>James Cameron’s long-awaited and oft-delayed follow-up to “Avatar” has been pushed back another year. “Avatar 2” will hit theaters on Dec. 17, 2021 instead of Dec. 18, 2020 as originally planned. Its move means that “Avatar 3” will open on Dec. 22, 2023 as opposed to Dec. 17, 2021 while “Avatar 4” will bow on Dec. 19, 2025 instead of Dec. 20, 2024 and “Avatar 5” will launch Dec. 17, 2027.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ad Astra shifted to September
>As expected, the Buena Vista company also shifted the release date for “Ad Astra,” an astronaut drama starring Brad Pitt. It will now lift off Sept. 20, 2019.

Avatar was so mediocre, I still can’t understand how it has such a rabid following.

Why the fuck can't James Cameron ditch these mouseniggers?

No surprises there. Jimbo is probably in the insane mode right now, determined to make the CGI to be the most realistic it can humanly be because he knows he want A2 to be watchable a year after its release.

Disney's new release schedule

Attached: Schedule.png (1112x2624, 925K)

They now own Avatar and Avatar is what James has pledged the rest of his life for.

I used to be neutral on the Disney hate, but this changes everything.


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reminder that Avatar 2 was almost released in 2014


Most of the people on here were like 8 to 10 years old when it released.
It's shit but the nostagia is too strong.

>next star wars movie in 2022
they really do love pumping out these movies dont they

Avatar came out like a decade ago and the story was shit. The world wasn't even great, it wasn't fleshed out much beyond
>hurr natives vs evil space guys

in any case this is a sequel nobody is hungering for imo

If you never watched it in 3D, then you will never understand. It was more of a spectacle than it was a movie.

The Chinese market back then was only 12% of what it is now back when the first Avatar was released. Think about how much money this will make in China.

imagine spending 12 years to build literal castle of shit, that's what jimbo is doing

Imagine doubting James Cameron.

One of the great regrets of my life that I didnt watch it in 3D when it came out.

Avatar should just fuck off, the first Avatar film was only successful because muh 3D gimmick and everyone knows it.

I don't care if it's literally the worst film ever made, the fact that Disney is literally out there buying out franchises that might hurt them in the box office and then delaying them according to their needs so they can fuel more of their corporate slop to the massess in full force is what's wrong.

it has some massive problems in post-prod apparently, but it's hard to know exactly what's going on.

I've never seen it in 3D due to being partially sighted and I love it

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I also didn't watch it in 3D when it came out. I'm kind of regretting that now.

This so much, move over Avatar and make way for more Disney reboots/remakes/sequels!


I didn't remember Avatar managed to pull 200 million from China alone. For 2009, that was insanely good, even more so as Sci-fi doesn't usually sell that well there (the best SW number is 120 million).

No it doesn't. I know someone who did SFX on the film. James Gray made his "Heart of Darkness in space" movie, but the studio doesn't think it's marketable, so they're re-cutting it. It's really sad. Read this if you want more info about the weird script.

I watched it with a bunch of mates at the cinema. It wasn't my first 3d movie but it was the first one that was this well made for it.

I didn't like the actual story (I was for the humans as it didn't make sense) and my friends didn't really like it as well but we all agreed it was a great experience.

I was 16 at the time though and I'm sure most posters were a lot younger/kids so look fondly to it just like young women like harry potter even though it's trash.

It’s just contrarian memers that suck Cameron’s dick. They don’t actually like the movie, they just like that Normies hate it and brag about how much shekels it made and think sucking Cameron’s dick makes them based. These are the same people that shill Alita Battle Angel despite being a mediocre movie.

It still is the best 3D experience I've seen in theaters. I did kind of tuned it out after 30 minutes, but it still is the best of 3D I've seen in movies.

The guy in the gif seems like an annoying faggot. Please refrain from posting his shiteating face again, thank you.

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>Alita Battle Angel sequel until 2025

>three more star wars movies


fuck this

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Avatar 3: A Disney+ Original. Screencap this.


Abatap doesn't like this.

>Bob's burgers movie


It was a technical masterpiece that still remains unrivaled. Alita was proof that Cameron still cares about good 3D and the Avatar sequels are his chance to combine the visual spectacle with good a good story.

