Based, I want him to fuck my wife
Found some leaked concept art from the film.
That's cultural appropriation.
The real yasuke was like 6'2. And he was more like a bodyguard, not some anime samurai.
Yasuke really existed.
My only question: will there be a whole bunch of POCs in sengoku period Japan, or will Yasuke correctly be the only one?
>getting a manlet to play him
Apparently he really existed and he's been in anime / manga in very small increments for years ( Afro samurai being one example ) I think this movement picked up more steam after he made an appearance the PS4 game Nioh ( he plays a sub-boss for Lord Oda Nobunaga ) I want this to get made, but I don't want Chadwick Boseman. He's fucking overused. He has started multiple black bio picks, and now...this. Just fuck off already.
B A S E D do the kangs know about this yet?
>hundreds of figures in japanese history that are more interesting and influential
>but this lad was black so that makes him interesting :)
Oh c'mon, don't be so salty.
>make shit up
>call it a fact
Libshits are pure cancer.
No one wants this shit. Hollywood really wants to commit suicide. Good.
I'm not salty, lad.
Don't project, sweetie.
All the uneducated /pol/tards in this thread.
It helps that there is relatively little known about him besides his relation to Nobunaga.
Looks like they are trying to pander to all the hell spawn created by American soldiers. Japs are going to get swallowed as soon as they start picking up the modern progressive liberal trend.
>want to make big bucks doing capeshit movies
>end up accidentally becoming some bizarre symbol for black power
>while your co-stars take the odd picture with fans or sign a couple of photographs, you're inundated with legit WE WUZ psychos demanding you 'do the arm pose thing!' every time you're in public.
Sort of feel bad for the guy
Ghost Dog was a great movie gtfo
...But why? Japs hate black people
You can say that for a lot of bio movies to be honest. Like, do we really need Tolkien film?? I would rather watch a Yaskue movie
He's real you pleb
Tolkien is more influential and interesting that a black man that we barely even know about other than he knew another lad that was far more famous and influential than him.
This guy can not fucking act.
>Japs hate black people
Didn't look like it when I was in Tokyo a couple months back and seeing every Nigerian nigger with a bucktooth jap female on their arm.
The Japanese are insanely xenophobic. Liberals just make this shit up.
Nobody wants to watch black people. They are incredibly hideous creatures and calling them human is just wrong. You need to grow up and realize that blacks need to be removed from tv and movies if you want Hollywood to survive.
I know that deep down inside that you are a good person. You can be that good person and the the only way you can start is by accepting the fact that blacks are disgusting creatures. Thanks for reading now go fuck yourself :^)
But blacks love anime. This is a lucrative market that has yet to be properly tapped. Plus it’s not like this is the first distinctly Japanese product with a black lead, see
>another libshit making things up
And according to everyone who has seen the movie...no. Nobody cares. Apparently it's quite banal. Tolkien is one of the greatest writers of all time, but we don't need movie about him.
>mfw people will use arguments like this for the next few years because of this movie.
Go look at one of the hundreds of other samurai movies if this triggers you so much
There's like ten black people in the entirety of Japan. And even though Japanese are less racist against them than other types of Asians, they still don't think of them as actual humans and most would be absolutely horrified at the prospect of mating with one.
>baiting for (you)s
>responding to obvious bait
Never change, Yea Forums
>liberals making this up
You actually sex-patting is regulated to only conservative white men? Liberals have been traveling to Japland for years influencing little by little. Japan will fall just like daddy America. Birth rates DO matter.
>this whole post
the wh*teoid COPE
>only black samurai in history
>not interesting
Hope it made it across seas that Ferguson was a farce and Michael Brown was undeniably shot for good reason.
t. has never been to Tokyo. There was a pretty sizeable wave of immigration from Nigeria that the Japs never managed to send back and they settled down in Tokyo. Most work in Rappongi either as bouncers or shills for streetwear/sneaker shops. I personally never saw any with a Jap woman on their arm like the other poster said, but there are absolutely black people in Tokyo.
There's like one Jap in a horde of niggers, white cucks and Mudasians.
In theory this is a completely fine movie premise. Unfortunately Californians are the least suited people on the planet to make films and will make something that is utter shit.
