nazi incel Trump supporter.

I hated Dany before this season but tbqh wanting to burn the Lannisters with fire is not "mad". Any sane person would want to remove those incestuous shitstains

And every episode they lampshade that all of his advice is terrible, yet they keep following it anyways

No, she was a vegan volcel

that wasnt her idea

her biggest mistake is that she's too nice and listens to all her dipshit advisors when in reality she should have done the westeros equivalent of hiroshima from the get go before even thinking about heading up north to help those savages

damn i never thought i'd actually start liking Dany but seeing her mad is a cute...CUTE.
Also tyrion and varys are being retards. there is literally nothing wrong with burning your enemies if they refuse to surrender.

>wants Dany to burn the Lannisters because they're "incestuous shitstains"
user, I...

/Ourgirl/ continues to be manipulated by the dwarf and is now completely friendless
Burn the mall!

Why didn't the "queen" just cast themselves out of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

a-at least the books were good though

"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Based Nigel poster

>lost her only living sibling
>lost her husband
>lost 2 out of 3 of her dragons
>lost her best friend
>lost her most loyal knight cuck
>played a big part in saving westeros from the undead, barely thanked
>lost half her army
>nephewhusbando gives her the cold shoulder and refuses to keep even a secret that not only threatens her claim to the throne BUT ALSO HER LIFE
>trusted advisors plotting against her

Who unironically /teamdany/ now?

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I hate that everyone shits on her for wanting to burn Cersei out of KL but it's absolutely the reasonable course of action. She should have ignored her """advisers""" and done it as soon as she arrived.

I am. She is without a doubt /ourqueen/
She was left friendless and alone at a party and her boyfriend was creeped out by her incest fetish

I liked Dany for much of the same reasons that Tyrion did, she's a girl with that blind and naive but still alluring idealism of youth, of course in real life youth's idealism is just silly because they have no knowledge of the world and they have no real power, but here we have one who's idealistic and also possesses the power to actually change things, with some steering from wiser minds of course; people now seem to be dividing in 2 opposite camps, they either blindly love her "YASS KWEEN!" or just hate her, I feel more a sense of disappointment and melancholy instead, thinking of what could have been, she's truly a tragic character.

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bran is king

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based and, dare I say, Juliapilled

lmao this is stupid

as if common folk would accept a wheelchair King

wait, is this what we call progression???

whats next a black King lmao

>votes on Bran to become King

>lol they're not doing the mad queen arc with only 1 season left shitlord
>they do the mad queen arc with only 2 episodes left
based D&D rushing as fast as they can to the finish line

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Why not someone else? Bran is in no way fit to be king. He's autistic and crippled. Might as well just have the council rule everything instead of a king at this point.

>Arya leaves
What is she even doing right now? She already just left with no clear destiny.

I hurt myself today...to see if I still feel.

Believe it or not people voted for kings in the past. It hasn't a

>you're the king? Well I didn't vote for you!

It hasn't a what user. A WHAT?

Euron sniped that user too, it's too la

Could you name examples? Not being facetious, I'm genuinely curious.

Holy Roman Emperor :^)


Dany stans are the worst. Enjoy your mad queen.

My money is on killing Cersei, because feminism and such

but she plans on not returning

Hopefully fucking off for good.

>Kill Cersei
>Stark victory
>Stark King/Queen
>Become leader of Kings/Queensguard

I thought episode 3 and 4 were horrendously bad. If the leaks are real, the ending will somehow be much worse than the Night King's death.

>What's a moot

It's retarded they nerfed the dragons so hard any ballista can kill them. They should be unkillable because of their hard scales. The only dragon ever killed in history was shot through it's eyes because it's the only soft spot. It completely fucked up the story and now everything she does looks stupid, but basically she can destroy the whole of kings landing if she so pleases. All she does is extending her hand out because she knows if she so chooses she can murder everyone.

>Jon kills Dany
>Bran becomes king

I foresaw this as soon Jon bent the knee.
Bran becoming king..I ain't mad.Better than someone typical like Dany or Jon or Tyrion.

Isn't Bran infertile though?

The people of Westeros legitimately deserve death. Stannis was the rightful king, he went North, and died for it. The Northerners were totally comfortable supporting Ramsay, but are now mistrustful of Dany. Dany helped stop the Night King, but Cersei is the one they support despite her blowing up the Vatican.