There will probably be marathons each time new Avatar comes out

Who cares, Avatar is hot garbage

fuck, imagine seeing Avatar in cinema when on acid haha
putting that on my bucket list

>“Avatar 2” will hit theaters on Dec. 17, 2021 instead of Dec. 18, 2020

Funny how they clearly seem to be going all in on the "it's because they're too close together, no more than 1 every 2 years will make it work fine" train.

We are so starved of good big budget scifi. Anything decent is good enough. Terminator, Alien, Predator, Star wars are all dead franchises

They're gutting it to pieces.

This nigga old.

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First true native live action 3d hybrid that actually did 3d and cgi + human actors right and broke so many technical barriers James tech is still used today.
Basically the lotr/titanic and crysis smashed into one

the planet won’t be able to sustain a james cameron film during this new timetable. dead franchise.

>but the studio doesn't think it's marketable, so they're re-cutting it
When has this NOT proven to be a huge misstep that has helped any film they've done it to?

Who knows man. I remember reading somewhere Donnie Darko was a mess before it was recut.

>They now own Avatar
I don't think so, I think it's Camerons property.

gotta call him by his official name the master of butthurt

editing is part of post-production, why would they have trouble with the VFX (SFX is explosions and shit) in 2019
never, but investors are retarded in every market

There's doing it for artistic purposes, and there's doing it for marketing/shekel purposes. I guaranfuckingtee no studio that's ever demanded a recut had artistic merit in mind.

James Cameron will be dead before the last Avatar movie was released...

The trouble is that they think the movie is too weird to make money. This is from that forum:
>Worked on this movie's effects and I can tell you the delay is the studio, not Gray. Gray made his homage to 2001, the studio freaked out about marketing a smart sci fi film and recut.
>It may still be good, but it's sad to know what it could have been.

Inb4 Cameron announces Avatar 6,7,8 to conpensate his "fans" for the delay.

Nigga he's only 64. Scorsese's 76 and still pumping out movies.

>they think the movie is too weird to make money
In the theater release system. It would do fine & have longer term legs than other films beyond that system.
When is this archaic shit going to die out?

>bobs burgers

what the fuck did they expect, The Lost City of Z was hardly an easily marketable film and Ad Astra has only 20 million more on reported budget. The truth is that through clever marketing you can sell almost everything but somehow the film industry hasn't caught up on that, so they'd rather sell a different product.

worst case scenario is the film ends up on Netfl*x, like that shitty Cloverfield movie

I would say, if you hit your 60s the chance that you die anyday now will rise massively

It's shit where they go "well maybe if you alter this, we can get X% more out of this demographic, and alter this aspect, and we can get X% more out of this demographic" based on nothing but focus groups & test audiences, when neither demo they're trying to get on board usually gives a fuck about anything in the genre regardless.

Brad Pitt has taken the director's side against studios before, and he's a producer on Ad Astra, so there's still hope. Brad saved Lost City from getting recut too.

>tfw I will be nearly 30 when the last avatar is released

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Who do you think is bankrolling it? Cameron?

It's a constant crapshoot past 60, every day, whether or not however many years you've left are going to be a physically tormented hell where being productive at anything beyond making it to the bathroom is questionable.

Yeah I'll be 30 that year too. Might skip all Avatar movies till then and do a marathon when 5 comes out.

meanwhile high life

>Budget €8 million
>Box office $1.4 million

You really think a movie that makes 1 million in theaters will make 8 million on DVD and rental? They have to report to shareholders at the end of the year. They can't tell shareholders, don't worry, it'll be a cult classic within a decade and make a fat profit!

Only a fraction of movies can become a Shawshank


James Mangold's FORD V FERRARI (Christian Bale, Matt Damon) on Nov 15 2019.

again, poor marketing. If they spent an additional $8M on marketing surely they could have gotten at least $40M box office

i did and i also rewatched it in 3d at home recently and the 3d is nothing special, really.

What the fuck? They said they were giving Star Wars a long fucking break after TROS. What is this bullshit? I don’t give a fuck about Avatar, I just want Star Wars to go on a slower release schedule.