>never been to Japan
There are plenty of blacks, especially around Tokyo, Roppongi. Most blacks work as pimps and bouncers. Yes they’re dodgy as fuck and you should avoid them. Japanese girls don’t really have a problems with blacks, however their parents will hate them and it’s still not normal to date them. Only the lowest or most liberal of Japs will date blacks (same with pajeets).
Some of them are alright. There's the ones who work at the market in Ueno, they're pretty chill. Some of the others who live outside tokyo are based and have construction jobs/blue collar. I imagine after being here so long they have families etc On some NHK shows you see them with a wife or some shit.
It's a shame the tards on 4chin have to be racist to them though, they're not all in the Yakuza shuffling scams and bribes
He was a slave who became a servant, not a samurai iirc
>randumb retard on the internet think he knows everything the post
He's acting creepy as fuck here like he's on drugs.
>Now noble Yasuke after all your fights in this land we call Japan what's your wish as you reward for your service?
>I want to go home
>Tell us where's your home Yasuke san
Yeah, his history is a very strange one. There's accounts that claim he was in a battle or 2...or not lol We'll see as this movie unfolds and people try to dig deeper
oh, that's why he usually doesn't smile
Historic outliers do make for interesting stories. I'd like to see one about the Japanese fisherman who was lost at sea and picked up by a western ship and who was the first native Japanese person to live in America.
Have you seen the population chart for modern Japan?
Tyler is actually that annoying while completely sober
>Nobunaga dies, freeing Yasuke from his servitude
>he returns to Africa
>black ronin vs white slavers
it'd be based and you know it
well he did exist, pic related
now how they'll potray him, will be another story...
obvious faceapp job
>anecdotal evidence is all you have
You libshits are just pure cancer. Niggers are constantly whining about how they are treated when they visit Japan. But fuck that, you idiots saw some blacks in Tokyo and apparently they being openly accepted.
Why do you idiots keep pushing this nonsense? Black people are hideous and for every outlier example of racemixing there is the majority of people who absolutely abhor the idea of racing mixing with them.
Yasuke died around 1590 AD, about 200 years before the earliest examples of photography
>white slavers
you mean other blacks selling blacks to whites?
I'm as against pandering as the rest of you, but Marshall Bass Reeves deserves a film made about him
Is that statue actually how he looked like or did they just guess?
More like selling them to Arabs
Can't even meme properly. Fuck off to /pol/ you underage tard.
Would be pretty based.
The catholics have better records of this guy than the japanese don't they?
wrong cast, i'd imagine someone more bear-like. hope william at least will be white.
Did Yasuke invent time-travel too so he could travel 250 years in time to have a photo made of himself?
Black people are going to be rejected more and more if this continues. I am not racist. I totally love black people. That said, black people should really just go away. People are just too horribly racist to accept subhuman creatures of filth as equals.
We Liberals need to accept that this is doomed mission. Then we can focus on the real mission of mercy; sending blacks back to Africa where they belong.
Will it include the bit where Nobunaga made him strip and get scrubbed because he didn't believe his skin could really be that dark?
Stay mad /pol/cuck
based and compassionpilled
seen one for Israel?
Nice. I'm sure black weebs are going to love this shit. Good for them.
yes and there will be a bbc joke
not him, but don't they have a high birthrate ?
How else do you paint the japanese as backward? Good thing Nobunaga is already portrayed as a bad guy.
One of you were!
A single guy!
mostly arabs recolonising the cucked enlightened jews
Based, Netflix is also creating an anime featuring Yasuke
This is terrible. Who will watch this? Asians? No, they are sensible enough that they hate blacks like any reasonable person. Black weebs? No such thing. Black weebs are like female geeks; they only exist as a political statement. This means their numbers are extremely low. So low that they might as well not exist.
This will bomb like The Gunslinger.
>black weebs? No such thing
Now this is delusional.
>We Liberals need to accept that this is doomed mission
That's the whole point. Contrary to popular belief, humans aren't good at multitasking. That means you can only really aim your anger at one group, you can't divide it between multiples. We already know that blacks hate whites for being "racist" (this equates to being civilized) and for the race trade (this was actually Jews) and we know whites hate blacks because blacks are incapable of living civilized (they're an r-selection species whereas whites/humans are K-selection) and commit the vast majority of all crime. We know these two groups don't see eye to eye, not just because of the listed reasons, but also because it's constantly reminded to us in the media. The Jewish owned media.