Daenerys should have stayed in Essos, rebuilt a Valyria of sorts, and just let Westeros get obliterated. Even now, she should just head back to Essos but not before destroying every castle and army, plundering every bit of wealth, shipping it back to Mereen, and then leaving so Cersei is queen of nothing but the ashes and Westeros almost certainly would have to default on its loan from the Iron Bank.

Nobody said that. If Hawking can manage a kid so can Bran.

But Hawking had modern medicine to help him... how do you even produce a child when you're numb below the waist?

Prostate stimulation.

>being stimulated while mentally viewing pictures of Sansa's beautiful rape to help
He's living the dream.

Jorah was a man ahead of his time

PUNISHED Danerys - a Queen betrayed by her advisors

Why not just kill Daenerys and her posse as they stood there?

Seemed rather odd

He can foresee the future, he'll find a way.

All he has to do is think of the rape, that almost makes him cum, a little bit more stimulation and he's good to go.
Maybe warg into Ramsay.

Unironically this, I have a thing for lost causes when they are really lost.

We already had a black king in Qarth, retard

they turned dany into "mad queen" on a single fucking episode just to fill they bad writing skills

and all incels and two-digit IQ retards are falling to this shit

the series has not been good since the spice merchant

>lost half of her army
Why doesn't she just send a raven to Maario Naharis and requests a fuckload of reinforcements? She still rules over millions of people in Essos.

She's been burning people alive since s01, brainlet.

user Rhaegal and Viserion are under a decade old. Meraxes was fucking 80 years ols when that lucky as fuck dornishman got the eyeball critical.

Out of all of the bullshit in these final two seasons you obsess with the dragons dying? Like you do understand they're essentially a plot device to propel Daenerys on her conquest right?

>lucky as fuck dornishman got the eyeball critical
Not comparable to teleporting cloaked fleets with ultra long range high velocity perfect accuracy target tracking triple shot armor penetrating being fired by finger in bum man.

They foreshadowed this with Euron's finger up the bum schtick.

So what, instead of killing him they force him to stimulate Bran's prostate so he can produce more Stark heirs.

She kinda forgot about that too

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>the doors to the Red Keep are wide open, user

A fitting end for his kind. It's what Theon would have wanted.

>episode shows a long and drawn out battle with Dany's forces slowly being grinded out, with only moderate losses for Cersei
>right at the end Maario shows up with 300 ships transporting a shitton of troops and just human waves everything in minutes similar to the undead in Return of the King

That but with Stannis instead

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>Euron kills Jaime after he kills Cersei
>"eh, at least I get the throne, I'll find some other bitch to be the queen"
>Bran enters the room, gives him the autismstare
>"ever had a finger up your bum?"
>wargs into the Mountain and forces Euron to give him dat stimulation

Margaery does not look great here.

>John takes black
Isn’t nights watch gone now

man she really was turbocucked
I hope she burns everything and rule as an even edgier mad queen

Literally no one but Jon and Sam survived, and there are no WWs anymore. Jon will just chill in the empty castles and fap until the end of his life.

Bran becoming king flies in the face of reason, he has no right to the throne, is now a tard, is crippled, cannot produce heirs etc.

The rest could be true but not this part.

an emperor isn't a king tho

totally can be both
Queen of England + Empress of India
King of Prussia + Emperor of Germany
are two relatively recent examples


Polish lithuanian commonwealth
Anglosaxon England
Visigothic Spain

>Sie haben früher alle gelacht, diese Westerosi. Sie haben das für einen Spaß gehalten. Ja, sie lachen heute nicht mehr. Sie wissen, es ist ein blutiger Ernst geworden.

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Fuck that, am mad.

Hoping for Tyrion to let her loose, to say fuck it, burn the whole shit city down. Since he's been her adviser he's been telling her to "calm down & be patience".

And he would tell her about Varys sneaking ass talking shit about her behind her back would roast him too.


Just turn your brain off bro

it's more than a king as he presides over multiple kingdoms. plus, the Holy Roman Emperor was also at all times a frankish king

They knew it wouldn't work, silly. Daenarys specifically said she wants the people of King's Landing to know this is Cersei's fault that their city will burn because she refused to surrender.