You fucking children. I will be 41

unironically, brainwashing

The business is entirely changing. What you said is only really a concern for smaller studios, not huge ass IP farms like Yidsney who can & likely do dump hundreds of millions into their shit's box office just so there's no embarrassing failures like Solo again.

This, so much of it with these things is the wheres & hows of marketing, and driving the herds the right direction so the corral leads to the theater.

you'd have to have seen it in theaters to like it at all

I'll be 41 before IX releases, kiddo.

A three year gap isn't a break?


It is, but they're still doing Mandalorian in the meantime.

what about that guy who makes the daily countdown??? Is he gonna kill himself?

He died couple years ago dude. The original countdown dude I mean. Abatap from Ukraine.

It doesn't. It's one fucking guy on Yea Forums who lives for this shit and that's it. Avatar 2 won't break $400 million worldwide.

The Mandalorian comes out before ROS and Mandalorian season 2 hasn't been officially confirmed

don't forget the show about the guy from rogue one

>Islandniggers in SPAAAAAAACE
It's getting a s2.

And I thought it was embarrassing that I was here at 30.

I saw it in IMAX 3D and I couldn't stand that putrid dogshit of a movie.
Give me a fucking break.

>moves avatar sequels
lmao they want to fucking bury Avatar movies so their Star Wars / Marvel movies which they totally control over them are the ones getting the high grossing box office records.

They'll keep pushing it until James Cameron dies so they can rework the avatar recorded footage to catter disney "ideals".
Screencap this, it's gonna happen

Attached: JustAsPlanned.gif (300x300, 5K)

>Wait, Mark Hamill is still alive
>everyone wants more Luke
>it would actually gain a little fan goodwill to at least use him for an animated series about Luke
>not like the guy's going to live forever AND we just lost Carrie
>Yeah, no, fuck that shit, make a cartoon with Oscar Issac instead

I'm pretty fucking far past the ability to be embarrassed.
Besides I've run into 50-60 year old niggers on here, and not just on /pol/ either.

Dude it's way better than being on facebook/twitter/instagram/snapchat.
You can't just quit the internet can you





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Give Cameron time to work on Alita's sequel.
Heil mouse!

No, they seriously own Avatar.

>Cameron cant compete with Star Wars and Marvel


You're either of a mindset that's a perfect match for this particular sort of place or you aren't, and if you are, age is irrelevant as there's no other place besides a chan that will suffice.
There are no exceptions to this rule.

Fox owned it. Now they own Fox.

True. Sad but true. Not that guy but I just can't use twitter/fb/ig etc This is the only option i have

gave me a headache, fuck 3d

>still caring about avatar

unless Abatap returns to shitpost, this franchise is DOA

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why are people saying abatap is dead

Pretty sure he could, the guy must have at least half a billion $ in bank.

Yeah I think I confused with Alita.

wait I thought no one cared about Avatar?

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He died after he got in the Ukrainian army
He's been dead for years dude.

It's actually pretty amazing how good these stills still look. A lot of other CGI heavy movies look like dog shit after a month they've been dumped from a theater.

>he could
Probably but most filmmakers are smart enough to not invest their own personal scratch, or at the least all of it, into a film. Too many niggers have gone bankrupt & destitute for doing that for the wrong film or at the wrong time/circumstances, & it bombing while also tarnishing the willingness of other studios to touch their shit in the future.

Not between trilogies it isn’t. If it was spaced 3 years for each movie in that trilogy then that’s fine. Classic Star Wars film spacing. They should give the saga films at least a 5 or 6 year rest.


Half a billion wouldn't be enough to finance the Avatar movies. Let that thought sink in. Their combined budget will be closer to a billion, maybe even over it.

>They should give the saga films at least a 5 or 6 year rest
This, since the only other option is to actually make good ones the fanbase fucking likes, and we all know damn well that shit ain't happening.

Reading through the production section on Avatar's Wikipedia page makes me realise how Cameron is an absolute God of world design and visual story telling, they way he created this universe with its own language and biology. I need to watch Avatar again, haven't seen it in years

>Nothing planned for The Simpsons

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They don't.