Therefore it's easy to determine why the two must remain at odds. If the two can never get along then that means no suspecting eye is cast on the (((nose))) and if no suspecting eye can be cast there, then (((they))) are free to carry on their world swindler. It's just a fact.
Hating niggers and Muslims is literally for the low IQ racism. I don't remember Africans or sand people creating planes or seaworthy vessels, G-d, blacks couldn't even invent the wheel. So how the fuck did they all end up here? Well, I've just told you and told you why they keep coming. You can't blame a wild animal for acting like a wild animal whether it's in its own environment or not, it doesn't have the intelligence to do otherwise.
Anti-semitism (I'm using the Jew definition, not the real definition btw) is high IQ.racism.
The reasons behind it are simple. The niggers are a symptom of the overall (((illness))). Would you rather take a few aspirin every day to take away the headache, take some lozenges to soothe your sore throat, and take that remedy for your chesty cough, or would you rather eradicate the disease before it can ever take hold and thus never need to worry about the symptoms again?
Who do you visit when you have an illness?
Could be pretty good.
>cultural appropriation is okay when tarbabies do it
>b-but there was a black samurai
Sure. This is totally not made up ROFLMAO
I like him; he deserves to get more work
>6ft tall nigga ends up in the land of the manlets during the 16th century
>not interesting
Did you guys complain this hard about the last samurai?
>“The legend of Yasuke is one of history’s best kept secrets, the only person of non-Asian origin to become a Samurai."
More blackwashing of history again from the hollyjews. That's categorically not true. William Adams and Jan Joosten became samurai too, but watch them completely ignore this on the press tour.
No, we love Last Samurai and have had many threads about it. It's also completely respectful to Jap culture despite what people who haven't watched it think. Go back to you Game of Thrones subreddits now.
>if black people end up in muh blockbusters we'll genocide them
yeah i remember the race riots after bad boys came out, we can't handle another one
>hundreds of figures in japanese history that are more interesting and influential
>but this lad was tom cruise so that makes him interesting :)
have sex
Your post is pretty retarded, user. How do you know this movie won't be respectful?
>go ooga booga straight in the faces of people known to be very private and restrained
Why do they shy away? Is it racism?!
Your dad's here
lel. he's gonna do it for the rest of his life
Wasn't Shogun based on one of them? Also Nioh? I don't get the fanny flustering. There's even a manga with a black and a Japanese slave teaming up, didn't lead to the end of the white or Asian race.
its gotten to a point where ashkenazi is not deemed as a real jew
It's a cool concept, I guess, but who will want to watch a movie with an ugly main character? And niggers are, well, ugly. Nothing you can do about that. Haven't they already tried it in new Star Wars?
it's not that it's a threat to japan (yet) but that it's an ongoing trend in the demographic replacement of the west. this is just from a new angle, but it's the same bullshit
What DIDNT the Kangs do?
wheres the japs
Are you still not convinced?
Why wasn't it that guy the played L?
black samurais are dope
I'm usually against Hollywood's degenerate bullshit but this time, it literally is the schtick of the person/character. Them being black in that time period and being a samurai or some shit was indeed way out of the ordinary. People on the internet just want to get upset at anything involving black actors at this point. Boseman is a horrible actor though
that character is from a game that came out in 2002. try harder
>Nobunaga thought he they painted his skin brown and tried to wash it off
they better not leave that out
Chadwick Boseman being Black Panther was a fucking mistake Michael B Jordan is a better actor and 10x more charismatic he should be the one getting shit like this
My wife's son would love this! Hes already into anime too
He was definitely at battles since he became Nobunaga's weapon bearer, but I doubt he actually fought in them.
this nigga's not even African lmao
Now ask yourself: how the fuck do a black person become a samurai? If you only have an inkling of historical knowledge that's a very interesting concept by itself, much more so than the standard samurai crap
Lovely, i bet they will make MY ANCESTORS (PORTVGVESE BVLLS) be super evil slavers, cant wait...
all of history is whitewashed. people don't like black people, that's why they get replaced with arabs, mexicans, and tanned whites. you cannot deny this because this happens all the time.
they even get erased irl. What the fuck happened to the black population of Argentina. They were not 97% white in the 20th century. You bet your ass they killed/emigrated those motherfuckers.