In Anglosaxon England your vote, if you were a land-owner and thus had one, was literally vote for the king or do not vote for the king.

Not sure about the others though.

yeah but he'd need the consent of the lords of the 7 kingdoms. why should they vote for this retard? why not grab the power for themselves?

>you're the president? Well I didn't vote for you!

Please, I'm begging you user, please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease have sex.

>why not grab the power for themselves?
maybe they're nice peoples :)

How is the knowledge of Jon's Targaryen lineage threatens the only other living Targaryen's live?

Robert is literally the best king. Why did a BOAAAAAAR have to end it all? :(

She never burned a man that didn't need burning.

That's what they all say.

Unironically me too. It doesn't really have to do with anything you greentexted, I just have a thing for public figures whose crowd's opinions turn on them even though they never actually broke character. i don't even really like dany but i hope she continues rampaging


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How is the Iron Throne still an institution? Just declare independence lmao

Absolutely not, she's an invader in a land she has no real connection to.

Peasants aren't really versed in declarations that aren't stemmed from the line of succession. Also, what is the Targaryen new motto going to be "FIre and Blood, and pen"

>Jon takes Nights Watch again.

Nights Watch? To protect from what?

If you mean that she has no history of growing up there that that's still unfair

Game of Thrones II Ice is back baby
>jon snow and ghost wink at the camera

you just KNOW

There Must Always Be A Night King, brainlet

Don't be a dick, they could easily become "Metaphorical Fire & Blood." It still sounds, as the kids would say, lit af

Imagine this shit:
>Be Jon Snow
>Fight an extremely hard battle against death itself, the White Walkers
>Your pupper Ghost is also doing his hardest to fight against the undead
>Your pupper gets bruised and battered but he'll live
>Kinda tired of him
>Decide I'll just give him away to that wilding bear fucker
>The same pupper who protected my dead body
>the same pupper who was ALWAYS there for me and fought for me and humanity
>Yeah, I'm just giving him away, he belongs beyond the Wall, whatever

D&D 100% have never even owned a pet. My fucking grandmother cried when one of the stupid fishies in the fish tank died. Just imagine that, it was just a fish that can't even do anything but swim and glub, yet I'm 100% sure she wouldn't give it away.

Now imagine giving away your pupper that's been through hell and back with you... Holy fucking hell.

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Wildling pussy

maybe they'll find that those fictional monsters they came up with to scare children with the stupid names are actually real

Can someone explain to me what made her fall in love with Jon again?

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> "Metaphorical Fire & Blood."
That's kind of the point, isn't it? Who is going to take them seriously if they're ruling by chilling next to King's Landing and not inside the Red Keep. All Cersei has to do is say "I allowed them to exist in MY kingdom" and her being alive to say those words is all the proof anyone would need.

i don't mean this as an argument but that pupper of his was more or less never properly kept, was he? i remember jon always losing track of him and pretty much always wandering off when he isn't needed

Who cares? Out of all the inconsistencies the one you don't buy is a girl falling in love?

>not knowing about the Great Council of 101 AC

I honestly don'r remember what was that moment that sparked the love inside of her towards him. What did he do?

They're setting up a reunion between Jon and Ghost that will make everyone "melt" at the end. It really doesn't matter that it looks retarded to everyone know, because they're bad writers and don't stress consistency as much as they do forcing those end of the Game Of Thrones notes GRRM left.

BS, Sam's family would have bent the knee once the war was over. She ambushed a caravan and expected the remaining forces to treat her like a goddess.

Bent the knee.

Submitted to her will.

Jews tend not to like dogs.

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Pls this. We deserve it for watching still.
Do eeeet

If this is how it turns out, I'll say Sansa just turned into another Cersei. With Jon and Daenerys they were strangers who only found out they were related much after the fact. Sansa and Jon were raised as brother and sister from the day they were born. Even if it turns out they're actually just cousins, if they do push for a Jon Sansa relationship, it'd be creepier than Jon and Daenerys. I used to defend Sansa but after that last episode, I can't deny that she's become a scheming ingrate.
She should've dumped Tyrion and taken Olenna as her hand in Season 7. Tyrion has been useless
>tyrion and varys are being retards
Agreed. Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor, aka the center of religion in Westeros, along with countless nobles and innocents that they seem to care about. Yet Tyrion and Varys keep on advising Daenerys to be lenient, and that Cersei can be reasoned with or that the smallfolk in the city will rebel against her. And Daenerys listens to them, with the only result being her army has been whittled down to a fraction of what it was. Then when she becomes angry at this turn of events and rightly blames them for their shitty advice, they say she's a Mad Queen who doesn't listen to her advisors. And Varys is all but saying that he wants to assassinate her. I hope that backstabbing eunuch finally gets executed for treason. For all his pretense about caring for "the realm", his intrigues have contributed as much to the current political chaos as any else alive.