Let it die now.
Weaponized autism. Got a lot of respect for this dude.

All these cunts will buy tickets and watch it.
Normies will watch anything that's popular.

It's a comfy show

Watch the longer version, it's not that much longer and way more fluid.

i watched it in 3d when it released and it was just as mediocre as it would have been otherwise except i got a headache afterwards, 3d is a shitty meme technology that no one wants besides media execs who want even higher ticket prices

he is not dead
he lives in our heart

Hopefully if Dave Filoni knocks The Mandalorian out of the park then they’ll realize that he needs to be writing the damn movies. If that happens then the franchise might have a good shot getting turned around.


I'll be 38 when Avatar 5 launches.

Oh yeah, the guy who wrote Clone Wars 2008. Real talented.

Yeah. POPULAR. That's the keyword. James Cameron's Avatar "series" is fucking alien to them. The last movie came out 10 years ago and as time has passed since then less and less people gave a shit about there being a sequel.

Man if you don't like scifi/adventure why did you even watch it ?


It doesn't. Nobody gives a shit about Avatar beyond the shitposting contrarians on here. I never see anybody mention it at all elsewhere.

Wait and watch. It made 200 mil in china back then. The chinese market is 8 times bigger than it was in 2008. Avatar was alien back then too.

Ought to add another 4 marvel movies to every year 2023 and beyond

We know they won’t stop the capeshit until the well is bone fucking dry

>Filoni will ever be allowed to run it "hands off" like Kennedy or Feige
Kennedy fucked that up for everyone. Small chance they might wake the fuck up at some point but highly unlikely it's anytime soon, the doubling down on them not having fucked up at all doesn't end.

The animated movie sucked ass but there are some great arcs and episodes in the show itself. He’s the closest to George Lucas we’re gonna get since he was pretty much his student for years.

well it's a film about alien
*ba dum tss*

Filoni's better & more consistent than George. He's a worthy successor. And he's the only one there in any sort of position of even minimal power who at least knows enough about wtf NOT to do that could wind up steering the franchise away from the damn Maw. IF Yidsney gains any sense anytime soon.

True but if Bob Iger is holding Kennedy’s feet to the fire then she might not have a choice if he tells her to straighten up.

James Cameron is 64

He'll be 70 before filming Avatar 5 in 2025/2026 now.

Disney are hoping he dies

>Most of the people on here were like 8 to 10 years old when it released.
I need to leave.

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>Most of the people on here were like 8 to 10 years old when it released.


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Kennedy's already done IMO. They handle things very differently internally than externally. They avoid publicity of failures & errors on their part at all possible cost, but you can't fuck up with a $65 billion franchise like she did & still have a career with a head. Not at Yidsney.
She's around to have 9 & the hundreds of millions they'll likely pump in its box office to avoid it tanking & embarrassing them & then she'll gracefully retire with several new assholes.

you can't, you're here forever

Where else would you go? fuckin facebook?

you fucking baby
ill be 41 when t6 comes out

Where are my Avatar 2 countdown bros at...

Soon pic related will be true.

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Yeah, kind of not surprising Iger went back on his statements. Not sure what to make of it. That's a whiplashing reversal on what he said just last month.

And, waiting to see what scripts the new ones are from. It's it's Rian's or the hacks from GOT, I'm gonna just sit back and enjoy watching Lucasfilm pull a Hindenburg.

I just look at the list and laugh. SO FUCKING MANY sequels, reboots and more of the same.

And knowing I won't pay to see a single one. :D

fuck him

maybe it's karma for ruining cinemas worldwide

This. The merch end of SW was always a booming fucking powerhouse & she tanked that end of it so incredibly bad Toys R Us folded.
She's head in name only the rest of her tenure, they've got her pretending to run the ship but she's no more than a handpuppet for whoever they have actually calling the shots at LF now.

The hope was, it was going to be long enough for Kennedy's contract to run out, and the public would get a break from constant Star Wars drama. The franchise isn't in a good place, and probably won't be much better when IX releases.

Fuck Iger. Full steam ahead with hackery and mediocrity, right Bob? You're leaving next year, anyway.