Yasuke is a legitimately interesting historical figure, so is Miura Anjin AKA William Adams the World's First Weeaboo.
Boseman is fine, he just had a shit script to work with in Black Panther. The writer's are the one's that made him bland and uncharismatic in favor of a snarky sister and stronk women characters.
He was great in the James Bond biopic. Check that out if you wanna 'feel good'.
Are there any other type of slavers?
This film isn't going to portray Nobunaga as a bad guy, for a start Nobunaga was Yasuke's homeboy and his last act before exile was trying to defend and restore the Oda clan, and while some purist Japanese still think of Nobunaga as a bad guy (and even then it's not all, tons of Japanese media portrays him as either neutral or good, even with the 'demon' connotations) outside of Asia Nobunaga's always been the forward-thinking hero Japan needed.
>They were not 97% white in the 20th century
they're not 97% white now
Nobunaga also gave him some cash on their first meeting because he was jacked. Nobunaga was fucking based
>used to wear bizarre East-West fusion fashion of his own design
>invented use of musket volley fire
>gave so few fucks he was considered a demon for hundreds of years after his death
>Black weebs? No such thing.
Black weebs won't watch it because it's clearly going to be a western production.
If he's allowed to wear a sword in public he's a real samurai even if he's not landed.
That's like saying a knight isn't a knight because he isn't an Earl.
By being a swole nigga. That's it. Nobunaga was an eccentric who saw a big foreign dude and said, "He's funny, I'm going to keep him." Yasuke was also never a samurai.
It's more like saying a knight isn't a knight because he's actually a squire and despite being related a squire isn't a knight. He wasn't a samurai because he was Nobunaga's weapon bearer and weapon bearers aren't samurai.
Those sword rules weren't in place yet at the time of the movie.
Looks like Djimon HonsWHO?
Watch no one criticise this movie for having a black wash hero samurai in it like they did for Tom Crusie in the Last Samurai.
I'm actually excited to see this shit. When Yasuke first arrived in Japan the emperor he served thought he was painted head to toe with black ink and made him strip and scrub himself to prove it's real.
>Estripu yor crose gaijin
>Yes massah. Right away massah
great yet another nigger saviour movie
Why is it that people in the west seem to think "every Japanese person = samurai"?
Yasuke was just one of servants for Nobunaga, there's no evidence that suggests that he was a samurai. For all we know he could've just been a doorman.
>black wash
>was an actual person
>the last samurai was just an amalgamation of a few people a bit similar to the movie story
tranny, tranny, maybe janny
just some idiot
talkin' out his fanny
>being the only person to do something inherently makes you more interesting than various other japanese samurai that were far more influential
There is an entire genre of movies about those dudes. This is also an interesting story.
They'd be stupid to pass up the truth behind Yasuke. He was a slave for an Italian explorer, taught Japanese and given as a retainer (basically a slave) to emperor Nobugana. Nobugana actually loved Yasuke a lot and had him fight alongside him in wars. After they lost thought, Nobugana was captured and forced to commit seppuku. Yasuke was captured but apparently spared and sent away somewhere to a Christian monastery because and I quote:
>He's a black man. Blacks are dogs and not Japanese so he doesn't deserve a Japanese death.
They straight up sent him to a Christian concentration camp and then we see Liam neeson there at the end welcoming Yasuke and taking him under his wing.
>>He's a black man. Blacks are dogs and not Japanese so he doesn't deserve a Japanese death.
>>but this lad was black so that makes him interesting :)
That's exactly what Nobunaga thought. Get this nigga a sword and let's see him cut some niggas.
>generic hollywood samurai film but with a nigger
sounds shit
>>generic hollywood
It is shit. Welcome to Yea Forums, faggot.
he was a real person though
What's Yea Forums, daddy?
it was a mitshide fucking shit who said that, man has no honor
based OT VII Tom
lmao this reminds me of posts saying BP will bomb
white boys be spinning in their pyjamas
Risa san, save them!
damn Digimon being a samurai sounds based
>this thread and its retard replies is STILL up
I hate this site and its stupid userbase, its so shit
lol some seething darkie reported this post
They did..the Lone Ranger was based on his.
