But she isn't high enough to see a entire enemy fleet?
And why do girls answer me "who caaaaares", when I pinpoint these inconsistencies?
So the boats are close enough, to make sever perfect hits
This is a show for kids and normies stop taking it seriously turn your brain off
Euron is a mustache twirling villain who exists only to further the plot.
Just go at night, unless they suddenly have spotlights.
Caring about stuff is dumb unless it's trendy. These people barely pay attention to the story and are on their phones half the time while watching, it's a social event for them.
Euron has submarines.
>Caring about stuff is dumb unless it's trendy.
Wanna know how I know you're not white?
Your entire tribe would've starved to death millennias ago if they lived where whites live.
>why do girls
Incel detected, ignoring shitpost.
What does that have to do with being white?
What a pathetic attempt at sounding clever and redpilled
You don't have to survive winters in the tropics user, just drag your ass to nearest coconut tree and shake it
>europeans get set free from their actions being ruled by existance of winter, go from riding on horseback to walking on the moon in less than a century
>africa: yet to discover agriculture
>And why do girls answer me "who caaaaares"
Just say
>Ok. Is it time to pull out my dick now?
sis was out here riding on her dragons like she was on vacation
Or once she saw the ships she could have just gone wide around them and attack from behind, they can't turn around that quickly. Even if their spears swing around they would be shooting through their sails.
Who are you talking to kid? The delusion is real.
I can tell I guessed right from complete lack of argument
>europeans get set free from their actions being ruled by existance of winter
dismantled your own rhetoric
if europe didnt butcher africa during colonial times africa would still be a harmonious hunter gatherer nation, winter forced europeans to become covetous and enslaved to technology, you were left behind by the now asians and the was incans to die, instead you had to go and fuck it all up, white guilt is all there is for you now
Hunter-gatherers are weak, they cannot ensure the survival of their own people beyond their personal lifespans and sometimes not even that, if you are not interested even in your own survival you don't get a vote, you're a fucking burden.
this is fucking dumb criticism akin to asking a woman why she drove into into the back of a parked car, sometimes they just dont pay attention and things go wrong
No but it was obvious you'd tell yourself you're right because you're a smug fuck lol.
The guy wasn't even saying he doesn't 'care about stuff', just that is what normies/people who post about GoT on twitter etc. do
You are dumb as fuck
what happens then is the strongest survive to pass on their genes, evolution etc
you genetics are why you are stuck on this website getting btfo'd by me, had europeans not went to africa this wouldnt be the case
None of that validates this
>Caring about stuff is dumb unless it's trendy.
That is straight up sub-human attitude no matter the justification
And normies do pay attention to detail, at least in my population bubble.. Here they will say the movie was dumb if you ask what they thought about it
You must have missed the part where the poster immediately said after that "These people", implying he doesn't feel that way but others do.
You are so fucking dumb.
Is he ok?
This. Why must we always turn off our brains?
But for one to describe it in those terms one must have internalized it like that, which in fact means hes part of them
Seeing the accuracy of the shots most likely AEGIS frigates.
Africans were not hunter gatherers. They were (actually they still are) slavers. They traded slaves for all gibs me dat they wanted, mostly for guns to boost their street cred and to capture more slaves. Niggers are just lucky that white people have morals and felt bad about the whole slavery thing that we went out of the way to make slavery illegal for the ungrateful shit skins. Would have been easier to do what the arabs did with all their black slaves, kill them all.
>Moooooooooom! My magic dragon and wizard kids show does not make perfect sense!
>Hello! You delivered me a pizza couple of minutes ago..
>The dought is still raw and wet
If it was just going to die immediately after Winterfell without doing anything why didn't they just have it die when the zombie dragon was biting the shit out of its neck? Everybody thought it was dead anyway because it disappeared as soon as it threw Jon off and we didn't see it again until the rest of the episode, and getting eaten by another dragon would have been a valid death, this is just retarded. Dan Aeris could have just seen the iron fleet and had to dodge some crossbow bolts before realizing she needed to fuck off and not be able to help her fleet, and then things could continue as normal.
>blacks were yet to invent society
>they got trading systems nd shit
well which is it
>arabs did with all their black slaves, kill them all.
kek so working to your natural death in coal mines, cotton plantations, railroad etc is not being killed, in that case thank you all mighty lesser evil
tl;dr youre dumb as bricks
>africa would still be a harmonious hunter gatherer nation
There's actual people that believe this.