I'm actually starting to increasingly sympathize with Dany even though I know the Mad Queen angle is approaching. Her advisers have consistently given shit advice and it seems like her Patriots esque victory run totally ended when she landed at Dragonstone. Burning the Red Keep probably was the best option she had from when she landed, now they have to starve out the entire city if they want to win because she only has one severely nerfed dragon left.

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>Sansa and Jon were raised as brother and sister from the day they were born. Even if it turns out they're actually just cousins, if they do push for a Jon Sansa relationship, it'd be creepier than Jon and Daenerys.
I get where you come from. I understand. However, that semi-incest is not something D&D pulled out of their asses, not this time. In the original script GRRM had Jon and Arya falling in love in the same way, as brother and sister, and that question only gets resolved when they find out Lyanna is Jon's mother.

Bran being the King with fucking Bronn on his small council is such a bullshit and stupid ending that I actually believe this leak.


>spend entire show being a psycho tyrant cunt
>be good for a change
>absolutely btfo, used and discarded by everyone
looks like she was right all along

I can't wait to see the reactions when this brat gets blown the fuck out for good.

Make Westeros Great Again

I'm afraid to say she has hit the wall quite hard.

His honesty. Literally Jon's honesty. Meeting Jon was THE worst thing to have ever happened to Dany. At first it was cute because she was acting all tsundere but now look what it cost her? Everything. EVERYTHING.

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>lost her only living sibling
She approved his execution though?

Christ I loved that first season, any tthing like it lads?

I wasn't before this last episode, but after seeing Jon betray her trust even after everything she's done for him and her remaining advisors turn against her as soon as they find out about Jon's secret lineage, how could I not.

Plus as much as they're trying to raise up Jon to be King, everytime we've actually seen him in a leading position where he has to manage other people's expectations, he sucks. He got murdered handling the extremely simple politics of the Night's Watch because he never properly attempted to explain his decision or assuage anyone's concerns. And as King in the North, there's already tensions over his decision to not reward the Houses that supported him nor punish the Karstarks or Umbers, and then his decision to bend the knee. If he can't manage the simple politics of the North, how does anyone expect him to do well on the Iron Throne. Sansa even says that the men in her family don't do well in the South, but then she's pushing for him to become King of all Seven Kingdoms. It doesn't make sense.

And his leadership style is worse than Daenerys. He never really explains his rationale to anyone or consults people before making decisions. He makes them on his own and then expects everyone else to fall in line, and gets stubborn when anyone else objects. For all their complaining about Daenerys not listening to their advice, Jon is far more stubborn and likely to completely blow off advice.

Jon is an absolute shitter, a terrible boyfriend and an even worse dog owner.

They would kill her so Jon doesn't have to compete against her.

>dumping dany

how much of an incel is jon ?

I for one am enjoying the absolute meltdown going on the danysphere right now.

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Yes, let's make Jon king by doing the exact opposite of what he wants. He is sure to reward us with women and riches,


so which one is it?

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People give Sansa shit for spilling Jon's secret but why is no one giving Jon shit for not keeping his mouth shut? He knows that Sansa dislikes Dany, of course she would be itching to spread any information that distances Dany from the throne. Even if Sansa's distrust for Dany is non-sensical, it still gives her a justification for telling the secret. Jon, on the other hand, has nothing to gain from revealing it to anyone.

>tfw used to be hyped, shocked, on edge during any episode of GoT s1-s4..

>tfw not felt any emotion except ''meh'' for several seasons now

I love got but it's so generic now. Almost feels like im forcing myself to watch it.

What was this scene trying to convey?