As much as I hate some of his shit the franchise would be way better if it was in his hands.

Iger is out of there next year, he has no fucks to give, I guess.


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I really wish I could sit in on those shareholder meetings.

After the pile of shit that the last 5 seasons of GoT have been, and TLJ, I almost want Rian and D&D to make trilogies. It will be a beautiful dumpster fire.

>2021 Indiana Jones 5 (without Lucas, with the Kasdans)

Yes Indiana 5 is going to happen

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Whether anyone agrees with or appreciates Filoni creatively or not is ultimately irrelevant, arguing against him being at least the creative shot caller there is retarded. He's been there well over a decade & knows & respects the franchise enough to have course corrected it following the PT. If he'd been shot caller for TLJ we would not have been force fed The Character Assassination of Luke Skywalker by the Coward Rian Johnson, not a chance, he's not that dumb. It would've been at worst on par with George's quality level.


Indiana Jones and the Secret of Gender Identity?

quite frankly the first 5 minutes were "oh, nice", but you didn't really miss anything. the 3d is implied in any 2d movies anyway and the goggles and muted colors are fucking annoying. i forgot about "muh 3d experience" the very day i watched the film

3Dlet, its not Cameron's fault that your brain and eyes can't handle the kino

capeshit will never end, right ? Are we in Hell ?

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it's 2019 and i still havent see avatar
ive been on Yea Forums for 10 years and took part in the great spamming wars against abatap you newfags dont even know about

That's pretty much where I am. The whole thing is going to auger into the desert floor on fire.

Which needs to happen. Disney is too fucking big. They're buying everything in site, and the SEC and Congress are more than willing to allow them to grow - Disney has more power than the robber barons the government had to make laws to reign in back in the day.

Anything that kicks a leg or two out from under Disney, I'm all for.

The only way to end it is by force. We need to nuke Disney.

watched it on 3D, my head hurt and it was still shit

>Filoni's better & more consistent than George. He's a worthy successor.
e's been there well over a decade & knows & respects the franchise enough to have course corrected it following the PT

Lucss is solely responsible for The Clone Wars.
Filoni minus Lucas is responsible for the gargage that is:
Forces of Destiny

It speaks volumes that Filoni and Disney are recycling unfinished Clone Wars episodes.

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he's rigth you know

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Is anyone seriously looking forward to this? Will anyone in 2021 be interested at all? WHY IS FUCKING JAMES CAMERON WASTING HIS TIME AND TALENTS ON MOVIES NOBODY WANTS?

I feel your pain, bro.

Especially considering
>OT was 3 movies in 6 years
>PT was 3 movies in 6 years
>DisneyWars so far 6 movies in 6 years

>Lucss is solely responsible for The Clone Wars
The first one.
He had far less involvement on the second one, developed by Filoni, who was also the head writer & showrunner.
Rebels had cringe moments like the sabercopters & giant hall full of coruscant paths time travel shit to save one's waifu, but it again, was on par with the creative quality level of George at its worst.
Forces of Destiny is total shit you can't convince me he isn't being anally forced to put out. Resistance I haven't seen, but again, I doubt he's in TOO much of a position of power atm, certainly not like he was under Lucas.

What a freakin waste of time...the 1st one was lame and extremely overrated. By the time these sequels finally release, even the ppl who enjoyed it won't remember or care anymore. So instead of getting a proper Terminator sequel or new Aliens film we get Avatar. Its sickening.

>Captain, we must release Avatar 2 in 2020.

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Don't worry it's barely even a sequel, it's going to be a hard sci-fi underwater on an alien planet, it's not an Avatar remake or anything.

Because he is promising 3D without glasses.
The draw is pretty environment and a strong gimmick in an easy to digest package that sets the standard.

another year of Cameronposting, lmao, there is no god

These mongoloids ITT doubting my boy Jim are gonna feel so foolish when he creates the highest grossing film of all time for the third time.

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I'm 43. Here since '05. I've never had sex and out of five children I'm still at home with my folks. I'm okay with this, that and being a never kissed forever alone neck beard virgin. Was offered sex a few times but I almost always panic and run away.