There's actually theories that Mitsuhide said all that to spare Yasuke's life because he quite liked the guy, but chances are that's just Akechi revisionists trying to paint him as not-a-complete-asshole.
Seems like it will trigger /pol/cucks just like BP
What's the story behind this?
How did an African end up in Japan?
jew ship brought em to Japan after the US refused 'em. kind of like a "what if?" scenario.
>The Lone Ranger was based on this.
Now I really want to see a movie based on that guy.
It's not even proven that he was a samurai or black.
>approaching people in public
What is wrong with Americans?
Adelstein went uberjew some time in the last decade. He actually used to be a legit journalist getting nuts deep in Yakuza bullshit and nearly got killed on several occasions just to report on things that the Japs wouldn't, but I guess he could only fight off the parasite in his soul for so long. Seemed to have happened almost exactly in 2010 since he sued NatGeo a year later even though they helped him make Tokyo Vice.
He even used his yakuza connections to review a yakuza video game.
>The fascinated daimyō was convinced that the African’s skin must have been dyed by ink, so he ordered the slave to strip to his waist and scrub his body thoroughly. Then, although Yasuke was able to speak only a little Japanese, he greatly impressed Lord Nobunaga, who reportedly enjoyed talking with him.
Nobunaga then brought the former slave into his service, granting him a sum of money, a house, and a katana. From that point on, Yasuke remained an important member of the daimyō’s retinue, loyally serving him as an honored samurai. He had gone from being a piece of Portuguese property to a member of the Japanese elite.
Give it up whytebois. It's over.
It's an actual historic figure so it's K. But IDK why he is lying about no other non-asian samurai.
There is tons of japanese historical drama about those figures though
He was Nobunaga's retainer and was given his own property, he was a samurai legally.
Based. It's time other people get black washed too.
>"the only person of non-Asian origin to become a Samurai”
Fucking disgusting liars
why do shitskins act like this
5 years ago I would agree with you but after Black Panther and Captain Marvel made over 1 billion I am not so sure anymore. Too many cucked basedboys and NPCs in the world who might watch this just to stick it to racists and because it's progressive.
I'm kinda surprised it took this long for Hollywood to make a Yasuke movie. He's been a staple character in japanese period piece dramas for decades.
He was slave to a christian missionary in a portuguese vessel in the 16th century
>pic related
So he lived for 300 years?
those are marvel capeshit films though, it's like thinking people wouldn't watch an episode of got
sounds like the emperor wanted that bbc
what weird looking mutt. why are they having american play this guy? wasn't he african?
>look him up
>slave from Madagascar who is so fascinating to Nobunaga who's never seen a black guy before, his freedom is bought and he becomes a soldier directly under him
>guy goes full weeb and most believed he chose to die with honor alongside his lord at Honnouji
How did the west never think to make this before?
It is genetic to some degree. I'm a quarter ash and I feel the urge to subvert too sometime, but it's mostly cultural. Being hunted for so long makes you fear homogenous societies.
>He's been a staple character in japanese period piece dramas for decades.
Name one.
Jake no, what happened to you? You used to be more connected to the Japanese than any other group including your fellow jews.
Slave to an Italian missionary who Nobunaga Oda decided to keep as his weapon bearer because he was tall and made a good party piece. Nobunaga came very close to uniting Japan under him but was betrayed by his retainer Mitsuhide Akechi, which was basically the turning point of the sengoku era (one of the most glorified and studied eras of Japan). After Nobunaga's death Yasuke joined Oda retainers in defending the clan's heir Nobutada Oda, but Mitsuhide caught up to and defeated them. The last historical record of Yasuke said he was sent to a Christian missionary camp because he was unworthy of honourable death.
In short, he was a big guy.
The producers took a lot of time researching and studying it because it's hard for Jewish people to understand honor and integrity towards someone who isn't part of your tribe.
japanese history is far more interesting then some emperors negro oddity.
>The Japanese are insanely xenophobic.
They really aren't, go to the middle east if you want people that are insanely xenophobic. Japan is just really in a rut with their ways and they don't want to move out of that rut.