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Jon's compulsive about honesty. I think there might be a degree of OCD involved because of how he aspires to be like an idealized version of Ned. He even refused to lie about his relationship with Ygritte to the Night's Watch council even though it was completely unnecessary to disclose.

This one makes no sense. Tyrion would never do that.


Didn't they have a scene last season and did a deal?

Both fucking suck though.

Ending A:
>Bran gets voted into being the king even though he seriously can't even be called a human being anymore and there will be a succession crisis when he dies anyway since he won't create any heirs.

Ending B:
>Tyrion fooled you all along. He and Cersei worked together to beat Dany. Tyrion totally forgives for her ALL the stupid bullshit he put her through and only cares about the Lannisters winning.

Holy fuck, we're at the point where no matter which one is true, we fucking lose. How can these hacks suck so much? Ending A is only slightly less worse than A and that's only because Tyrion is wildly out of character in B

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Post source nigga. There's clearly more to it.

So Cercei sent a fucking assassin after Tyrion even though they are working together? No way.

I would be.

She lost pretty much everything at Winterfell. She's also down by two dragons now. Pretty much the only thing she's got left is her rage; and if life has taught me anything, it's that rage by itself is completely useless.

Dany made the mistake of thinking that just because she was a Targaryen, the world was automatically going to instantly capitulate to her, and she could get away with incinerating the few people who didn't want to jump on her bandwagon. Cersei might be the prototypical psychotic wine mom, but she's still about to teach Dany that in the end, the proverbial hustle is everything, regardless of whose name you were born with. The world doesn't conquer itself. That's a valuable lesson, and one which Dany's had coming since probably season 5.

There were only seven electors for that
>Tells the remainders of the battle to bend the knee or die
>Some of them refuse, so she picks out the lord who looks like he would hold the most senior rank out of all of them to make an example of
All the while Tyrion was trying to undermine her. Randyll refused to even take the Black before she could even consider that option. Not her fault that his stupid son pretty much volunteered to die as well.

Wish I had it but got this from another thread
I can see it happening desu


D&D are so bad at making her look bad that I ended up hating everyone around her instead, Bravo

this is fucking KINO

I unironically support this.

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Unwilling to believe this one, just because the poster writes like a fucking faggot

All hail the king of autism.

>le pupper le woof le doggo le ruff woof xD
just say wolf you fucking faggot


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If this is true, I'm going to commit suicide

>because she has the most elite army
Her Unsullied are physically inferior, they rely on tactics, now inexistant, their numbers at perhaps 3,000 or less. Her Dothraki are just a horde of light cavalry, any force of pikemen will disembowel them, any mounted knights do better as cavalry.

Her army is in fact so ineffective and weak, that she wants the entire Northern forces to march with her.
>because she sacrificed more than a half of her army
The Northman fought o their own land and lost just as many.

Her strategic understanding is zero, her Dothraki and Unsullied are mostly dead now, because of her tactical incompetence.
Instead of providing air support she was flying around the NK achieving nothing, you dumb whore.
>she actually cared for the common people
So much so that the slaves she liberated were unemployed and hopeless.
But I guess you don't care about 25% of the population, bourgeoisie and aristocracy, either.

Because of her incompetence and brutality, Astapor and Yunkai openly rebelled, while in the streets the poor men were killing her soldiers.
Slaves were so desperate, they had to return to work to their old masters or become criminals, thieves and tricksters, because the inglorious "soup kitchens" were literally a place where you might get stabbed.

She burned down Astapor, killed the nobles, disrespected local customs and opressed the culture of Meereenese citizens, she burned people who opposed her and crucified innocent masters.
Because of her, the murder rates increased drastically.
"Mhysa is also a master" just demonstrates how she fucked up with the rich and common folk.

As for the economy, she ruined it.
Normally, people would rely on the services of slaves, the goods they produced, then trade with others.
Because of her, this system collapsed, there was nothing, just promises.
>she would prove
>fuck you sansa you fucking BITCH
Sansa is my waifu you disgusting targ, the North will never bend to incestuous foreigners.

that would ACTUALLY be interesting if they turned the kingdoms into a republic

She says exactly what she wants to achieve 5 minutes before that scene. Pay attention you fucking retard

it's not fair bros

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they're trying to create friction between them in the most forced way possible so that he ends up betraying her

Don't compare the Führer, a miltary mind, effective politcian and loyal leader of his fellow people, to a foreign, race-mixing albino slut, with unironically Marxist ideas of socialism and feminism, an army of savages and eunuchs and multiple centuries of incestuos heritage and practices, when she is now turning mad because of a love affair and the death of her personal guard.

