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>this is who single moms want their daughters to look up to

looks like a high level autist

She’s just being silly.

she based

i wish she would fuck me silly haha


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No, check out the look on her face. it's the exact same expression CWC makes when he's upset

+30yo woman cant use quirky stuff like burger kings crowns and kids clothes without looking desperate and old

why does she looked pissed off and is wearing a bk hat

Poor gal. I would gently wake her up and make sure she got home safely. Then I would pay for a pizza and give it to her. If she wanted me to stay with her I would, but would never do anything sexual because she couldn't consent.

>rent free

someone post the meme associated to this pic

that shit is still on the paper, nigga. im stealing that shit

>Not offering her a Bowl of Eggs
What a lousy gentleman you make.

what if I saw it first? you willing to lose your life over a slice of 'za, lil nigga?

screen cap it asshole

bitch, ill kick yo ass

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Saw something similar one night except it was a guy. Some lads walked by and PUNTED the pizza which splattered all over the train. The guy woke up and tried to fight the guys but they fucked him up so some lady pulled the security thing and the train stopped at the next station and we all got kicked off so they could clean the blood and pizza.

Good times were had by all.

Isn't she from Quebec? That might explain a lot

looks pretty /comfy/ desu

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what's wrong with that? better than a kardashian

what a munter

In a way, men have it easier. Even betas. We start our adult lives with nothing. In order to be successful with the opposite sex, we have to learn, practise and fail socially. We cultivate skills and resources that will make us desirable. Eventually, we might get the hang of it. Even if we dont become 10/10 Chads, most of us still mature out of that awkward adolescent phase. For males, it's a gradual process of things getting better.

It's the opposite for women. If you've ever read Flowers For Algernon, you'll understand the horror of being a woman hitting The Wall. In the story, a mentally retarded man undergoes a medical procedure that gives him super human intelligence. For a while, he lives as a genius. But then the procedure starts to reverse, and he slowly, helplessly, regresses back into a retard. That is what it must be like to be a 30 year old woman. She starts life as a young girl girl, hits puberty, her late teens, and is suddenly treated like God's gift to the world. Everyone laughs at her jokes, people hang on her every word, doors are held and drinks bought for her.

But then, as she enters her late 20's, things start to change... Her youth starts to fade and with it goes the attention, the social priority, the sense of value. She clings to it, desperately. Resents the younger women around her and the men whose glances, little by little stop falling upon her. Maybe she even doubles down and tries to maintain the carefree party of being a 20-something girl in a big city.

But she's 30 now. And the drinks and the nights aren't quite as exciting as they once were, so she nods off early. And one by one, her BFFs got off the subway, so now she rides alone. The tinder date never showed up, so she just got a pizza. But like her rapidly fading youth, it's slowly sliding away. It hasn't quite touched the floor yet, it's still separated by some wax paper. But at this point, is it worth saving?

>what's wrong with that?
Don't have kids. For their sake.

Smile sweetheart

That's not an answer, explain what is wrong with that

i've already had a vacectomy but my wife and me are thinking about adopting one day and I honestly think she's a good role model for any gender (or not) of child

I’d like to smash a bottle over that cunts empty skull.

Have fun, they'll hate you once they've grown up. They're better off in the system.

are you fucking dumb?
I've seen some pretty fucking stunning 30+ year old women.

most women peak tho at 18-20. hell most guys do too.

>"I had abs back then"
>"I was WAY skinnier back then"

the problem is people just giving up.

>better than a Kardashian

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He thinks being a talentless actress whose success hinges on being part of an agenda pushed by the studios is better than being a successful, self-made career woman.

tell me what agenda room was pushing and why her preformance in that won an oscar for any reason other than merit

have sex

Yeah I got two reasons right here, bub

*hits you with a body blow*
*uppercuts you with the left*

Any more questions?

All jokes aside, I've seen for years people saying "better that than a Kardashian" because TMZ told them so, but unable to provide a reasoning of their own when asked.

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injecting plastic into her ass
has literally done porn

You have to eat ALL THE EGGS

What, the entire family?

yeah ok sure but that hardly sets it apart at all

the most prominent one whose success all the others is based on and emulates

that pizza hasn't touched the ground yet, it can still be saved.

I want to lick her jawline

What the fuck are those pants.

You need to leave your basement first

So you judge an entire family based on the action of one of its members.

Kylie Jenner?