When this is real and not a movie

When this is real and not a movie.

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who was in the wrong here?

well this is awkward xD

did he fuck her though

Hope he still got his moneys worth out of her.

so, did they fug?

how do I hire his daughter?

This is all that matters.

They give you the site in the OP, dumbass

>"You kinda look like my daughter, anyways, come on in"


but I don't have a GF/wife so I wouldn't be cheating

So many javs with this exact set up.

just lie to them, retard.

If I was the dad I would wear a mask and go to town on her. Make her call me daddy and get her to belittle her dad and how he has a small dick while she get drunk on my cock.

Fake and gay.
Fake - never happened
Gay - in the event it did happen, you wouldn't go to the press about it

They wouldn't believe him anyways.

so then they both contacted the nearest media outlet to tell the story including photos of themselves?

I'd hope he at least got a family discount.

It's like that one episode of Twin Peaks


>go to the press
Burgerlanders give so little of a fuck about privacy that arrest records are public.

Literally the plot of several hentai doujins

>filed under "Society"
the memes are self-aware

I think I seen a porn with this story one time.

the site will send someone from my area and not his fucking daughter

Its a goddamned whore. Who cares what she thinks? And she's not gonna care provided there's money on the table.

>tfw you will never have a cutie prostitute daughter arrive at you hotel room intending to service you

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>AHEM... hello sir, I believe from this room i seeking my company?
>YHM- Yes, yes, come in, young lady, I would be delighted if I could exchange some currency for your service
both, after fucking
>whew, it was close!

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When what you Facebook memetard?

Yep, I use reddit all the time. Also been here since 2005. Glad to see a fellow redditor, because otherwise, how would you know that's from reddit? :^)

this is a fucking urban legend from decades ago. these guys just wrote this """""news""""" as an obvious ad for that website

Did he fuck her though

ur moms ass is an urban legend

>"Oh wow, the escort I hired is my daughter. Guess I'll call the news now!"
Well, sounds real to me...

nice, I hope he fucked all her holes

It doesn't count as an urban legend if everyone's already seen it.

How do these stories get online?


this doenst happen

The sex had to be awkward

He did when she was a child, that's how she got so fucked up to be in this situation

>I'm innocent, I swear! Would I call the news if I weren't?

what tags should i be looking under, this seems like something that has a bizarrely specific name

>tfw dad and sister have actually had sex

My dad is a 6'7 bald lanklet with thick glasses and my sister is a obese landwhale with a neckbeard so it isn't hot at all.

They have sex semi regularly, I know this because when my mother died my sister started using her leftover shampoos (she had about 200 bottles of home made shampoo, she loved making shampoo and giving it weird scents, like adding in curdled milk to the bottle which she called 'Semi Skimmed Scalp Milk'). my dad got turned on by the smell (of a different shampoo, one scented to smell like his skiddy underpants) and they fucked a few times. now they do it often. its fucking disgusting. I don't live with them anymore but some of my old stuff is there and i am worried they will cover it in cum.

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>some of my old stuff is there and i am worried they will cover it in cum.
Yes, this is the thing that should most worry you about your dad fucking your sister.

how did you find out

You walked in on them having sex?

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"Man hired escort from adult dating site plentyofcheats.com and daughter arrives"

epic post simply epic

Imagine being this much of a faggot since at least 2005. Go back to Yea Forums and pretend it's not basically reddit.

prove it, faggit.
post at least 5 codes. preferably more.

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He should have fucked her and ruined her for life.

>not fucking your family


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What's the better incest?
> Mother & Son
> Father & Daughter
> Brother & Sister

>one time.

When the real world begins to emulate Twin Peaks, there is a problem.

why not? you can literally get that shit going right now proven you ain't broke


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are you okay user?

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how would this even happen , didn't he choose her based on her pictures and recognize her?

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Just like my doujins

A dog is a pet not family

Mother/ Son, obviously.