>If it was just going to die immediately after Winterfell without doing anything why didn't they just have it die when the zombie dragon was biting the shit out of its neck?
Because that dragon got the role of the red shirt in star trek, to demonstrate the threat posed to the dragons by Euron/Cercei making it clear just having dragons doesn't make it a curbstomp
>This. Why must we always turn off our brains?
Because the writers couldn't figure out how to turn theirs own
Now that you mention curbstomps, why didn't Cersei just end the war right then and there.
Since the dragon is not that much of a danger any more, Cercei gains more by letting Dany survive and be upset, shes clearly an incompetent commander and if killed, would only be replaced by someone actually competent instead of emotional wreck
It's a greeting party, not an army. Yes Cersei should have shot at least the dragon.
>And why do girls answer me "who caaaaares", when I pinpoint these inconsistencies?
It's not just women, fanboys do it too.
>Yes Cersei should have shot at least the dragon.
Not if Cercei wants Dany to commit all three armies AND the dragon on Cercei's terms now.
If the last dragon dies Dany might just pack up and go north and be a thorn in side of Cercei for years to come.
That greeting army contains Daenerys, he primary contender as well as her closest councillors. Simply kill them all with the hundreds of archers and dozens of scorpions on the wall and the war is done right there and then.
Dany stands right there with 0% chance of escaping once the dragon dies or is incapacitated.
The fact that you can't tell that that user was making a facetious statement made to poke fun at the people who genuinely believe it says a hell of a lot about white people.
But killing her would leave Jon Snow in command of all three armies, just without the dragon
Daily reminder:
the average normalfag does not invest any mental or emotional space in anything that isn't social/ relationship. for the normalfag he is entertained if he can follow a simplistic story and understand basic characters and motivations without having to really put any thought into it. the normalfag perceives all media and art as simply background noise in the soap opera of their lives. rarely do they ponder on the quality or meanings behind such media. if they can sit for an hour or two a night and be entertained, they are pleased. 10 minutes later they will forget about it and their minds will start racing with the latest social gossip.
to the normalfag. someone who elevates their hobby, interest, art etc above socialisation is immediately considered a weirdo. they cannot wrap their heads around a desire to have a deep interest in the perceived background noise of life. game of thrones is no longer a TV show but a medium through which the normalfag can grease the wheels of socialisation. the show itself is completely irrelevant. all that matters is that it provides the normalfag another channel through which to socialise.
they are like cats or infants or something. as long as you dangle something shiny in front of their faces, they're invested. just the other day I spoke to a normalfag in the office who patiently explained to me like I didn't get the episode that a) Arya coming out of nowhere made perfect sense because "she's been training" and b) it was foreshadowed by her being told she'd shut blue eyes.
they are content with even the most superficial pseudo-reasoning.
>treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humour; flippant.
>Humour (British English), also spelt as humor (American English; see spelling differences), is the tendency of experiences to provoke laughter and provide amusement.
I don't fucking see any, do you?
Most of them are American niggers.
I lost all sympathy for Africans when I watched the chinks come in and do literally the exact same shit that white people did 100 years prior.
>why didn't Cersei just end the war right then and there
Because the script demands that this shit go on for another two episodes.
The kicker is that the Chinese are worse.
Cercei couldn't have ended the war right there and then, there are multiple hostile armies in existence who can be led by much more competent commanders than Dany
There is no army, there's maybe 3 small warrior bands and if the third episode is anything to go by Jon certainly isn't a Robb Stark when it comes to leading an army. The dragon burning shit down is really the only threat here so Cersei not killing the dragon first chance she gets, especially a chance like this is simply retarded.
I guess I'll just have to shut my brain down or stop watching because all this is just too stupid.
The only real answer.
>more competent commanders
Mate did you just skip the first 3 episodes or something?
I agree. Cersei is established as cold, ruthless and uncaring. The sheer firepower she had could have easily wiped out the greeting party and the immobile dragon, fitting her character. If the director of this scene had a brain, the dragon would have been circling the city and intimidating everyone and burning crops and Dany wouldn't have met Cersei in such a vulnerable way. It would have been cool if Dany and Cersei met for the first time when one side of the battle was victorious and we see one Queen confront the other ending with a brutal death scene. Anything other than what we got.
Cercei doesn't know how competent Dany is. She should've killed her quickly and ruthlessly the second the opportunity presented itself like she has done many times in the past.