Puny degenerates need to die.

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Her ideas have been even worse than her advisers and her plan misguided from the very beginning

In English doc

buit what if the savages are defending a white westeros ?

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>loyal leader

So loyal he destroyed his own country and openly despised German citizens by the end for supposed defeatism

>They have all laughed before, these Westerosi. They thought that was fun. Yes, they laugh no more today. They know, it has become a bloody ernestness.


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Were the bombs that fell on Berlin German?
Were the propaganda flyers distributed by Hitler himself?

Kys petty bourgeois

>Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to King's Landing next sunday.

There's a difference between fighting with likeminded people who want to liberate their homeland from foreign rule vs. coming to a foreign country because "WE BLOODRIDERZ NOW".

>foreign, race-mixing albino slut, with unironically Marxist ideas of socialism and feminism
You're right. That's much better than Hitler

Jesus fucking Christ Melisandre the baddest bitch on the show no question

>h-hey guys I'm ready to settle down and become the queen of the 7 kingdoms now...
No! She had her fun riding the dragon cock carousel and has now hit the wall as all roasties do. Stop being such a cuck.

Your post reeks of a useless college degree and glasses. Go back to Twitter

>he thinks lore matters

more like an incel who gave up

When is Petyr coming back? This is starting to get annoying.

>If this is how it turns out, I'll say Sansa just turned into another Cersei. With Jon and Daenerys they were strangers who only found out they were related much after the fact. Sansa and Jon were raised as brother and sister from the day they were born. Even if it turns out they're actually just cousins, if they do push for a Jon Sansa relationship, it'd be creepier than Jon and Daenerys. I used to defend Sansa but after that last episode, I can't deny that she's become a scheming ingrate.
Who the fuck cares if it's creepy??? That would be lit as fuck and much more complex and interesting than "muh southern girl kept warm" lmfao

>I'm sorry Jon but I don't know anyone at this party, plus I think your sister hates me
>I'm going to go wait on my dragon while you say goodbye, give Ghost a hug for me okay?

The zombie polar bear king.

the scene with incel jon and her was truly distressing to watch

>buying into the autonomous collective

with 3 dragons and her brand new fresh army of thousands, a surprise attack would have crushed cersei within days.
you're right about her being too nice and listening to too many people. too many cooks spoil the broth.
now she has a joke of an army and one dragon, although the one in the sea will come back in the 8th episode

Imagine Jon's grimace as he unloads in Sansa.
"Oof, UGH this - this isn't right sansy"
>shut up and do it harder
"I shouldn't be, I'm, I'm yer bruther sansy"
>yes say that again
"I'm yer bruther, it's wrong"
>oh yes, keep saying it!

>although the one in the sea will come back in the 8th episode


Thank me later


>Daenerys: I should attack King’s Landing immediately!
>Tyrion: No, attack Casterly Rock instead
>Daenerys: Okay, fine
>*Euron destroys the fleet and kills her allies*
>Daenerys: I should kill him before he gets to be a huge problem
>Tyrion: No, doing that won’t help
>Daenerys: Okay, fine
>*Euron kills Rhaegal later on*
>Daenerys: I should kill Cersei before I go North
>Tyrion: No, she’ll help us
>Daenerys: Okay, fine
>*Cersei doesn’t help and Dany loses most of her army*
>Daenerys: I have to save Missandei!
>Tyrion: You should treat with Cersei, she’s clearly proven at keeping her word
>Daenerys: Okay, fine
>*Missandei dies*

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>a grill falls in love with a man because he gets down on his knees and submits
what a dumb fucking fantasy show, at least try to keep it believeable. IRL women want to be dominated, they want to be the ones on their knees being submissive.

Love you nigga

asoiaf forum? I haven't been there in years.

So did Tyrion suffer brain damage while he was in Mereen? I can’t think of the last time he did something clever

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i always was and always will be

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unironcally this. she's based and one of us.

>I'm gonna make them give back our past!

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With ghost Theon and ethereal form Bran watching, smiling, smelling.