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>no Mother & Daughter

you had one job


Granddad/great grandson ofc

Don't those agencies tell their escorts/whores at least the name of their client beforehand? Or give a broad description of the client's looks so they can decline if they don't wanna?

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Spotted the underage

well, my dick feels ok with this.

not him but its mostly mom prostitute ordered by son
100s of them..not even gonna look for them but trust me chief

I wish, I'm almost 30

>visit site
>Shitty ads and spam links everywhere
Yeah i'll believe...


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>not fucking your own daughter
was he gay?

So, did he fuck her?

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>getting turned on by the scent of curdled milk and skid marks
your sister being a landwhale probably makes your dad go crazy because that's exactly what they smell like anyways

fucking kek

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Father & Daughter

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Brother/sister, of course.

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Hot AND sexy. So he totally fucked her right in the pussy right?


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I've hired out escorts many times, and I don't think I've ever been asked my name. Even the names the escorts use are obvious fake ones, stripper names like "Chantelle" or "Chrystal"

This is like that one scene in Fire Walk with Me

trannies don't count

What this guy said, did you hear them see them?

>still having that ugly couch after all those years


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You mean the girl I hired last time doesn't have Lickety Splits on her birth certificate? I feel cheated.

Yeah... I... um... obviously I found out about your whoring ways and arranged this little meet up to teach you a lesson.
Now go home and do your homework.

>A tranny
I'll come at you m8, I swear

Kys newfriend

Did u hear it when he drop his cum inside her?

Father and (loli) daughter is the best

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Reminder scrooge cockblocks donald in literally the next panel

Mother & Father

It's a fake story, use your brain.

Who reported the story to the press? the daughter, the father?

This user knows!

>tfw no daughter to coerce into prostitution

Me, I reported it to the press.

can someone crunch the numbers for me
what are the chances, statistically speaking, that an estranged father/daughter who wouldn't recognise each other have suffered this encounter?

Incest, user said incest, dumbass.

That is incest dumbass

Nope they fucking straight up announced it. My dad left out 10 bottles of my mothers shampoo, and asked me why I think they are empty, then proudly answered 'your sister washes with it after we have sex'. then explained the situation. i just nodded.

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Well if I had an estranged daughter or sister that wouldn't know who I was but I knew them I'd try to hit both HARD!

what the fuck

I feel like only people with tiny penises would be able to get off to pedo

Not mother & Not son

you would have to know how often an estranged father hires hookers and how active estranged daughters are in their whoring job to even approach a reasonable estimate

The brother who likes to sit in the corner and watch

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I think people with big penises would like it, makes it even tighter!

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will never understand how americans can hire an expensive escort without even checking if she has a cute face or not

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the world needs more daughter does porn KINO

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This one was probably a discount or something.
>pay 30% less but you don't get to choose

This is probably bait but fucking lol

>then proudly answered 'your sister washes with it after we have sex'. then explained the situation
>i just nodded.

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What the fuck. Where do you live that incest is some casual thing?

It isn't a casual thing, but I am Welsh

what about the brother and sister that had sex in Hawaii during that false alarm for the four minute warning? I heard it was being adapted into a doujin.

Some rich arabians are literally shitting on sluts


This. The whole story doesn't make any sense


that answered all my questions for some reason

>Came to post this
Fuck you, Robert.

That explains everything.

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post jav code before thread gets deleted

not american but in my countries escorts are illegal but tolerated, so most escorts post pictures with their face blurred


Stop being a faggot.

>illegal but tolerated

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>When this is real and not a movie.
>he hasn't seen visitor q

American escort services hide the face until you hire the escort, so you have to commit a crime in order to learn the identity of the criminal/prostitute. Because prostitution is illegal in most of the US

Did they have sex? Happy now?

so he saw her nudes, probably fapped to them, hired her, then found out she was his daughter?
that's hot

Former pimp in the neighborhood had twin daughters who just were the biggest sluts on the planet. One of them sucked me off hours before organizing a gang bang, I never felt so dirty in my life.

they are illegal, if an escort is caught she gets a fine or something, but police doesn't do any checks or anything


>tfw you were not born an oil prince

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d-does she peg her son?