The ballista cant be shot low, use your eyes
>If the director of this scene had a brain
Found the problem.
>kill everyone with arrows
>dragon takes off
>shoot dragon
Wow, that was hard.
Chinese are worse. The whites went in saying "we're going to teach these savages about civilization and make a few pounds doing it" while the chink care about nothing but profits for the homeland. They're the modern Belgium.
The ballistas only have to hit the dragon which they can from that angle. The rest can simply be shot with arrows or just ran down by infantry/cavalry
I think the dragon has decent chance of napalming Cercei first actually, since the ballistas are not trained on the dragon
>harmonious hunter gatherer nation
This is bait but I’ll take this opportunity to point out Africa is huge with a large amount of genetic diversity, and many different ethnic groups.
And some of these groups, such as the Bantu, were extremely successful at committing genocide.
Maybe if you have a giant aiming it
> why do girls answer me "who caaaaares", when I pinpoint these inconsistencies?
> expecting women to invest in anything else but emotional scenes
lmao, you're expecting too much from a typical pump&dump slut
Worse than that is her lack of reaction towards several turning events
>dude they killed your dragon, revived it, then killed it again
>dude, you just fucked your nephew
>dude, here's the guy that murdered your relative and straight up charged against you in the battlefield, he wants to fight with us
Lmao, that's cool
>jorah dies
The scorpios all point slightly down which would allow them to hit Drogon not to mention that he would naturally jump up and fly. Even if Drogon tried to jump under the wall to avoid the missile fire the scorpios on the side of the wall could still hit them. Or he could jump up and try to fly away which would probably still result in him getting hit. Either way the dragon is toast so it's out of character for Cersei not to exploit this to the max.
What if the dragon did an unexpected horizontal take-off and spat napalm on cercei?
>still result in him getting hit
That depends on if we're using first-volley rules or second-volley rules.
Even normies like my brother shit all over this episode and he cannot remember 90% of the characters names.
don't try to critique this show with logic, it's about bad ass moments, and unexpected death, incel.
Then Cersei would be toast and Daenerys would win because Cersei has no heirs which would make Daenerys the dumbass for not using this (significantly more unlikely) tactic. Killing Cersei with Drogon somehow is really her only option at this point because she doesn't have any army to fight her with except for like a small band of Northmen and the 85 Unsullied that were pulled out of the ass after the previous episode.
>rapid fire mega-crossbows hat can literally destroy an entire ship in one shot and 1-shot dragons from miles away
just end this garbage now
>have 3 dragons
>one gets killed by a nercomancer
>one gets killed by giant ballistas
>willingly bring your third to a city walled with them
how can she be so fucking stupid
>unexpected death
that worked in earlier seasons. Now that it's the final season, they're killing people randomly left and right.
>And why do girls answer me "who caaaaares", when I pinpoint these inconsistencies?
Based. They're right, who the fuck cares about consistencies in GoT at this point?
I like how they had gyroscopes in the scorpions to allow them to aim from a moving boat.
Heres my question, and /his/ or /k/ fag can answer me.
Wernt those balistas firing really fast. Like, from what I remember from school and varies books, they usually take a good 1-2m to reload and repulling the tension. Even if they had more bolts at the ready, they would still need a good 30-50 seconds to reapply the tension, even with a 2 man wheel system, Yet they where firing like fucking auto crossbows (from what it looked like, about every 5-8 seconds).
Am I misremembering?
i assumed it was because every boat had one, so they took turns firing, i wouldn't put it past dumb and dumber to not know how they work though
the bolts came from a different ship each probably. the bigger problem is that someone actually calculated they had to be fired at 3 times the power of a Saturn V rocket booster and traveling 6 times the speed of sound to do what was shown
Daenerys invaded Westeros with a massive Unsullied army(probably the best professional soldiers in the known world), a giant Dothraki army and 3 dragons while allied with the most powerful nobles of the land and still she somehow lost everything. It's impossible to lose when those are the odds, especially when her opponent was a tyrant ruled entirely by fear at that point(ruling through fear doesn't work at all when fighting someone obviously stronger or even equally)
Somehow she lost it all, her allies, her dragons, her army she brought from Essos with only a handful of Northerners to show for it. It's actually kinda hilarious how she still demands Cersei's surrender.
