Was getting caught part of her plan?

Was getting caught part of her plan?

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I was hoping that she'd get COLONIZED by the Mountain before being beheaded but sadly that part of the leak didn't come true.

we'll never know. the important things happen off screen now.


>Have we started the fire?
>Yes, the fire rises!

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>DABID didn't think killing her off was enough, had to show her chained as well
>added to that her deathrattle led to fucking nothing, just crickets chirping
>also Dany dies pretty much confirmed
Dare I say based?

Why would someone decapitate a woman before throwing her onto the plane?

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Was actually hoping for either a push off or vertical slash. What a let down

she knew she was about to die, why didnt she grab cersei and divebomb that bitch down the wall?

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How much force does one have to put into the swing to cleanly cut chop off a head?

how did she get caught without anybody being noticed?

Watch Isis videos

>killed both bad poosy and missandei
wtf I hate cersei now

You'd have to be a big guy.


He is only big for you

Why didnt Cersei shot the last dragon who couldnt dodge for shit since he was on the ground? Why didnt Cersei send a cavalry to destroy those 20 unsullied?

Mountain can't get it up after all those steroids Quibuirn pumped him with

You now remember when Cersei made him rape that religious woman

Was there some graphic depiction of it? Maybe he just punched her to death.

Well perhaps she's wondering who someone would behead a woman, before throwing her off a wall

It is pretty difficult. It's why the French invented the guillotine.

>no sister
>they expect one of us in the wreckage

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is qyburn the smartest man in the world? hes not only revolutionized medicine but now also war with his wmd balistas

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"DRACARYS" translates to "Crashing this plane."