The downside is shitting on them is literally all they can do. Because Islam.

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Nobody needs them, everybody would miss them if they were not here
the welsh delivering a new hit

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Cole has one cool gf

just 30%?
not even free. i just couldn't hold an erection with an ugly faced disccount whore
face is 95% sexual attractiveness, you're supposed to be very picky about it

The owner of the website, who also has a friend/regular client in the "media" who published this for the free publicity. Doesn't hurt his case that the girl in the photos looks good.

>2000 saudi royals
>7 billion people
you had a 0.000028% chance
try again in the next life

>semi skimmed scalp milk™
Fantastic post user

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>i just nodded
bitch nigga

What does someone do to hire an escort? Asking for a friend of a friend.

fuken lel

>I don't live with them anymore but some of my old stuff is there and i am worried they will cover it in cum.

Oldfag reporting, we cum on your stuff all the time. Better throw out any old coffee mugs and teddy-bears if you have a problem with that.

you get a job so you have money

>"Son, your sister uses her home-made curdled milk shampoo after she and I have sex in your old bedroom, covering all of your possessions in our lovemaking juices."


go to your nearest whore club, and choose the cutest one

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How do get escorts since Backpage is gone now?

>not a movie
I don't know, I'm pretty sure I've seen that exact thing before

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only here would this story be most likely true, never change lads

>implying he couldn't tell it was her when he ordered her.
He knew exactly what he was doing

>implying rich Arab oil barons give two shits about Islam

dont you mean upside ;)

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And people wonder why mental illness is rising.

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go to literally any massage parlor in the bad side of your city

They do insofar as it allows them to kill their relatives and take all of their possessions.

go to a civilized country with legal, clean, certified, regulatory compliant, and comfy, whore clubs

Muuuah the Welshincestlongknownforitssexcellence


Should have thought about it logically

welcome to the future, pal

I'm pretty sure Mother/Son would be popular among females while the other two by males.

Have fug.

Fucking hell taff


Ahora entiendo.

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So is he like gonna get his money's worth?

So you guys don't see anything wrong with having sex with your own daughter?

What this user said. Imagine that your own mother and father were to have sex with each other.

>declining clients

That's a luxury most whores can't afford. It's "fuck or fuck off".

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What’s wrong with having sex with your own daughter?

>it's another "everyone was having fun on Yea Forums but then a random user shows up with a deeply troubling story" episode

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Where do you think you are?


mayocide when


“Deeply troubling” is just another term for “fun.”


ive seen the escort be a friend, even a former bully, but never mother or daughter

I can't stand those fucking honey select model games that faggots keep trying to make.

what if you order an escort and your own mom shows up at the door but she's drunk/drugged and doesn't recognize you're her son?

There's a greentext of it somewhere

Imagine being such a pedo that you talk your teen daughter into sitting on your dick because it's a cool new meme
Imagine growing up and dawning on the fact that there's now globally distributed indelible evidence of your father inches away from manhandling your breasts
Imagine being a teen on the internet in 2040 and coming across a picture of your granfather rubbing his dick against your mother

social media was a mistake

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what's her name?

Fucking hell, that made me laugh so fucking hard. God bless, user.

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Christ user, 10/10.

Imagine being a faggot.

Oh wait.

>implying you wish that was you


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Is that Jazz?

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Seek help

>i just nodded.

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I think there might be a chance that this girl and her gramps are just horsing around? You know most children sit in the laps of their caretakers with out being molested? Do you know that user?

Did he fuck her?

it's a clown world

isnt it obvious

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It is true but for some reason I cry when I think about this

I know, it's just a pic I saved that was topical

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Did the father hire her from Chuck's brothel?

Why do you have these pictures saved user?

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>I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.