Look up Abou-Gerghè monastery, which supplied eunuchs to the Muslim world. African slave boys were fully castrated (root and stem) at age 8, then a piece of bamboo was inserted in the wound, and the boys were submerged up to their necks in burning hot sand. Only one out of ten boys survived this procedure.
>boats are close enough to make 3 perfect shots within a second, even when the dragon is in floundering and in freefall
>they decide to shoot the dragon without danaerys on it even though they must have been able to see her riding the other dragon , otherwise how would they have been able to snipe the dragon with 3 perfect shots
Stopped watching there. lamest fucking bullshit ever.
how the do you get sneak attacked when you're flying in the ocean?
this was clearly contrived, unbelievable writing because they needed to conveniently level the playingfield to make the remainder more exciting.
Such bullshit. Could they seriously not think of any idea that made more sense? maybe pretending not to have any catapults to lure her in first?
This is just awful. Not sure I'm even going to watch the rest of the episode ever.
Very disrespectful writing.
Also what the fuck was this?
>hurr yeah snow, my wolf who I'm psychicially connected to and has been by my side since I was a teenager and who I've fought in battle with countless times and who has saved my life many times, youes you I'm going to give you away to some guy
>also well done surviving being sent with dothraki swordsman on a suicide mission that you were present at for some random fucking reason
Oops forgot to put an image on that shit
Most women are bothered by the fact the dragon was killed to begin with. They don't care how it was killed, they are pissed that things are going bad for the YAAAASS QUEENN
when she dies they will literally lose their collective mind
Even with every boat having one, there was only like 15-20 boats, and there was atleast 10 bolts in the sky every 5 seconds
sure dragons are cool and all but have you ever seen a RIM-174 Standard Extended Range Active Missile
Why are his spines red all the sudden? They have always been yellow
Have sex.
Just admit you can't read lmao..you're not white with that literacy haha
Stop it. Stop it. He's menacing and mysterious. He has the dragon horn. He sacrifice to drowned God. Stop stop stop.
Hell even if the Dragon was going to wreck them they probably could've killed Dany and Tyrion anyway. Sure KL might burn an episode early but you really only need to contend with a dragon without a commander at that point. And whose to say that once Dany dies Drogon doesn't just fly off?
Because women are fucking retarded.
Roastie feeling roasted.
would wear this if the picture was just subtly but intentionally goblin like
wrose was when nk speared the dragon he did when the big one and dany were actually closer to him
I have come 2 realize that it is part of how people understand the world.
Lefties s0ibois and women are emotional and thus csre about the emotionsl outcome and surprise even if it makes no sense, much like a dream and ergo like things like socialism.
The other grup mostly men center/right care more thst things "make sense" as the brain is trying to understand the world and its rules to compete and thrive in it.
>posting the shitty non-HD image
The point of that statement went completely over your head and watching you try to do damage control is hilarious
>africa would still be a harmonious hunter gatherer nation
ignoring north africans that were part of the civilization from a long time, most people there practiced agriculture and herding.
Also You would be surprised to read what the Bantu did to many, many people in their path.
Cersei could also have easily been killed by Miss Sunday, just grasbbing her and dragging her of the ledge there with her.
I'm not even entertained anymore, where I used to love GoT, it's turned to such a shitfest it's just sad.
There are a few problems with the scene:
1. Dany had to have seen the ships if she looked down for even a second
2. If she saw the ships, that means she couldn't put two and two together and think they might be hostile, so she's retarded
3. Euron's bolts are basically heat-seeking missiles, either that or he has superpowers
4. GRRM literally said that the only dragon to be killed by a scorpion/ballista was hit directly through the eye and it was a "one in a million shot", if you could hit a dragon anywhere with a projectile and kill it the Targaryens would have never taken over in the first place
None of it makes any fucking sense
>Cersei could also have easily been killed by Miss Sunday, just grasbbing her and dragging her of the ledge there with her.
That's a good way of looking at it. I used to find these things annoying until i realized it doesn't really matter. The story being told is "somehow the fleet maanged to take out a dragon unexpectedly," the problem is that this is notbeing shown in a way that makes sense, and a logical mind finds it hard to look past these things. They think, "well if that situation was happening as it appears, it seems unlikely", but you have literally just got to turn your brain off and accept that it is poor visual story telling and just try to look through it to the actual intention if you get what I mean.
Seeing as I'm not the first to think this, it validates my point even more :) Cheers!