>『信長 KING OF ZIPANGU』(NHK、1992年) - 田向正健脚本による大河ドラマ。「ソテロ」の名で登場。二条城の信忠に変の報告をするために寺を抜け出し、完全武装の鎧武者を素手で撲殺する。その後の消息は不明(演:リード・ジャクソン)。
>『秀吉』(NHK、1996年) - 堺屋太一原作、竹山洋脚本による大河ドラマ。ヤスケは信長とともに戦い、信長に先んじて明智軍に鉄砲で射殺されている(演:サムエル・ポップ)。
>『軍師官兵衛』(NHK、2014年) - 前川洋一脚本による大河ドラマ。史料にある、信長に謁見して召し抱えられる状況が再現されている。(演:ベルナール・アッカ)
>『大帝の剣』(東映、2007年)‐ 夢枕獏原作、天沢彰脚本による映画。主人公の万源九郎はヤスケの孫という設定である。
>タイトル予定『Black Samurai』(Lionsgate Films、) - 実話を元に弥助を描く映画製作をマイケル・デ・ルカが2017年3月に発表。Gregory Widenによる脚本[16]。
One thing is for sure, he didn't leave children and that means he had an even smaller penis than the local Japs ergo no Jap women wanted him. A lone black weapon bearer in Japan, who ended up forever alone, such is life.
>They really aren't
Correction for you since you are running on outdated information.
Japan WASN'T xenophobic towards blacks in the past because they didn't have any past history with blacks.
Japan has BECOME xenophobic because a bunch of dumb western white SJWs tried to project their white guilt "accept all races" cuckery on Japan and a few dumbshit uneducated African-Americans (African blacks don't make this mistake) try to pull their race card in Japan of all places despite Japan not having any guilt or history towards blacks.
In other words you dumbshit leftist Westcucks trying to impose your dumbshit history and culture on a country completely detached or incompatible with it have MADE Japan feel an increased urge to be xenophobic.
Nobunaga being evil is a meme because he called himself the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven (Dairokuten-maō), most Japanese see him merely as a cautionary tale about being consumed by your own ambitions.
Because many of them were samurai, and Yasuke is generally recognized as the first westerner to be given the title, with William Adams of England being the second.
He was Nobunaga's weapon bearer so they'd have tossed him some post-battle sluts, Nobunaga was a cool guy like that, but none of them would have actually carried a niglet to term by choice or otherwise.
Based Japan, I alsmot regret we nuked them, almost
Africans have small dicks in general.
There's no actual proof that he was a samurai.
Based time traveling yasuke
I mean I'd follow to hell and back someone that saved me from slavery.
What do you think a Samurai is, you fucking moron.
It's not limited to Japan.
Everything blue in sight save for arguably Greece, has no fucking history with the black race and no basis to feel guilt towards them.
Only Pinkshits have white guilt towards blacks, and redshits (Muslims) keep enslaving them even today.
Every fucking time dumbshit Western SJW's attempt to project their dumbshit history-based white guilt cuckery on blues it only makes things worse for themselves and is met with a big fucking wall. Each time some dumbshit African American tries the race card in any blue state, will be either met with laughs or a deserved beating, because how else should someone react when some dumbfaggot comes to your home and starts preaching historical grudges that have nothing to do with your history?
Japanese are POCs, so yes.
Is anyone honestly surprised? The complaining against progressives got old the moment they became predictable.
This place should still be aware of how progressivism is influencing the film industry but there really needs to be more thread traffic than this towards other discussion
No I mean just in general they aren't, I don't mean as simply towards blacks. The fact is people there will be nicer to you if you're white than if you're Korean.
Nobunaga being evil is a meme because he was a westaboo who adored firearms and he didn't give a shit about being dishonourabrrr if it meant he won. If Nobunaga had lived to see his ambition through it would have changed Japan immensely, and the purists who only still held their titles and lands because of traditional honour couldn't abide that.
>The Japanese are insanely xenophobic.
Ah yes, the same Japanese in the same time periode that allowed trading with different nations, let European missionairies walk throughout the nation to spread the message and even let the Dutch mingle with the Japanese in Dejima.
Man, what a bunch of xenophobes.