>tfw get invited to a party but the guy who invited you just fucks off to socialize with his buddies

He has a penis, he a dumb now.

She should’ve torched the red keep when she first landed in Westeros. I don’t know if it’s bad writing but she should’ve fired Tyrion from the get-go. She has no reason to keep him around. He hasn’t done anything of note since the battle of black water.

He's on team Sansa. He is jerpordising dany on purpose.

She’s like 15 years older than Margery and she still looks better. I wonder if she actually does participate in rituals like the character she portrays.

Dany is /ourgirl/ and I hope she burn them all. Cunts.


the only thing that saves season 6 is the battle of the bastards, but jon should have stayed dead

I want to hug her and tell her to burn them all.

>but i hope she continues rampaging
That’s the thing though she should’ve rampaged the minute she got to Westeros

I saw the mad queen thing coming, but they're making it so rushed and forced that I feel kinda bad for her.

Why is Dany so much cuter when she's mad?

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>military mind
[muffled /his/ laughing in the distance]

This is patently false, I'm a purebred ashkenazi kike and our family has a long history of dog owning and loving.

The ones who do not like dogs are smelly middle eastern brown people, be they dark-skinned Israelis who share neither the culture nor the genetic heritage of what everyone thinks of as "Jews" or Palestinians, who are literally not even human.

The whole point is that she is an evil dictator but you see it from her perspective in a way that makes her a heroic figure. Almost every dictator was a hero to many.

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>King Eddard Targaryen, average of height

It's none. They've used fake news to distract people. If only they put this much effort into good writing.

jews are literally below insects and thus incapable of emotion or love, though. kill yourself.

>San-chan was tsundere to Jon-kun
>San-chan was attracted to being a princess because she wanted targ D because of Jon, but it didn't make sense in her head why she lusted after a man of royal stature and her lust for Jon-kun, a bastard so she was bully to him

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also jon loves redheads, and is a sperg because cute redhead mindfucked him with her tsundre shit

People are acting like the only reason Dany is mad is because she wants to burn the lannisters, and then trying to justify doing so. But she is clearly unhinged, threatening Jon and her closest allies as well as rushing through the invasion recklessly against all common sense and getting people killed.

Where do I find GoT fapfiction?

wot appunz 2 are lad Jaime in the end?

>So did Tyrion suffer brain damage while he was in Mereen? I can’t think of the last time he did something clever
>So did Varys suffer brain damage? I can’t think of the last time he did something clever
>So did Littlefinger suffer brain damage? I can’t think of the last time he did something clever
These all have the same answer: their last book scene.

Not torching the red keep was a mistake dabid

Have sex

I never disagreed with that, but Dany is still insane and devolving.

can bran have boners? who will succeed him?

This! She is the betrayal for love, it's gonna be the case in the books. And she doesnt have the rape shit in the books either cause its another girl marrying Ramsey. That love triangle in the outline is going to be Her, Dany and Jon

Dany is a dictator. Be honest with yourself for once and admit it.

I do have sex regularly, with my non-kiked dick lmao.

What’s the difference in a medieval society between a king and dictator?

How is she devolving? She’s right to be in the state of mind that she’s in.

>threatening Jon and her closest allies
When does she do this?

looking at his posts he is just a butthurt larper fan

She's becoming more and more unhinged under the pressure, the realization that Jon is the rightful heir and also would be better and more loved. She threatens the person she supposedly loves to push away his family and basically gives him an ultimatum and storms off. Then she rushes a tired and injured army into a reckless battle, and is clearly becoming more unhinged by the second.

You've gotta be kidding, did you miss her during that entire scene with Jon after the party?
>We can all live together
>Yes, I just told you how
She essentially tells him that either he keeps it a secret or it will ruin them and turn them against each other.

This. His whole plan was to rush Dany's forces with the WW and kill two stones at once.

>Leaving her as a sole
So she transforms into a foot? That's really weird writing decision

Based and romepilled


Based & SPQRpilled

>Jon takes the black
Now that the freefolk are friends, and the night king is dead what is there to "watch"? Its more likely that they would tear down the wall, now.

Plus elephants. Because they don't travel well for the bad guys but Dany is special.