Sex is not all that 2bh. Women are mostly boring and a lot of work. I do think being financially independent has its perks though.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA Avatarshits absolutely BTFO

I’m sure this news killed Abatap (and that’s a good thing)

it's not that typical cringy edge in most "sci"-fi for one

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>“Avatar” has been pushed back another year.

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I swear to christ

They are giving Cameron chance after chance to reconsider his life choices and still doesn't learn baka

Man Fox just fucking gave up didn't they, why did Disney waste so much on them?

Down with the Mouse tyranny! Free Avatar!

>10 years ago

Fucking hell i need to get off this place, time moves too quick

Why are the only directors they have pure garbage?

Groundbreaking cgi for the time.

disney is killing the industry but no one cares because muh superheroes and space monks

Nah Cameron owned Avatar, then sold his stake in it to Fox so they would fund 4 more movies, then the Disney buyout happened

I dunno how Cameron feels about it

Wow he just couldn’t resist shoving politics in the most ham fisted way possible? Most ST droids are barley sentient and slaves to programming it why no one gives a fuck about them there literal property and only a few are self aware enough to actually care

because those are the ones they can run over if they need to

The usual for Gray. American studios don't know what to do with him. He should be working with Ellison.

Avatarfags SEETHING
based disney wins again


Dumb and Dumber are directing these new Star Wars movies

It's a psyop.

Believe me, they're making threads about it everyday and no one complains

Because Kathleen Kennedy doesn't know how to hire the right directors - she's never directed anything, she's a glorified office manager. She doesn't get the creative aspect of movies.
She must have dirt on Iger, to still be there.

Reminder that Marvel and Star Wars ALWAYS win
Fuck incels and Fuck Avatarcucks

The issue is that Gray is not a household name in the US and with the academy and critics hive mind, only in Cannes. Marketing 'a smart sci-fi 2001 homage' is actually very easy, just look at how Interstellar was marketed, or even First Man. But they were sold on the directors names. Brad starring and producing could have been his one shot at getting Oscar exposure. Z was already supposed to be a Brad picture, with proper A list backing it could have been much bigger.

They're writing them. Hack Johnson is directing lmao

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Well that subverted my expectations

Avatarcucks just got CANCELLED

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I've had it several times, but turned down the only potentially good experiences that were ever offered. All the rest were ultimately unsatisfyingly cringeworthy for a lot of different reasons. Had a few offers over the 15 years I've not had any sex & turned them all down because without the other missing elements it's pointless.
I'd personally rather have never had than had the experiences I have, negative memories are pretty much there forever. I cringe so hard at the foolishness of turning down the ones I shouldn't have, probably would have reproduced.

>bobs burgers movie

Attached: Bobs-Burgers-Man-Repeller-Feature-2.jpg (1080x1080, 212K)

>new star wars films

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So is Kathleen Kennedy actively trying to destroy Star Wars?

>Most of the people on here were like 8 to 10 years old when it released.
I was a Junior in college lol

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This level of delusion. 16 ft lamberts, underwater cinematography, glassless free 3D. Bigger Chinese market. It’s gonna have an insane run of at least 3 billion because it will be a spectacle event you need to experience. The asspain of fags like you will keep my baby batter churning for weeks

It's awesome to be financially sound when my brothers are always suffering financial problems because women and children are expensive.

There's a proper conservative shut in like myself that I've met at church. She might be the one. So have faith that you will eventually meet Mrs RightforYou!

>16 ft lamberts
Ok NOW Yidsney has gone too far

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Where's Tron 3?

>Star Wars now going against Aquaman 2.

>untitled Indiana Jones
that nigga old as shit tho

>have faith that you will eventually meet Mrs RightforYou!
Good on you mate but there'll be no more false hopes over here. The norm of solitude is far easier to deal with than constantly having them dashed.

It doesn't have a rabid following.

>& it will lose

>we're waiting even longer for Avatar for more fucking onions wars.

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Why can't Disney just keep it simple and make some new loli shows like Hannah Montana, Zac and Cody or Lizzie McGuire? I used to watch the fuck out of those loli shows.