I doubt Yasuke was the only black guy in Japan or even the first, he's just the first who did anything of note (impressing Nobunaga and being taken into his household). There were others before him but they were just missionary's slaves who stayed missionary's slaves, and most people probably just assumed they were oni rather than gaijin.
>Nobunaga being evil is a meme because he was a westaboo who adored firearms and he didn't give a shit about being dishonourabrrr if it meant he won.
No that's why he was hated by his contemporaries, I was saying what the modern opinion of him is.
And honestly it wasn;t even so much that he used guns because once the tanegashima caught on, everyone was using guns to the point that they mass-produced them and Japan had more muskets than all of Europe combined. Why they hated him was because he fought real dirty, he didn't care one bit about the social consequences of his actions.
>complains about anecdotes
>procedes to use other peoples anecdotes as a factual argument
Get absolutely fucked, nerd lmao
To be honest Spain literally ignores that shit, left governments have tried to force some white guilt but that tends to pass ignored
I'm making an strawmen, do you mind? why are you trying to dismatle it?
>allowed trading with different nations
For 300 years it was basically just China and the Dutch.
> let European missionairies walk throughout the nation to spread the message
Until they saw them as an intellectual contagion and wanted them out (plus the idea of a God being above the earthly authorities doesn't sit well with autocratic systems if said autocrat isn't said to be put in that place by God)
>and even let the Dutch mingle with the Japanese in Dejima.
You weren't allowed to leave Dejima or even talk to a Japanese person without showing papers that said you had official business in the city.
guess the movie should be full of nogs then
don't forget all the women samurai as well as ninjas
Because Spain is a middle-ground.
They have a historical and legal basis to genocide Muslims and deny them entry, but they themselves also were unwarranted pieces of shit towards blacks and American natives. It's complex.
This is going to be the show that let Japanese conquer the world
Anime did half the job but anime didn't want to touch Sengoku because they left that part for their live action dramas
Now their cycle will be completed
Kunoichi were a real thing but they weren't really fighters persay. And the closest thing we have to a female samurai is Tachibana Ginchiyo and her honor guard of women, but her whole thing was she was basically raised as a man.
>Anime did half the job but anime didn't want to touch Sengoku because they left that part for their live action dramas
There's Sengoku Basara
Considering 90% of the natives died on their own to the disease without us doing anything other than being there, yeah it kinda was unprovoked.
user please some folk think that Oda Nobunaga died after having a fierce battle after being betrayed by his closest friend,others think he dyed by his own sword after being surrounded inside the castle
I think it's possible he actually lived & became a monk/christian living the live of a recluse & that's why he vanished
>No that's why he was hated by his contemporaries
His contemporaries are the ones who wrote the history which painted him as evil which is what started the whole meme we're talking about. It's the same as Cao Cao, he gave no fucks about fighting dirty so those who only kept their heads because they would never win an actual fight tried to play him off as acting against heaven in the hope others wouldn't follow his example and stomp their shit in. And Nobunaga was the first to go hard with the firearms, which is part of why he steamrolled everyone so hard; everyone started getting them afterwards specifically because they didn't want to get Nobunaga'd by somebody else.
Just stop being so obsessed with your hatred of black people for fucking once in your life.
I live close to Ferguson and no one who showed support outside of the city would ever be caught dead there. It's not the worse part of STL, but man would I get a kick out of the people living in fucking JAPAN of all places giving it a visit
Armchair historian threads are the best threads on Yea Forums
>worthless niggers so desperate for actual people to think they have a culture that matters that they appropriate someone else's culture and pretend it's theirs
Japs boiled niggers alive in WW2, clearly they were onto something there.
>cultural approptiation is OK when blacks do it
What did they mean by this?
Akechi Mitsuhide was not Nobunaga's friend by any means.
He also played the Catholic Church like a fiddle.
It's an interesting story, but anyone who thinks Hollywood won't turn it into another vehicle to preach progressive morality is deluding themselves.
*betrays you*
Nothing personnel nobunaga
Uh, you don't get to bring gas.
Ninjas in general weren't really fighters, female or otherwise.
based retard
What I meant is they were more about fucking a guy and then stabbing him while he sleeps it off instead of standard assassination.