>Yes, I just told you how
Just a couple scenes after he tells Sansa, she's trying to convince Tyrion to betray Daenerys for Jon. When Varys hears about it, he almost immediately jumps to considering assassinating Daenerys. Even if Jon doesn't personally want to rule, his family and others are clearly able and willing to push for his claim. What we see within the very same episode proves her right. If he had just shut up, no one would consider doing any of this, and their political alliance would be on firmer ground

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>tear down the wall
Didn't the Night King already do that?

Why didn't Kit and the rest of the cast complain or protest how retarded this was?

Like one section of the wall, there is still miles of wall that are still standing.

They're actors, user. This is their job.

How could you not be /teamdany/ after she's gotten deep-dicked by DABID this past season? Good lord, it's just awful.

I can't wait for her to burn all these shits to the ground.

Jon taking the black would also go against the whole "my watch has ended" point when he came back.

>a miltary mind

How'd that order not to break out of the Stalingrad pocket work out?

I'll never understand why so many people are slavishly devoted to a nearly century-old militaristic ideology that lost the only war it ever fought. You can't get less credible than that.

What was her tax policy?

It's a self fulfilling prophecy, user. She acts irrationally because she is afraid of losing her (undeserved and unqualified) position, but this only pushes the people close to her away and leads to them turning on her just like she was afraid of. You can say-
>If he had just shut up, no one would consider doing any of this, and their political alliance would be on firmer ground
But the same would be true if she acted differently as well, he isn't obligated to keep the secret just because shes crazy.

Liam Cunningham is such a pimp. Love that dude.

Lol I love the “slavery was important and can’t be done away with in an instant” argument as if that doesn’t completely tell on them

I used to hate her but something in me broke at the banquet scene. She looked so alone and sad.

I don't know if it's because a bigger softie than I thought, bigger contrarian than I thought, or D&D are just that inept that I'm finally rooting for the character that I was supposed to like before but am now supposed to hate. Probably all of the above.

No cultural system that holds up the entire economic and social structure of a city/region can be done away with instantly without providing something of value in its place. You can't just "break the wheel" and then leave, you have to build the next thing that is better than the wheel.

D&D have made her the whipping girl for this entire season. Everything would have been fine if she'd just listened to Olenna and burnt the fuck out of Cersei last season, but instead she takes Tyrion's advice and gets fucked over at every turn.

It's actually ridiculous how the show hasn't acknowledged that literally the entire reason she's in this position is Tyrion and Varys' unbelievable incompetence.

I never really liked her, but now I can't help but root for her out a sense of spite for the absurdly vindictive writing.

Tyrion is afraid of Dany. And he is her hand of the queen. THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF DICTATOR.

a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force


Yup. For a single episode at least. Once she kills Varys I will hate her again.

>kills Varys
The treacherous eunuch deserves it.

>bells make targs go insane

me too, she helped the episode


why has this fat english actor not shown up in game of thrones!!!!? he was baron harkonen in scifi dune miniseries!!! is he too old?

>Gendry becomes the new NK so Arya can stab him again

he fucks them in his small boat


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Indeed. Anyone who goes to a mall in 2019 should burn.

They are related retard. They already established the North is not into incest and first cousins is pure blood incest.

Cersei hates Tyrion so she would never help him, Jaime also knows that Cersei is fucking insane

>first cousins
That is allowed in North. Starks have many of these in past.

Time to migrate
Time to migrate

Why didn't she just rob the (((iron bank))) with her dragons? She could have bought all the slaves' freedom (the masters wouldn't go all Sons of the Harpy on her), and nabbed more mercenaries and ships and go straight to KL.

His idol Ned kept the secret about his parentage till they chopped Ned's head off. Jon couldn't do the same for Daenerys? Especially since we're supposed to believe they're in love or whatever

you know Manstein was supposed to break in
you also know they ate their horses and if they did left it meant losing all their arty

Still team Cersi here

to quote a slave in ethiopia
>who is going to feed us now?

>Autist cripple becomes king
Actually based. What happens to Drogon though?

damn dude, this post is far from redpilled but it’s still pretty based.

anyone have the spoilers for the rest of the season from the guy that predicted the last few episodes?


Varys is the definition of bitchmade at this point and he's my favorite book character

Nigger, the dragons ate a kid. And danny was like... Whoops :3 shes been doing bad shit this whole time.