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They seriously legitimately hate Luke for some unexplained reason. Remember that leak where they crossed a picture of him out with red marker and then pretended it was supposed to be a joke?

>Kennedy's already done IMO
This. Only reason she still has a job is because no one wants to clean her mess

What the fuck is the plot even supposed to be for an additional FOUR fucking movies. Why is everything being turned into a mini series.

Reminder that Spielberg wanted Crystal Skull to end with a huge alien space battle and George is the one who kept the film grounded

it's the only thing keeping cinemas alive. There's no motivation to go anymore OTHER than when it's some "must see" serialized story. 90 minute self-contained movies and shit shot for a few million aren't going to theaters anymore.

>590 days until Avatar 2

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it's the only 3D movie I enjoyed seeing in theatres.

This, it was the first "big" 3D movie. I never wanted to see it but at the time my dad had heard that it was an incredible movie by his coworkers and thought we should go see it. I was young as fuck and didn't really care about the movie but I remember thinking that it looked really fucking nice.

Cameron wants the shekels. Avatar made almost three billion so he wants MORE billions. Only he wasted his time fucking Dolphins and scubadiving then making the shitty sequels because he assumed theaters wouldn’t change. Only now almost every IP in Hollywood is dead and people only care about Capeshit (mainly MCU).

Now the whole Cinema World has passed Cameron by. To the point that the Alita Battle Angel script he shat out and handed to Rodriguez bombed because he underestimated how much people don’t give a shit about his name and care more about the MCU.

um sweedy

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>our choices are two shitty franchises

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>star wars by 2022

I thought this was going to be "the end" of the entire saga,your telling me there's going to be MORE of them?

How are they going to even recapture the magic after the last fiasco?

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can someone explain to me why there is even a Avatart 4 and 5 planed when 2 has been pushed back for years?

I was 19 what the fuck, how do you children even find this place? You belong on facebook.

Because they don't want to go near their own Dan Schneider hornet nest. And the lolis they make turn into train wrecks later in life & make them look bad.

new saga and they'll run it into the ground, and then in 20-30 years they'll bring back rey and everyone to try and milk nostalgia from that.

TRoS ends the "skywalker" saga. It's the end of the R2D2/C3P0 memory being broadcast across the galaxies.

saga ≠ franchise

It's going to fail.

It's funny I just watched a little documentary on the making of the Abyss and he basically wasted months in post production until FOX came down and forced him to release it.

I assume now that he's so famous he's impossible to work with. just like George Lucas was when he ruined the prequels.

I'd fuck a female dolphin too, if I could.

It doesn't. There are a few reasons why it grossed so much:
1) It was touted as some revolutionary new technology of film. And this more than anything else made people want to see it. In retrospect, the motion capture / VFX / 3D effects really weren't that special at all. But it was marketed as being a completely new type of film (which it wasn't really), and that drove people to see it.
2) Most people saw it in 3D because of point (1). 3D tickets cost more than 2D tickets in cinemas, which drove up the amount grossed by the movie. It's possible that fewer people saw Avatar than Titanic, with the higher average ticket price explaining Avatar's higher gross revenue.
3) Avatar had very little competition when it was released in December 2009, and all through January and February 2010 too. That's a quiet time of the year for movies anyway, and on this particular year, it was especially quiet.

Literally NOBODY gives a shit about Avatar anymore, and I reckon these sequels may struggle, unless they are something mind blowing. The first sequel might do okay since people will be curious, but by the time of Avatar 5, will people still be going? I'm sceptical.


Kek, I have had a couple dolphin fantasies lately.
Only thing that'd likely stop me is fear of catching some candiru level dick parasite.

>8 marvel movies over 3 years
Yeah, that once again reaffirms my decision to drop the franchise now that Endgame has released.

>dolphin pussy is intoxicating & they're far more than willing & able to fuck humans with or without our "consent"
>but I made a parasite specifically to live in there to rip a human dick apart
God I love God, so benevolent.

since when is there a parasite in dolphin pussy

There would be with my luck. God is an asshole.

>mfw circuit city was the best
>cheap as walmart, cds, all the game systems, used games, car stereo installation, etc.

fuck best buy

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>Wii Epilepsy Victim

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