They left the Sengoku to Koei
Who also was in charge of Three Kingdoms
And who also paved the way for one tv series
Which is the only Chinese live action drama people will ever watch outside China
Let's make Marcus Harvey's dream a reality
nigga I ain't do none a dat boosheedo boolsheeit, Imma bout to get REAL in this bitch, nawmsayin
But user, they made Bad Boys 2
Don't forget the Spanish Inquisition being Muslim-tier towards Natives. Spain needs to either join Reformists or join the Orthodox league as absolution. Joining Orthodoxy comes with the privilege that priests are actually allowed to marry women as God intended instead of being culturally pushed into fucking altar boys and spreading gay pedoism.
More like fucking a guy to infiltrate his household and gather information rather than assassinating too. Ninjas were basically spies, and most assassinations (whether done by males or females) were suicide missions anyway.
I’ve read that a lot of his journalism is faked or he inserts himself into other’s stories to pass off as his own. He may have some connections, but a lot of his journalism is bullshit. He’s a fraud.
>lets give poc a movie
>but u have to be a dark poc ok
Whites are never accepted as part of Japanese ingroups. You can marry a jap, live in japan, speak the language, have kids, a good job and will always be an outsider. You'll be treated politely, go drinking but you'll never be part of the ingroup. Thus has been commented upon a lot by white celebrities and others in japan.
You're just lying
Japs are xen
It's the only one worth watching.
Why the fuck is chile the same color as fucking brazil or colombia?
>If he's allowed to wear a sword in public he's a real samurai even if he's not landed.
That was implemented by Hideyoshi Toyotomi way after the death of Oda Nobubaga.
Also the real Yasuke was like a Podrick.
Because South America is irrelevant to the topic, which is mainly oriented around Muslims and Western SJWs. Here's the proper map.
he walked
You are a moron if you think the country with the biggest nigger population outside africa is irrelevant
>present at Nobunaga's death in 1582
>alive for a photograph
It's only cultural appropriation when white people do it.
Why doesn't Hollywood just make a Nioh movie? It's all laid out for them already and they can include a black person which they love so much. Even in the article they horseshit around and say he's the only non Asian Samurai. They don't care about the man, just the colour of his skin.
>Oda Nobunaga
>Hideyoshi Toyotomi
>Tokugawa Ieyasu
>Having an atom of honor
Yea Forums didn't exist when The Last Samurai came out.
Nobunaga was winning battles left right and center because of his genius, not because of Firearms. He had been kicking ass for fifteen years at least before Firearms played a decisive role in a battle, at Nagashino where they won the day. Up until that point him and everyone else had been using them as supplementary weapons like arrows.
>South America
>relevant to SJWism and Islam
You need to stop being a mental mutt for starters.
>asks a question
>answers the question
Oda had his sword hunt too.
I think of the Shimazu more when I think nip guns and think of Nobunaga more for his palisade tactics.
He was a bodyguard for a guy, he was never given a household or a title of a Samurai. (((based on a true story)))
Why do Jews want to BLACK every nation on earth? What's in it for them?
Yea you've never watched an asian samurai movie or a catalogue of samurai movies on imdb or something. Dont post anymore retard.
Fair enough but alot of clans had them. Takeda even, and they were a bit behind the times on alot of things. The Date had the Dragon Corps IIRC as well, just to name a few I can confirm had guns. The Mori clan as well I believe.
You just disproved your narrative in your argument stupid. You just said they are xenophobic towards Koreans
>was an actual person
Lol the evidence to his existence is slim
He's basically a slave but black weeaboos just love the idea of him so much they're willing to squint their eyes and pretend it was more whimiscal than it reall was.
>the absolute SEETHE and COPE by white bois in this thread
we win again
its our time now, mayoskins
hollywood will do literally anything to avoid casting an asian man in the lead role
here, it's even in simple english for you!
white people get representation.
meanwhile asian guys get cucked out of roles by literal cosplaying niggers.
black weebs are even more cringeworthy than white ones for some reason, not sure what it is
white weebs want to be japanese
black weebs want japanese to be black
unironically this, hollywood is a giant nigger cocksucking fest. asians get nothing but the shaft in the US
Too short, Yasuke was 6'7
Soundtrack for the movie
Seething incel weeb
No Hattori Hanzo appearance?